Doing The Moral Christian Right Thing: Trump Plans To Let Adoption Agencies Reject Same-Sex Parents

None of this changes what Trump did which was to end the practice of forcing adoption agencies to place children with gay parents.

Nope. That's not true. Read the article. The law only applies to adoption agencies that are government funded.
This is indeed doing the moral right thing and President Trump knows this. It's the Christian thing to do. Same-Sex couples should not be allowed to adopt kids. The truth is they adopt them for their sexual pleasure. The children are mostly sexually violated and end up being tormented for life with deep psychological problems. Adoptions should be for the good of the child. Only heterosexual couples can make that goodness happen. With that said, let the volcanic explosions of homosexual diarrhea begin!

Trump's plan to let adoption agencies turn away same-sex parents
Jesus is on board with this? Can you prove it?
My kind of religion? Sir, I am not burdened with religion. I get the feeling though that you think it's OK to force YOUR religion down the throats of others and to discriminate in the name of God.
Did I not italicize the word "religion" in an ironic reference? I thought you would catch on but apparently not.

Perhaps it also went over your head that that I am not in favor of you folks jamming your religion down the throats of nuns, bakers and adoption agencies. You can't buy your abortifacients, make your wedding cakes, adopt your children
without bringing the boot of Big Government down on the necks of those few individuals
that dare to resist?

Of course you can get your services anywhere else and they are plentiful for you to choose from but you'd rather lay your heavy hand on those who dare to hold to their convictions, regardless of what you think of them.

You seem to have everything backwards.
You seem to be a broken record
My kind of religion? Sir, I am not burdened with religion. I get the feeling though that you think it's OK to force YOUR religion down the throats of others and to discriminate in the name of God.
Did I not italicize the word "religion" in an ironic reference? I thought you would catch on but apparently not.

Perhaps it also went over your head that that I am not in favor of you folks jamming your religion down the throats of nuns, bakers and adoption agencies. You can't buy your abortifacients, make your wedding cakes, adopt your children
without bringing the boot of Big Government down on the necks of those few individuals
that dare to resist?

Of course you can get your services anywhere else and they are plentiful for you to choose from but you'd rather lay your heavy hand on those who dare to hold to their convictions, regardless of what you think of them.

You seem to have everything backwards.
You seem to be a broken record

You just seem broken
You seem to be a broken record
And your story stinks. Get a new one.
So this is what it's come too- childish sniping. Lets recap ? According to you and the Trumpanzees, it's ok for Christians to discriminate against gays-even thought they are in the business of providing a service to the public -and more importantly- the children need a home are put at a disadvantage with lowered odd of being placed. With me so far?

But, again , according to you, gays and their advocates who are violating the religious freedom of these phony Christians who hate gays more then they care about the children who they are supposed to be serving. It is especially egregious because it is an arbitrary and capricious policy and not grounded in reality. As proof, many Christian denomination, and individuals actually support gays in this regard, and as I have demonstrated, children do just fine with same sex parents.
According to you and the Trumpanzees, it's ok for Christians to discriminate against gays-even thought they are in the business of providing a service to the public -and more importantly- the children need a home are put at a disadvantage with lowered odd of being placed. With me so far?

But, again , according to you, gays and their advocates who are violating the religious freedom of these phony Christians who hate gays more then they care about the children who they are supposed to be serving. It is especially egregious because it is an arbitrary and capricious policy and not grounded in reality. As proof, many Christian denomination, and individuals actually support gays in this regard, and as I have demonstrated, children do just fine with same sex parents.
Would you like to go over the Supreme Court decision in the case of the Colorado baker once more? I've already explained it all including cases where a gay business owner might not want to do business with certain people in certain cases.
I didn't notice you disagreeing before. It's a bit late now to act like you don't know about it, dude.

Like I also already daughter and husband just spent two years waiting to adopt. It's not as though there are streets over flowing with children without homes. The idea that children might not get adopted just because an agency doesn't want children to go into a same sex home is absurd. Really absurd!

