DOJ memo suggests Obama DOES want your guns

Says the fluoride head who consumed all the poisoned water supply that decreased his IQ.

Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal | Reuters

I have the clip right here where Feinstein admits she wanted to confiscate all guns but that she couldn't get the Senate to agree.

Feinstein on guns: 'Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in' - YouTube

This is a perfect example of what loathsome lying scum the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are!!!! Anyone who sees the unedited video knows Feinstein was talking about assault weapons only, not all guns as the lying scum in the NRA would try to deceive you. This is why no honest person with a working brain would ever believe anything, especially a quote or a video or an audio clip from any source on the Right. It is also a perfect example of just how gullible and stupid the Misinformation voter is who swallow this shit whole and without question!!!

As soon as you see in the intro that the video was made by the MRC you immediately know it is dishonest, and you know that MRC knew the piece was about banned assault weapons when they created their web of deceit!!! Brett Bozo's MRC are the most deceitful lying scum to ever crawl out of a sewer.

The whole 60 Minutes piece was about how the gun manufacturers get around the production and sale of the already banned assault weapons and extended clips, it had absolutely nothing to do with any other kind of gun!!! The piece was about how they buy swap new guns and clips for pre-ban ones from law enforcement so they can sell banned weapons to the public, whereas new guns can only be sold to law enforcement. The piece also showed how they could make minor changes to the assault weapons and then sell new ones legally. The manufacturers call it "sporterizing" the assault weapon.

To Feinstein, all weapons are assault weapons you idiot. I've read her proposals on her own site. She will ban even handguns and shotguns because they can be modified to have characteristics banned under her Bill.

Feinstein Ban Includes Handguns: 'The Purpose is to Dry Up The Supply of These Weapons' | CNS News

Btw, her interview was in the context of the assault weapons ban but the assault weapons ban got passed at the time. She was talking about the ban on all guns that didn't pass but that she wanted the votes for.

I'm a Libertarian, not a Conservative.

You sure as hell lie like a CON$ervoFascist!

The whole 60 Minutes piece, including Feinstein, was about banned assault weapons and nothing but banned assault weapons and how gun dealers were STILL able to sell banned weapons. You can see Feinstein holding a banned assault weapon even in your dishonest clip.

Here is the unedited video.

What Assault Weapons Ban? - 60 Minutes - CBS News

What Assault Weapons Ban?
August 1, 1999 9:29 AM
Four years after President Clinton signed an assault weapons ban into law, even Sen. Dianne Feinstein, its main sponsor, says it's not tough enough. As Lesley Stahl reports, gun dealers and manufacturers are finding and exploiting loopholes to keep weapons on the market.
Here is the context of the DOJ memo. In the 90s, an assault weapons ban was passed by Congress. However, that AWB did not ban the resale of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. It only banned the manufacture, sale, and importation of NEW assault weapons and large capacity magazines.

Since there were already millions of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines, the AWB had virtually no impact on a person's ability to acquire assault weapons or large capacity magazines after the act was passed.

That is where the Feinstein clip comes in at the end of the OP link. She told 60 Minutes that if it were up to her, she would have made the confiscation of all existing assault weapons part of the AWB to make it more effective in getting assault weapons off the street.

The DOJ memo IS NOT RECOMMENDING THIS COURSE OF ACTION. Read it and see for yourself.

What the DOJ memo recommends is that if you are going to ban the manufacture, sale, and importation of new assault weapons alone, then such an AWB will be as ineffective as the last one was. Therefore, they recommend such an AWB be coupled with an assalt weapons buyback program to remove existing assault weapons from the streets.

No confiscation. A gun buyback program.

If you are so retarded that you confuse an assault weapons buyback program with a "mandatory confiscation" of ALL guns, you are a fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.

gun buy back

1. you WILL NOT use my tax dollars to do this. The funds will come from anti-gun groups

2. you will give me fair market value at a minimum

3. you wil also buy back the ammo, sling, magazines or any other accessories at fair market or better value

4. if you do not like these terms then you can kiss my ass
Btw, her interview was in the context of the assault weapons ban but the assault weapons ban got passed at the time. She was talking about the ban on all guns that didn't pass but that she wanted the votes for.

