DOJ Slams Accusations Attorney General Barr is Mishandling the Release of Mueller's Report

theres going to be a shitload of RW Tards eating a shitload of crow sooner than later ..
The DOJ is upset about criticisms of Barr?

Who heads the DOJ?

Oh that's right

We're still waiting for that to happen. And it will. The people will simply throw the rest of the Republicans out of office, and end the party. And they should.
You really do live in a delusional world, don't you?

No charges were filed against the Clintons, For 25 years Republicans have been investigating the Clintons.
Look, BogusLady, I know this is way over your head to grasp, but let's get ONE THING STRAIGHT. No one gets investigated for 25 years FOR NO REASON. The only reason why Hillary walks the streets a free woman is because to convict her would involve dragging in and taking down too many high people in government that the government simply wants to avoid the scandal. If the Clintons go to jail, just as Mueller spun off into a lot of other side people and unrelated things, it would necessitate asking a lot of embarrassing questions that would lead to an investigation that would expose corruption right to the very CORE of our government.

You actually believe all that crap, don't you?

The WHOLE WORLD is either wrong, or YOU.

Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich by Peter Schweizer
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party by Dinesh D’Souza
A Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate by Gary J Byrne.
Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation by Edward Klein
Hillary the Other Woman by Dolly Kyle
Partners in Crime; The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit by Jerome Corsi
The Clintons’ War on Women by Roger Stone and Robert Morrow
Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton by Kathleen Wiley
Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary Clinton by Edward Klein
Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine by Canice Jackson
Gennifer Flowers: Passion and Betrayal by Gennifer Flowers
Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Barbara Olson
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy’s Dossier on Hillary Clinton by Amanda Carpenter
The Extreme Makeover of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Bay Buchanan
A Washington Tragedy: Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Suicide of Vincent Foster by Dan Moldea
Deception: The Making of the Youtube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi by Kenneth Timmerman
Hillary Clinton: The Top 25 Reasons She Should Not Be Elected President by John Foster
The Case Against Hillary Clinton by Peggy Noonan
Whitewash: What the Media Won’t Tell You About Hillary Clinton, But Conservatives Will by L. Brent Bozell
Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich
Blood Feud: The Clintons vs The Obamas by Edward Klein

What's remarkable is that I'm sure you've read none of these, don't know anything about it, yet deny it all and think it all unfounded and made up.

Most of these books are based on Republican Rumours. All of the allegations contained have been in them have been investigated and found to be FALSE. 17 investigations - no witnesses, no evidence, no crimes, and not one charge. Either Republicans are the WORST investigators ever, or the Clintons haven't done anything illegal - which is it?

It never ceases to amaze me how you hypocritical assholes continue to say that Donald Trump is innocent because "innocent until proven guilty", but the Clintons, who have never even been charged with a crime, must be guilty because of all of these investigations, which have found NOTHING.

So which is it? Innocent until proven guilty, guilty because there were 17 phony investigations? Because there are 16 other investigations going on against Donald Trump, and we still haven't seen the Mueller Report, which we are not being told that Barr has completely misrepresented the findings.

If the Clintons are guilty because 25 years of investigations found NOTHING, Trump should be executed for the crimes he's already settled and paid compensation for committing.
So which is it? Innocent until proven guilty, guilty because there were 17 phony investigations? Because there are 16 other investigations going on against Donald Trump, and we still haven't seen the Mueller Report, which we are not being told that Barr has completely misrepresented the findings.

It is whatever benefits Republicans in the minute.

It's the Goldfish Principle. Yesterday never happened.
theres going to be a shitload of RW Tards eating a shitload of crow sooner than later ..

Didn't you say the very same thing last fall saying Just wait until Mueller releases his investigation?

not forming opinions until the investigation is over is just about all I've been saying since day 1 - but look at Trump and his drones ... 30 seconds after Mueller turned over his findings to Barr, Goldilocks started slobbering how he was totally in the clear and his drones bought it - that bring us back to square 1.

It aint fucking over until its over !

By all means eat crow and have a foot for desert.

Did you read the OP?
Do that, and get back to us.
Did you read my post? Do so and get back to us. Thanks.
I did - it was another example of your usual bigoted, hyper-partisan partisan ignorance.
See, had you read the OP, you'd recognize that the report will, indeed, be released.
We’ll see what happens.
You know I'm right, but your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud.
We’ll see what is released.
You know I'm right, but your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud.
Justice isn’t going to admit the fact that Barr’s ‘summary’ is insufficient, or admit to flaws in its own investigation.
As usual, you speak from bigoted, partisan ignorance.

From the article in OP:
"Given the extraordinary public interest in the matter, the Attorney General decided to release the report's bottom-line findings and his conclusions immediately -- without attempting to summarize the report -- with the understanding that the report itself would be released after the redaction process."
I did - it was another example of your usual bigoted, hyper-partisan partisan ignorance.
See, had you read the OP, you'd recognize that the report will, indeed, be released.
We’ll see what happens.
You know I'm right, but your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud.
We’ll see what is released.
You know I'm right, but your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud.
We’ll see what is released.
Good to see you know I'm right; sad that your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud
We’ll see what happens.
You know I'm right, but your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud.
We’ll see what is released.
You know I'm right, but your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud.
We’ll see what is released.
Good to see you know I'm right; sad that your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud

Again, we’ll see what is actually released; for those who seem to not understand what I’m writing
You know I'm right, but your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud.
We’ll see what is released.
You know I'm right, but your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud.
We’ll see what is released.
Good to see you know I'm right; sad that your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud
Again, we’ll see what is actually released; for those who seem to not understand what I’m writing
Whatever it is, you won't be satisfied.
We’ll see what is released.
You know I'm right, but your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud.
We’ll see what is released.
Good to see you know I'm right; sad that your partisan bigotry won't let to admit it out loud
Again, we’ll see what is actually released; for those who seem to not understand what I’m writing
Whatever it is, you won't be satisfied.

You’re likely correct.

When you summarize 22 months of work into 4 pages and spend less than 10 hours to do it; confidence in the AG’s methodology shouldn’t exist. And now he’s going to start redacting whatever he thinks we do not deserve to know.

Couple this with the fact that the AG accepted a report into the Trump campaign where there was no under oath questioning of the principal...
And here...AG Barr (head of the DOJ) is defending AG Barr

Release the report in full to Congress and I'll accept whatever it says.

I couldn't be any clearer about that
Looks like the Democrats are going to have a great political football in the upcoming election if the report is not released.
Did you read the OP?
Do that, and get back to us.
Did you read my post? Do so and get back to us. Thanks.
I did - it was another example of your usual bigoted, hyper-partisan partisan ignorance.
See, had you read the OP, you'd recognize that the report will, indeed, be released.

We’ll see what happens.
then why are you posting stuff you haven't seen yet? are you gaslighting?
Release the report in full to Congress and I'll accept whatever it says.

I couldn't be any clearer about that
he will, once he redacts the material that he has to follow law on. are you for him breaking the law? wow.
Release the report in full to Congress and I'll accept whatever it says.
I couldn't be any clearer about that
he will, once he redacts the material that he has to follow law on. are you for him breaking he law? wow.
She has to maintain the narrative, and she doesn't care to whom she must lie to do so - even herself.

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