Doing The Moral Christian Right Thing: Trump Plans To Let Adoption Agencies Reject Same-Sex Parents

Paul Sullins of the Catholic University? Seriously. I told you that I've doing this for a long time . T know these people
I found something by Slate and The Atlantic (in addition to you) both denigrating Paul Sullins.

However I found nothing from a disinterested third party that would lead me to conclude Sullins isn't producing studies that confirm what I've already read long ago in the past or would cause me to doubt what I already intuitively know, i.e. that society is made up of men and women and children who aren't raised in homes with both men and women are not receiving the most well rounded and well adjusted upbringing possible.

Yes there are men and women but that fact does mean that it takes men and women together to parent, especially now that gender roles are very fluid and flexible. It does not take a man to teach a kid how to play sports or a woman to teach him to cook. Secondly, there are many opportunities for exposure to role models or both genders in a child's life outside of the home or with extended family. The family unit does not live in isolation. Therefor your argument is a Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), Logical fallacy. The premise does not support the conclusion .

As far as Sullins goes, I haven't seen anything by a disinterested third party supports his work . I will add that the Atlantic article is not over the top biased and does not have an agenda. It gave him credit where credit was due but also provided an objective analysis of where he went wrong. There is little reason to think that he was not always as sloppy. His associate Regnerous was humiliated in court in Michigan trying to sell that same bovine excrement on behalf of the state as an argument against same sex marriage.

The number of unbiased peer reviewed studies that that conclude that the respective genders of the parents are inconsequential far out weighs any studies that c0nclude otherwise, and those that do have flaws similar to the work of these two clowns,

A team at Columbia Law School has collected on one website the abstracts of all peer-reviewed studies that have addressed this question since 1980 so that anyone can examine the research directly, and not rely on talking heads or potential groupthink. Even when we might not agree with a study’s conclusions—with how a researcher interpreted the data—we still included it if it went through peer review and was relevant to the topic at hand. Peer review, of course, isn’t perfect, but it’s one of the best ways the world has to ensure that research conclusions are at least the product of good-faith efforts to get at the truth.
The Columbia project is the largest collection of peer-reviewed scholarship on gay parenting to date. What does it show? We found 71 studies concluding that kids with gay parents fare no worse than others and only four concluding that they had problems. But those four studies all suffered from the same gross limitation: The children with gay parents were lumped in with children of family breakup, a cohort known to face higher risks linked to the trauma of family dissolution.

Even the notion that some try to put forth that there are no good studies is wrong...the studies, while not perfect do give us a very good idea on the conclusions and that is that gay homes are not better nor worse.

Here is a link to all the studies

What does the scholarly research say about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents? | What We Know
When are you going to have your conversion therapy? You need it so you can receive God.
Paul Sullins of the Catholic University? Seriously. I told you that I've doing this for a long time . T know these people
I found something by Slate and The Atlantic (in addition to you) both denigrating Paul Sullins.

However I found nothing from a disinterested third party that would lead me to conclude Sullins isn't producing studies that confirm what I've already read long ago in the past or would cause me to doubt what I already intuitively know, i.e. that society is made up of men and women and children who aren't raised in homes with both men and women are not receiving the most well rounded and well adjusted upbringing possible.

Yes there are men and women but that fact does mean that it takes men and women together to parent, especially now that gender roles are very fluid and flexible. It does not take a man to teach a kid how to play sports or a woman to teach him to cook. Secondly, there are many opportunities for exposure to role models or both genders in a child's life outside of the home or with extended family. The family unit does not live in isolation. Therefor your argument is a Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), Logical fallacy. The premise does not support the conclusion .

As far as Sullins goes, I haven't seen anything by a disinterested third party supports his work . I will add that the Atlantic article is not over the top biased and does not have an agenda. It gave him credit where credit was due but also provided an objective analysis of where he went wrong. There is little reason to think that he was not always as sloppy. His associate Regnerous was humiliated in court in Michigan trying to sell that same bovine excrement on behalf of the state as an argument against same sex marriage.

