Doing The Moral Christian Right Thing: Trump Plans To Let Adoption Agencies Reject Same-Sex Parents

If God didn't like gay people, why did he make so many of them?
He didn't make them. They chose to be gay.

I'm sure lots of religious nutbags agree with you. Trained psychologists don't.

Yeah. Gives them a reason to have a job. The almighty dollar will make them say anything to have a purpose. If you think they’re born gay you are sadly mistaken.

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That's just funny, and a little sad that you are that dumb.

That’s what you always say. It’s true. Do some homework. You’ll see how dumb you really are. It’s funny that you live in Texas. I’m surprised they put up with an asshole like you. Have to check with my buddies from college that live in Texas to see if something changed. I know Dallas went to the shiter Hopefully they contain it there.

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Crazy right wingers still have a death grip on our gerrymandered political representatives, but Texas is more purple than red, and getting bluer by the day.
He didn't make them. They chose to be gay.

I'm sure lots of religious nutbags agree with you. Trained psychologists don't.

Yeah. Gives them a reason to have a job. The almighty dollar will make them say anything to have a purpose. If you think they’re born gay you are sadly mistaken.

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That's just funny, and a little sad that you are that dumb.

That’s what you always say. It’s true. Do some homework. You’ll see how dumb you really are. It’s funny that you live in Texas. I’m surprised they put up with an asshole like you. Have to check with my buddies from college that live in Texas to see if something changed. I know Dallas went to the shiter Hopefully they contain it there.

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Crazy right wingers still have a death grip on our gerrymandered political representatives, but Texas is more purple than red, and getting bluer by the day.

Oh and demoquacks NEVER gerrymander?

You're a clueless clown
I'm sure lots of religious nutbags agree with you. Trained psychologists don't.

Yeah. Gives them a reason to have a job. The almighty dollar will make them say anything to have a purpose. If you think they’re born gay you are sadly mistaken.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's just funny, and a little sad that you are that dumb.

That’s what you always say. It’s true. Do some homework. You’ll see how dumb you really are. It’s funny that you live in Texas. I’m surprised they put up with an asshole like you. Have to check with my buddies from college that live in Texas to see if something changed. I know Dallas went to the shiter Hopefully they contain it there.

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Crazy right wingers still have a death grip on our gerrymandered political representatives, but Texas is more purple than red, and getting bluer by the day.

Oh and demoquacks NEVER gerrymander?

You're a clueless clown

Texas being gerrymandered to the right is just a statement of fact. The demographic change in Texas is also a statement of fact.
Yes they should be excluded.
That will leave a hell of a lot of kids in an already backlogged foster care system without a permanent home. And how should they screen for it? Should it be a question in the adoption application? She they install a web cam in the prospective adoptive couples bedroom?

And please explain why and how they way people have sex relates to their ability to be parents.
Yes they should be excluded.
That will leave a hell of a lot of kids in an already backlogged foster care system without a permanent home. And how should they screen for it? Should it be a question in the adoption application? She they install a web cam in the prospective adoptive couples bedroom?

And please explain why and how they way people have sex relates to their ability to be parents.
I don't think how they have sex in the privacy of their bedroom effect their parenting skills. I think we need a strong Man and a strong Woman team to properly raise a balanced kid.
Yes they should be excluded.
That will leave a hell of a lot of kids in an already backlogged foster care system without a permanent home. And how should they screen for it? Should it be a question in the adoption application? She they install a web cam in the prospective adoptive couples bedroom?

And please explain why and how they way people have sex relates to their ability to be parents.
I don't think how they have sex in the privacy of their bedroom effect their parenting skills. I think we need a strong Man and a strong Woman team to properly raise a balanced kid.
What you "think' they need and what research says that they need are two different things
Correct decision

Forcing faith based agencies to is a clear violation of the First. Much like ssm cake baking
Public funding of faith based agencies that exclude certain people based on religious beliefs is a clear violation of the first.

I don't give two fckn shits what you blabber about, queer. And yes you're queer no matter how much you deny it. Far too focused in faggot shit
Correct decision

Forcing faith based agencies to is a clear violation of the First. Much like ssm cake baking
Public funding of faith based agencies that exclude certain people based on religious beliefs is a clear violation of the first.

