DOJ Investigating Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military in Pennsylvania — All of Them Were For Trump!

DOJ Investigating Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military in Pennsylvania

All of Them Were For Trump!

24 Sep 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
The Justice Department announced Thursday the DOJ and FBI are investigating discarded mail-in votes in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. A statement issued by U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania David Freed states that nine mail-in military ballots were discovered discarded and that all nine were for President Trump.
On Tuesday three trays of mail that included absentee ballots were found in a ditch in Greenville, Wisconsin.
Statement Of U.S. Attorney Freed On Inquiry Into Reports Of Potential Issues With Mail-In Ballots
HARRISBURG – On Monday, September 21, 2020, at the request of Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis, the Office of the United States Attorney along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scranton Resident Office, began an inquiry into reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections.​
Since Monday, FBI personnel working together with the Pennsylvania State Police have conducted numerous interviews and recovered and reviewed certain physical evidence. Election officials in Luzerne County have been cooperative. At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.​
Our inquiry remains ongoing and we expect later today to share our up to date findings with officials in Luzerne County. It is the vital duty of government to ensure that every properly cast vote is counted.​

Luzerne County is located in northeast Pennsylvania. Voter registration favored Democrats over Republicans by nearly thirty thousand in 2019 according to Wikipedia which touts Luzerne as a bellwether for the state in presidential elections. The city council is about evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans with a Democrat serving as council chair. The town of Wilkes-Barre is the county seat.
The county board of elections currently has three Democrats and two Republicans, with a Democrat serving as chair. Four members are appointed by the city council. Those four members then select the chair.
Trump won Luzerne in 2016 with 58 percent, carrying the state by a slim margin. Barack Obama won there in 2008 and 2012 while winning the state.

Hmmm...., I can remember several previous elections when Democrats have gone to court to get military ballots thrown out on various pretexts.
Whether you live in PA or any other State, don’t mail in ballots, go to the polls to cast your vote.
I’ve already offered many veteran friends and seniors in my sub-division to transport them to the polls.
Don’t let them steal our state they tried the same BS in 2016. This is precisely why the state wasn’t called till the wee hours of the morning.
I've already recieved my absentee ballot and will not use it, neither can anyone else.
IMO, I think we know how desperate the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are due to their NPC mind state and terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome. Wouldn't surprise me at all if some "peaceful protesters" including postal employees, committed a litany of felonies to make sure ballots never made it to be counted. Until we make harsh examples of these people they will continue to break the law with zero regard.

I heard that it started with 6, then to 8 and then to 9, soon it will be hundreds.
and by then your brain will be gone forever. youre as evil as the demoncrats want you to be
It was probably republicans who threw their ballots away making sure they mentioned tramp,
DOJ Investigating Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military in Pennsylvania

All of Them Were For Trump!

24 Sep 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
The Justice Department announced Thursday the DOJ and FBI are investigating discarded mail-in votes in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. A statement issued by U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania David Freed states that nine mail-in military ballots were discovered discarded and that all nine were for President Trump.
On Tuesday three trays of mail that included absentee ballots were found in a ditch in Greenville, Wisconsin.
Statement Of U.S. Attorney Freed On Inquiry Into Reports Of Potential Issues With Mail-In Ballots
HARRISBURG – On Monday, September 21, 2020, at the request of Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis, the Office of the United States Attorney along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scranton Resident Office, began an inquiry into reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections.​
Since Monday, FBI personnel working together with the Pennsylvania State Police have conducted numerous interviews and recovered and reviewed certain physical evidence. Election officials in Luzerne County have been cooperative. At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.​
Our inquiry remains ongoing and we expect later today to share our up to date findings with officials in Luzerne County. It is the vital duty of government to ensure that every properly cast vote is counted.​

Luzerne County is located in northeast Pennsylvania. Voter registration favored Democrats over Republicans by nearly thirty thousand in 2019 according to Wikipedia which touts Luzerne as a bellwether for the state in presidential elections. The city council is about evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans with a Democrat serving as council chair. The town of Wilkes-Barre is the county seat.
The county board of elections currently has three Democrats and two Republicans, with a Democrat serving as chair. Four members are appointed by the city council. Those four members then select the chair.
Trump won Luzerne in 2016 with 58 percent, carrying the state by a slim margin. Barack Obama won there in 2008 and 2012 while winning the state.

