Doing The Right Thing: Trump Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care and you voted for Obama.

Oh do I now. Links?

Didn't think so. Got anything else to pull out of your ass, loser?
You seem tense...get out your bong and calm down. Just don't drive.

Fuck you. I asked you for a LINK. Where the fuck is it?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.

I asked you for a LINK, lying fuckwit.

That would be a link to this → "You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care"

WHERE is this link, lying fuckbag? WHERE is the quote, lying asshole? Where?

Wassamatta? Can't do it?

Yeah what a shocker. I know exactly what I've posted and not posted and when you're completely pulling out of your ass. Fucking lying COWARD.

Now your just blowing steam Libertarian Anti-Trump boy. I would smack you in your face if you were here. Hard to tell where your at on spectrum when you support that fucking freak Johnson.
You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care and you voted for Obama.

Oh do I now. Links?

Didn't think so. Got anything else to pull out of your ass, loser?
You seem tense...get out your bong and calm down. Just don't drive.

Fuck you. I asked you for a LINK. Where the fuck is it?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.

I asked you for a LINK, lying fuckwit.

That would be a link to this → "You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care"

WHERE is this link, lying fuckbag? WHERE is the quote, lying asshole? Where?

Wassamatta? Can't do it?

Yeah what a shocker. I know exactly what I've posted and not posted and when you're completely pulling out of your ass. Fucking lying COWARD.

Stop snorting meth now! Tomorrow is a work day.
Oh do I now. Links?

Didn't think so. Got anything else to pull out of your ass, loser?
You seem tense...get out your bong and calm down. Just don't drive.

Fuck you. I asked you for a LINK. Where the fuck is it?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.

I asked you for a LINK, lying fuckwit.

That would be a link to this → "You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care"

WHERE is this link, lying fuckbag? WHERE is the quote, lying asshole? Where?

Wassamatta? Can't do it?

Yeah what a shocker. I know exactly what I've posted and not posted and when you're completely pulling out of your ass. Fucking lying COWARD.

Now your just blowing steam Libertarian Anti-Trump boy. I would smack you in your face if you were here. Hard to tell where your at on spectrum when you support that fucking freak Johnson.

You forgot your link AGAIN, lying fuckhole.

You must be smoking weed. Short term memory obliterated.

Fucking COWARD.
You seem tense...get out your bong and calm down. Just don't drive.

Fuck you. I asked you for a LINK. Where the fuck is it?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.

I asked you for a LINK, lying fuckwit.

That would be a link to this → "You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care"

WHERE is this link, lying fuckbag? WHERE is the quote, lying asshole? Where?

Wassamatta? Can't do it?

Yeah what a shocker. I know exactly what I've posted and not posted and when you're completely pulling out of your ass. Fucking lying COWARD.

Now your just blowing steam Libertarian Anti-Trump boy. I would smack you in your face if you were here. Hard to tell where your at on spectrum when you support that fucking freak Johnson.

You forgot your link AGAIN, lying fuckhole.

You must be smoking weed. Short term memory obliterated.

Fucking COWARD.

I am a combat vet. You call me a coward because I confused your Libertarian babble with support for Obama. Gary Johnson's views were close to Obama's, hence my confusion.
You made it up. Then like all democrats cling to your own lies. You're an example of how drugs affect a brain. Yours is mush. Stop lying.

Oh wait.

You're a Democrat. You can't.

If you think dems are the only party that uses marijuana daily or every once in a while you are sadly mistaken. I know judges, attorneys, doctor's and very successful executives that smoke it.
Thank you. I know some of those as well. It's a great tool for quickly achieving a relaxed state without the risks and after effects of alcohol use. I can competently operate a vehicle mildly stoned but would never drive after more than two drinks.
You should never operate a vehicle under the influence of anything.

Yep, even cell phones.

Being mildly stoned is not the same as drinking. My blood pressure meds can make me drowsy but I still need to be able to drive.
Probably half the people on the road at any given time are under the influence of something.
It is the same as drinking. Your reaction time and judgement is off.

