DOJ Slams Accusations Attorney General Barr is Mishandling the Release of Mueller's Report

This deserves its own thread, rather than leave it buried in another.
"Every page of the 'confidential report' provided to Attorney General Barr on March 22, 2019 was marked 'May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)' - a law that protects confidential grand jury information - and therefore could not be publicly released," DOJ spokesperson Keri Kupec released in a statement.

According to the letter, "(1) material subject to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6 (e) that by law cannot be made public; (2) material the intelligence community identifies as potentially compromising sensitive sources and methods; (3) material that could affect other ongoing matters, including those that the Special Counsel has referred to other Department offices; and (4) information that would unduly infringe on the personal privacy and reputational interests of peripheral third parties" will not be released.
BREAKING: DOJ Slams Accusations Attorney General Barr is Mishandling the Release of Mueller's Report

For those of you with too short an attention span to read it all:
You'll get see the report, and you'll see everything that can be legally released.
“DOJ Slams Accusations Attorney General Barr is Mishandling the Release of Mueller's Report”


Of course it does.

Justice isn’t going to admit the fact that Barr’s ‘summary’ is insufficient, or admit to flaws in its own investigation.

Too funny.
We're still waiting for that to happen. And it will. The people will simply throw the rest of the Republicans out of office, and end the party. And they should.
You really do live in a delusional world, don't you?

No charges were filed against the Clintons, For 25 years Republicans have been investigating the Clintons.
Look, BogusLady, I know this is way over your head to grasp, but let's get ONE THING STRAIGHT. No one gets investigated for 25 years FOR NO REASON. The only reason why Hillary walks the streets a free woman is because to convict her would involve dragging in and taking down too many high people in government that the government simply wants to avoid the scandal. If the Clintons go to jail, just as Mueller spun off into a lot of other side people and unrelated things, it would necessitate asking a lot of embarrassing questions that would lead to an investigation that would expose corruption right to the very CORE of our government.
We're still waiting for that to happen. And it will. The people will simply throw the rest of the Republicans out of office, and end the party. And they should.
You really do live in a delusional world, don't you?

No charges were filed against the Clintons, For 25 years Republicans have been investigating the Clintons.
Look, BogusLady, I know this is way over your head to grasp, but let's get ONE THING STRAIGHT. No one gets investigated for 25 years FOR NO REASON. The only reason why Hillary walks the streets a free woman is because to convict her would involve dragging in and taking down too many high people in government that the government simply wants to avoid the scandal. If the Clintons go to jail, just as Mueller spun off into a lot of other side people and unrelated things, it would necessitate asking a lot of embarrassing questions that would lead to an investigation that would expose corruption right to the very CORE of our government.

You actually believe all that crap, don't you?
theres going to be a shitload of RW Tards eating a shitload of crow sooner than later ..

Didn't you say the very same thing last fall saying Just wait until Mueller releases his investigation?

We haven't seen it yet dumb ass.

What could be more dumbass than a democrat who says for the 27,053rd time in 2 years, Trump's impeachment or conviction is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! Any day now! We're sick of waiting for you to either PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

Each section of the Mueller report apparently has a summary that does not disclose sensitive information. In light of that information it is clear Barr is not interested in an honest release.
It seems you are already preparing to disbelieve anything that is released.

Have you forgotten who Mueller is, or did you ever even know?

We're going to see the report eventually, and it's likely that a lot of Democrats will wish they had not...
Looks like the Democrats are going to have a great political football in the upcoming election if the report is not released. With 20+ GOP senate seats up (some in blue states), it’s looking very good for the Dems to reclaim the Senate.

My God, are you that clueless? Barr said he was releasing the reports after it was redacted to hide all of things he legally cannot release!
Looks like the Democrats are going to have a great political football in the upcoming election if the report is not released.
Did you read the OP?
Do that, and get back to us.
Did you read my post? Do so and get back to us. Thanks.
I did - it was another example of your usual bigoted, hyper-partisan partisan ignorance.
See, had you read the OP, you'd recognize that the report will, indeed, be released.

We’ll see what happens.

No, blind morons like you cannot see!
theres going to be a shitload of RW Tards eating a shitload of crow sooner than later ..

Didn't you say the very same thing last fall saying Just wait until Mueller releases his investigation?