So make up your mind. Are Christians making it impossible for gays to adopt? Or as you just claimed do Christians support gay parents adopting children, which is the only way they are going to get kids?
Would you like to go over the Supreme Court decision in the case of the Colorado baker once more? I've already explained it all including cases where a gay business owner might not want to do business with certain people in certain cases.
I didn't notice you disagreeing before. It's a bit late now to act like you don't know about it, dude.
That was a narrow decision based on the Colorado Civil Rights Commission's failure to hold religion neutral in their decision. It in no way gives blanket approval to discrimination based on religious beliefs

In a 7-2 decision, the Court ruled on narrow grounds that the Commission did not employ religious neutrality, violating Masterpiece owner Jack Phillips' rights to free exercise, and reversed the Commission's decision. The Court did not rule on the broader intersection of anti-discrimination laws free exercise of religion, and freedom of speech, due to the complications of the Commission's lack of religious neutrality. masterpiece cakeshop v colorado - Bing

Apparently you like to cling to supreme court decision that you like but I have to wonder how you feel about Obergefell .the oposition to same sex marriage was largely fueled by religious beliefs - if not stated explicitly in the court proceedings knowing that it would not get them far.
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Like I also already daughter and husband just spent two years waiting to adopt. It's not as though there are streets over flowing with children without homes. The idea that children might not get adopted just because an agency doesn't want children to go into a same sex home is absurd. Really absurd!
I have to wonder about that. They spent years waiting for what. ? A healthy, white infant. Sure. I can believe that. But the fact is that there are many special needs, minority and older kids in the system and we cannot afford to narrow the pool of potential adoptive home based on fear, stupidity and bigotry.
So make up your mind. Are Christians making it impossible for gays to adopt? Or as you just claimed do Christians support gay parents adopting children, which is the only way they are going to get kids?
Some Christians ae making it difficult for gays to adopt kids but MORE IMPORTANTLY they are making it more difficult for kids to be matched with adoptive parents. And when/ where the fuck did I ever say that adoption is the only way for gays to get kids., That is really over the top stupid. Gay people are not sterile. They can conceive children in the same way as many straight people do who may need a little help ,But they should be allowed to adopt for the sake of the kids and because excluding them is discriminatory
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So make up your mind. Are Christians making it impossible for gays to adopt? Or as you just claimed do Christians support gay parents adopting children, which is the only way they are going to get kids?
Some Christians ae making it difficult for gays to adopt kids but MORE IMPORTANTLY they are making it more difficult for kids to be matched with adoptive parents. And when/ where the fuck did I ever say that adoption is the only way for gays to get kids., That is really over the top stupid. Gay people are not sterile. They can conceive children in the same way as many straight people do who may need a little help ,But they should be allowed to adopt for the sake of the kids and because excluding them is discriminatory
Children need both a mother and a Father, when available. Nothing to do with religion. Just simple fact that women and men are different and children need to learn from both.
So make up your mind. Are Christians making it impossible for gays to adopt? Or as you just claimed do Christians support gay parents adopting children, which is the only way they are going to get kids?
Some Christians ae making it difficult for gays to adopt kids but MORE IMPORTANTLY they are making it more difficult for kids to be matched with adoptive parents. And when/ where the fuck did I ever say that adoption is the only way for gays to get kids., That is really over the top stupid. Gay people are not sterile. They can conceive children in the same way as many straight people do who may need a little help ,But they should be allowed to adopt for the sake of the kids and because excluding them is discriminatory
Children need both a mother and a Father, when available. Nothing to do with religion. Just simple fact that women and men are different and children need to learn from both.
Appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. It flies in the face of all of the best science. And children who are available for adoption have neither a mother or a father -and many have been waiting for a very long time.
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Paul Sullins of the Catholic University? Seriously. I told you that I've doing this for a long time . T know these people
I found something by Slate and The Atlantic (in addition to you) both denigrating Paul Sullins.