Again Wimpy ---- LINK?
If you think dems are the only party that uses marijuana daily or every once in a while you are sadly mistaken. I know judges, attorneys, doctor's and very successful executives that smoke it.
Thank you. I know some of those as well. It's a great tool for quickly achieving a relaxed state without the risks and after effects of alcohol use. I can competently operate a vehicle mildly stoned but would never drive after more than two drinks.
You should never operate a vehicle under the influence of anything.

Yep, even cell phones.

Being mildly stoned is not the same as drinking. My blood pressure meds can make me drowsy but I still need to be able to drive.
Probably half the people on the road at any given time are under the influence of something.
It is the same as drinking. Your reaction time and judgement is off.

Again Wimpy ---- LINK?
Libertarianism: The absence of thought « Politics « William K. Wolfrum Chronicles – Comments Page 1
Pogo, Pogo.
Fuck you. I asked you for a LINK. Where the fuck is it?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.

I asked you for a LINK, lying fuckwit.

That would be a link to this → "You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care"

WHERE is this link, lying fuckbag? WHERE is the quote, lying asshole? Where?

Wassamatta? Can't do it?

Yeah what a shocker. I know exactly what I've posted and not posted and when you're completely pulling out of your ass. Fucking lying COWARD.

Now your just blowing steam Libertarian Anti-Trump boy. I would smack you in your face if you were here. Hard to tell where your at on spectrum when you support that fucking freak Johnson.

You forgot your link AGAIN, lying fuckhole.

You must be smoking weed. Short term memory obliterated.

Fucking COWARD.

I am a combat vet. You call me a coward because I confused your Libertarian babble with support for Obama. Gary Johnson's views were close to Obama's, hence my confusion.

I call you a fucking COWARD because you come in flinging bullshit you just pulled out of your ass with no basis, and then when you're called on it you run away like the fucking COWARD you are. Completely unable to man up to the bullshit you're responsible for. Fuck you and everybody who wimps out like you out of a complete INABILITY to grow a pair.
Thank you. I know some of those as well. It's a great tool for quickly achieving a relaxed state without the risks and after effects of alcohol use. I can competently operate a vehicle mildly stoned but would never drive after more than two drinks.
You should never operate a vehicle under the influence of anything.

Yep, even cell phones.

Being mildly stoned is not the same as drinking. My blood pressure meds can make me drowsy but I still need to be able to drive.
Probably half the people on the road at any given time are under the influence of something.
It is the same as drinking. Your reaction time and judgement is off.

Again Wimpy ---- LINK?
Libertarianism: The absence of thought « Politics « William K. Wolfrum Chronicles – Comments Page 1
Pogo, Pogo.

What in the flying fuck does this have to do with reaction time and judgment?

Are you fucking retarded?
Legalizing marijuana would be the worst thing to happen to our race at this point and time... The MSM is promoting marijuana legalization exactly for that reason: Lots of ambivalent, tuned-out, zoned-out Whites, and another vice industry the jews would surely eventually control and reap huge profits from to fund their anti-White agenda.

Trump Spurns Congress as He Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

But alcohol is legal, and it also turns people into zombies.

Yep, Americans can legally enjoy a few glasses of wine with their Vicodin without repercussions but pot is the problem.

Why is pot a problem?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.

I asked you for a LINK, lying fuckwit.

That would be a link to this → "You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care"

WHERE is this link, lying fuckbag? WHERE is the quote, lying asshole? Where?

Wassamatta? Can't do it?

Yeah what a shocker. I know exactly what I've posted and not posted and when you're completely pulling out of your ass. Fucking lying COWARD.

Now your just blowing steam Libertarian Anti-Trump boy. I would smack you in your face if you were here. Hard to tell where your at on spectrum when you support that fucking freak Johnson.

You forgot your link AGAIN, lying fuckhole.

