DOJ memo suggests Obama DOES want your guns

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This lie from the NRA was blown out of the water a week or so ago.

From your link:

The DOJ memo (downloadable here as a PDF) states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation,” according to the NRA, and thinks universal background checks “won’t work without requiring national gun registration.”

So, Grampa, please quote the part in the DOJ memo that talks about mandatory gun confiscation. I conveniently linked to it in the quote for you.

Go ahead.

I dare you to find it.

Knock yourself out.
And your source is ALEX JONES????!!!!!

Folks, if you needed any more proof that the right wing has gone full bonkers, look no further. GrampaU has now resorted to Info Wars and Alex Jones.

Wow. My only response?
[ame=]Charlie Brown Teacher Speaking - YouTube[/ame]
IF the DOJ memo is true, well, then it is accurate.

No gun law will work without confiscation. That is 100% true. Just like drug laws wont work without confiscation, which is why crack and weed are readily available, despite the laws against it.

Common sense. But, common sense left the GOP, oh....sometime around January 2009.
The NRA is lying to you. They completely blew their integrity with this lie.

As for the Feinstein video, that is a clip taken out of context from a 60 Minutes show back in 1995 or 1996.

What she is talking about was that she wanted to confiscate assault weapons. Not all guns. Assault weapons.

Her desire to confiscate assault weapons is bad enough, but to willfully exaggerate that into "all guns" says a lot about the credibility of the infowars web site which spews this bullshit.
You mean the same way CLINTON was going to get our guns 20 years ago? Dude, that paraniod shitik is getting so old!
IF the DOJ memo is true, well, then it is accurate.

No gun law will work without confiscation. That is 100% true. Just like drug laws wont work without confiscation, which is why crack and weed are readily available, despite the laws against it.

Common sense. But, common sense left the GOP, oh....sometime around January 2009.

The DOJ memo says fuck-all about confiscating guns. The NRA made that up.

Read the fucking thing.

Dumb shits who don't read the source material and just take the word of LIARS deserve to be lied to.
IF the DOJ memo is true, well, then it is accurate.

No gun law will work without confiscation. That is 100% true. Just like drug laws wont work without confiscation, which is why crack and weed are readily available, despite the laws against it.

Common sense. But, common sense left the GOP, oh....sometime around January 2009.

So proposing laws that have no chance of actually helping anything is common sense?

This lie from the NRA was blown out of the water a week or so ago.

From your link:

The DOJ memo (downloadable here as a PDF) states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation,” according to the NRA, and thinks universal background checks “won’t work without requiring national gun registration.”

So, Grampa, please quote the part in the DOJ memo that talks about mandatory gun confiscation. I conveniently linked to it in the quote for you.

Go ahead.

I dare you to find it.

Knock yourself out.

Did you comprehend the thread title or jusr decide to post kneejerk style?

The memo CLEARLY states that the administration doesn't believe a buy back program will work without confiscation.

That is open to interpretation as the TITLE of the thread suggests.

Now go crawl up someone else's ass.

This lie from the NRA was blown out of the water a week or so ago.

From your link:

The DOJ memo (downloadable here as a PDF) states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation,” according to the NRA, and thinks universal background checks “won’t work without requiring national gun registration.”

So, Grampa, please quote the part in the DOJ memo that talks about mandatory gun confiscation. I conveniently linked to it in the quote for you.

Go ahead.

I dare you to find it.

Knock yourself out.

Did you comprehend the thread title or jusr decide to post kneejerk style?

The memo CLEARLY states that the administration doesn't believe a buy back program will work without confiscation.

That is open to interpretation as the TITLE of the thread suggests.

Now go crawl up someone else's ass.

Dude, Clinton got all ours guns, remember?
Here is the context of the DOJ memo. In the 90s, an assault weapons ban was passed by Congress. However, that AWB did not ban the resale of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. It only banned the manufacture, sale, and importation of NEW assault weapons and large capacity magazines.

Since there were already millions of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines, the AWB had virtually no impact on a person's ability to acquire assault weapons or large capacity magazines after the act was passed.

That is where the Feinstein clip comes in at the end of the OP link. She told 60 Minutes that if it were up to her, she would have made the confiscation of all existing assault weapons part of the AWB to make it more effective in getting assault weapons off the street.

The DOJ memo IS NOT RECOMMENDING THIS COURSE OF ACTION. Read it and see for yourself.

What the DOJ memo recommends is that if you are going to ban the manufacture, sale, and importation of new assault weapons alone, then such an AWB will be as ineffective as the last one was. Therefore, they recommend such an AWB be coupled with an assalt weapons buyback program to remove existing assault weapons from the streets.

No confiscation. A gun buyback program.

If you are so retarded that you confuse an assault weapons buyback program with a "mandatory confiscation" of ALL guns, you are a fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.
The NRA is lying to you. They completely blew their integrity with this lie.

As for the Feinstein video, that is a clip taken out of context from a 60 Minutes show back in 1995 or 1996.

What she is talking about was that she wanted to confiscate assault weapons. Not all guns. Assault weapons.