Hmmm...., I can remember several previous elections when Democrats have gone to court to get military ballots thrown out on various pretexts.
Whether you live in PA or any other State, don’t mail in ballots, go to the polls to cast your vote.
I’ve already offered many veteran friends and seniors in my sub-division to transport them to the polls.
Don’t let them steal our state they tried the same BS in 2016. This is precisely why the state wasn’t called till the wee hours of the morning.
I've already recieved my absentee ballot and will not use it, neither can anyone else.
IMO, I think we know how desperate the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are due to their NPC mind state and terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome. Wouldn't surprise me at all if some "peaceful protesters" including postal employees, committed a litany of felonies to make sure ballots never made it to be counted. Until we make harsh examples of these people they will continue to break the law with zero regard.

The military has voted via mail before and yet there have been lost and discarded ballots before but your panties have never seen such enormous wad issues like now.

16 million votes for tramp went missing. are you on crack.
Discarded ballots---meaning THROWN AWAY! Military Absentee ballots---ALL FOR TRUMP!---DISCARDED!

And the military is pro-Biden this year. So, you've conclusively proven that even more Republican vote fraud has happened.

We know what all of you fascist-traitor Trump cultists are really doing by spreading the "Mail-in voting is fraudulent!" big lie.

You all know how badly Trump is losing. You all know you can't win unless you cheat. Trump knows that too. He's not even trying to win any more. He's trying to set the stage for a fascist coup by attacking the integrity of the voting system.

How? He's going to claim that because of massive fraud, all counting must stop before the the mail-in ballots are counted fully, ballots that massively favor Biden.

And every single one of you Trump traitors enthusisastically supports that fascist coup. You all suck balls at being Americans.
says the communist to the AMERICANS
DOJ Investigating Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military in Pennsylvania

All of Them Were For Trump!

24 Sep 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
The Justice Department announced Thursday the DOJ and FBI are investigating discarded mail-in votes in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. A statement issued by U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania David Freed states that nine mail-in military ballots were discovered discarded and that all nine were for President Trump.
On Tuesday three trays of mail that included absentee ballots were found in a ditch in Greenville, Wisconsin.
Statement Of U.S. Attorney Freed On Inquiry Into Reports Of Potential Issues With Mail-In Ballots
HARRISBURG – On Monday, September 21, 2020, at the request of Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis, the Office of the United States Attorney along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scranton Resident Office, began an inquiry into reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections.​
Since Monday, FBI personnel working together with the Pennsylvania State Police have conducted numerous interviews and recovered and reviewed certain physical evidence. Election officials in Luzerne County have been cooperative. At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.​
Our inquiry remains ongoing and we expect later today to share our up to date findings with officials in Luzerne County. It is the vital duty of government to ensure that every properly cast vote is counted.​

Luzerne County is located in northeast Pennsylvania. Voter registration favored Democrats over Republicans by nearly thirty thousand in 2019 according to Wikipedia which touts Luzerne as a bellwether for the state in presidential elections. The city council is about evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans with a Democrat serving as council chair. The town of Wilkes-Barre is the county seat.
The county board of elections currently has three Democrats and two Republicans, with a Democrat serving as chair. Four members are appointed by the city council. Those four members then select the chair.
Trump won Luzerne in 2016 with 58 percent, carrying the state by a slim margin. Barack Obama won there in 2008 and 2012 while winning the state.