The number of unbiased peer reviewed studies that that conclude that the respective genders of the parents are inconsequential far out weighs any studies that c0nclude otherwise, and those that do have flaws similar to the work of these two clowns,

A team at Columbia Law School has collected on one website the abstracts of all peer-reviewed studies that have addressed this question since 1980 so that anyone can examine the research directly, and not rely on talking heads or potential groupthink. Even when we might not agree with a study’s conclusions—with how a researcher interpreted the data—we still included it if it went through peer review and was relevant to the topic at hand. Peer review, of course, isn’t perfect, but it’s one of the best ways the world has to ensure that research conclusions are at least the product of good-faith efforts to get at the truth.
The Columbia project is the largest collection of peer-reviewed scholarship on gay parenting to date. What does it show? We found 71 studies concluding that kids with gay parents fare no worse than others and only four concluding that they had problems. But those four studies all suffered from the same gross limitation: The children with gay parents were lumped in with children of family breakup, a cohort known to face higher risks linked to the trauma of family dissolution.

Even the notion that some try to put forth that there are no good studies is wrong...the studies, while not perfect do give us a very good idea on the conclusions and that is that gay homes are not better nor worse.

Here is a link to all the studies

What does the scholarly research say about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents? | What We Know
When are you going to have your conversion therapy? You need it so you can receive God.
It's pathetic how you troll your own thread and never an intelligent thing to say.
That’s what you always say. It’s true. Do some homework. You’ll see how dumb you really are. It’s funny that you live in Texas. I’m surprised they put up with an asshole like you. Have to check with my buddies from college that live in Texas to see if something changed. I know Dallas went to the shiter Hopefully they contain it there.

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Crazy right wingers still have a death grip on our gerrymandered political representatives, but Texas is more purple than red, and getting bluer by the day.

Oh and demoquacks NEVER gerrymander?

You're a clueless clown

Texas being gerrymandered to the right is just a statement of fact. The demographic change in Texas is also a statement of fact.

I think the 80% of the state that are hard core conservatives and been carrying guns there hole life will tell you different. Just another libtard and there pipe dreams

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80% of Texans haven't been carrying guns their whole life. The vast majority of those that currently do only started in the last few years

Texas people have been carrying guns longer then most other states. You might want to expand your bubble. Sign up to some of the gun forums here and you might learn something. There are guys from Texas on here all the time and they all carry, there fathers carried and grandfathers carried. You sound dumb as shit. You live there and don’t even know anything about the state you live in. Travel around Texas and spout your bullshit in some of the other areas. Texas is a big state and at least 75% carry guns including women. It’s a great ay of life there. You are dumber then I thought. Take the blinders off.

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Christ never said that gay folks can't adopt..

I look at the issue a different way. Its fighting words for boys if someone suggests that their father is a homosexual. I've seen fights over that issue.

But what does a kid do if the taunters and bullies ARE right, and their old man is actually involved in butt sex with other men?

The kid could never show his face in school again.
Crazy right wingers still have a death grip on our gerrymandered political representatives, but Texas is more purple than red, and getting bluer by the day.

Oh and demoquacks NEVER gerrymander?

You're a clueless clown

Texas being gerrymandered to the right is just a statement of fact. The demographic change in Texas is also a statement of fact.

I think the 80% of the state that are hard core conservatives and been carrying guns there hole life will tell you different. Just another libtard and there pipe dreams

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80% of Texans haven't been carrying guns their whole life. The vast majority of those that currently do only started in the last few years

Texas people have been carrying guns longer then most other states. You might want to expand your bubble. Sign up to some of the gun forums here and you might learn something. There are guys from Texas on here all the time and they all carry, there fathers carried and grandfathers carried. You sound dumb as shit. You live there and don’t even know anything about the state you live in. Travel around Texas and spout your bullshit in some of the other areas. Texas is a big state and at least 75% carry guns including women. It’s a great ay of life there. You are dumber then I thought. Take the blinders off.

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Nope. A gun rack in a pickup wasn't uncommon, but there was usually nothing in it unless you were going hunting. I had one myself. Until fairly recently, only an idiot would carry a hand gun. That's still the case for the most part.
Christ never said that gay folks can't adopt..

I look at the issue a different way. Its fighting words for boys if someone suggests that their father is a homosexual. I've seen fights over that issue.

But what does a kid do if the taunters and bullies ARE right, and their old man is actually involved in butt sex with other men?

