DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama

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Trump never asked for dirt on Biden. That only exists in libtard imaginations, like yours Canuck!

Impeached Trump said:
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ...

The other thing, There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it

We have video of Biden saying it. How is that dirt? It would be Biden interfering with the internal politics of another country.
No, you don't have video of Biden saying he wanted the prosecution of Burisma to end. You have video of Biden saying he wanted a prosecutor fired. Because that prosecutor was corrupt and not prosecuting oligarchs.

That's how that's dirt.
Regardless of how you try and slice it, Biden was illegally interferring in a foreign nations business, and was engaged in a quid pro quo in doing so.
Nope, nothing illegal about it. We were giving them money. We had every right to tie strings to that money.

There were no strings attached to that money. They received the money, didn't they?
They received the money because they fired the corrupt prosecutor.

Actually they were loan guarantees that Biden promised.
---The Rising Tide of ObamaGate...The biggest political crime in American history, by far! ---

Trump told you to say that didn’t he?

They're such idiots, copying and pasting any headline from any source, even when it's a fucking blog, and then turn around and cry "FAKE NEWS" when they see something that doesn't comply with their bias from legitimate news agencies.
But 2016 was just a trial run.

A Rat trial run.....GOP congressional candidate in California and Arizona went to bed with leads thinking they'd won. Within 2 or 3 days enough votes were "discovered" to defeat them all. Your party can't win without lying and are the scum of the earth for letting them do it.....(to you too)
I've been hearing this for 2½ years now.

Any ... day ... now !!!

Yep, how many times did Madcow and the queers at CNN claim they FINALLY had Trump dead to rights. Amazing how you freaks project your vulgar garbage on respectable Cons....called Trump "dear leader" lately? a phrase WE invented to describe the cult of're too dumb or stoned to come up with something original.
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

Can you explain specifically what Obama did?

That is usually helpful in a prosecution
Good to see someone on a political board being so on top of shit.

Oh, so you can't explain it either. LMAO
You're quoting his latest ass-kissing press secretary?
She laid it out exceptionally well. So well in fact you can’t refute any of it so you just cry over the messenger. Is this going to be your tactic from here on out?

What did she say that is fact?
Post a link, be brave and stick your neck out with the facts.
Every press secretary since Sean Spicer goes up to the podium and speaks to an audience of one.
Period, the fucking end.
I've been hearing this for 2½ years now.

Any ... day ... now !!!

Yep, how many times did Madcow and the queers at CNN claim they FINALLY had Trump dead to rights. Amazing how you freaks project your vulgar garbage on respectable Cons....called Trump "dear leader" lately? a phrase WE invented to describe the cult of're too dumb or stoned to come up with something original.

Nope, you called Obama the liberals "messiah".

Dear Leader refers to how the North Koreans are forced to describe Kim Jong Un. You know, the guy that Trump says sends him love letters. The guy that had his brother murdered at an airport in Thailand. The same guy who fed his Singapore envoy to a tank of piranhas.
Trump says they're good friends.
Your POTUS admires murdering dictators and that should worry you.
But you're too fucking stupid to see it.
You CONS are exactly that.
I've been hearing this for 2½ years now.

Any ... day ... now !!!

Yep, how many times did Madcow and the queers at CNN claim they FINALLY had Trump dead to rights. Amazing how you freaks project your vulgar garbage on respectable Cons....called Trump "dear leader" lately? a phrase WE invented to describe the cult of're too dumb or stoned to come up with something original.

So now you queers are doing it.

Obama is shitting his pants. That's why, all of a sudden, he's all over TV with his spin tour. He knows that whatever little is left of his legacy will be destroyed if his coup attempt becomes common knowledge. He knew what was being done so that makes him the leader of this conspiracy. We need charges to be brought soon Mr. Barr.

Obama is very, very concerned

That America will make the mistake of electing Trump again

He should be very concerned. :)
slow down folks! TREASON?
we dont even know if Obama's an American!
Well there was that birth certificate he wouldn't release.

Poke a conservative, find an idiotic birfer who lives in a world of dementia. :poke:

Look at this, brain-dead birfer... he released it...


I've been hearing this for 2½ years now.

Any ... day ... now !!!

Yep, how many times did Madcow and the queers at CNN claim they FINALLY had Trump dead to rights. Amazing how you freaks project your vulgar garbage on respectable Cons....called Trump "dear leader" lately? a phrase WE invented to describe the cult of're too dumb or stoned to come up with something original.

Nope, you called Obama the liberals "messiah".

Dear Leader refers to how the North Koreans are forced to describe Kim Jong Un. You know, the guy that Trump says sends him love letters. The guy that had his brother murdered at an airport in Thailand. The same guy who fed his Singapore envoy to a tank of piranhas.
Trump says they're good friends.
Your POTUS admires murdering dictators and that should worry you.
But you're too fucking stupid to see it.
You CONS are exactly that.
That's alright, South Korea hasn't been nuked or attacked by the child dictator, and you know why ? It's because of Trump, nor has anyone in the region been attacked. Yeah there's been a lot of saber rattling, but fortunately Trump has contained the emotional side of it by working as a peacemaker through strength and not weakness.
It’s going to to be a long but fun next 5 years.. but if we
Want Obama we need to raid his house soon
slow down folks! TREASON?
we dont even know if Obama's an American!
Well there was that birth certificate he wouldn't release.

Poke a conservative, find an idiotic birfer who lives in a world of dementia. :poke:

Look at this, brain-dead birfer... he released it...


That's ok, because he hasn't lived up to it (being an American that is), because he hates America. He is a globalist. Globalist hate American's other than what they can use them for. If people can't see it now, then it's over.
I've been hearing this for 2½ years now.

Any ... day ... now !!!

Yep, how many times did Madcow and the queers at CNN claim they FINALLY had Trump dead to rights. Amazing how you freaks project your vulgar garbage on respectable Cons....called Trump "dear leader" lately? a phrase WE invented to describe the cult of're too dumb or stoned to come up with something original.

So now you queers are doing it.

“Queers” that’s against leftist lingo. They are sexually confused. They, meaning you.
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