Hmmm...., I can remember several previous elections when Democrats have gone to court to get military ballots thrown out on various pretexts.
Whether you live in PA or any other State, don’t mail in ballots, go to the polls to cast your vote.
I’ve already offered many veteran friends and seniors in my sub-division to transport them to the polls.
Don’t let them steal our state they tried the same BS in 2016. This is precisely why the state wasn’t called till the wee hours of the morning.
I've already recieved my absentee ballot and will not use it, neither can anyone else.
IMO, I think we know how desperate the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are due to their NPC mind state and terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome. Wouldn't surprise me at all if some "peaceful protesters" including postal employees, committed a litany of felonies to make sure ballots never made it to be counted. Until we make harsh examples of these people they will continue to break the law with zero regard.

Sounds like BS to me. They'd never reveal what was on the ballots.
Doc brought a link to back what he was posting, do you want to do the same, or should we just take your word for it?
Word for what? I was offering my OPINION that the link is worthless.
Discarded ballots---meaning THROWN AWAY! Military Absentee ballots---ALL FOR TRUMP!---DISCARDED!

This is just the start! It couldn't be more obvious what the Democrats are trying to do with the Mail-In Ballots. They mean to steal the election, and as our Attorney General has said over and over---they are playing with fire.

"At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded."


Pennsylvania was won by Trump by something like 3 votes per polling place. So, if Democrats can steal or "discard" a few here and a few there---they may well have stolen the election and undermined our Democracy.

Wake up Sane America! Bolsheviks are coming for you.

How do you know they were ALL FOR TRUMP??...maybe there is something to this mail-in fraud republicans

Because, Dumbass, the Justice Department investigating it said so. Read the cited article before looking for your Neo-Bolshevik excuse to pretend this is not dead serious.

Bent can't help it. He's still stunned from that last can of tuna that hit him in the head...
If this was legit they would have just delivered them to the county election officials, not open them up to see how someone voted. Story is BS
Bull. You don’t think discarded military ballots presents a red flag?
DOJ Investigating Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military in Pennsylvania

All of Them Were For Trump!

24 Sep 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
The Justice Department announced Thursday the DOJ and FBI are investigating discarded mail-in votes in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. A statement issued by U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania David Freed states that nine mail-in military ballots were discovered discarded and that all nine were for President Trump.
On Tuesday three trays of mail that included absentee ballots were found in a ditch in Greenville, Wisconsin.
Statement Of U.S. Attorney Freed On Inquiry Into Reports Of Potential Issues With Mail-In Ballots
HARRISBURG – On Monday, September 21, 2020, at the request of Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis, the Office of the United States Attorney along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scranton Resident Office, began an inquiry into reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections.​
Since Monday, FBI personnel working together with the Pennsylvania State Police have conducted numerous interviews and recovered and reviewed certain physical evidence. Election officials in Luzerne County have been cooperative. At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.​
Our inquiry remains ongoing and we expect later today to share our up to date findings with officials in Luzerne County. It is the vital duty of government to ensure that every properly cast vote is counted.​

Luzerne County is located in northeast Pennsylvania. Voter registration favored Democrats over Republicans by nearly thirty thousand in 2019 according to Wikipedia which touts Luzerne as a bellwether for the state in presidential elections. The city council is about evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans with a Democrat serving as council chair. The town of Wilkes-Barre is the county seat.
The county board of elections currently has three Democrats and two Republicans, with a Democrat serving as chair. Four members are appointed by the city council. Those four members then select the chair.
Trump won Luzerne in 2016 with 58 percent, carrying the state by a slim margin. Barack Obama won there in 2008 and 2012 while winning the state.

Hmmm...., I can remember several previous elections when Democrats have gone to court to get military ballots thrown out on various pretexts.
Whether you live in PA or any other State, don’t mail in ballots, go to the polls to cast your vote.
I’ve already offered many veteran friends and seniors in my sub-division to transport them to the polls.
Don’t let them steal our state they tried the same BS in 2016. This is precisely why the state wasn’t called till the wee hours of the morning.
I've already recieved my absentee ballot and will not use it, neither can anyone else.
IMO, I think we know how desperate the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are due to their NPC mind state and terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome. Wouldn't surprise me at all if some "peaceful protesters" including postal employees, committed a litany of felonies to make sure ballots never made it to be counted. Until we make harsh examples of these people they will continue to break the law with zero regard.

