Doing The Right Thing: Trump Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

Only retarded and insane folkls who believe the failed anti-Whtie messiah of anti-White jews hates pot is a concern is troubling. Beer is fucking awesome. Pot is fucking awesome. Get over it you Yahweh and his son who is himself, loving retards.
The Big pharma used it's money to stop pot from becoming legal in the drug company is selling their poison via legal in the drug markets...
And we think that America is so free...$$$ is running our country.

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I can see what happens down the road: FDA approves synthetic pot pill, people die, Trump and Sessions says, See we told you it was not good for you.
We are going back to the dark ages with this corrupt cabinet.. so screwed

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
It's the War baby boomers...
Pot permanently damages developing brains and can result in psychosis in adult life. This is the greatest danger of pot use. It impairs judgment so that the user thinks that giving pot to young children is harmless.

Pot might to to this country what khat has done to Yemen.
That's why I am in favor of people growing it for personal use in back yard. But don't drive while high, or go to work high. Hell I make my own brew, I just don't drink and drive or go to work smashed.
thats right....if you want to smoke it than like alcohol,you take the responsibility that comes with it,which should include harsh penalties for driving and any damage you cause because of it.........

She is dead wrong, I have seen enough alcoholics in my lifetime and it damages their brain cells, my father never came back to realty.
I have yet not figured out how to get psychosis after 38 years of smoking weed...
It's upside down insanity. At a time when cigarette smokers risk arrest for smoking in a public park there is a movement sanctioned by some politicians (mostly democrats) to legalize marijuana. The government has been campaigning against cigarette smoking and so-called 2nd hand smoke for decades and yet they want to legalize the noxious smoke from marijuana cigarettes. No parent in their right mind (including stoned out pot heads) would want their child to start using an entry level drug but yet they want to legalize the stuff. Not every pot smoker becomes a heroin user but every heroin user was a pot smoker. Ever see the movies with Cheech and Chong? The stoned out pot head characters aren't exaggerated that much.
yea but they are exaggerated,a lot....
Yeah, non-smokers always seem to think that regular smokers never act normal..
If you think dems are the only party that uses marijuana daily or every once in a while you are sadly mistaken. I know judges, attorneys, doctor's and very successful executives that smoke it.
Thank you. I know some of those as well. It's a great tool for quickly achieving a relaxed state without the risks and after effects of alcohol use. I can competently operate a vehicle mildly stoned but would never drive after more than two drinks.

Driving stoned is Nature's Way of preventing road rage. You can't have one with the other.
If that's your opinion then why not shoot a big dose of herion. Hell you would be really calm.

Because (a) heroin is addictive, and (b) I don't inject myself with anything.
You inject yourself with motor skill inhibitors via pot smoke? Pot is addictive. Just like any other drug including alcohol.
mentally it could be,physically no....
Only retarded and insane folkls who believe the failed anti-Whtie messiah of anti-White jews hates pot is a concern is troubling. Beer is fucking awesome. Pot is fucking awesome. Get over it you Yahweh and his son who is himself, loving retards.

lol, what??? Were you high or drunk when you wrote that?
Booze can create problems if you overdo it. The main problem with pot is it makes you think you are much smarter than you are. Potheads talk jiberish and think they just changed the world. Tax dollars? Give me a break. If they take in a billion they will distribute it to various social programs and the streets will keep falling apart.
and how many people over do booze ice?...quite a few ...
Yep, but it doesn't alter their world view unless they are hard core alkies. Pot changes you.
i dont agree with you....i knew quite a few daily beer drinkers who got more violent over the years....and pot changed me in a good made me more relaxed and able to look at problems calmly...
Pot permanently damages developing brains and can result in psychosis in adult life. This is the greatest danger of pot use. It impairs judgment so that the user thinks that giving pot to young children is harmless.

