Doing The Right Thing: Trump Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

Marijuana helps a lot of people but the ones the pussy grabber (and the OP) really want to harm are the vets.

The only reason it hasn't been legal is that its easily grown.

Like wind/solar power. If the 1% can't force us to pay taxes on it, its a bad thing.
Why does Mr. Trump care, one way or the other.
Because he knows that the country will not survive wide spread drug addiction. Already employers are having trouble finding employees that aren't addicts. Many are just looking to foreigners.
sure they are....

Why do you insist on representing yourself as an authority about every subject and issue?

I'll bet you believe other posters believe you impossible lies that you're a medical doctor, a lawyer AND a dog washer.


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You made it up. Then like all democrats cling to your own lies. You're an example of how drugs affect a brain. Yours is mush. Stop lying.

Oh wait.

You're a Democrat. You can't.

If you think dems are the only party that uses marijuana daily or every once in a while you are sadly mistaken. I know judges, attorneys, doctor's and very successful executives that smoke it.
Thank you. I know some of those as well. It's a great tool for quickly achieving a relaxed state without the risks and after effects of alcohol use. I can competently operate a vehicle mildly stoned but would never drive after more than two drinks.
You should never operate a vehicle under the influence of anything.

Yep, even cell phones.

Being mildly stoned is not the same as drinking. My blood pressure meds can make me drowsy but I still need to be able to drive.
Probably half the people on the road at any given time are under the influence of something.
It is the same as drinking. Your reaction time and judgement is off.
If marijuana is legalized, there will be another public health crises like tobacco wrought, possibly worse.
Right now the first pains of a drug addicted future are being felt. Employers are struggling to find workers. Opioids are killing more people than a war. A friend of mine just caught his nine-year old daughter smoking dope. Nine years old. She got it at school.
another tipsy story to add to her folder of tales from "tipsy's tales from reefer madness".........
It's a fight he cannot possibly win. The momentum is on the side of the voices to legalize even more. What he should do is start preparing the nation and the people for a county failing under the weight of addictions.
Legalize it. But you have to grow your own. Shut down border with Mexico and get drug lords out of business. Make sure every state has roadside test for driving under influence. Allow employers to test during workday.

I'd agree with that. I'd much rather trust my own home grown. Some employer's will drug test but leave out if positive for marijuana. For instance, my wife works at an assisted living facility owned by 2 doctor's, pharmacist and a pastor. Dont' know where the pastor got the money, but anyway they do random drug testing and have told them if marijuana shows they don't care because they understand people use it for pain, but anything else shows up they are fired. My employer don't test but if they did would have to fire most of the staff and the owner.
Cops to Get ‘Potalyzers’ for Roadside Marijuana Tests – High Times
This kind of test. Not urine or hair. If you cook out in your back yard and get stoned, that's away from work and on your time. Work must test for impared ability. It is a liability issue. Work safety.

You see though that's the problem, if I smoked it today and that was all for the next 3 weeks it will still
It's a fight he cannot possibly win. The momentum is on the side of the voices to legalize even more. What he should do is start preparing the nation and the people for a county failing under the weight of addictions.
Legalize it. But you have to grow your own. Shut down border with Mexico and get drug lords out of business. Make sure every state has roadside test for driving under influence. Allow employers to test during workday.

I'd agree with that. I'd much rather trust my own home grown. Some employer's will drug test but leave out if positive for marijuana. For instance, my wife works at an assisted living facility owned by 2 doctor's, pharmacist and a pastor. Dont' know where the pastor got the money, but anyway they do random drug testing and have told them if marijuana shows they don't care because they understand people use it for pain, but anything else shows up they are fired. My employer don't test but if they did would have to fire most of the staff and the owner.
Cops to Get ‘Potalyzers’ for Roadside Marijuana Tests – High Times
This kind of test. Not urine or hair. If you cook out in your back yard and get stoned, that's away from work and on your time. Work must test for impared ability. It is a liability issue. Work safety.

Now that's a good idea. I can truthfully say I drove one time high about 35 years ago, took a drive out in the country, someone in the car says, you know you're only going 10 mph? Anyway got lost in my home town lol. Never have driven since high or with anyone. Only smoked every once in a while during a week night and on weekends. It's been awhile since I have, probably 6 months, I just don't trust anyone to buy it from unless it's a close friend who ran out months ago after he took a long trip to CO.

