DOJ Indictment of Trump will give him the chance to expose the 2020 election fraud

MAGA Traitors are dumb as fuck.
This thread is proof.

Republicans are literally stupid and totally brainwashed.
Hmmm. 60+ court case losses. Multiple audits and recounts that came out in his opponents favor. Literally dozens of conspiracy theories that haven't produced one lick of evidence to suggest otherwise.
And you think this is going to give Trump's crack legal team the chance to prove he was robbed? If Trump has a sword, there is a better than average chance he's going to impale himself with it. No judge
is going to entertain conspiracy theories as a defense.

You kind of miss the point.
The prosecution now has to PROVE there was no possibility of voter fraud, which is pretty much impossible to do. There not only always is some voter fraud, but voting computers are ridiculously easy to hack.

There actually were not a lot of audits and recounts, because that times out right away.
The courts did not rule against Trumps fraud claims as much as they simply timed out.
Trump knew he'd lost when he set out to overturn the election.

Let the people see what a lying gasbag he is. Let them see his intentions.

I do not think there was significant voter fraud, but I do believer the 2 impeachments were totally illegal lies, and that they ruined his entire presidency.
I do not blame him for being upset and angry.
Its Biden who committed illegal extortion of the Ukraine, not Trump.

And I have been to demonstrations in DC over civil rights, the war in Vietnam, the draft, the invasion of Cambodia, etc., and it was good to see congress occupied.
It should happen at least once a year.
Congress is the worst crooks, even more so than Trump.
MAGA Traitors are dumb as fuck.
This thread is proof.

Republicans are literally stupid and totally brainwashed.

Maybe, but that does not excuse Jack Smith for these fraudulent charges.
The law is very clear, that presidents can give anyone, including themselves, all the copies of any classified docs they want, in perpetuity.
I do not think there was significant voter fraud, but I do believer the 2 impeachments were totally illegal lies, and that they ruined his entire presidency.
I do not blame him for being upset and angry.
Its Biden who committed illegal extortion of the Ukraine, not Trump.

And I have been to demonstrations in DC over civil rights, the war in Vietnam, the draft, the invasion of Cambodia, etc., and it was good to see congress occupied.
It should happen at least once a year.
Congress is the worst crooks, even more so than Trump.
The impeachments were legit. Trump did himself in.
Maybe, but that does not excuse Jack Smith for these fraudulent charges.
The law is very clear, that presidents can give anyone, including themselves, all the copies of any classified docs they want, in perpetuity.
The charges aren't fraudulent. Trump is not president and when you are no longer president you don't have presidential authority.
He's not on trial for his beliefs.

For instance, I firmly believe an appliance company ripped me off for $150.00. I even wrote some nasty Yelp reviews. (Essentially, I gave them all the information they needed, and they still charged me $150 bucks to pop over and tell me "Yup, it's broke". )

That does not mean I can go into their store with a crowbar and start threatening people with violence if I don't get my $150.00 back. Because, sadly, the law is on their side.
Correct and completely irrelevant. Trump did nothing remotely similar nor analogous to what you described.
See how that works? When Trump started conspiring to block the legal certification of the election, he went beyond belief and into illegal actions. - Pressuring Pence to manipulate the vote, creating slates of fake electors, riling up an angry mob to storm the Capitol.
You can hate what Trump did as much as you please, but you would have more credibility if you didn't claim to hate him for things that he did not do. Trump didn't do any of those things, either.

Let's talk about what he actually did: He brought court cases about election irregularities. He asked the VP to reject electoral votes from those states that had election irregularities in the VP's role as official vote counter in presidential elections. He gathered a large crowd at a rally and asked them to go to the Capitol to peacefully protest.

None of that is a crime. Criminalizing that behavior is an attack on democracy.
You kind of miss the point.
The prosecution now has to PROVE there was no possibility of voter fraud, which is pretty much impossible to do. There not only always is some voter fraud, but voting computers are ridiculously easy to hack.

There actually were not a lot of audits and recounts, because that times out right away.
The courts did not rule against Trumps fraud claims as much as they simply timed out.
I haven't missed any points. The majority of 50 cases were decided on evidence alone. There was no evidence of any widespread fraud, voting machine hacks, or tampering. It just didn't happen.
The right wing took one 6K vote human error mistake in Michigan in the early hours of the day after the election and turned it into a national conspiracy...just like I thought they would.