Sounds like BS to me. They'd never reveal what was on the ballots.
Doc brought a link to back what he was posting, do you want to do the same, or should we just take your word for it?
Word for what? I was offering my OPINION that the link is worthless.
Or, perhaps your opinion is worthless. At least there IS print on what you're opposing. Your opinion is just some random thought
But the article is false on the face of it, because info about what was on the ballots would not be revealed.
Discarded ballots---meaning THROWN AWAY! Military Absentee ballots---ALL FOR TRUMP!---DISCARDED!

This is just the start! It couldn't be more obvious what the Democrats are trying to do with the Mail-In Ballots. They mean to steal the election, and as our Attorney General has said over and over---they are playing with fire.

"At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded."


Pennsylvania was won by Trump by something like 3 votes per polling place. So, if Democrats can steal or "discard" a few here and a few there---they may well have stolen the election and undermined our Democracy.

Wake up Sane America! Bolsheviks are coming for you.

How do you know they were ALL FOR TRUMP??...maybe there is something to this mail-in fraud republicans

That it's happening at all should tell you something.
There were 9 votes in question..., that is right 9 votes out of 6,000,000 cast that are in dispute. Trumpers are doing everything in their power to undermine our elections. What a pathetic group.

That were caught.
Do you believe all criminals get arrested and prosecuted?
How about border jumpers?
You morons want to lower the voting age to 16,pay off felons fines so they can vote dem and of course the mail in scam.
You dipshits are so obviously desperate that it's pathetic to watch.
DOJ Investigating Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military in Pennsylvania

All of Them Were For Trump!

24 Sep 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
The Justice Department announced Thursday the DOJ and FBI are investigating discarded mail-in votes in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. A statement issued by U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania David Freed states that nine mail-in military ballots were discovered discarded and that all nine were for President Trump.
On Tuesday three trays of mail that included absentee ballots were found in a ditch in Greenville, Wisconsin.
Statement Of U.S. Attorney Freed On Inquiry Into Reports Of Potential Issues With Mail-In Ballots
HARRISBURG – On Monday, September 21, 2020, at the request of Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis, the Office of the United States Attorney along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scranton Resident Office, began an inquiry into reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections.​
Since Monday, FBI personnel working together with the Pennsylvania State Police have conducted numerous interviews and recovered and reviewed certain physical evidence. Election officials in Luzerne County have been cooperative. At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.​
Our inquiry remains ongoing and we expect later today to share our up to date findings with officials in Luzerne County. It is the vital duty of government to ensure that every properly cast vote is counted.​

Luzerne County is located in northeast Pennsylvania. Voter registration favored Democrats over Republicans by nearly thirty thousand in 2019 according to Wikipedia which touts Luzerne as a bellwether for the state in presidential elections. The city council is about evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans with a Democrat serving as council chair. The town of Wilkes-Barre is the county seat.
The county board of elections currently has three Democrats and two Republicans, with a Democrat serving as chair. Four members are appointed by the city council. Those four members then select the chair.
Trump won Luzerne in 2016 with 58 percent, carrying the state by a slim margin. Barack Obama won there in 2008 and 2012 while winning the state.

Hmmm...., I can remember several previous elections when Democrats have gone to court to get military ballots thrown out on various pretexts.
Whether you live in PA or any other State, don’t mail in ballots, go to the polls to cast your vote.
I’ve already offered many veteran friends and seniors in my sub-division to transport them to the polls.
Don’t let them steal our state they tried the same BS in 2016. This is precisely why the state wasn’t called till the wee hours of the morning.
I've already recieved my absentee ballot and will not use it, neither can anyone else.
IMO, I think we know how desperate the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are due to their NPC mind state and terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome. Wouldn't surprise me at all if some "peaceful protesters" including postal employees, committed a litany of felonies to make sure ballots never made it to be counted. Until we make harsh examples of these people they will continue to break the law with zero regard.