Pot might to to this country what khat has done to Yemen.
That's why I am in favor of people growing it for personal use in back yard. But don't drive while high, or go to work high. Hell I make my own brew, I just don't drink and drive or go to work smashed.
thats right....if you want to smoke it than like alcohol,you take the responsibility that comes with it,which should include harsh penalties for driving and any damage you cause because of it.........

She is dead wrong, I have seen enough alcoholics in my lifetime and it damages their brain cells, my father never came back to realty.
I have yet not figured out how to get psychosis after 38 years of smoking weed...

I bet you work everyday or are either retired to.

Like I said in another post about the as needed valium I take for vertigo and about 10 years ago took xanax as need for heart arythmia, the day after each one of these benzo's made me angry at the world and I would quite often fly off the handle and think bad things bigley. You could just not cross me on one of those days. I don't like taking valium for vertigo but my ENT says it puts you on an even keep and it does, but I will go weeks now without an episode. My last prescription 60 pills I just finished this past week, I had it close to a year and a half. I have a new prescription of 60 I hope will last that long.
Cops to Get ‘Potalyzers’ for Roadside Marijuana Tests – High Times
Again...they soon will have a test they can administer during workday. Should not be drunk or high at work.

Yeah I'm afraid that's bullshit. Your link describes an instrument that supposedly can test for THC levels. That's an entirely different thing from testing for "impairment". That can't be quantified like blood-alcohol level, which itself will vary person to person.

From the same link:
>> Furthermore, the question of “marijuana-impaired driving” is widely misunderstood. A recent study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that high drivers are much safer than those who drive drunk. The Washington Post summarized the study thusly: “After adjusting for age, gender, race and alcohol use, drivers who tested positive for marijuana were no more likely to crash than who had not used any drugs or alcohol prior to driving.” <<​

See post 134 for what a legitimate test means as opposed to playing with a chemistry set. A roadside reflex test could identify, say, a driver who's been awake too long, a drunk, a (legal) drug reaction or anything else. Playing with chemicals is just playing with chemicals. It's meaningless..

And it's worth noting that the fascist asshole who instigated this intrusive pee test bullshit is the guy in your avatar.
You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care and you voted for Obama.

Oh do I now. Links?

Didn't think so. Got anything else to pull out of your ass, loser?
You seem tense...get out your bong and calm down. Just don't drive.

Fuck you. I asked you for a LINK. Where the fuck is it?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.
Pot permanently damages developing brains and can result in psychosis in adult life. This is the greatest danger of pot use. It impairs judgment so that the user thinks that giving pot to young children is harmless.

Pot might to to this country what khat has done to Yemen.
That's why I am in favor of people growing it for personal use in back yard. But don't drive while high, or go to work high. Hell I make my own brew, I just don't drink and drive or go to work smashed.
thats right....if you want to smoke it than like alcohol,you take the responsibility that comes with it,which should include harsh penalties for driving and any damage you cause because of it.........

She is dead wrong, I have seen enough alcoholics in my lifetime and it damages their brain cells, my father never came back to realty.
I have yet not figured out how to get psychosis after 38 years of smoking weed...

I bet you work everyday or are either retired to.

Like I said in another post about the as needed valium I take for vertigo and about 10 years ago took xanax as need for heart arythmia, the day after each one of these benzo's made me angry at the world and I would quite often fly off the handle and think bad things bigley. You could just not cross me on one of those days. I don't like taking valium for vertigo but my ENT says it puts you on an even keep and it does, but I will go weeks now without an episode. My last prescription 60 pills I just finished this past week, I had it close to a year and a half. I have a new prescription of 60 I hope will last that long.
My youngest son has vertigo also...And valium is what they prescribed? Sounds odd, but I guess it's for relief of stress..They always seemed to make me a real bitch when I took them in the later 1970's...My docs had me on 14 different meds at one time.. I hate to take pills..So I don't take them...
Yeah I'm afraid that's bullshit. Your link describes an instrument that supposedly can test for THC levels. That's an entirely different thing from testing for "impairment". That can't be quantified like blood-alcohol level, which itself will vary person to person.