I'm a Libertarian, not a Conservative.


You obviously did not watch the full 60 Minutes segment. She was talking about the fact that existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines were exempt from the AWB that passed. That's the ban she wanted. A ban on existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Your claim she was talking about a ban on all guns is a lie.

She was saying if she had her way, she would confiscate all existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Not "all guns". All the existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. That is what the entire segment was about.

That clip is so obviously carefully excised from that segment that is a willful lie to use it to say she was talking about all guns. The asshole liars want you to believe when she says "picking up every one of them" she means all guns. But when you watch the full segment she is clearly talking about the exempted assault weapons and large cap. magazines.

You have to ask yourself why just a few seconds of the segment are shown. It is very carefully edited, that's why. They don't want you to see the full context because it blows their lie out of the water.

Stop drinking the piss, and stop regurgitating it.

If you have time to come here and repeat the lies and debate guns, you have time to watch the full segment. I provided it. Watch it!

Stop undermining the pro-gun side and feeding the gun control freaks ammunition!
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Btw, her interview was in the context of the assault weapons ban but the assault weapons ban got passed at the time. She was talking about the ban on all guns that didn't pass but that she wanted the votes for.

I'm a Libertarian, not a Conservative.


You obviously did not watch the full 60 Minutes segment. She was talking about the fact that existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines were exempt from the AWB that passed. That's the ban she wanted. A ban on existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Your claim she was talking about a ban on all guns is a lie.

She was saying if she had her way, she would confiscate all existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Not "all guns". All the existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. That is what the entire segment was about.

That clip is so obviously carefully excised from that segment that is a willful lie to use it to say she was talking about all guns. The asshole liars want you to believe when she says "picking up every one of them" she means all guns. But when you watch the full segment she is clearly talking about the exempted assault weapons and large cap. magazines.

You have to ask yourself why just a few seconds of the segment are shown. It is very carefully edited, that's why. They don't want you to see the full context because it blows their lie out of the water.

Stop drinking the piss, and stop regurgitating it.

If you have time to come here and repeat the lies and debate guns, you have time to watch the full segment. I provided it. Watch it!

Stop undermining the pro-gun side and feeding the gun control freaks ammunition!

It doesn't matter! "All guns" is hyperbole but the result of her ban would literally be a ban on nearly all popular firearms.

She wants to ban semi-automatics. She wants to ban handguns and shotguns with certain cosmetic features.

Feinstein Ban Includes Handguns: 'The Purpose is to Dry Up The Supply of These Weapons' | CNS News

You can talk about the technicalities of her interview all you want but the facts are in her proposal.

Btw, her interview was in the context of the assault weapons ban but the assault weapons ban got passed at the time. She was talking about the ban on all guns that didn't pass but that she wanted the votes for.

I'm a Libertarian, not a Conservative.


You obviously did not watch the full 60 Minutes segment. She was talking about the fact that existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines were exempt from the AWB that passed. That's the ban she wanted. A ban on existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Your claim she was talking about a ban on all guns is a lie.

She was saying if she had her way, she would confiscate all existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Not "all guns". All the existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. That is what the entire segment was about.

That clip is so obviously carefully excised from that segment that is a willful lie to use it to say she was talking about all guns. The asshole liars want you to believe when she says "picking up every one of them" she means all guns. But when you watch the full segment she is clearly talking about the exempted assault weapons and large cap. magazines.

You have to ask yourself why just a few seconds of the segment are shown. It is very carefully edited, that's why. They don't want you to see the full context because it blows their lie out of the water.

Stop drinking the piss, and stop regurgitating it.

If you have time to come here and repeat the lies and debate guns, you have time to watch the full segment. I provided it. Watch it!