Sounds like BS to me. They'd never reveal what was on the ballots.
Doc brought a link to back what he was posting, do you want to do the same, or should we just take your word for it?
Word for what? I was offering my OPINION that the link is worthless.
Or, perhaps your opinion is worthless. At least there IS print on what you're opposing. Your opinion is just some random thought
But the article is false on the face of it, because info about what was on the ballots would not be revealed.
Bull. It was released in the DOJ memo.
I got a dem mail in ballot....
Trying to think of something good to put on it and send it in.
Discarded ballots---meaning THROWN AWAY! Military Absentee ballots---ALL FOR TRUMP!---DISCARDED!

This is just the start! It couldn't be more obvious what the Democrats are trying to do with the Mail-In Ballots. They mean to steal the election, and as our Attorney General has said over and over---they are playing with fire.

"At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded."


Pennsylvania was won by Trump by something like 3 votes per polling place. So, if Democrats can steal or "discard" a few here and a few there---they may well have stolen the election and undermined our Democracy.

Wake up Sane America! Bolsheviks are coming for you.


There is not one iota of doubt that the Left is trying to steal the election.

I said it before and will say it again, I am hoping and praying that the President knows how to take care and stop this criminal activity with plenty of time.

We must not allow this to happen.

DOJ Investigating Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military in Pennsylvania

All of Them Were For Trump!

24 Sep 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
The Justice Department announced Thursday the DOJ and FBI are investigating discarded mail-in votes in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. A statement issued by U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania David Freed states that nine mail-in military ballots were discovered discarded and that all nine were for President Trump.
On Tuesday three trays of mail that included absentee ballots were found in a ditch in Greenville, Wisconsin.
Statement Of U.S. Attorney Freed On Inquiry Into Reports Of Potential Issues With Mail-In Ballots
HARRISBURG – On Monday, September 21, 2020, at the request of Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis, the Office of the United States Attorney along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scranton Resident Office, began an inquiry into reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections.​
Since Monday, FBI personnel working together with the Pennsylvania State Police have conducted numerous interviews and recovered and reviewed certain physical evidence. Election officials in Luzerne County have been cooperative. At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.​
Our inquiry remains ongoing and we expect later today to share our up to date findings with officials in Luzerne County. It is the vital duty of government to ensure that every properly cast vote is counted.​

Luzerne County is located in northeast Pennsylvania. Voter registration favored Democrats over Republicans by nearly thirty thousand in 2019 according to Wikipedia which touts Luzerne as a bellwether for the state in presidential elections. The city council is about evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans with a Democrat serving as council chair. The town of Wilkes-Barre is the county seat.
The county board of elections currently has three Democrats and two Republicans, with a Democrat serving as chair. Four members are appointed by the city council. Those four members then select the chair.
Trump won Luzerne in 2016 with 58 percent, carrying the state by a slim margin. Barack Obama won there in 2008 and 2012 while winning the state.

Hmmm...., I can remember several previous elections when Democrats have gone to court to get military ballots thrown out on various pretexts.
Whether you live in PA or any other State, don’t mail in ballots, go to the polls to cast your vote.
I’ve already offered many veteran friends and seniors in my sub-division to transport them to the polls.
Don’t let them steal our state they tried the same BS in 2016. This is precisely why the state wasn’t called till the wee hours of the morning.
I've already recieved my absentee ballot and will not use it, neither can anyone else.
IMO, I think we know how desperate the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are due to their NPC mind state and terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome. Wouldn't surprise me at all if some "peaceful protesters" including postal employees, committed a litany of felonies to make sure ballots never made it to be counted. Until we make harsh examples of these people they will continue to break the law with zero regard.

