DOJ memo suggests Obama DOES want your guns

"Come and get them." (he says)
and that is what I told the Department of Defense when they said they would confiscate my computers if I talked about the 350 pages from their agency that I found in my laptops....
Just another "If you like your current health care plan, you can keep it" moment from our Emperor Obama wannabe. Rest assured if his mouth be movin', he be lyin'. Class one forksucker he is, always and forever.

You wouldn't know communism if it walked up and slapped you in the face.

Why won't you admit your fuck-up?

Nobody wants to take anyone's pistols or shotguns or hunting rifles or crossbows or pea shooters or muskets or long rifles or slingshots or catapults.

When will you nutters move on? You have spent your load on this one and lady liberty still ain't satisfied.
Here is the context of the DOJ memo. In the 90s, an assault weapons ban was passed by Congress. However, that AWB did not ban the resale of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. It only banned the manufacture, sale, and importation of NEW assault weapons and large capacity magazines.

Since there were already millions of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines, the AWB had virtually no impact on a person's ability to acquire assault weapons or large capacity magazines after the act was passed.

That is where the Feinstein clip comes in at the end of the OP link. She told 60 Minutes that if it were up to her, she would have made the confiscation of all existing assault weapons part of the AWB to make it more effective in getting assault weapons off the street.

The DOJ memo IS NOT RECOMMENDING THIS COURSE OF ACTION. Read it and see for yourself.

What the DOJ memo recommends is that if you are going to ban the manufacture, sale, and importation of new assault weapons alone, then such an AWB will be as ineffective as the last one was. Therefore, they recommend such an AWB be coupled with an assalt weapons buyback program to remove existing assault weapons from the streets.

No confiscation. A gun buyback program.

If you are so retarded that you confuse an assault weapons buyback program with a "mandatory confiscation" of ALL guns, you are a fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.

And of course a buy back would work and the DOJ thinks it would? The stupid one here is you, the DOJ knows perfectly well a buy back would be useless.
Here is the context of the DOJ memo. In the 90s, an assault weapons ban was passed by Congress. However, that AWB did not ban the resale of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines. It only banned the manufacture, sale, and importation of NEW assault weapons and large capacity magazines.

Since there were already millions of existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines, the AWB had virtually no impact on a person's ability to acquire assault weapons or large capacity magazines after the act was passed.

That is where the Feinstein clip comes in at the end of the OP link. She told 60 Minutes that if it were up to her, she would have made the confiscation of all existing assault weapons part of the AWB to make it more effective in getting assault weapons off the street.

The DOJ memo IS NOT RECOMMENDING THIS COURSE OF ACTION. Read it and see for yourself.

What the DOJ memo recommends is that if you are going to ban the manufacture, sale, and importation of new assault weapons alone, then such an AWB will be as ineffective as the last one was. Therefore, they recommend such an AWB be coupled with an assalt weapons buyback program to remove existing assault weapons from the streets.

No confiscation. A gun buyback program.

If you are so retarded that you confuse an assault weapons buyback program with a "mandatory confiscation" of ALL guns, you are a fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.

And of course a buy back would work and the DOJ thinks it would? The stupid one here is you, the DOJ knows perfectly well a buy back would be useless.

I am presenting the facts of what is in the memo, not an opinion on whether the recommendations would meet their goals, fool. And the fact is the NRA lied about the contents of the memo.

I am opposed to gun control.

You can add Breitbart to the long list of liars. Did you watch the full 60 Minutes episode to which I conveniently linked for all you piss drinkers to watch?

Watch it. Then you will see Breitbart thinks you are an idiot.

From your Brietbart link:

In a 1995 broadcast of CBS' 60 Minutes, Feinstein admitted she would love to have instituted an "outright ban" on all guns.

IF the DOJ memo is true, well, then it is accurate.

No gun law will work without confiscation. That is 100% true. Just like drug laws wont work without confiscation, which is why crack and weed are readily available, despite the laws against it.

Common sense. But, common sense left the GOP, oh....sometime around January 2009.
Obamaturd and the DOJ only want our guns to give to the drug cartels in mexico.