You must be smoking weed. Short term memory obliterated.

Fucking COWARD.

I am a combat vet. You call me a coward because I confused your Libertarian babble with support for Obama. Gary Johnson's views were close to Obama's, hence my confusion.

I call you a fucking COWARD because you come in flinging bullshit you just pulled out of your ass with no basis, and then when you're called on it you run away like the fucking COWARD you are. Completely unable to man up to the bullshit you're responsible for. Fuck you and everybody who wimps out like you out of a complete INABILITY to grow a pair.

Call me a coward over the Internet on a message board. That makes you the biggest pussy ever. I am an infantry combat veteran. are the coward.
You should never operate a vehicle under the influence of anything.

Yep, even cell phones.

Being mildly stoned is not the same as drinking. My blood pressure meds can make me drowsy but I still need to be able to drive.
Probably half the people on the road at any given time are under the influence of something.
It is the same as drinking. Your reaction time and judgement is off.

Again Wimpy ---- LINK?
Libertarianism: The absence of thought « Politics « William K. Wolfrum Chronicles – Comments Page 1
Pogo, Pogo.

What in the flying fuck does this have to do with reaction time and judgment?

Are you fucking retarded?
I posted about a device from Stanford University that will allow real time testing for determining if people are high on pot. You go on a lunatic rant about "reaction time." You have issues.
Legalizing marijuana would be the worst thing to happen to our race at this point and time... The MSM is promoting marijuana legalization exactly for that reason: Lots of ambivalent, tuned-out, zoned-out Whites, and another vice industry the jews would surely eventually control and reap huge profits from to fund their anti-White agenda.

Trump Spurns Congress as He Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

But alcohol is legal, and it also turns people into zombies.

Yep, Americans can legally enjoy a few glasses of wine with their Vicodin without repercussions but pot is the problem.

Why is pot a problem?

It's not. Mixing pills and wine is worse but legal.
Booze can create problems if you overdo it. The main problem with pot is it makes you think you are much smarter than you are. Potheads talk jiberish and think they just changed the world. Tax dollars? Give me a break. If they take in a billion they will distribute it to various social programs and the streets will keep falling apart.
and how many people over do booze ice?...quite a few ...
Yep, but it doesn't alter their world view unless they are hard core alkies. Pot changes you.
i dont agree with you....i knew quite a few daily beer drinkers who got more violent over the years....and pot changed me in a good made me more relaxed and able to look at problems calmly...
Sure, beer makes you turn violent over time. I rest my case!
and pot changes you over time too....i rest my case...
You sure did. Your post made no sense.
and how many people over do booze ice?...quite a few ...
Yep, but it doesn't alter their world view unless they are hard core alkies. Pot changes you.
i dont agree with you....i knew quite a few daily beer drinkers who got more violent over the years....and pot changed me in a good made me more relaxed and able to look at problems calmly...
Sure, beer makes you turn violent over time. I rest my case!
and pot changes you over time too....i rest my case...
You sure did. Your post made no sense.
and i suppose you will tell me yours did?....
Yep, but it doesn't alter their world view unless they are hard core alkies. Pot changes you.
i dont agree with you....i knew quite a few daily beer drinkers who got more violent over the years....and pot changed me in a good made me more relaxed and able to look at problems calmly...
Sure, beer makes you turn violent over time. I rest my case!
and pot changes you over time too....i rest my case...
You sure did. Your post made no sense.
and i suppose you will tell me yours did?....
Yes, it was satire in response to the silly post. Step away from the bong.
i dont agree with you....i knew quite a few daily beer drinkers who got more violent over the years....and pot changed me in a good made me more relaxed and able to look at problems calmly...
Sure, beer makes you turn violent over time. I rest my case!
and pot changes you over time too....i rest my case...
You sure did. Your post made no sense.
and i suppose you will tell me yours did?....
Yes, it was satire in response to the silly post. Step away from the bong.
so was mine in response to your silly post....put the beer down..........

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