DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama

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Trump never asked for dirt on Biden. That only exists in libtard imaginations, like yours Canuck!

Impeached Trump said:
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ...

The other thing, There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it

We have video of Biden saying it. How is that dirt? It would be Biden interfering with the internal politics of another country.
No, you don't have video of Biden saying he wanted the prosecution to end. You have video of Biden saying he wanted a prosecutor fired. Because that prosecutor was corrupt and not prosecuting oligarchs.

That's how that's dirt.
That was the end result. That is not dirt because it was well-known long before the conversation with the Ukrainian President.
Obama is shitting his pants. That's why, all of a sudden, he's all over TV with his spin tour. He knows that whatever little is left of his legacy will be destroyed if his coup attempt becomes common knowledge. He knew what was being done so that makes him the leader of this conspiracy. We need charges to be brought soon Mr. Barr.

Obama is very, very concerned

That America will make the mistake of electing Trump again

LOL, obozo is very very concerned that his crimes and the crimes of his administration are about to be revealed to the american people. Its coming winger, be ready for your balloons to all burst at the same instant.

The man who needs to be concerned is Trump once he leaves office next year. He will no longer have Executive Privilege to protect him. He got off with Mueller because you can’t prosecute a sitting President.

Biden has already said he won’t give Trump a free pass
How is biden going to win when he is about to be indicted for TREASON?
Trump never asked for dirt on Biden. That only exists in libtard imaginations, like yours Canuck!

Impeached Trump said:
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ...

The other thing, There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it

We have video of Biden saying it. How is that dirt? It would be Biden interfering with the internal politics of another country.
No, you don't have video of Biden saying he wanted the prosecution to end. You have video of Biden saying he wanted a prosecutor fired. Because that prosecutor was corrupt and not prosecuting oligarchs.

That's how that's dirt.
That was the end result. That is not dirt because it was well-known long before the conversation with the Ukrainian President.
It matters not if Biden's comment was known. He solicited a foreign national to look for dirt on the matter.
Obama is shitting his pants. That's why, all of a sudden, he's all over TV with his spin tour. He knows that whatever little is left of his legacy will be destroyed if his coup attempt becomes common knowledge. He knew what was being done so that makes him the leader of this conspiracy. We need charges to be brought soon Mr. Barr.

Obama is very, very concerned

That America will make the mistake of electing Trump again
Especially since that would ruin all his plans of covering up his treason forever.
DOJ Preparing Indictments of some 35 Obama administration officials is now under court seal.

Here Comes the Durham report and it looks like its going to be a big bomb shell....
Any . . . Day . . . Now !!!
Remember, the target of "Obamagate" isn't Obama. It's Biden. It's a backdoor way to smear Biden with baseless accusations.
DOJ Preparing Indictments of some 35 Obama administration officials is now under court seal.

Here Comes the Durham report and it looks like its going to be a big bomb shell....
Any . . . Day . . . Now !!!
According to documents and Trump's information the meeting held on January 4 2017 by the top Obama staff laid out there was no collusion with Russia and they knew it. Everything done from that point on was Illegal and a Coup D'eTat. DAMN!
I agree with the liberals.Nothing will happen.The Republicans are all talk and no action.They don't have the balls to do anything.
I agree with the liberals.Nothing will happen.The Republicans are all talk and no action.They don't have the balls to do anything.
I wont take this bet any longer. Once Biden said he would not pardon any one around Trump and would let them hang the gloves came off. Biden stuck his foot in his mouth real good this time.. And now the DOJ has sent over indictments under seal. Its about to get real interesting.
DOJ Preparing Indictments of some 35 Obama administration officials is now under court seal.

Here Comes the Durham report and it looks like its going to be a big bomb shell....
Any . . . Day . . . Now !!!
According to documents and Trump's information the meeting held on January 4 2017 by the top Obama staff laid out there was no collusion with Russia and they knew it. Everything done from that point on was Illegal and a Coup D'eTat. DAMN!
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

There will be no files charged lol

It's nto a criminal matter it's a political one

And while Trump could maybe shoot some one and get away with it. Obama can certainly get away with spying on Trump and retain his approval rating. Which is at a very high level relative to what trump will probably ever see.
Trump never asked for dirt on Biden. That only exists in libtard imaginations, like yours Canuck!

Impeached Trump said:
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ...

The other thing, There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it

We have video of Biden saying it. How is that dirt? It would be Biden interfering with the internal politics of another country.
No, you don't have video of Biden saying he wanted the prosecution of Burisma to end. You have video of Biden saying he wanted a prosecutor fired. Because that prosecutor was corrupt and not prosecuting oligarchs.

That's how that's dirt.
Regardless of how you try and slice it, Biden was illegally interferring in a foreign nations business, and was engaged in a quid pro quo in doing so.
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