Oh and I think the driving while drinking or using weed should be treated just the same.
The dirty little secret is that any heavy marijuana user can get some seeds, grow a plant and smoke until his/her brains run out of their ears but that ain't what they want. During periods of ever decreasing lucidity they dream of getting rich by selling the stuff. Anybody think they would ask for I.D. from an underage kid? Naah, it's just another customer. What about the negative effects of heavy marijuana use? Ever listen to the hoarse voices and wheezy breathing of heavy pot users? What about 2nd hand marijuana smoke? Should the elderly residents of nursing homes be forced to smell this stuff allegedly used for medical purposes while a cigarette smoker would be kicked out?

Why do you insist on representing yourself as an authority about every subject and issue?

I'll bet you believe other posters believe you impossible lies that you're a medical doctor, a lawyer AND a dog washer.


Sent from my iPad using
You made it up. Then like all democrats cling to your own lies. You're an example of how drugs affect a brain. Yours is mush. Stop lying.

Oh wait.

You're a Democrat. You can't.

If you think dems are the only party that uses marijuana daily or every once in a while you are sadly mistaken. I know judges, attorneys, doctor's and very successful executives that smoke it.
Thank you. I know some of those as well. It's a great tool for quickly achieving a relaxed state without the risks and after effects of alcohol use. I can competently operate a vehicle mildly stoned but would never drive after more than two drinks.
You should never operate a vehicle under the influence of anything.

Yep, even cell phones.

Being mildly stoned is not the same as drinking. My blood pressure meds can make me drowsy but I still need to be able to drive.
Probably half the people on the road at any given time are under the influence of something.

I can only take one of bp meds at night because they make me dizzy and sleepy. I take as needed a very low dose of valium for vertigo and drive to work and work all day. If I didn't the vertigo alone would cause me to have an accident.
If marijuana is legalized, there will be another public health crises like tobacco wrought, possibly worse.
Right now the first pains of a drug addicted future are being felt. Employers are struggling to find workers. Opioids are killing more people than a war. A friend of mine just caught his nine-year old daughter smoking dope. Nine years old. She got it at school.
another tipsy story to add to her folder of tales from "tipsy's tales from reefer madness".........
I never could find weed in school, but I found it outside school..
Heroin is from a simple plant too.

We will not survive as a nation of stoners. Rather than fight a losing battle over drug addiction, the president should exercise leadership and prepare the nation for a worthless future.

Heroin is processed from a simple plant. The plant is the opium poppy.
Cannabis is not processed --- it IS the plant. And it has no "addiction".

Now shoot yourself in the face for being a wackball.
Everyone truly believes they can stop using pot any time they want. They just don't. They are addicts. They really cannot function. Pot addicts like all addicts surely believe they can function normally.
really?...i stopped after many a year,and i just stopped.....once again tipsys tales of the madness....
You think you can drive competently. That's the reasoning behind pot related fatalities tripling.

Not everyone's the same, dope. Some do stupid things. There's a difference between a buzz and being inebriated. Cell phone use while driving kills a lot of people.
If you don't believe most of the old folks on the road are driving after taking their back pills then you're not being honest.
The dirty little secret is that any heavy marijuana user can get some seeds, grow a plant and smoke until his/her brains run out of their ears but that ain't what they want. During periods of ever decreasing lucidity they dream of getting rich by selling the stuff. Anybody think they would ask for I.D. from an underage kid? Naah, it's just another customer. What about the negative effects of heavy marijuana use? Ever listen to the hoarse voices and wheezy breathing of heavy pot users? What about 2nd hand marijuana smoke? Should the elderly residents of nursing homes be forced to smell this stuff allegedly used for medical purposes while a cigarette smoker would be kicked out?
I can handle just growing weed for self consumption......I have for several decades..
It's a fight he cannot possibly win. The momentum is on the side of the voices to legalize even more. What he should do is start preparing the nation and the people for a county failing under the weight of addictions.
Legalize it. But you have to grow your own. Shut down border with Mexico and get drug lords out of business. Make sure every state has roadside test for driving under influence. Allow employers to test during workday.
Can't do testing during the workday. Pot stays in the system up to 30 days. You smoke in the evening, it's still in your system, although no longer affecting you, the next day at work.