The only thing the prosecution has to prove is that Trump's ACTIONS ran contrary to the law. It matters not a lick what the thought or believed, or what was "possible".
Be careful what you wish for, Commie Dems!

Part of the charge is that Trump was lying when he said the election was stolen - as if Dems are mind-readers - so as part of his defense, he will show that he believed it was (as 30% of voters still do) and present why.

For the first time, he can call up Zuckerberg to testify how he paid 250,000 activists to go door to door in Dem areas of swing states to harvest ballots from the uninformed. He can call up Republican observers who were blocked from observing. He can call up the state legislatures in affected states to show how election rules were changed illegally immediately before the election to advantage Biden. He can call up statisticians to testify that it is impossible to have a late-night drop of 1,000 ballots with 99% going for Biden. And on and on and on.

IOW, this will be Trump’s opportunity to give evidence that Courts refused to hear. So be careful, Jack Smith, you just handed Trump the sword.

Maybe, but that does not excuse Jack Smith for these fraudulent charges.
The law is very clear, that presidents can give anyone, including themselves, all the copies of any classified docs they want, in perpetuity.
Total lie, and if you think that then good luck watching Trump go down.

You people are such a joke, you need to make up lies to try and excuse Trump many crimes. These 2 Trump trials are going to be devastating for you when you realize there was no election fraud, and Trump has comitted serious crimes.
Maybe, but that does not excuse Jack Smith for these fraudulent charges.
The law is very clear, that presidents can give anyone, including themselves, all the copies of any classified docs they want, in perpetuity.

There actually were not a lot of audits and recounts, because that times out right away.
The courts did not rule against Trumps fraud claims as much as they simply timed out.
This is an important point.

Most of the cases in which "Trump lost" were cases in which the judge or judges found a way to punt the case without ruling on the legitimacy of the voting and vote-counting in question. Judges can be just as ambitious as any other politician, and the 2020 election was a hot potato that few wanted to be stuck with. The only exception would be a Democratic judge eager to decide a case and use dramatic verbiage in the ruling to appeal to voters or future appointers/confirmers.

A nearly 70% majority of Republicans do not believe that Joe Biden legitmately got enough votes to win the election in 2020, according to a poll reported by CNN.

As you will see, nearly half of independents disagree with the proposition that Joe Biden legitimately got enough votes to win. Another question asked whether elections in America reflect the will of the people, and less that half strongly agreed or somewhat agreed.

Those results in spite of the constant media repitition of the Big Lie that questioning the election is just a Big Lie by Trump. Those numbers will grow once Team Trump starts presenting its evidence of lack of legitimacy. It is Jack Smith who is giving Trump that opportunity.

The only thing the prosecution has to prove is that Trump's ACTIONS ran contrary to the law. It matters not a lick what the thought or believed, or what was "possible".
That's exactly right, but not for the reason that you think. Whether Trump was thinking 'these bastards stole this election from me and my supporters,' or 'Heh-heh! I'll convince my sheep-like supporters that these bastards stole the election from them,' makes no difference because it could never be proven either way.

So what ACTION of Trump's will they ever be able to prove ran contrary to the law, given that they have no way to show Trump's motivation? It is not a crime to petition to a court for redress of grievance. It's not a crime say words like, "we have to fight," at a political rally. It is not a crime to say, "we should have our own slate of electors from states where cheating was widespread, in case the courts throw out the fraudulent ones, or the VP refuses to count them."

None of those things are crimes, even if it could somehow be subjectively proved that Trump was wrong about all of them (it can't). The first amendment has no caveat that speech has to be "right" to be protected. Last thing the founders would have supported was a system in which government is the arbitor of the truth, and only government-approved "truth" could be spoken or printed.

So, JackOfNoTrades: which ACTIONS of Trump's ran contrary to which laws? Please be specific and use known Trump behavior and cite the laws, not mere accusations.
Five months AFTER Trump was inaugurated. She conceded the election the next morning, went hiking and didn't file ONE request for an audit or recount (you can thank Jill Stein for that). Obama gives Trump an invitation to the White House THREE days after he's declared the winner. And gives him a nice, smooth transition. Trump did NONE of that for Biden.

It's high time you people let Hillary go. She isn't going to be your whipping post this time around. Trump has a record (soon to have a legal one as well. :)) and he'll have to run on it...alone.
Are you kidding? Hitlery is the bwitch driving all this crap.

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