From the same link:
>> Furthermore, the question of “marijuana-impaired driving” is widely misunderstood. A recent study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that high drivers are much safer than those who drive drunk. The Washington Post summarized the study thusly: “After adjusting for age, gender, race and alcohol use, drivers who tested positive for marijuana were no more likely to crash than who had not used any drugs or alcohol prior to driving.” <<​

See post 134 for what a legitimate test means as opposed to playing with a chemistry set. A roadside reflex test could identify, say, a driver who's been awake too long, a drunk, a (legal) drug reaction or anything else. Playing with chemicals is just playing with chemicals. It's meaningless..

And it's worth noting that the fascist asshole who instigated this intrusive pee test bullshit is the guy in your avatar.
You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care and you voted for Obama.

Oh do I now. Links?

Didn't think so. Got anything else to pull out of your ass, loser?
You seem tense...get out your bong and calm down. Just don't drive.

Fuck you. I asked you for a LINK. Where the fuck is it?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.

What is Trump's excuse?
I stopped around age 42, someone I work with gave me one on my 50th birthday and didn't smoke again until 2 years ago and now only on and off and haven't had any in a few months. I have some client's that if for the life of me could remember their names I could get it from and trust. I just hope they show up at office soon to ask me about their plans. They are 69 and 70, in a motorcycle club with mostly retired vets from Vice Admiral down to E-6's and they all grow their own and smoke it. Try to tell a retired vet they can't smoke it? I'm a vet just not a retired one.
My Mom get's it from her plumber, hmm, does that sound right?
Is she letting him work her pipes as payment?
Depends if he brings the mallets..
I was thinking he uses his monkey wrench.
The way they are plumbing houses now, you don't need one...
Tantric plumbing?
You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care and you voted for Obama.

Oh do I now. Links?

Didn't think so. Got anything else to pull out of your ass, loser?
You seem tense...get out your bong and calm down. Just don't drive.

Fuck you. I asked you for a LINK. Where the fuck is it?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.

What is Trump's excuse?

excuse for what? Being a great President?
Yeah I'm afraid that's bullshit. Your link describes an instrument that supposedly can test for THC levels. That's an entirely different thing from testing for "impairment". That can't be quantified like blood-alcohol level, which itself will vary person to person.

From the same link:
>> Furthermore, the question of “marijuana-impaired driving” is widely misunderstood. A recent study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that high drivers are much safer than those who drive drunk. The Washington Post summarized the study thusly: “After adjusting for age, gender, race and alcohol use, drivers who tested positive for marijuana were no more likely to crash than who had not used any drugs or alcohol prior to driving.” <<​

See post 134 for what a legitimate test means as opposed to playing with a chemistry set. A roadside reflex test could identify, say, a driver who's been awake too long, a drunk, a (legal) drug reaction or anything else. Playing with chemicals is just playing with chemicals. It's meaningless..

And it's worth noting that the fascist asshole who instigated this intrusive pee test bullshit is the guy in your avatar.
You scream about intrusive big government...but you want government to control health care and you voted for Obama.

Oh do I now. Links?

Didn't think so. Got anything else to pull out of your ass, loser?
You seem tense...get out your bong and calm down. Just don't drive.

Fuck you. I asked you for a LINK. Where the fuck is it?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.

He's not dumb because he smokes pot, he's just naturally a dumbass. It really is fucking terrifying that so many morons voted for that guy. Every single one of them is an asshole.
Oh do I now. Links?

Didn't think so. Got anything else to pull out of your ass, loser?
You seem tense...get out your bong and calm down. Just don't drive.

Fuck you. I asked you for a LINK. Where the fuck is it?
I supported this guy. Johnson is classic example of how constant pot use ravages the brain.

What is Trump's excuse?

excuse for what? Being a great President?