We haven't seen it yet dumb ass.

What could be more dumbass than a democrat who says for the 27,053rd time in 2 years, Trump's impeachment or conviction is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! Any day now! We're sick of waiting for you to either PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

View attachment 254118
release the full mueller report, then let's talk.
We're still waiting for that to happen. And it will. The people will simply throw the rest of the Republicans out of office, and end the party. And they should.
You really do live in a delusional world, don't you?

No charges were filed against the Clintons, For 25 years Republicans have been investigating the Clintons.
Look, BogusLady, I know this is way over your head to grasp, but let's get ONE THING STRAIGHT. No one gets investigated for 25 years FOR NO REASON. The only reason why Hillary walks the streets a free woman is because to convict her would involve dragging in and taking down too many high people in government that the government simply wants to avoid the scandal. If the Clintons go to jail, just as Mueller spun off into a lot of other side people and unrelated things, it would necessitate asking a lot of embarrassing questions that would lead to an investigation that would expose corruption right to the very CORE of our government.

You actually believe all that crap, don't you?

The WHOLE WORLD is either wrong, or YOU.

Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich by Peter Schweizer
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party by Dinesh D’Souza
A Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate by Gary J Byrne.
Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation by Edward Klein
Hillary the Other Woman by Dolly Kyle
Partners in Crime; The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit by Jerome Corsi
The Clintons’ War on Women by Roger Stone and Robert Morrow
Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton by Kathleen Wiley
Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary Clinton by Edward Klein
Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine by Canice Jackson
Gennifer Flowers: Passion and Betrayal by Gennifer Flowers
Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Barbara Olson
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy’s Dossier on Hillary Clinton by Amanda Carpenter
The Extreme Makeover of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Bay Buchanan
A Washington Tragedy: Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Suicide of Vincent Foster by Dan Moldea
Deception: The Making of the Youtube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi by Kenneth Timmerman
Hillary Clinton: The Top 25 Reasons She Should Not Be Elected President by John Foster
The Case Against Hillary Clinton by Peggy Noonan
Whitewash: What the Media Won’t Tell You About Hillary Clinton, But Conservatives Will by L. Brent Bozell
Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich
Blood Feud: The Clintons vs The Obamas by Edward Klein

What's remarkable is that I'm sure you've read none of these, don't know anything about it, yet deny it all and think it all unfounded and made up.

Looks like the Democrats are going to have a great political football in the upcoming election if the report is not released. With 20+ GOP senate seats up (some in blue states), it’s looking very good for the Dems to reclaim the Senate.

There are no GOP Senate candidates up for reelection in Blue States. But you can bet your ass, Jones will be out in Alabama.

I can see you are just making shit up again. Gardner out of Colorado is up for reelection and he's in real serious trouble. He hung on in 2016 by distancing himself from Trump. This time around he's in such serious trouble he's trying to jump on the Trump band wagon hoping that will save him. It won't. He tells us how he's undecided on issues but keeps automatically pulling the red lever. He isn't believed anymore. Colorado is primarily a blue state.
theres going to be a shitload of RW Tards eating a shitload of crow sooner than later ..

Didn't you say the very same thing last fall saying Just wait until Mueller releases his investigation?

We haven't seen it yet dumb ass.

What could be more dumbass than a democrat who says for the 27,053rd time in 2 years, Trump's impeachment or conviction is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! Any day now! We're sick of waiting for you to either PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

View attachment 254118
When did I say impeachment is right around the corner, or any day now? Those are dumb things the right says.
We're still waiting for that to happen. And it will. The people will simply throw the rest of the Republicans out of office, and end the party. And they should.
You really do live in a delusional world, don't you?

No charges were filed against the Clintons, For 25 years Republicans have been investigating the Clintons.
Look, BogusLady, I know this is way over your head to grasp, but let's get ONE THING STRAIGHT. No one gets investigated for 25 years FOR NO REASON. The only reason why Hillary walks the streets a free woman is because to convict her would involve dragging in and taking down too many high people in government that the government simply wants to avoid the scandal. If the Clintons go to jail, just as Mueller spun off into a lot of other side people and unrelated things, it would necessitate asking a lot of embarrassing questions that would lead to an investigation that would expose corruption right to the very CORE of our government.