Stop undermining the pro-gun side and feeding the gun control freaks ammunition!

It doesn't matter!

Lies most certainly matter. It destroys the integrity of the liar and those who regurgitate their lies. They have written themselves out of the debate as people who are willful liars.
Btw, her interview was in the context of the assault weapons ban but the assault weapons ban got passed at the time. She was talking about the ban on all guns that didn't pass but that she wanted the votes for.

I'm a Libertarian, not a Conservative.


You obviously did not watch the full 60 Minutes segment. She was talking about the fact that existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines were exempt from the AWB that passed. That's the ban she wanted. A ban on existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Your claim she was talking about a ban on all guns is a lie.

She was saying if she had her way, she would confiscate all existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Not "all guns". All the existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. That is what the entire segment was about.

That clip is so obviously carefully excised from that segment that is a willful lie to use it to say she was talking about all guns. The asshole liars want you to believe when she says "picking up every one of them" she means all guns. But when you watch the full segment she is clearly talking about the exempted assault weapons and large cap. magazines.

You have to ask yourself why just a few seconds of the segment are shown. It is very carefully edited, that's why. They don't want you to see the full context because it blows their lie out of the water.

Stop drinking the piss, and stop regurgitating it.

If you have time to come here and repeat the lies and debate guns, you have time to watch the full segment. I provided it. Watch it!

Stop undermining the pro-gun side and feeding the gun control freaks ammunition!

It doesn't matter! "All guns" is hyperbole but the result of her ban would literally be a ban on nearly all popular firearms.

She wants to ban semi-automatics. She wants to ban handguns and shotguns with certain cosmetic features.

Feinstein Ban Includes Handguns: 'The Purpose is to Dry Up The Supply of These Weapons' | CNS News

You can talk about the technicalities of her interview all you want but the facts are in her proposal.


Holy shit. Now you quote CNS News? That's another site that pours piss for UnConservative rubes.

The AWB would ban certain types of handguns. NOT ALL HANDGUNS. Got it?

Like I said, most people have no idea what objective reporting is supposed to look like.
You obviously did not watch the full 60 Minutes segment. She was talking about the fact that existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines were exempt from the AWB that passed. That's the ban she wanted. A ban on existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Your claim she was talking about a ban on all guns is a lie.

She was saying if she had her way, she would confiscate all existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Not "all guns". All the existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. That is what the entire segment was about.

That clip is so obviously carefully excised from that segment that is a willful lie to use it to say she was talking about all guns. The asshole liars want you to believe when she says "picking up every one of them" she means all guns. But when you watch the full segment she is clearly talking about the exempted assault weapons and large cap. magazines.

You have to ask yourself why just a few seconds of the segment are shown. It is very carefully edited, that's why. They don't want you to see the full context because it blows their lie out of the water.

Stop drinking the piss, and stop regurgitating it.

If you have time to come here and repeat the lies and debate guns, you have time to watch the full segment. I provided it. Watch it!

Stop undermining the pro-gun side and feeding the gun control freaks ammunition!

It doesn't matter!

Lies most certainly matter. It destroys the integrity of the liar and those who regurgitate their lies. They have written themselves out of the debate as people who are willful liars.

Why don't you address his ENTIRE post you twit.
You obviously did not watch the full 60 Minutes segment. She was talking about the fact that existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines were exempt from the AWB that passed. That's the ban she wanted. A ban on existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Your claim she was talking about a ban on all guns is a lie.

She was saying if she had her way, she would confiscate all existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Not "all guns". All the existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. That is what the entire segment was about.

That clip is so obviously carefully excised from that segment that is a willful lie to use it to say she was talking about all guns. The asshole liars want you to believe when she says "picking up every one of them" she means all guns. But when you watch the full segment she is clearly talking about the exempted assault weapons and large cap. magazines.