Her desire to confiscate assault weapons is bad enough, but to willfully exaggerate that into "all guns" says a lot about the credibility of the infowars web site which spews this bullshit.

Just assault weapons my ass. The majority of so-called assault weapons share the exact same mechanical functions as a lot of other guns that will no doubt be next in line for confiscation once idiots learn that the mechanical similarities between assault weapons and most hunting rifles are astoundingly similar. Bullshit is telling people gun grabbers only want specific guns made illegal, when their endgame is total confiscation. Guns just don't fit in the fantasy world Liberals strive to build while they systematically dismantle the very Freedoms which prevent their utopian dream from being realized. Kumbaya my ass.

This lie from the NRA was blown out of the water a week or so ago.

From your link:

The DOJ memo (downloadable here as a PDF) states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation,” according to the NRA, and thinks universal background checks “won’t work without requiring national gun registration.”

So, Grampa, please quote the part in the DOJ memo that talks about mandatory gun confiscation. I conveniently linked to it in the quote for you.

Go ahead.

I dare you to find it.

Knock yourself out.

Did you comprehend the thread title or jusr decide to post kneejerk style?

The memo CLEARLY states that the administration doesn't believe a buy back program will work without confiscation.

That is open to interpretation as the TITLE of the thread suggests.

Now go crawl up someone else's ass.

Quote where it says that, dipshit. Find the word "mandatory". Find the part about confiscation.

See, this is where every one of you rubes fall flat on your face. You are unable to find that part in the DOJ memo which supports this lie.

You couldn't find it, could you. Or did you not even bother to look, rube?
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An anti-gun memo that only the NRA was able to get their hands on, and they refuse to disclose how they got it.
And you blindly believe it?:confused:

Your tinfoil hat is too tight. The AP already confirmed they have it.

Looked more into it. You're right, the AP does support they have it. But you have to admit it was suspiciously convenient.

However, as it has been pointed out, the document has nothing to do with any policy or anything regarding what the NRA is raving about.
Here is the context of the DOJ memo. In the 90s, an assault weapons ban was passed by Congress. However, that AWB did not ban the resale of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. It only banned the manufacture, sale, and importation of NEW assault weapons and large capacity magazines.

Since there were already millions of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines, the AWB had virtually no impact on a person's ability to acquire assault weapons or large capacity magazines after the act was passed.

That is where the Feinstein clip comes in at the end of the OP link. She told 60 Minutes that if it were up to her, she would have made the confiscation of all existing assault weapons part of the AWB to make it more effective in getting assault weapons off the street.

The DOJ memo IS NOT RECOMMENDING THIS COURSE OF ACTION. Read it and see for yourself.

What the DOJ memo recommends is that if you are going to ban the manufacture, sale, and importation of new assault weapons alone, then such an AWB will be as ineffective as the last one was. Therefore, they recommend such an AWB be coupled with an assalt weapons buyback program to remove existing assault weapons from the streets.

No confiscation. A gun buyback program.

If you are so retarded that you confuse an assault weapons buyback program with a "mandatory confiscation" of ALL guns, you are a fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.

The actual term used in the report was a "buyback program with no exemptions," which is a weasely way to say "confiscation, but we pay you for your guns"

Is the report official policy? No. Is it an indication of what gun control adherents are leaning towards? I say yes.
The NRA is lying to you. They completely blew their integrity with this lie.

As for the Feinstein video, that is a clip taken out of context from a 60 Minutes show back in 1995 or 1996.

What she is talking about was that she wanted to confiscate assault weapons. Not all guns. Assault weapons.

Her desire to confiscate assault weapons is bad enough, but to willfully exaggerate that into "all guns" says a lot about the credibility of the infowars web site which spews this bullshit.

Just assault weapons my ass. The majority of so-called assault weapons share the exact same mechanical functions as a lot of other guns that will no doubt be next in line for confiscation once idiots learn that the mechanical similarities between assault weapons and most hunting rifles are astoundingly similar. Bullshit is telling people gun grabbers only want specific guns made illegal, when their endgame is total confiscation. Guns just don't fit in the fantasy world Liberals strive to build while they systematically dismantle the very Freedoms which prevent their utopian dream from being realized. Kumbaya my ass.

What Assault Weapons Ban? - 60 Minutes - CBS News

There's the full 60 Minutes piece. Watch it and see I am right.
And your source is ALEX JONES????!!!!!

Folks, if you needed any more proof that the right wing has gone full bonkers, look no further. GrampaU has now resorted to Info Wars and Alex Jones.

Wow. My only response?
Charlie Brown Teacher Speaking - YouTube

Would you prefer hufo jackass?

NRA Uses Justice Department Memo To Accuse Obama On Guns

And the administrations response to this leaked memo? "It's unfinishe and doesn't represent our positiin"

Again as I menrioned earliee to the othe jackass in this thread the tirle is subjective. It is intended to tell you to make up your own mind on what the memo means.

But like most hacks you choose to attack the source and or messenger.

Neg incoming for both you idiots.

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