Doing The Moral Christian Right Thing: Trump Plans To Let Adoption Agencies Reject Same-Sex Parents

Can you imagine the warped and twisted behavior that those poor little kids are subjected to by two dudes pretending to be married.
Amoral cultures always self-destruct and that is the direction that the Troglocrats are going in.
Sodomites should not be permitted to adopt children.

Most heterosexual couples engage in sodomy Should they be excluded?

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Yes but they do not center their lives around asshole worship.
Repent for your sins...stop your evil ways and stop your behavior. Hell waits you.
I've known a few gay men. Not one of them has ever mentioned his asshole to me. Ever.

Dang, I feel left out.
Well maybe you should have asked? Then you wouldn't feel left out.
Sodomites should not be permitted to adopt children.

Most heterosexual couples engage in sodomy Should they be excluded?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes but they do not center their lives around asshole worship.
Repent for your sins...stop your evil ways and stop your behavior. Hell waits you.
I've known a few gay men. Not one of them has ever mentioned his asshole to me. Ever.

Dang, I feel left out.
Well maybe you should have asked? Then you wouldn't feel left out.
Is that why you know so much? You were curious?
This is indeed doing the moral right thing and President Trump knows this. It's the Christian thing to do. Same-Sex couples should not be allowed to adopt kids. The truth is they adopt them for their sexual pleasure. The children are mostly sexually violated and end up being tormented for life with deep psychological problems.

Yep. I heard it on Alex Jones. Something must be done!!!

In typical Orwellian fashion, the headline isn't true. The law in question only applies to adoption agencies that are on the government payroll. Trump's proposal doesn't "allow" private adoption agencies to reject same-sex couples. They've always had that right and still do. It does, however, enable government funded adoptions agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples. So much for equal under the law.
Sodomites should not be permitted to adopt children.

Most heterosexual couples engage in sodomy Should they be excluded?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes but they do not center their lives around asshole worship.
Repent for your sins...stop your evil ways and stop your behavior. Hell waits you.
I've known a few gay men. Not one of them has ever mentioned his asshole to me. Ever.

Dang, I feel left out.
Well maybe you should have asked? Then you wouldn't feel left out.
Is that why you know so much? You were curious?
Oh come can do better than that. Let's TRY to be original FFS...
I've known a few gay men. Not one of them has ever mentioned his asshole to me. Ever.

Dang, I feel left out.
Well maybe you should have asked? Then you wouldn't feel left out.
Is that why you know so much? You were curious?[/QUOTE]
Oh come can do better than that. Let's TRY to be original FFS...[/QUOTE]

I thought it was pretty funny myself. I actually DID lol when I was typing it. You weren't amused?

Yes there are men and women but that fact does mean that it takes men and women together to parent, especially now that gender roles are very fluid and flexible. It does not take a man to teach a kid how to play sports or a woman to teach him to cook. Secondly, there are many opportunities for exposure to role models or both genders in a child's life outside of the home or with extended family. The family unit does not live in isolation. Therefor your argument is a Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), Logical fallacy. The premise does not support the conclusion .
A man is not a woman and neither is a woman a man. They both bring different sensibilities and takes to a family.
A woman can teach a boy how to throw a baseball. She can't show him how to be a least not like a man can.
These "fluid gender roles" will never change that since they are in the process of trying to change what makes someone masculine and feminine. Bruce Jenner can buy some tits and a nice dress....he is still a man playing dress up.
As far as Sullins goes, I haven't seen anything by a disinterested third party supports his work . I will add that the Atlantic article is not over the top biased and does not have an agenda. It gave him credit where credit was due but also provided an objective analysis of where he went wrong. There is little reason to think that he was not always as sloppy. His associate Regnerous was humiliated in court in Michigan trying to sell that same bovine excrement on behalf of the state as an argument against same sex marriage.
That's all anecdotal input on your part. You haven't seen anything that supports his work. I haven't seen anything but contrary articles from two well known and on the way out of business leftist sites.
The number of unbiased peer reviewed studies that that conclude that the respective genders of the parents are inconsequential far out weighs any studies that c0nclude otherwise, and those that do have flaws similar to the work of these two clowns,
Again this is your opinion and if you are trying to convince people that Bobby's two fathers are just as good as a father and a mother
mission not accomplished. It’s Time to Promote Good Social Science on Same-Sex Parenting - Crisis Magazine

I already know you reject this source. Guess what? I reject Slate and the Atlantic.
Well, I tried to pry you loose from your preconceived ideas and introduce you to actual science but I apparently have failed miserable . My bad. The fact that Sullins and Rogernous are biased frauds is not anecdotal input and the peer reviewed studies are hardly my opinion. Then you post an essay by another Catholic Organization with the only link to a advertisement for a book. And the author of that book is an anti gay crusader who defended Rogernous

. Give me a break, Please!!
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This is indeed doing the moral right thing and President Trump knows this. It's the Christian thing to do. Same-Sex couples should not be allowed to adopt kids. The truth is they adopt them for their sexual pleasure. The children are mostly sexually violated and end up being tormented for life with deep psychological problems. Adoptions should be for the good of the child. Only heterosexual couples can make that goodness happen. With that said, let the volcanic explosions of homosexual diarrhea begin!