That's another reason pee tests are such colossal bullshit that need to be abolished yesterday. Completely aside from being a blatant disregard of the Fourth Amendment, it's bullshit reasoning. If employers were truly interested in "workplace safety", all they'd need to do would be to administer a simple reflex-timing test. It would cost next to nothing, it would produce results in literally seconds, and it would flag any worker who's under par whether it's from cannabis..... fatigue/lack of sleep...... alcohol or alcohol hangover..... distraction from their personal life......... oncoming illness even one the worker may not be aware of .... or any other reason.

IF they were actually looking for worker safety. But of course that's not what they're after --- they're after ABC --- Authoritarian Behavior Control. They see an opportunity to play the role of Big Brother and they want a piece of it.

That's why every citizen should stand up for his/her Fourth Amendment right and flatly refuse to give 'em the inch they want while they drool over the mile they'll get. People need to quit rolling over for this intrusive shit.
Cops to Get ‘Potalyzers’ for Roadside Marijuana Tests – High Times
Again...they soon will have a test they can administer during workday. Should not be drunk or high at work.

Yeah I'm afraid that's bullshit. Your link describes an instrument that supposedly can test for THC levels. That's an entirely different thing from testing for "impairment". That can't be quantified like blood-alcohol level, which itself will vary person to person.

From the same link:
>> Furthermore, the question of “marijuana-impaired driving” is widely misunderstood. A recent study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that high drivers are much safer than those who drive drunk. The Washington Post summarized the study thusly: “After adjusting for age, gender, race and alcohol use, drivers who tested positive for marijuana were no more likely to crash than who had not used any drugs or alcohol prior to driving.” <<​

See post 134 for what a legitimate test means as opposed to playing with a chemistry set. A roadside reflex test could identify, say, a driver who's been awake too long, a drunk, a (legal) drug reaction or anything else. Playing with chemicals is just playing with chemicals. It's meaningless..

And it's worth noting that the fascist asshole who instigated this intrusive pee test bullshit is the guy in your avatar.
Heroin is from a simple plant too.

We will not survive as a nation of stoners. Rather than fight a losing battle over drug addiction, the president should exercise leadership and prepare the nation for a worthless future.

Heroin is processed from a simple plant. The plant is the opium poppy.
Cannabis is not processed --- it IS the plant. And it has no "addiction".

Now shoot yourself in the face for being a wackball.
Everyone truly believes they can stop using pot any time they want. They just don't. They are addicts. They really cannot function. Pot addicts like all addicts surely believe they can function normally.


Why do you insist on representing yourself as an authority about every subject and issue?

I'll bet you believe other posters believe you impossible lies that you're a medical doctor, a lawyer AND a dog washer.


Sent from my iPad using
she has some great hilarious stories about how pot users are.....
It's a fight he cannot possibly win. The momentum is on the side of the voices to legalize even more. What he should do is start preparing the nation and the people for a county failing under the weight of addictions.
Legalize it. But you have to grow your own. Shut down border with Mexico and get drug lords out of business. Make sure every state has roadside test for driving under influence. Allow employers to test during workday.

I'd agree with that. I'd much rather trust my own home grown. Some employer's will drug test but leave out if positive for marijuana. For instance, my wife works at an assisted living facility owned by 2 doctor's, pharmacist and a pastor. Dont' know where the pastor got the money, but anyway they do random drug testing and have told them if marijuana shows they don't care because they understand people use it for pain, but anything else shows up they are fired. My employer don't test but if they did would have to fire most of the staff and the owner.
Cops to Get ‘Potalyzers’ for Roadside Marijuana Tests – High Times
This kind of test. Not urine or hair. If you cook out in your back yard and get stoned, that's away from work and on your time. Work must test for impared ability. It is a liability issue. Work safety.

