DOJ memo suggests Obama DOES want your guns

Looked more into it. You're right, the AP does support they have it. But you have to admit it was suspiciously convenient.

However, as it has been pointed out, the document has nothing to do with any policy or anything regarding what the NRA is raving about.

Why is everyone focusing on tge NRA... the NRA was not and will never be part of my thoughts on the issue of guns.

Because they're the ones who acquired the memo, which was very suspect. And they're the ones framing how right-wingers are looking at this memo.

This memo was nothing more than an investigation into ideas.
Aristotle said:
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

I will accept that to a point. But this is an issue that shouldn't even be up for discussion. As to the NRA they lost all credibility with me when they tried toblame the Sandy Shooting on movies and games.
I especially love this part of the memo though:

Since assault weapons are not a major contributor to US gun homicide and the existing stock of guns is large, an assault weapon ban is unlikely to have an impact on gun violence.
So, how, legally would you be able to keep your "excessive" magazine?

You just keep it. You don't sell it to the government buyback program. Participation in a buyback program is voluntary.
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It isn't just the NRA that is lying. The NRA is taking advantage of a series of bogus lies that have been nurtured and implanted in the minds of the rubes.

Remember the Obama gun-grabbing EOs? Totally bogus, but that part is forgotten later when the next lie is created for mass copying and pasting. "He's tried this before!"

It never sinks in that every lie that was told before is not evidence that this newest lie is true. But the sheer number and repetition of these lies starts to build an actual delusion in the minds of the rubes that believes Obama really is going to come to their house to confiscate their guns.

That is why the NRA asshole can now get away with telling a blatant lie with the full confidence he will be believed. He can even wave the DOJ memo around, knowing the rubes won't read it. And even if they do read it after some prodding, their brains have been so softened by the propaganda machine they are completely unable to comprehend it and still see what their puppeteers want them to see. They see the words "mandatory confiscation" even though those words are not in the memo!

Amazing, and sad.
The DOJ memo is very simply saying, "If we have an AWB, we also need to fund a massive assault weapon and large capacity magazine buyback program to go with it. Otherwise, another AWB like the last AWB will be as ineffective as the last one was."

It's as simple as that.

The NRA fuck then tells the rubes, "OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNSZ!!! MANDATORY CONFISKASHUN!" because they fall for it. Every. Single. Time.

This gets the rubes lining up at Town Hall meeting with their representatives, demanding they stop Obama from coming into their homes to take their guns.
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The DOJ memo is very simply saying, "If we have an AWB, we also need to fund a massive assault weapon and large capacity magazine buyback program to go with it. Otherwise, another AWB like the last AWB will be as ineffective as the last one was."

It's as simple as that.

The NRA fuck then tells the rubes, "OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNSZ!!! MANDATORY CONFISKASHUN!" because they fall for it. Every. Single. Time.

This gets the rubes lining up at Town Hall meeting with their representatives, demanding they stop Obama from coming into their homes to take their guns.

Missouri Dems: Let?s Just Force Gun Owners to Surrender, Destroy Their Weapons - Leah Barkoukis
The DOJ memo is very simply saying, "If we have an AWB, we also need to fund a massive assault weapon and large capacity magazine buyback program to go with it. Otherwise, another AWB like the last AWB will be as ineffective as the last one was."

It's as simple as that.

The NRA fuck then tells the rubes, "OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNSZ!!! MANDATORY CONFISKASHUN!" because they fall for it. Every. Single. Time.

This gets the rubes lining up at Town Hall meeting with their representatives, demanding they stop Obama from coming into their homes to take their guns.

Missouri Dems: Let?s Just Force Gun Owners to Surrender, Destroy Their Weapons - Leah Barkoukis

A few nut jobs in Missouri do not represent Obama and his administration.
The DOJ memo is very simply saying, "If we have an AWB, we also need to fund a massive assault weapon and large capacity magazine buyback program to go with it. Otherwise, another AWB like the last AWB will be as ineffective as the last one was."