You have to ask yourself why just a few seconds of the segment are shown. It is very carefully edited, that's why. They don't want you to see the full context because it blows their lie out of the water.

Stop drinking the piss, and stop regurgitating it.

If you have time to come here and repeat the lies and debate guns, you have time to watch the full segment. I provided it. Watch it!

Stop undermining the pro-gun side and feeding the gun control freaks ammunition!

It doesn't matter! "All guns" is hyperbole but the result of her ban would literally be a ban on nearly all popular firearms.

She wants to ban semi-automatics. She wants to ban handguns and shotguns with certain cosmetic features.

Feinstein Ban Includes Handguns: 'The Purpose is to Dry Up The Supply of These Weapons' | CNS News

You can talk about the technicalities of her interview all you want but the facts are in her proposal.


Holy shit. Now you quote CNS News? That's another site that pours piss for UnConservative rubes.

The AWB would ban certain types of handguns. NOT ALL HANDGUNS. Got it?

Like I said, most people have no idea what objective reporting is supposed to look like.

Man you keep your pedestal polished huh.

Most of her proposals are based on COSMETICS. You are nearly as pathetic as her.
The NRA and infowars and Breitbart would have you believe there is going to be a mandatory confiscation of all guns, and a ban of all guns.

Just how brain damaged do you have to believe that is what is really going on? Seriously. If you stopped to THINK for even a few seconds, you would realize this is about as stupid a claim as it gets.

So when you rant and rave about this imaginary BULLSHIT, you portray yourself as a gullible idiot of the highest order, not to be taken seriously. Ever.
The Democratic idea of banning guns based on cosmetic or scary looking stuff is what should be the focus of the debate. But the NRA decided they had to out-dumb this and come across as even more retarded than the Democrats.

This is why the Democrats keep getting traction. Every time they come up with a really stupid or dangerous idea, the Right unleashes hordes upon hordes of copy-and-paste retards to regurgitate manufactured bullshit, making the Left look almost brilliant in comparison.

Thanks a lot, lying assholes!
You obviously did not watch the full 60 Minutes segment. She was talking about the fact that existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines were exempt from the AWB that passed. That's the ban she wanted. A ban on existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Your claim she was talking about a ban on all guns is a lie.

She was saying if she had her way, she would confiscate all existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Not "all guns". All the existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. That is what the entire segment was about.

That clip is so obviously carefully excised from that segment that is a willful lie to use it to say she was talking about all guns. The asshole liars want you to believe when she says "picking up every one of them" she means all guns. But when you watch the full segment she is clearly talking about the exempted assault weapons and large cap. magazines.

You have to ask yourself why just a few seconds of the segment are shown. It is very carefully edited, that's why. They don't want you to see the full context because it blows their lie out of the water.

Stop drinking the piss, and stop regurgitating it.

If you have time to come here and repeat the lies and debate guns, you have time to watch the full segment. I provided it. Watch it!

Stop undermining the pro-gun side and feeding the gun control freaks ammunition!

It doesn't matter! "All guns" is hyperbole but the result of her ban would literally be a ban on nearly all popular firearms.

She wants to ban semi-automatics. She wants to ban handguns and shotguns with certain cosmetic features.

Feinstein Ban Includes Handguns: 'The Purpose is to Dry Up The Supply of These Weapons' | CNS News

You can talk about the technicalities of her interview all you want but the facts are in her proposal.


Holy shit. Now you quote CNS News? That's another site that pours piss for UnConservative rubes.

The AWB would ban certain types of handguns. NOT ALL HANDGUNS. Got it?

Like I said, most people have no idea what objective reporting is supposed to look like.

I know Feinstein will let us keep a musket and a revolver, maybe a squirt gun and bubble gun will be exempt too.

You can't face the fact that she wants to ban most guns that are effective in the modern age.

The whole point of the 2nd Amendment was to maintain a balance of power between the people and the government. She wants to strip all power away from citizens.