Trump's plan to let adoption agencies turn away same-sex parents

Seems not to be Christian, unless the Nuns lied about Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount.

Or maybe you meant the callous conservative sect, which calls itself Christian, much like Kim's country which claims to be The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, clearly both are oxymorons.
Well, I tried to pry you loose from your preconceived ideas and introduce you to actual science but I apparently have failed miserable . My bad. The fact that Sullins and Rogernous are biased frauds is not anecdotal input and the peer reviewed studies are hardly my opinion. Then you post an essay by another Catholic Organization with the only link to a advertisement for a book. And the author of that book is an anti gay crusader who defended Rogernous

. Give me a break, Please!!
They have their bias and you have yours. Oh well.
None of this changes what Trump did which was to end the practice of forcing adoption agencies to place children with gay parents.
I thought we had learned something from the recent political wars but I guess not.

You can't force nuns to give away abortifacients as part of their health care package. You can't force bakers to make wedding cakes for a gay wedding and now you can't force adoption agencies to place children with same sex parents.

The law does not support you jamming your kind of religion down other people's throats. Supreme Court rules for Colorado baker in same-sex wedding cake case - CNNPolitics
Learn to deal with reality.
Well, I tried to pry you loose from your preconceived ideas and introduce you to actual science but I apparently have failed miserable . My bad. The fact that Sullins and Rogernous are biased frauds is not anecdotal input and the peer reviewed studies are hardly my opinion. Then you post an essay by another Catholic Organization with the only link to a advertisement for a book. And the author of that book is an anti gay crusader who defended Rogernous

. Give me a break, Please!!
They have their bias and you have yours. Oh well.
None of this changes what Trump did which was to end the practice of forcing adoption agencies to place children with gay parents.
I thought we had learned something from the recent political wars but I guess not.

You can't force nuns to give away abortifacients as part of their health care package. You can't force bakers to make wedding cakes for a gay wedding and now you can't force adoption agencies to place children with same sex parents.

The law does not support you jamming your kind of religion down other people's throats. Supreme Court rules for Colorado baker in same-sex wedding cake case - CNNPolitics
Learn to deal with reality.
My kind of religion? Sir, I am not burdened with religion. I get the feeling though that you think it's OK to force YOUR religion down the throats of others and to discriminate in the name of God.
My kind of religion? Sir, I am not burdened with religion. I get the feeling though that you think it's OK to force YOUR religion down the throats of others and to discriminate in the name of God.
Did I not italicize the word "religion" in an ironic reference? I thought you would catch on but apparently not.

Perhaps it also went over your head that that I am not in favor of you folks jamming your religion down the throats of nuns, bakers and adoption agencies. You can't buy your abortifacients, make your wedding cakes, adopt your children
without bringing the boot of Big Government down on the necks of those few individuals
that dare to resist?

Of course you can get your services anywhere else and they are plentiful for you to choose from but you'd rather lay your heavy hand on those who dare to hold to their convictions, regardless of what you think of them.

You seem to have everything backwards.
Well, I tried to pry you loose from your preconceived ideas and introduce you to actual science but I apparently have failed miserable . My bad. The fact that Sullins and Rogernous are biased frauds is not anecdotal input and the peer reviewed studies are hardly my opinion. Then you post an essay by another Catholic Organization with the only link to a advertisement for a book. And the author of that book is an anti gay crusader who defended Rogernous

. Give me a break, Please!!
They have their bias and you have yours. Oh well.
None of this changes what Trump did which was to end the practice of forcing adoption agencies to place children with gay parents.
I thought we had learned something from the recent political wars but I guess not.

You can't force nuns to give away abortifacients as part of their health care package. You can't force bakers to make wedding cakes for a gay wedding and now you can't force adoption agencies to place children with same sex parents.

The law does not support you jamming your kind of religion down other people's throats. Supreme Court rules for Colorado baker in same-sex wedding cake case - CNNPolitics
Learn to deal with reality.

My religion is limited to this simple phrase:

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Your ignorance in the decision you posted is noted.

For those who believe or are now predisposed to violate the rights of gay and lesbians, which the straight population enjoys, need to read Justice Kennedy's Decision. Here is his conclusion in the 7-2 decision.

