DOJ: Trump tax documents must go to Congress

Its illegal, there are rules to be followed in regards to obtaining tax records of a president and they are not being followed here

Also, has the house officially charged trump with anything? What is the "just cause" for the request? Simply wanting to look at them to find a crime is not just cause.

In general, though, the request is not lawful.
Why are you cult Trump ass lickers afraid of Congress seeing his tax returns. Why do you care other then you deep down know that he's a crooked thieving bastard.
Well if you have nothing to hide then you produce it. If Richard Nixon can produce them then what is there to fear.

If there is nothing then it will be nothing yet we know that there will be something and Trump knows it to.

Yet why should he worry , those who love him will still love him
"I think the bitch lives in an alternate reality. The fucking commies in congress...."

Well, OKTexas, I don't mean to be a Miss Brooks advisor to your online persona, but.......but, mi amigo, that avatar you contracted to speak for you, is, well it comes across as a dufus. No disrespect intended to that hired avatar of yours.

But, calling a woman you (or your avatar) even know...or probably never even heard of before this story, calling her a "bitch".....ain't a testament to the, ummm, 'smarts' of either of you. Just sayin'

And then you double down with calling the people's representatives ---elected by the call them "fucking commies". Likely the vast majority of 'em you know zero about.

Man, I don' wanna be a mentor to you, but.....but your avatar sounds like a dumbass.
You may want to put out the 'Now Hiring' sign.

No disrespect intended.
Well, OKTexas, I don't mean to be a Miss Brooks advisor to your online persona, but.......but, mi amigo, that avatar you contracted to speak for you, is, well it comes across as a dufus. No disrespect intended to that hired avatar of yours.

But, calling a woman you (or your avatar) even know...or probably never even heard of before this story, calling her a "bitch".....ain't a testament to the, ummm, 'smarts' of either of you. Just sayin'

And then you double down with calling the people's representatives ---elected by the call them "fucking commies". Likely the vast majority of 'em you know zero about.

Man, I don' wanna be a mentor to you, but.....but your avatar sounds like a dumbass.
You may want to put out the 'Now Hiring' sign.

No disrespect intended.

Fuck off and die, all disrespect intended. Most of your BS makes no sense.

What bad news will they find that the IRS wouldn't have already uncovered? I'm sure trumps taxes are scrutinized fairly regularly. There's nothing in there that the government doesn't already know about.
He has lied and lied repeatedly on his taxes and everything in his life.
There is a reason Trump doesn't want this released, there are smoking guns all over.

Trump's a phony, only dumb morons believe his lies.
No, I'm serious , mon ami.
Fire that online persona you've contracted with.
It makes you look, well....rather, ummm, dumb.

You can do better.
Many of us here want you to be the best you can be.
Don't continue to disappoint.


I tailor my presentation to the audience. You just described the level appropriate for you.


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