The NRA and infowars and Breitbart would have you believe there is going to be a mandatory confiscation of all guns, and a ban of all guns.

Just how brain damaged do you have to believe that is what is really going on? Seriously. If you stopped to THINK for even a few seconds, you would realize this is about as stupid a claim as it gets.

So when you rant and rave about this imaginary BULLSHIT, you portray yourself as a gullible idiot of the highest order, not to be taken seriously. Ever.

Just like we all believed the govt didn't have the authority to FORCE someone to buy a privately sold product right? We were all loons for thinking that right? Who would have thought a politician could ban the purchase of a 2 liter of soda or the use of salt in kitchens? Who would have thought that alcohol would have ever been outlawed?

How stupid and gullible are you to not see a process being set in motion?

States and municipalities all over the US are proposing just such measures. And where do all our national politicians come from?
The NRA and infowars and Breitbart would have you believe there is going to be a mandatory confiscation of all guns, and a ban of all guns.

Just how brain damaged do you have to believe that is what is really going on? Seriously. If you stopped to THINK for even a few seconds, you would realize this is about as stupid a claim as it gets.

So when you rant and rave about this imaginary BULLSHIT, you portray yourself as a gullible idiot of the highest order, not to be taken seriously. Ever.

You don't understand the true agenda of the Left. They can't just come and say they want to ban all guns. They can't write laws banning all guns. BUT THEY WANT TO.


"Our Founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change that I would like sometimes."
-- Barack Obama


It doesn't matter! "All guns" is hyperbole but the result of her ban would literally be a ban on nearly all popular firearms.

She wants to ban semi-automatics. She wants to ban handguns and shotguns with certain cosmetic features.

Feinstein Ban Includes Handguns: 'The Purpose is to Dry Up The Supply of These Weapons' | CNS News

You can talk about the technicalities of her interview all you want but the facts are in her proposal.


Holy shit. Now you quote CNS News? That's another site that pours piss for UnConservative rubes.

The AWB would ban certain types of handguns. NOT ALL HANDGUNS. Got it?

Like I said, most people have no idea what objective reporting is supposed to look like.

I know Feinstein will let us keep a musket and a revolver, maybe a squirt gun and bubble gun will be exempt too.

You can't face the fact that she wants to ban most guns that are effective in the modern age.

The whole point of the 2nd Amendment was to maintain a balance of power between the people and the government. She wants to strip all power away from citizens.


You want to know what I believe the right approach is?

I believe we should be registering gun buyers, not guns.

We register voters, not their votes, because who a person votes for is none of the government's business. What guns you buy should not be, either.

During the voter registration process, we ensure you are eligible to vote. We certify you are a US citizen in good standing. If you are, you make the list. If you are an immigrant, you never make the list unless and until you acquire citizenship. You will never be able to vote until then.

We should do the same with anyone who may want to buy a gun. We certify you are a US citizen in good standing.

Once you are on the voter registration list, you are allowed to vote for whoever you wish.

Once you are on the gun buyer registration list, you are allowed to buy whatever weapon(s) you wish.

Whether you subsequently vote or buy a gun is up to you.

When you show up to vote, you tell the nice old lady your name and address and she makes sure you are on the approved voter list. Then you can vote.

When you show up to buy a gun, the seller makes sure you are on the approved buyer list. Then you can buy whatever you like.

The onus of maintaining a proper list of eligible voters or gun buyers is all on the government.

Who you vote for, or what you buy, is none of their damned business.

This is what we should be striving for. Not repeating lies to each other.
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Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:
 120 specifically-named firearms
 Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a
detachable magazine and have one military characteristic
 Semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept
more than 10 rounds

From the horse's mouth:

and of course this law will also apply to law enforcement......

If we can't have certain weapons, then the cops don't need them either.
Holy shit. Now you quote CNS News? That's another site that pours piss for UnConservative rubes.

The AWB would ban certain types of handguns. NOT ALL HANDGUNS. Got it?