You can add Breitbart to the long list of liars. Did you watch the full 60 Minutes episode to which I conveniently linked for all you piss drinkers to watch?

Watch it. Then you will see Breitbart thinks you are an idiot.

From your Brietbart link:

In a 1995 broadcast of CBS' 60 Minutes, Feinstein admitted she would love to have instituted an "outright ban" on all guns.

What we drink is a lot better then the stuff you and your ilk swallow. IDIOT!!!!
Jesus, you people are easy. What does it say about you that Breitbart and the NRA are confident that you will believe their lies? Not only believe them, but repeat them like good little parrots.

Have some fucking pride!
What we drink is a lot better then the stuff you and your ilk swallow. IDIOT!!!!

You only capable of absorbing little snippets of hand-crafted pellets of bullshit. You are unable to watch a full 60 Minutes segment to find out the truth and instead you just watch, what, 45 seconds taken out of context and swallow the cow dung pellet.

You can't read a DOJ memo. You just swallow the dung pellet fed to you by a lying propagandist about what it says.

I think we all know who the idiots are. The NRA and Breitbart sure do. They rely on you to be that stupid. You are too stupid to even be embarrassed over your gullibility.
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You can add Breitbart to the long list of liars. Did you watch the full 60 Minutes episode to which I conveniently linked for all you piss drinkers to watch?

Watch it. Then you will see Breitbart thinks you are an idiot.

From your Brietbart link:

In a 1995 broadcast of CBS' 60 Minutes, Feinstein admitted she would love to have instituted an "outright ban" on all guns.

What we drink is a lot better then the stuff you and your ilk swallow. IDIOT!!!!

Oh, you mean our headache water?
What we drink is a lot better then the stuff you and your ilk swallow. IDIOT!!!!

You only capable of absorbing little snippets of hand-crafted pellets of bullshit. You are unable to watch a full 60 Minutes segment to find out the truth and instead you just watch, what, 45 seconds taken out of context and swallow the cow dung pellet.

You can't read a DOJ memo. You just swallow the dung pellet fed to you by a lying propagandist about what it says.

I think we all know who the idiots are. The NRA and Breitbart sure do. They rely on you to be that stupid. You are too stupid to even be embarrassed over your gullibility.

All your screaming and name calling only proves 2 things.

You have no humility and are in desperate need of some humble pie oh mighty one.
Just another "If you like your current health care plan, you can keep it" moment from our Emperor Obama wannabe. Rest assured if his mouth be movin', he be lyin'. Class one forksucker he is, always and forever.

You wouldn't know communism if it walked up and slapped you in the face.
No, obamaturd is a commie want to be. His supporters are the commie bastards.
Just another "If you like your current health care plan, you can keep it" moment from our Emperor Obama wannabe. Rest assured if his mouth be movin', he be lyin'. Class one forksucker he is, always and forever.

You wouldn't know communism if it walked up and slapped you in the face.
No, obamaturd is a commie want to be. His supporters are the commie bastards.

Explain how. I didn't vote for the man so give me some examples how they would have been at home in Lenin or Stalin's Russia.
You can add Breitbart to the long list of liars. Did you watch the full 60 Minutes episode to which I conveniently linked for all you piss drinkers to watch?

Says the fluoride head who consumed all the poisoned water supply that decreased his IQ.

Watch it. Then you will see Breitbart thinks you are an idiot.

From your Brietbart link:

In a 1995 broadcast of CBS' 60 Minutes, Feinstein admitted she would love to have instituted an "outright ban" on all guns.


I have the clip right here where Feinstein admits she wanted to confiscate all guns but that she couldn't get the Senate to agree.

[ame=]Feinstein on guns: 'Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in' - YouTube[/ame]

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You can add Breitbart to the long list of liars. Did you watch the full 60 Minutes episode to which I conveniently linked for all you piss drinkers to watch?

Says the fluoride head who consumed all the poisoned water supply that decreased his IQ.

Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal | Reuters

Watch it. Then you will see Breitbart thinks you are an idiot.