He is great at rambling...Letting us know what the marbles are saying...
That's why I am in favor of people growing it for personal use in back yard. But don't drive while high, or go to work high. Hell I make my own brew, I just don't drink and drive or go to work smashed.
thats right....if you want to smoke it than like alcohol,you take the responsibility that comes with it,which should include harsh penalties for driving and any damage you cause because of it.........

She is dead wrong, I have seen enough alcoholics in my lifetime and it damages their brain cells, my father never came back to realty.
I have yet not figured out how to get psychosis after 38 years of smoking weed...

I bet you work everyday or are either retired to.

Like I said in another post about the as needed valium I take for vertigo and about 10 years ago took xanax as need for heart arythmia, the day after each one of these benzo's made me angry at the world and I would quite often fly off the handle and think bad things bigley. You could just not cross me on one of those days. I don't like taking valium for vertigo but my ENT says it puts you on an even keep and it does, but I will go weeks now without an episode. My last prescription 60 pills I just finished this past week, I had it close to a year and a half. I have a new prescription of 60 I hope will last that long.
My youngest son has vertigo also...And valium is what they prescribed? Sounds odd, but I guess it's for relief of stress..They always seemed to make me a real bitch when I took them in the later 1970's...My docs had me on 14 different meds at one time.. I hate to take pills..So I don't take them...
What were being doped up for? Paranoid schizophrenia?
thats right....if you want to smoke it than like alcohol,you take the responsibility that comes with it,which should include harsh penalties for driving and any damage you cause because of it.........

She is dead wrong, I have seen enough alcoholics in my lifetime and it damages their brain cells, my father never came back to realty.
I have yet not figured out how to get psychosis after 38 years of smoking weed...

I bet you work everyday or are either retired to.

Like I said in another post about the as needed valium I take for vertigo and about 10 years ago took xanax as need for heart arythmia, the day after each one of these benzo's made me angry at the world and I would quite often fly off the handle and think bad things bigley. You could just not cross me on one of those days. I don't like taking valium for vertigo but my ENT says it puts you on an even keep and it does, but I will go weeks now without an episode. My last prescription 60 pills I just finished this past week, I had it close to a year and a half. I have a new prescription of 60 I hope will last that long.
My youngest son has vertigo also...And valium is what they prescribed? Sounds odd, but I guess it's for relief of stress..They always seemed to make me a real bitch when I took them in the later 1970's...My docs had me on 14 different meds at one time.. I hate to take pills..So I don't take them...
What were being doped up for? Paranoid schizophrenia?
Just a little experiment for psychology class at college....Just like the fellows back to Freud had done...They were still teaching Freud when I was a psych major in college in the 1970's...
She is dead wrong, I have seen enough alcoholics in my lifetime and it damages their brain cells, my father never came back to realty.
I have yet not figured out how to get psychosis after 38 years of smoking weed...

I bet you work everyday or are either retired to.

Like I said in another post about the as needed valium I take for vertigo and about 10 years ago took xanax as need for heart arythmia, the day after each one of these benzo's made me angry at the world and I would quite often fly off the handle and think bad things bigley. You could just not cross me on one of those days. I don't like taking valium for vertigo but my ENT says it puts you on an even keep and it does, but I will go weeks now without an episode. My last prescription 60 pills I just finished this past week, I had it close to a year and a half. I have a new prescription of 60 I hope will last that long.
My youngest son has vertigo also...And valium is what they prescribed? Sounds odd, but I guess it's for relief of stress..They always seemed to make me a real bitch when I took them in the later 1970's...My docs had me on 14 different meds at one time.. I hate to take pills..So I don't take them...
What were being doped up for? Paranoid schizophrenia?
Just a little experiment for psychology class at college....Just like the fellows back to Freud had done...They were still teaching Freud when I was a psych major in college in the 1970's...
So the LSD is what screwed you up.

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