It's as simple as that.

The NRA fuck then tells the rubes, "OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNSZ!!! MANDATORY CONFISKASHUN!" because they fall for it. Every. Single. Time.

This gets the rubes lining up at Town Hall meeting with their representatives, demanding they stop Obama from coming into their homes to take their guns.

This is the typical political move of getting the people riled up on NON ISSUES! Keeps us from watching them pick our pockets. Same with abortion, gay marriage, other social issues. Just another non-issue diversion to divide and conquer.
'Fatalities from mass shootings (those with 4 or more victim victims in a particular place and time)account on average for 35 fatalities per year. Policies that address the larger firearm homicide issue will have a far greater impact even if they do not address the particular issues of mass shootings." (????)

Banning guns or requiring registration because of 35 fatalities per year is ridiculous! Why not ban cars? Without trying to sound paranoid ...have any of the gun owners thought about registration as a way to track owners through GPS (new guns) and does anyone know about the chips they will be putting in new guns that have a "turn-off" component? I read a book about this and gave it to my local gun shop dealer and he was appalled...Shortly, after, he placed an ad for "older guns"....

(and yes I realize that guns kill more than 35 people per year) but that is not the argument. The argument is that we have to stop school shootings, but that is not what the DOJ is stating in the memo.

The technology is here to track gun owners through computer chips and here is how it would work: With your name, access to your cell-phone would be given to law enforcement...Your cell-phone would Bluetooth the chip in your gun and would give the location of both the phone and gun to the police/military/government..At any time thereafter, law enforcement could initiate a shut-down order for the gun...It works on the same principle as remote control of your vehicle ignition by you or another with the right apps. What gun owners need to do is to go to the web pages for government contractors/vendors and see if the gun company is on the lists...I would start with the Department of Defense, first.
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This is where I respond to the Federal Government:

Come and get them.

[ame=]300 Come and Get Them - YouTube[/ame]

There will be no prisoners. There will be no mercy. The superior military with no cause to fight for, other than enslavement, will be defeated.

Also, here is a REAL ACCOUNT of the 2nd Amendment being used to overturn corrupt government in the UNITED STATES ITSELF:
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Here is the context of the DOJ memo. In the 90s, an assault weapons ban was passed by Congress. However, that AWB did not ban the resale of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. It only banned the manufacture, sale, and importation of NEW assault weapons and large capacity magazines.

Since there were already millions of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines, the AWB had virtually no impact on a person's ability to acquire assault weapons or large capacity magazines after the act was passed.

That is where the Feinstein clip comes in at the end of the OP link. She told 60 Minutes that if it were up to her, she would have made the confiscation of all existing assault weapons part of the AWB to make it more effective in getting assault weapons off the street.

The DOJ memo IS NOT RECOMMENDING THIS COURSE OF ACTION. Read it and see for yourself.

What the DOJ memo recommends is that if you are going to ban the manufacture, sale, and importation of new assault weapons alone, then such an AWB will be as ineffective as the last one was. Therefore, they recommend such an AWB be coupled with an assalt weapons buyback program to remove existing assault weapons from the streets.

No confiscation. A gun buyback program.

If you are so retarded that you confuse an assault weapons buyback program with a "mandatory confiscation" of ALL guns, you are a fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.

The actual term used in the report was a "buyback program with no exemptions," which is a weasely way to say "confiscation, but we pay you for your guns"

Is the report official policy? No. Is it an indication of what gun control adherents are leaning towards? I say yes.
And that wording only applies to assault weapons!

Since assault weapons are not a major contributor to US gun homicide and the existing stock of guns is
large, an assault weapon ban is unlikely to have an impact on gun violence. If coupled with a gun
buyback and no exemptions then it could be effective
Just another "If you like your current health care plan, you can keep it" moment from our Emperor Obama wannabe. Rest assured if his mouth be movin', he be lyin'. Class one forksucker he is, always and forever.

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