From your Brietbart link:

In a 1995 broadcast of CBS' 60 Minutes, Feinstein admitted she would love to have instituted an "outright ban" on all guns.


I have the clip right here where Feinstein admits she wanted to confiscate all guns but that she couldn't get the Senate to agree.

[ame=]Feinstein on guns: 'Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in' - YouTube[/ame]

This is a perfect example of what loathsome lying scum the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are!!!! Anyone who sees the unedited video knows Feinstein was talking about assault weapons only, not all guns as the lying scum in the NRA would try to deceive you. This is why no honest person with a working brain would ever believe anything, especially a quote or a video or an audio clip from any source on the Right. It is also a perfect example of just how gullible and stupid the Misinformation voter is who swallow this shit whole and without question!!!

As soon as you see in the intro that the video was made by the MRC you immediately know it is dishonest, and you know that MRC knew the piece was about banned assault weapons when they created their web of deceit!!! Brett Bozo's MRC are the most deceitful lying scum to ever crawl out of a sewer.

The whole 60 Minutes piece was about how the gun manufacturers get around the production and sale of the already banned assault weapons and extended clips, it had absolutely nothing to do with any other kind of gun!!! The piece was about how they buy swap new guns and clips for pre-ban ones from law enforcement so they can sell banned weapons to the public, whereas new guns can only be sold to law enforcement. The piece also showed how they could make minor changes to the assault weapons and then sell new ones legally. The manufacturers call it "sporterizing" the assault weapon.
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IF the DOJ memo is true, well, then it is accurate.

No gun law will work without confiscation. That is 100% true. Just like drug laws wont work without confiscation, which is why crack and weed are readily available, despite the laws against it.

Common sense. But, common sense left the GOP, oh....sometime around January 2009.
Obamaturd and the DOJ only want our guns to give to the drug cartels in mexico.
Sorry, the NRA already cornered that market!
You can add Breitbart to the long list of liars. Did you watch the full 60 Minutes episode to which I conveniently linked for all you piss drinkers to watch?

Says the fluoride head who consumed all the poisoned water supply that decreased his IQ.

Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal | Reuters

Watch it. Then you will see Breitbart thinks you are an idiot.

From your Brietbart link:


I have the clip right here where Feinstein admits she wanted to confiscate all guns but that she couldn't get the Senate to agree.

[ame=]Feinstein on guns: 'Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in' - YouTube[/ame]

This is a perfect example of what loathsome lying scum the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are!!!! Anyone who sees the unedited video knows Feinstein was talking about assault weapons only, not all guns as the lying scum in the NRA would try to deceive you. This is why no honest person with a working brain would ever believe anything, especially a quote or a video or an audio clip from any source on the Right. It is also a perfect example of just how gullible and stupid the Misinformation voter is who swallow this shit whole and without question!!!

As soon as you see in the intro that the video was made by the MRC you immediately know it is dishonest, and you know that MRC knew the piece was about banned assault weapons when they created their web of deceit!!! Brett Bozo's MRC are the most deceitful lying scum to ever crawl out of a sewer.

The whole 60 Minutes piece was about how the gun manufacturers get around the production and sale of the already banned assault weapons and extended clips, it had absolutely nothing to do with any other kind of gun!!! The piece was about how they buy swap new guns and clips for pre-ban ones from law enforcement so they can sell banned weapons to the public, whereas new guns can only be sold to law enforcement. The piece also showed how they could make minor changes to the assault weapons and then sell new ones legally. The manufacturers call it "sporterizing" the assault weapon.

To Feinstein, all weapons are assault weapons you idiot. I've read her proposals on her own site. She will ban even handguns and shotguns because they can be modified to have characteristics banned under her Bill.

Feinstein Ban Includes Handguns: 'The Purpose is to Dry Up The Supply of These Weapons' | CNS News

Btw, her interview was in the context of the assault weapons ban but the assault weapons ban got passed at the time. She was talking about the ban on all guns that didn't pass but that she wanted the votes for.

I'm a Libertarian, not a Conservative.

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