Like I said, most people have no idea what objective reporting is supposed to look like.

I know Feinstein will let us keep a musket and a revolver, maybe a squirt gun and bubble gun will be exempt too.

You can't face the fact that she wants to ban most guns that are effective in the modern age.

The whole point of the 2nd Amendment was to maintain a balance of power between the people and the government. She wants to strip all power away from citizens.


You want to know what I believe the right approach is?

I believe we should be registering gun buyers, not guns.

We register voters, not their votes, because who a person votes for is none of the government's business. What guns you buy should not be, either.

During the voter registration process, we ensure you are eligible to vote. We certify you are a US citizen in good standing. If you are, you make the list. If you are an immigrant, you never make the list unless and until you acquire citizenship. You will never be able to vote until then.

We should do the same with anyone who may want to buy a gun. We certify you are a US citizen in good standing.

Once you are on the voter registration list, you are allowed to vote for whoever you wish.

Once you are on the gun buyer registration list, you are allowed to buy whatever weapon(s) you wish.

Whether you subsequently vote or buy a gun is up to you.

When you show up to vote, you tell the nice old lady your name and address and she makes sure you are on the approved voter list. Then you can vote.

When you show up to buy a gun, the seller makes sure you are on the approved buyer list. Then you can buy whatever you like.

The onus of maintaining a proper list of eligible voters or gun buyers is all on the government.

Who you vote for, or what you buy is none of their damned business.

This is what we should be striving for. Not repeating lies to each other.

The only danger is in the law being crafted like you see laws in big cities, where they put annoying hurdles in front of people to prevent them from getting a permit in the first place.

It would have to only restrict those who:

Convicted of a felony
judged mentally incompetent by a court.

If your concept was not corrupted, I could see it being viable.
Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:
 120 specifically-named firearms
 Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a
detachable magazine and have one military characteristic
 Semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept
more than 10 rounds

From the horse's mouth:

and of course this law will also apply to law enforcement......

If we can't have certain weapons, then the cops don't need them either.

That would be making a mistake into a monumental disaster. We CAN NOT let the criminals outgun the ones tasked with protecting the public.
I know Feinstein will let us keep a musket and a revolver, maybe a squirt gun and bubble gun will be exempt too.

You can't face the fact that she wants to ban most guns that are effective in the modern age.

The whole point of the 2nd Amendment was to maintain a balance of power between the people and the government. She wants to strip all power away from citizens.


You want to know what I believe the right approach is?

I believe we should be registering gun buyers, not guns.

We register voters, not their votes, because who a person votes for is none of the government's business. What guns you buy should not be, either.

During the voter registration process, we ensure you are eligible to vote. We certify you are a US citizen in good standing. If you are, you make the list. If you are an immigrant, you never make the list unless and until you acquire citizenship. You will never be able to vote until then.

We should do the same with anyone who may want to buy a gun. We certify you are a US citizen in good standing.

Once you are on the voter registration list, you are allowed to vote for whoever you wish.

Once you are on the gun buyer registration list, you are allowed to buy whatever weapon(s) you wish.

Whether you subsequently vote or buy a gun is up to you.

When you show up to vote, you tell the nice old lady your name and address and she makes sure you are on the approved voter list. Then you can vote.

When you show up to buy a gun, the seller makes sure you are on the approved buyer list. Then you can buy whatever you like.

The onus of maintaining a proper list of eligible voters or gun buyers is all on the government.

Who you vote for, or what you buy is none of their damned business.

This is what we should be striving for. Not repeating lies to each other.

The only danger is in the law being crafted like you see laws in big cities, where they put annoying hurdles in front of people to prevent them from getting a permit in the first place.

It would have to only restrict those who:

Convicted of a felony
judged mentally incompetent by a court.

If your concept was not corrupted, I could see it being viable.

Whatever challenges gun buyer registration would face, they couldn't possibly be as ridiculous as banning a gun because of the way it looks while allowing another gun which functions identically to be legal.

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