The Commission’s hostility was inconsistent with the First Amendment’s guarantee that our laws be applied in a manner that is neutral toward religion. Phillips was entitled to a neutral decision maker who would give full and fair consideration to his religious objection as he sought to assert it in all of the circumstances in which this case was presented, considered, and decided. In this case the adjudication concerned a context that may well be different going forward in the respects noted above. However later cases raising these or similar concerns are resolved in the future, for these reasons the rulings of the Commission and of the state court that enforced the Commission’s order must be invalidated. The outcome of cases like this in other circumstances must await further elaboration in the courts, all in the context of recognizing that these disputes must be resolved with tolerance, without undue disrespect to sincere religious beliefs, and without subjecting gay persons to indignities when they seek goods and services in an open market. T

he judgment of the Colorado Court of Appeals is reversed.
This is indeed doing the moral right thing and President Trump knows this. It's the Christian thing to do. Same-Sex couples should not be allowed to adopt kids. The truth is they adopt them for their sexual pleasure. The children are mostly sexually violated and end up being tormented for life with deep psychological problems. Adoptions should be for the good of the child. Only heterosexual couples can make that goodness happen. With that said, let the volcanic explosions of homosexual diarrhea begin!

Trump's plan to let adoption agencies turn away same-sex parents

He can try it but he would be violating the law.

He will have to find a way to get around the ruling in 2016 that made it legal for homosexuals to adopt in all of the 50 states.

The only loophole I can see he might be able to claim is a religious one but not all adoption agencies are religious affiliated. The government won't be able to make the claim either so homosexuals will be able to adopt through the state and private non religious agencies.

Too bad for you and your hate.

Federal Court Rules Same-Sex Adoption Is Legal In All 50 States
My religion is limited to this simple phrase:

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Your ignorance in the decision you posted is noted.

For those who believe or are now predisposed to violate the rights of gay and lesbians, which the straight population enjoys, need to read Justice Kennedy's Decision. Here is his conclusion in the 7-2 decision.

The Commission’s hostility was inconsistent with the First Amendment’s guarantee that our laws be applied in a manner that is neutral toward religion. Phillips was entitled to a neutral decision maker who would give full and fair consideration to his religious objection as he sought to assert it in all of the circumstances in which this case was presented, considered, and decided. In this case the adjudication concerned a context that may well be different going forward in the respects noted above. However later cases raising these or similar concerns are resolved in the future, for these reasons the rulings of the Commission and of the state court that enforced the Commission’s order must be invalidated. The outcome of cases like this in other circumstances must await further elaboration in the courts, all in the context of recognizing that these disputes must be resolved with tolerance, without undue disrespect to sincere religious beliefs, and without subjecting gay persons to indignities when they seek goods and services in an open market. T

he judgment of the Colorado Court of Appeals is reversed.
I would like to believe you but how can I?
I doubt you would hold it against a gay baker who refused to make a "God Hates Fags" cake for some fringe religious group yet you don't mind using the weight of the US government to compel a baker to make a gay wedding cake, it looks like, speaking of ignorance.

Kennedy ruled with the majority who found the Colorado Court of Appeals trampled the right of the baker to refuse work that violated his closely held principles.

If I haven't got your take on things right I am sure you will bring it to my attention. There is no right to compel others to violate their convictions as my example shows, and that would apply to gay people as well as straights. Do unto others indeed.
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This is indeed doing the moral right thing and President Trump knows this. It's the Christian thing to do. Same-Sex couples should not be allowed to adopt kids. The truth is they adopt them for their sexual pleasure. The children are mostly sexually violated and end up being tormented for life with deep psychological problems. Adoptions should be for the good of the child. Only heterosexual couples can make that goodness happen. With that said, let the volcanic explosions of homosexual diarrhea begin!

Trump's plan to let adoption agencies turn away same-sex parents

He can try it but he would be violating the law.

He will have to find a way to get around the ruling in 2016 that made it legal for homosexuals to adopt in all of the 50 states.

The only loophole I can see he might be able to claim is a religious one but not all adoption agencies are religious affiliated. The government won't be able to make the claim either so homosexuals will be able to adopt through the state and private non religious agencies.

Too bad for you and your hate.

Federal Court Rules Same-Sex Adoption Is Legal In All 50 States

That ruling has nothing to do with forcing faith based agencies to allow homosexuals to adopt.
Correct decision

Forcing faith based agencies to is a clear violation of the First. Much like ssm cake baking

The OP clearly says the plan is to LET adoption agencies reject same-sex parents. No one is forcing anyone.

Wrong Obama era rules forced it

No a george w bush appointed judge ruled on it in 2016.

Obama didn't have anything to do with it.

Federal Court Rules Same-Sex Adoption Is Legal In All 50 States

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