Dog Whistle Statement by Mr. Trump

Adolf Trump is a master of innuendo.
That's another way of saying that he never says what douche bags like you claim he said.

It's the obvious that escapes the "poorly educated" whom Adolf Trump loves so much. He should love them.
The obvious doesn't escape me. It's obvious that you're a douche bag.

That you’re arguing that a billionaire who supports PP, is pro choice, and has supported HRC and her husband is your candidate has apparently escaped you dipshit….

Serious question though, 12 months ago when people started announcing their candidacy for President ….if someone had told you that you’d be spending your Sunday in March supporting the GOP nominee who

*Is Pro Life

*Is Pro Planned Parenthood
*Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy
*Mocks Christianity
*And was a major financial backer to the Clintons both privately and in their campaigns….

Would you have believed them?
What most of the DTRWNJs (Donald Trump Right Wing Nut Jobs) don’t realize is that this was the dog whistle….

By saying that he is considering sending “troops” to other candidate’s rallies, he is telling people that he wants you to do it. So now (if that is what he said actually—that he was considering sending people to Sanders rallies) the lone wolfs will take it upon themselves to do it.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump gets to disavow that he sent anyone thusly avoiding legal entanglements and depositions.

It’s the classic tease/denial strategy the KKK used in the South for dozens of years.

Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today.
What goes around comes around. Blame your own ilk and get your foot out of your mouth.
It doesn't surprise me that Candycorn can hear a dogwhistle...but this is complete bullshit.

She isn't the least bit perturbed that her team is actually using these tactics to disrupt and intimidate another candidates supporters.

That's not a problem at all for her.

But she has to say something to offset the damage these thugs and disruptors are doing to her party, so she posts this bullshit.

Epic fail.
Adolf Trump is a master of innuendo.
That's another way of saying that he never says what douche bags like you claim he said.

It's the obvious that escapes the "poorly educated" whom Adolf Trump loves so much. He should love them.
The obvious doesn't escape me. It's obvious that you're a douche bag.

That you’re arguing that a billionaire who supports PP, is pro choice, and has supported HRC and her husband is your candidate has apparently escaped you dipshit….

Serious question though, 12 months ago when people started announcing their candidacy for President ….if someone had told you that you’d be spending your Sunday in March supporting the GOP nominee who

*Is Pro Life

*Is Pro Planned Parenthood
*Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy
*Mocks Christianity
*And was a major financial backer to the Clintons both privately and in their campaigns….

Would you have believed them?

Your candidate is a multi millionaire criminal. How anyone can support such a reptile escapes me.
What most of the DTRWNJs (Donald Trump Right Wing Nut Jobs) don’t realize is that this was the dog whistle….

By saying that he is considering sending “troops” to other candidate’s rallies, he is telling people that he wants you to do it. So now (if that is what he said actually—that he was considering sending people to Sanders rallies) the lone wolfs will take it upon themselves to do it.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump gets to disavow that he sent anyone thusly avoiding legal entanglements and depositions.

It’s the classic tease/denial strategy the KKK used in the South for dozens of years.

Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today.
What goes around comes around. Blame your own ilk and get your foot out of your mouth.

Not sure what any of that means but hey, your streak of non-sensical bullshit remains intact.
Adolf Trump is a master of innuendo.
That's another way of saying that he never says what douche bags like you claim he said.

It's the obvious that escapes the "poorly educated" whom Adolf Trump loves so much. He should love them.
The obvious doesn't escape me. It's obvious that you're a douche bag.

That you’re arguing that a billionaire who supports PP, is pro choice, and has supported HRC and her husband is your candidate has apparently escaped you dipshit….

Serious question though, 12 months ago when people started announcing their candidacy for President ….if someone had told you that you’d be spending your Sunday in March supporting the GOP nominee who

*Is Pro Life

*Is Pro Planned Parenthood
*Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy
*Mocks Christianity
*And was a major financial backer to the Clintons both privately and in their campaigns….

Would you have believed them?

Your candidate is a multi millionaire criminal. How anyone can support such a reptile escapes me.

Nice dodge….

Simply means you’re ashamed of your choices. Don’t worry, I’m sure those who know you are ashamed of you as well
It doesn't surprise me that Candycorn can hear a dogwhistle...but this is complete bullshit.

She isn't the least bit perturbed that her team is actually using these tactics to disrupt and intimidate another candidates supporters.

That's not a problem at all for her.

But she has to say something to offset the damage these thugs and disruptors are doing to her party, so she posts this bullshit.

Epic fail.

Yet here you are….
That you’re arguing that a billionaire who supports PP, is pro choice, and has supported HRC and her husband is your candidate has apparently escaped you dipshit….

Serious question though, 12 months ago when people started announcing their candidacy for President ….if someone had told you that you’d be spending your Sunday in March supporting the GOP nominee who

*Is Pro Life

*Is Pro Planned Parenthood
*Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy
*Mocks Christianity
*And was a major financial backer to the Clintons both privately and in their campaigns….

Would you have believed them?
So why are you so opposed to him?
That's another way of saying that he never says what douche bags like you claim he said.