The kid could never show his face in school again.
or learn to be a black belt kickboxer and people will learn to stfu....I am sure Jesus had gay slurs thrown at him since he never married...

Why would you tell some one to "stfu", if their allegation about your father were actually true? Don't you believe in LGBTQQAAI+ pride?
Christ never said that gay folks can't adopt..

I look at the issue a different way. Its fighting words for boys if someone suggests that their father is a homosexual. I've seen fights over that issue.

But what does a kid do if the taunters and bullies ARE right, and their old man is actually involved in butt sex with other men?

The kid could never show his face in school again.
or learn to be a black belt kickboxer and people will learn to stfu....I am sure Jesus had gay slurs thrown at him since he never married...

Why would you tell some one to "stfu", if their allegation about your father were actually true? Don't you believe in LGBTQQAAI+ pride?
They can have all the pride they want I won't stand in their way, in fact I have a damn good chance of never having any contact with them..Why should I care what they do?
Oh and demoquacks NEVER gerrymander?

You're a clueless clown

Texas being gerrymandered to the right is just a statement of fact. The demographic change in Texas is also a statement of fact.

I think the 80% of the state that are hard core conservatives and been carrying guns there hole life will tell you different. Just another libtard and there pipe dreams

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80% of Texans haven't been carrying guns their whole life. The vast majority of those that currently do only started in the last few years

Texas people have been carrying guns longer then most other states. You might want to expand your bubble. Sign up to some of the gun forums here and you might learn something. There are guys from Texas on here all the time and they all carry, there fathers carried and grandfathers carried. You sound dumb as shit. You live there and don’t even know anything about the state you live in. Travel around Texas and spout your bullshit in some of the other areas. Texas is a big state and at least 75% carry guns including women. It’s a great ay of life there. You are dumber then I thought. Take the blinders off.

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Nope. A gun rack in a pickup wasn't uncommon, but there was usually nothing in it unless you were going hunting. I had one myself. Until fairly recently, only an idiot would carry a hand gun. That's still the case for the most part.

So your calling 75% of your state idiots. Google the most gun friendly states and read it. Obviously you don’t know shit about your state. Why do you think the crime rate in your state is so low. I’ve read some stupid shit from you but this by far is the worst. Google it and learn.

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Colorado should have been a lesson for you gay lovers.

You learn slow

If God didn't like gay people, why did he make so many of them?
He didn't make them. They chose to be gay.

Yes they did. They’re not born gay that choose to be that way.

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How do you know that? When did you choose?

I Knew it the moment I was old enough to understand girls I have two gay nephews. They weren’t born that way but as they hit middle school age you saw them change. Now I wonder if these two particular nephews had only sisters. One had three sisters and one had two sisters, no brothers. Does that effect them as they grow up.

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You mean they changed when they hit puberty? Logical paths man......
Agencies should be picky. Only the absolute perfect arrangement. Speeding tix, misdemeanors should disqualify otherwise qualified applicants.

Picky is one thing. Expecting them to be saints is something else.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone. If someone can't adopt a child because of a speeding ticket then someone should lose custody of their own child for the same reason.
Texas being gerrymandered to the right is just a statement of fact. The demographic change in Texas is also a statement of fact.

I think the 80% of the state that are hard core conservatives and been carrying guns there hole life will tell you different. Just another libtard and there pipe dreams

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

80% of Texans haven't been carrying guns their whole life. The vast majority of those that currently do only started in the last few years

Texas people have been carrying guns longer then most other states. You might want to expand your bubble. Sign up to some of the gun forums here and you might learn something. There are guys from Texas on here all the time and they all carry, there fathers carried and grandfathers carried. You sound dumb as shit. You live there and don’t even know anything about the state you live in. Travel around Texas and spout your bullshit in some of the other areas. Texas is a big state and at least 75% carry guns including women. It’s a great ay of life there. You are dumber then I thought. Take the blinders off.

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Nope. A gun rack in a pickup wasn't uncommon, but there was usually nothing in it unless you were going hunting. I had one myself. Until fairly recently, only an idiot would carry a hand gun. That's still the case for the most part.

So your calling 75% of your state idiots. Google the most gun friendly states and read it. Obviously you don’t know shit about your state. Why do you think the crime rate in your state is so low. I’ve read some stupid shit from you but this by far is the worst. Google it and learn.