You see though that's the problem, if I smoked it today and that was all for the next 3 weeks it will still
It's a fight he cannot possibly win. The momentum is on the side of the voices to legalize even more. What he should do is start preparing the nation and the people for a county failing under the weight of addictions.
Legalize it. But you have to grow your own. Shut down border with Mexico and get drug lords out of business. Make sure every state has roadside test for driving under influence. Allow employers to test during workday.

I'd agree with that. I'd much rather trust my own home grown. Some employer's will drug test but leave out if positive for marijuana. For instance, my wife works at an assisted living facility owned by 2 doctor's, pharmacist and a pastor. Dont' know where the pastor got the money, but anyway they do random drug testing and have told them if marijuana shows they don't care because they understand people use it for pain, but anything else shows up they are fired. My employer don't test but if they did would have to fire most of the staff and the owner.
Cops to Get ‘Potalyzers’ for Roadside Marijuana Tests – High Times
This kind of test. Not urine or hair. If you cook out in your back yard and get stoned, that's away from work and on your time. Work must test for impared ability. It is a liability issue. Work safety.

Now that's a good idea. I can truthfully say I drove one time high about 35 years ago, took a drive out in the country, someone in the car says, you know you're only going 10 mph? Anyway got lost in my home town lol. Never have driven since high or with anyone. Only smoked every once in a while during a week night and on weekends. It's been awhile since I have, probably 6 months, I just don't trust anyone to buy it from unless it's a close friend who ran out months ago after he took a long trip to CO.

Oh and I think the driving while drinking or using weed should be treated just the same.
I used to smoke lots in my younger years and operate a motor vehicle. Looking back on it now...very poor choices made in my younger days.
The dirty little secret is that any heavy marijuana user can get some seeds, grow a plant and smoke until his/her brains run out of their ears but that ain't what they want. During periods of ever decreasing lucidity they dream of getting rich by selling the stuff. Anybody think they would ask for I.D. from an underage kid? Naah, it's just another customer. What about the negative effects of heavy marijuana use? Ever listen to the hoarse voices and wheezy breathing of heavy pot users? What about 2nd hand marijuana smoke? Should the elderly residents of nursing homes be forced to smell this stuff allegedly used for medical purposes while a cigarette smoker would be kicked out?

Let me see, you can't smoke in buildings cigarettes, pipes or cigars right now, what makes you think you could smoke marijuana in buildings?
Booze can create problems if you overdo it. The main problem with pot is it makes you think you are much smarter than you are. Potheads talk jiberish and think they just changed the world. Tax dollars? Give me a break. If they take in a billion they will distribute it to various social programs and the streets will keep falling apart.
and how many people over do booze ice?...quite a few ...
Heroin is processed from a simple plant. The plant is the opium poppy.
Cannabis is not processed --- it IS the plant. And it has no "addiction".

Now shoot yourself in the face for being a wackball.
Everyone truly believes they can stop using pot any time they want. They just don't. They are addicts. They really cannot function. Pot addicts like all addicts surely believe they can function normally.


Why do you insist on representing yourself as an authority about every subject and issue?

I'll bet you believe other posters believe you impossible lies that you're a medical doctor, a lawyer AND a dog washer.


Sent from my iPad using
You made it up. Then like all democrats cling to your own lies. You're an example of how drugs affect a brain. Yours is mush. Stop lying.

Oh wait.

You're a Democrat. You can't.

If you think dems are the only party that uses marijuana daily or every once in a while you are sadly mistaken. I know judges, attorneys, doctor's and very successful executives that smoke it.
Thank you. I know some of those as well. It's a great tool for quickly achieving a relaxed state without the risks and after effects of alcohol use. I can competently operate a vehicle mildly stoned but would never drive after more than two drinks.

Driving stoned is Nature's Way of preventing road rage. You can't have one with the other.
You made it up. Then like all democrats cling to your own lies. You're an example of how drugs affect a brain. Yours is mush. Stop lying.

Oh wait.

You're a Democrat. You can't.

If you think dems are the only party that uses marijuana daily or every once in a while you are sadly mistaken. I know judges, attorneys, doctor's and very successful executives that smoke it.
Thank you. I know some of those as well. It's a great tool for quickly achieving a relaxed state without the risks and after effects of alcohol use. I can competently operate a vehicle mildly stoned but would never drive after more than two drinks.
You should never operate a vehicle under the influence of anything.