You actually believe all that crap, don't you?

The WHOLE WORLD is either wrong, or YOU.

Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich by Peter Schweizer
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party by Dinesh D’Souza
A Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate by Gary J Byrne.
Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation by Edward Klein
Hillary the Other Woman by Dolly Kyle
Partners in Crime; The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit by Jerome Corsi
The Clintons’ War on Women by Roger Stone and Robert Morrow
Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton by Kathleen Wiley
Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary Clinton by Edward Klein
Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine by Canice Jackson
Gennifer Flowers: Passion and Betrayal by Gennifer Flowers
Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Barbara Olson
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy’s Dossier on Hillary Clinton by Amanda Carpenter
The Extreme Makeover of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Bay Buchanan
A Washington Tragedy: Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Suicide of Vincent Foster by Dan Moldea
Deception: The Making of the Youtube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi by Kenneth Timmerman
Hillary Clinton: The Top 25 Reasons She Should Not Be Elected President by John Foster
The Case Against Hillary Clinton by Peggy Noonan
Whitewash: What the Media Won’t Tell You About Hillary Clinton, But Conservatives Will by L. Brent Bozell
Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich
Blood Feud: The Clintons vs The Obamas by Edward Klein

What's remarkable is that I'm sure you've read none of these, don't know anything about it, yet deny it all and think it all unfounded and made up.

You can make a fortune writing crazy conspiracy theory books and selling them to RWNJs, can't you? I'm thinking about writing a couple myself.
Looks like the Democrats are going to have a great political football in the upcoming election if the report is not released. With 20+ GOP senate seats up (some in blue states), it’s looking very good for the Dems to reclaim the Senate.

Nah. with the shit show that is the Dem led House I'd be surprised if they hang onto it in 2020. The Senate will remain Rep.

The Dems are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Hope they continue with their lunacy all through 2019.

Go Dems.
Looks like the Democrats are going to have a great political football in the upcoming election if the report is not released. With 20+ GOP senate seats up (some in blue states), it’s looking very good for the Dems to reclaim the Senate.

My God, are you that clueless? Barr said he was releasing the reports after it was redacted to hide all of things he legally cannot release!

And Trump said he would release his taxes, fix healthcare, cut the deficit, and that NK agreed to de-nuke.

None of that has happened; none of that is ever going to happen.

I doubt his appointees have any inclination to follow through on their words.

Or are you clueless enough to believe what you bought?
Looks like the Democrats are going to have a great political football in the upcoming election if the report is not released.
Did you read the OP?
Do that, and get back to us.
Did you read my post? Do so and get back to us. Thanks.
I did - it was another example of your usual bigoted, hyper-partisan partisan ignorance.
See, had you read the OP, you'd recognize that the report will, indeed, be released.

We’ll see what happens.

No, blind morons like you cannot see!

Hitting the bong again?
Looks like the Democrats are going to have a great political football in the upcoming election if the report is not released. With 20+ GOP senate seats up (some in blue states), it’s looking very good for the Dems to reclaim the Senate.

Nah. with the shit show that is the Dem led House I'd be surprised if they hang onto it in 2020. The Senate will remain Rep.

The Dems are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Hope they continue with their lunacy all through 2019.

Go Dems.

Have you ever decided if you’re for or against Government Run Healthcare?
This deserves its own thread, rather than leave it buried in another.
"Every page of the 'confidential report' provided to Attorney General Barr on March 22, 2019 was marked 'May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)' - a law that protects confidential grand jury information - and therefore could not be publicly released," DOJ spokesperson Keri Kupec released in a statement.

According to the letter, "(1) material subject to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6 (e) that by law cannot be made public; (2) material the intelligence community identifies as potentially compromising sensitive sources and methods; (3) material that could affect other ongoing matters, including those that the Special Counsel has referred to other Department offices; and (4) information that would unduly infringe on the personal privacy and reputational interests of peripheral third parties" will not be released.
BREAKING: DOJ Slams Accusations Attorney General Barr is Mishandling the Release of Mueller's Report

For those of you with too short an attention span to read it all:
You'll get see the report, and you'll see everything that can be legally released.
man - this is right up there when they slammed things like secret tarmac meetings and deleting 33k mails.

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