Sounds like BS to me. They'd never reveal what was on the ballots.
Doc brought a link to back what he was posting, do you want to do the same, or should we just take your word for it?
Word for what? I was offering my OPINION that the link is worthless.
Or, perhaps your opinion is worthless. At least there IS print on what you're opposing. Your opinion is just some random thought
But the article is false on the face of it, because info about what was on the ballots would not be revealed.
Bull. It was released in the DOJ memo.
Please post the memo. If my opinion doesn't make the cut, neither does yours.
DOJ Investigating Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military in Pennsylvania

All of Them Were For Trump!

24 Sep 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
The Justice Department announced Thursday the DOJ and FBI are investigating discarded mail-in votes in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. A statement issued by U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania David Freed states that nine mail-in military ballots were discovered discarded and that all nine were for President Trump.
On Tuesday three trays of mail that included absentee ballots were found in a ditch in Greenville, Wisconsin.
Statement Of U.S. Attorney Freed On Inquiry Into Reports Of Potential Issues With Mail-In Ballots
HARRISBURG – On Monday, September 21, 2020, at the request of Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis, the Office of the United States Attorney along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scranton Resident Office, began an inquiry into reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections.​
Since Monday, FBI personnel working together with the Pennsylvania State Police have conducted numerous interviews and recovered and reviewed certain physical evidence. Election officials in Luzerne County have been cooperative. At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.​
Our inquiry remains ongoing and we expect later today to share our up to date findings with officials in Luzerne County. It is the vital duty of government to ensure that every properly cast vote is counted.​

Luzerne County is located in northeast Pennsylvania. Voter registration favored Democrats over Republicans by nearly thirty thousand in 2019 according to Wikipedia which touts Luzerne as a bellwether for the state in presidential elections. The city council is about evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans with a Democrat serving as council chair. The town of Wilkes-Barre is the county seat.
The county board of elections currently has three Democrats and two Republicans, with a Democrat serving as chair. Four members are appointed by the city council. Those four members then select the chair.
Trump won Luzerne in 2016 with 58 percent, carrying the state by a slim margin. Barack Obama won there in 2008 and 2012 while winning the state.

Hmmm...., I can remember several previous elections when Democrats have gone to court to get military ballots thrown out on various pretexts.
Whether you live in PA or any other State, don’t mail in ballots, go to the polls to cast your vote.
I’ve already offered many veteran friends and seniors in my sub-division to transport them to the polls.
Don’t let them steal our state they tried the same BS in 2016. This is precisely why the state wasn’t called till the wee hours of the morning.
I've already recieved my absentee ballot and will not use it, neither can anyone else.
IMO, I think we know how desperate the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are due to their NPC mind state and terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome. Wouldn't surprise me at all if some "peaceful protesters" including postal employees, committed a litany of felonies to make sure ballots never made it to be counted. Until we make harsh examples of these people they will continue to break the law with zero regard.

Sounds like BS to me. They'd never reveal what was on the ballots.
Doc brought a link to back what he was posting, do you want to do the same, or should we just take your word for it?
Word for what? I was offering my OPINION that the link is worthless.
Or, perhaps your opinion is worthless. At least there IS print on what you're opposing. Your opinion is just some random thought
But the article is false on the face of it, because info about what was on the ballots would not be revealed.
Bull. It was released in the DOJ memo.
Please post the memo. If my opinion doesn't make the cut, neither does yours.

second time I posted it.
Luzerne County went +20 for Trump.

So, this thread is about Republicans committing vote fraud and being very, very inept at it.
Discarded ballots---meaning THROWN AWAY! Military Absentee ballots---ALL FOR TRUMP!---DISCARDED!

This is just the start! It couldn't be more obvious what the Democrats are trying to do with the Mail-In Ballots. They mean to steal the election, and as our Attorney General has said over and over---they are playing with fire.

"At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded."


Pennsylvania was won by Trump by something like 3 votes per polling place. So, if Democrats can steal or "discard" a few here and a few there---they may well have stolen the election and undermined our Democracy.

Wake up Sane America! Bolsheviks are coming for you.


It is exactly what they are going to do....Seems PA is a favorite place for them....

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