It's the obvious that escapes the "poorly educated" whom Adolf Trump loves so much. He should love them.
The obvious doesn't escape me. It's obvious that you're a douche bag.

That you’re arguing that a billionaire who supports PP, is pro choice, and has supported HRC and her husband is your candidate has apparently escaped you dipshit….

Serious question though, 12 months ago when people started announcing their candidacy for President ….if someone had told you that you’d be spending your Sunday in March supporting the GOP nominee who

*Is Pro Life

*Is Pro Planned Parenthood
*Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy
*Mocks Christianity
*And was a major financial backer to the Clintons both privately and in their campaigns….

Would you have believed them?

Your candidate is a multi millionaire criminal. How anyone can support such a reptile escapes me.

Nice dodge….

Simply means you’re ashamed of your choices. Don’t worry, I’m sure those who know you are ashamed of you as well

The one thing Democrat douche bags never want to do is talk about their candidate, Hillary. The minute they bring her up than they have to talk about her record of lying, incompetence, criminiality, callous negligence and selling her office for personal gain.

Do you turds actually imagine Hillary is an attractive candidate?

Trump will tear her to pieces. All he has to do is tell the truth about her.

Hmmm…I looked at it and I didn’t see the word “racist” anywhere. Nice try though ass wipe.

Even I don't believe that you are dumb enough to not realize that your Klan smear is "code" for racist.

Almost that dumb.

But not quite.


I am open to arguments that you are dumber than I give you credit for.

Are you denying that the Klan uses the same tactics?


I’ll take your silence as an agreement.

Thanks fort the batting practice. Try to do better next time.

Thanks fort the batting practice. Try to do better next time.

Who knows?

With a lot more practice, you might graduate from the T-Ball league
Adolf Trump is a master of innuendo.
... and don't forget the legions of demons awaiting his beckon call from the bowels of Hades.
That's "beck and call."
Hey, you call your demons your way!

I was just trying to help. I see people misusing English all the time and it drives me crazy. Here's the one that I hate the most: A lot of people say "the point is mute." The "correct phrase is "the point is moot." It comes from "moot court," which is a practice court in law school where the verdicts have no impact on the real world.
What most of the DTRWNJs (Donald Trump Right Wing Nut Jobs) don’t realize is that this was the dog whistle….

By saying that he is considering sending “troops” to other candidate’s rallies, he is telling people that he wants you to do it. So now (if that is what he said actually—that he was considering sending people to Sanders rallies) the lone wolfs will take it upon themselves to do it.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump gets to disavow that he sent anyone thusly avoiding legal entanglements and depositions.

It’s the classic tease/denial strategy the KKK used in the South for dozens of years.

Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today.

The KKK were democrats you low info buffoon

And there it is, predicted by the OP.
What most of the DTRWNJs (Donald Trump Right Wing Nut Jobs) don’t realize is that this was the dog whistle….

By saying that he is considering sending “troops” to other candidate’s rallies, he is telling people that he wants you to do it. So now (if that is what he said actually—that he was considering sending people to Sanders rallies) the lone wolfs will take it upon themselves to do it.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump gets to disavow that he sent anyone thusly avoiding legal entanglements and depositions.

It’s the classic tease/denial strategy the KKK used in the South for dozens of years.

Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today.

The KKK were democrats you low info buffoon

And there it is, predicted by the OP.

The OP wails about tactics her own party cannot possibly be this stupid, can you?
What most of the DTRWNJs (Donald Trump Right Wing Nut Jobs) don’t realize is that this was the dog whistle….

By saying that he is considering sending “troops” to other candidate’s rallies, he is telling people that he wants you to do it. So now (if that is what he said actually—that he was considering sending people to Sanders rallies) the lone wolfs will take it upon themselves to do it.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump gets to disavow that he sent anyone thusly avoiding legal entanglements and depositions.

It’s the classic tease/denial strategy the KKK used in the South for dozens of years.

Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today.

The KKK were democrats you low info buffoon

And there it is, predicted by the OP.

When they want to be relevant in criticizing liberals, they bring up FDR and the internment camps….at least that gets them closer to relevance.
Adolf Trump is a master of innuendo.
... and don't forget the legions of demons awaiting his beckon call from the bowels of Hades.
That's "beck and call."
Hey, you call your demons your way!

I was just trying to help. I see people misusing English all the time and it drives me crazy. Here's the one that I hate the most: A lot of people say "the point is mute." The "correct phrase is "the point is moot." It comes from "moot court," which is a practice court in law school where the verdicts have no impact on the real world.
I find I could care less more annoying. At least moot and mute are intended accurately -- just misused as a pronunciation, kinda like toe the line and tow the line.
I could care less is logical fallacy.
Adolf Trump is a master of innuendo.
... and don't forget the legions of demons awaiting his beckon call from the bowels of Hades.
That's "beck and call."
Hey, you call your demons your way!

I was just trying to help. I see people misusing English all the time and it drives me crazy. Here's the one that I hate the most: A lot of people say "the point is mute." The "correct phrase is "the point is moot." It comes from "moot court," which is a practice court in law school where the verdicts have no impact on the real world.
I was kidding. I know about moots, got one around my house.

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