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Gun nuts usually don't know what they are talking about. This time is no exception..

In Texas, in order to openly carry a gun, you have to have a concealed-handgun license. You have to be at least 21. You have to have a clean criminal and psychological record. You also have to complete classroom training and pass a shooting test.

About 925,000 Texans have concealed handgun licenses – that’s about 3 percent of the population.
Here's What You Should Know About Open Carry In Texas
Sodomites should not be permitted to adopt children.

Most heterosexual couples engage in sodomy Should they be excluded?

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Yes but they do not center their lives around asshole worship.
Repent for your sins...stop your evil ways and stop your behavior. Hell waits you.
I've known a few gay men. Not one of them has ever mentioned his asshole to me. Ever.

Dang, I feel left out.
Yes there are men and women but that fact does mean that it takes men and women together to parent, especially now that gender roles are very fluid and flexible. It does not take a man to teach a kid how to play sports or a woman to teach him to cook. Secondly, there are many opportunities for exposure to role models or both genders in a child's life outside of the home or with extended family. The family unit does not live in isolation. Therefor your argument is a Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), Logical fallacy. The premise does not support the conclusion .
A man is not a woman and neither is a woman a man. They both bring different sensibilities and takes to a family.
A woman can teach a boy how to throw a baseball. She can't show him how to be a least not like a man can.
These "fluid gender roles" will never change that since they are in the process of trying to change what makes someone masculine and feminine. Bruce Jenner can buy some tits and a nice dress....he is still a man playing dress up.
As far as Sullins goes, I haven't seen anything by a disinterested third party supports his work . I will add that the Atlantic article is not over the top biased and does not have an agenda. It gave him credit where credit was due but also provided an objective analysis of where he went wrong. There is little reason to think that he was not always as sloppy. His associate Regnerous was humiliated in court in Michigan trying to sell that same bovine excrement on behalf of the state as an argument against same sex marriage.
That's all anecdotal input on your part. You haven't seen anything that supports his work. I haven't seen anything but contrary articles from two well known and on the way out of business leftist sites.
The number of unbiased peer reviewed studies that that conclude that the respective genders of the parents are inconsequential far out weighs any studies that c0nclude otherwise, and those that do have flaws similar to the work of these two clowns,
Again this is your opinion and if you are trying to convince people that Bobby's two fathers are just as good as a father and a mother
mission not accomplished. It’s Time to Promote Good Social Science on Same-Sex Parenting - Crisis Magazine

I already know you reject this source. Guess what? I reject Slate and the Atlantic.
That’s what you always say. It’s true. Do some homework. You’ll see how dumb you really are. It’s funny that you live in Texas. I’m surprised they put up with an asshole like you. Have to check with my buddies from college that live in Texas to see if something changed. I know Dallas went to the shiter Hopefully they contain it there.

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Haven't you heard? TX is now purple.
That’s what you always say. It’s true. Do some homework. You’ll see how dumb you really are. It’s funny that you live in Texas. I’m surprised they put up with an asshole like you. Have to check with my buddies from college that live in Texas to see if something changed. I know Dallas went to the shiter Hopefully they contain it there.

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Haven't you heard? TX is now purple.

No. Haven’t heard that. I’ll talk to my friends there because they must not know because they all carry guns.

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That’s what you always say. It’s true. Do some homework. You’ll see how dumb you really are. It’s funny that you live in Texas. I’m surprised they put up with an asshole like you. Have to check with my buddies from college that live in Texas to see if something changed. I know Dallas went to the shiter Hopefully they contain it there.

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Haven't you heard? TX is now purple.

No. Haven’t heard that. I’ll talk to my friends there because they must not know because they all carry guns.

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Tell them they need to hurry. It may already be too late. Can't fall asleep on the job boys!
That’s what you always say. It’s true. Do some homework. You’ll see how dumb you really are. It’s funny that you live in Texas. I’m surprised they put up with an asshole like you. Have to check with my buddies from college that live in Texas to see if something changed. I know Dallas went to the shiter Hopefully they contain it there.

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Haven't you heard? TX is now purple.

No. Haven’t heard that. I’ll talk to my friends there because they must not know because they all carry guns.

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In 2016 it was 52% red and 43% blue...not even close to purple

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