I don't give two fckn shits what you blabber about, queer. And yes you're queer no matter how much you deny it. Far too focused in faggot shit

One could say the same about you. You’re very focused on denying rights to other people.
Correct decision

Forcing faith based agencies to is a clear violation of the First. Much like ssm cake baking
Public funding of faith based agencies that exclude certain people based on religious beliefs is a clear violation of the first.

I don't give two fckn shits what you blabber about, queer. And yes you're queer no matter how much you deny it. Far too focused in faggot shit
Please tell me again why I should give a rats hind parts about what you think or believe about me- or anything else for that matter.
People can not mind their own business. They have to know what others are doing. Even if it destroys those others. Do you believe that typing on these boards and many others are not taken seriously enough by some people who may read the threads or even work to destroy an individual? And there are no shortage of people who will believe it. We live in a surveillance culture and under a soft tyranny. No matter how gruff I always believed in America that can overcome anything. About two decades ago that changed a bit. For several years the tyranny was there to see. The fiefdoms of power will not let freedom return.
Isn't the issue forcing faith based adoption agencies to send kids to homosexual couples? That's undeniably wrong and it's the cake baker and the gay wedding issue all over again.
Isn't the issue forcing faith based adoption agencies to send kids to homosexual couples? That's undeniably wrong and it's the cake baker and the gay wedding issue all over again.
The real issue is maximizing the probability that children in need of a permanent and stable home will find one. Arbitrarily disqualifying people based on fear , superstition, and questionable interpretations of ancient text diminishes that probability.

If an adoption agency has a problem placing kids with gay people, they should be in a business other than adoption
This is indeed doing the moral right thing and President Trump knows this. It's the Christian thing to do. Same-Sex couples should not be allowed to adopt kids. The truth is they adopt them for their sexual pleasure. The children are mostly sexually violated and end up being tormented for life with deep psychological problems. Adoptions should be for the good of the child. Only heterosexual couples can make that goodness happen. With that said, let the volcanic explosions of homosexual diarrhea begin!

Trump's plan to let adoption agencies turn away same-sex parents
Interesting accusation. You are calling gay parents who adopt kids pedophiles?

Most queers have a propensity to molest children, yes.
Isn't the issue forcing faith based adoption agencies to send kids to homosexual couples? That's undeniably wrong and it's the cake baker and the gay wedding issue all over again.
The real issue is maximizing the probability that children in need of a permanent and stable home will find one. Arbitrarily disqualifying people based on fear , superstition, and questionable interpretations of ancient text diminishes that probability.

If an adoption agency has a problem placing kids with gay people, they should be in a business other than adoption

A child would be better off in an orphanage than with gay parents.

An orphanage without any queers working in it of course.
The real issue is maximizing the probability that children in need of a permanent and stable home will find one. Arbitrarily disqualifying people based on fear , superstition, and questionable interpretations of ancient text diminishes that probability.

If an adoption agency has a problem placing kids with gay people, they should be in a business other than adoption
So, yes. The problem is forcing adoption agencies to put children in homes with gay parents. Thanks for admitting it without ever forthrightly saying so.

There are clinical findings that demonstrate a child does better with a male and female parent than two same sex parents and forcing agencies to ignore this common sense fact is wrong and does a disservice to the children used as pawns to further a gay agenda.
The real issue is maximizing the probability that children in need of a permanent and stable home will find one. Arbitrarily disqualifying people based on fear , superstition, and questionable interpretations of ancient text diminishes that probability.

If an adoption agency has a problem placing kids with gay people, they should be in a business other than adoption
So, yes. The problem is forcing adoption agencies to put children in homes with gay parents. Thanks for admitting it without ever forthrightly saying so.

There are clinical findings that demonstrate a child does better with a male and female parent than two same sex parents and forcing agencies to ignore this common sense fact is wrong and does a disservice to the children used as pawns to further a gay agenda.
I have always been very upfront about my belief that there is nothing wrong with parenting by same sex couples, and as I said, if the agency has a problem with it they should be in a different

As far as your "finding go" show us what you got. I have never seen a legitimate study that supports what you claim. I have been studying this issue for a very long time. Lids were being adopted by gays long before same sex marriage was even on the radar. I worked in an adoption agency for 26 years. I have placed with same sex couples and followed their cases over time. Pleople who spread your kind of tripe are doing a disservice to children in need of a home.

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