Yep, even cell phones.

Being mildly stoned is not the same as drinking. My blood pressure meds can make me drowsy but I still need to be able to drive.
Probably half the people on the road at any given time are under the influence of something.
It is the same as drinking. Your reaction time and judgement is off.

No, not really. I find pot makes me more focused. Alcohol makes everyone sloppy.
It's a fight he cannot possibly win. The momentum is on the side of the voices to legalize even more. What he should do is start preparing the nation and the people for a county failing under the weight of addictions.
Legalize it. But you have to grow your own. Shut down border with Mexico and get drug lords out of business. Make sure every state has roadside test for driving under influence. Allow employers to test during workday.
Can't do testing during the workday. Pot stays in the system up to 30 days. You smoke in the evening, it's still in your system, although no longer affecting you, the next day at work.

That's another reason pee tests are such colossal bullshit that need to be abolished yesterday. Completely aside from being a blatant disregard of the Fourth Amendment, it's bullshit reasoning. If employers were truly interested in "workplace safety", all they'd need to do would be to administer a simple reflex-timing test. It would cost next to nothing, it would produce results in literally seconds, and it would flag any worker who's under par whether it's from cannabis..... fatigue/lack of sleep...... alcohol or alcohol hangover..... distraction from their personal life......... oncoming illness even one the worker may not be aware of .... or any other reason.

IF they were actually looking for worker safety. But of course that's not what they're after --- they're after ABC --- Authoritarian Behavior Control. They see an opportunity to play the role of Big Brother and they want a piece of it.

That's why every citizen should stand up for his/her Fourth Amendment right and flatly refuse to give 'em the inch they want while they drool over the mile they'll get. People need to quit rolling over for this intrusive shit.
Cops to Get ‘Potalyzers’ for Roadside Marijuana Tests – High Times
Again...they soon will have a test they can administer during workday. Should not be drunk or high at work.

Yeah I'm afraid that's bullshit. Your link describes an instrument that supposedly can test for THC levels. That's an entirely different thing from testing for "impairment". That can't be quantified like blood-alcohol level, which itself will vary person to person.

From the same link:
>> Furthermore, the question of “marijuana-impaired driving” is widely misunderstood. A recent study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that high drivers are much safer than those who drive drunk. The Washington Post summarized the study thusly: “After adjusting for age, gender, race and alcohol use, drivers who tested positive for marijuana were no more likely to crash than who had not used any drugs or alcohol prior to driving.” <<​

See post 134 for what a legitimate test means as opposed to playing with a chemistry set. A roadside reflex test could identify, say, a driver who's been awake too long, a drunk, a (legal) drug reaction or anything else. Playing with chemicals is just playing with chemicals. It's meaningless..

And it's worth noting that the fascist asshole who instigated this intrusive pee test bullshit is the guy in your avatar.
But crash they the same numbers as alcohol users. Remember my post was from High Times magazine. Think they have a bias?
Heroin is from a simple plant too.

We will not survive as a nation of stoners. Rather than fight a losing battle over drug addiction, the president should exercise leadership and prepare the nation for a worthless future.

Heroin is processed from a simple plant. The plant is the opium poppy.
Cannabis is not processed --- it IS the plant. And it has no "addiction".

Now shoot yourself in the face for being a wackball.
Everyone truly believes they can stop using pot any time they want. They just don't. They are addicts. They really cannot function. Pot addicts like all addicts surely believe they can function normally.


Why do you insist on representing yourself as an authority about every subject and issue?

I'll bet you believe other posters believe you impossible lies that you're a medical doctor, a lawyer AND a dog washer.


Sent from my iPad using
You made it up. Then like all democrats cling to your own lies. You're an example of how drugs affect a brain. Yours is mush. Stop lying.

Oh wait.

You're a Democrat. You can't.
no he hasnt made it up....with the subject of drugs you do indeed act like you know more than anyone here.....
Pot permanently damages developing brains and can result in psychosis in adult life. This is the greatest danger of pot use. It impairs judgment so that the user thinks that giving pot to young children is harmless.

Pot might to to this country what khat has done to Yemen.
alcohol is not any better, in the same situation.

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