However I found nothing from a disinterested third party that would lead me to conclude Sullins isn't producing studies that confirm what I've already read long ago in the past or would cause me to doubt what I already intuitively know, i.e. that society is made up of men and women and children who aren't raised in homes with both men and women are not receiving the most well rounded and well adjusted upbringing possible.

Yes there are men and women but that fact does mean that it takes men and women together to parent, especially now that gender roles are very fluid and flexible. It does not take a man to teach a kid how to play sports or a woman to teach him to cook. Secondly, there are many opportunities for exposure to role models or both genders in a child's life outside of the home or with extended family. The family unit does not live in isolation. Therefor your argument is a Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), Logical fallacy. The premise does not support the conclusion .

As far as Sullins goes, I haven't seen anything by a disinterested third party supports his work . I will add that the Atlantic article is not over the top biased and does not have an agenda. It gave him credit where credit was due but also provided an objective analysis of where he went wrong. There is little reason to think that he was not always as sloppy. His associate Regnerous was humiliated in court in Michigan trying to sell that same bovine excrement on behalf of the state as an argument against same sex marriage.

The number of unbiased peer reviewed studies that that conclude that the respective genders of the parents are inconsequential far out weighs any studies that c0nclude otherwise, and those that do have flaws similar to the work of these two clowns,

A team at Columbia Law School has collected on one website the abstracts of all peer-reviewed studies that have addressed this question since 1980 so that anyone can examine the research directly, and not rely on talking heads or potential groupthink. Even when we might not agree with a study’s conclusions—with how a researcher interpreted the data—we still included it if it went through peer review and was relevant to the topic at hand. Peer review, of course, isn’t perfect, but it’s one of the best ways the world has to ensure that research conclusions are at least the product of good-faith efforts to get at the truth.
The Columbia project is the largest collection of peer-reviewed scholarship on gay parenting to date. What does it show? We found 71 studies concluding that kids with gay parents fare no worse than others and only four concluding that they had problems. But those four studies all suffered from the same gross limitation: The children with gay parents were lumped in with children of family breakup, a cohort known to face higher risks linked to the trauma of family dissolution.

Even the notion that some try to put forth that there are no good studies is wrong...the studies, while not perfect do give us a very good idea on the conclusions and that is that gay homes are not better nor worse.

Here is a link to all the studies

What does the scholarly research say about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents? | What We Know
When are you going to have your conversion therapy? You need it so you can receive God.
It's pathetic how you troll your own thread and never an intelligent thing to say.
Yeah, I noticed he and that jizzy guy do that a lot.
Appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. It flies in the face of all of the best science.
Male and female give children the best and most rounded upbringing. To claim otherwise is just absurd and it's blatantly false on the face of things.

TAnd children who are available for adoption have neither a mother or a father -and many have been waiting for a very long time.
To hear you squealing you would think ALL children have been taken out of the adoption pool. In reality we are talking about a very few agencies that will not place kids in same sex homes. Stop with the drama queen antics.
I have to wonder about that. They spent years waiting for what. ? A healthy, white infant. Sure. I can believe that. But the fact is that there are many special needs, minority and older kids in the system and we cannot afford to narrow the pool of potential adoptive home based on fear, stupidity and bigotry.
They are both educators and liberal minded, unfortunately. They have a half black nephew and black brother in law and didn't necessarily want a white child. These are the facts.
So make up your mind. Are Christians making it impossible for gays to adopt? Or as you just claimed do Christians support gay parents adopting children, which is the only way they are going to get kids?
Some Christians ae making it difficult for gays to adopt kids but MORE IMPORTANTLY they are making it more difficult for kids to be matched with adoptive parents. And when/ where the fuck did I ever say that adoption is the only way for gays to get kids., That is really over the top stupid. Gay people are not sterile. They can conceive children in the same way as many straight people do who may need a little help ,But they should be allowed to adopt for the sake of the kids and because excluding them is discriminatory
Children need both a mother and a Father, when available. Nothing to do with religion. Just simple fact that women and men are different and children need to learn from both.

A father and a mother have distinct roles in a child's upbringing. The child needs both.

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