House Democrats Are In Possession of 6-Years of Trump Tax Returns.

So you answer my question reasonably, and then post again, only the second time throwing a hissy fit.

How odd.

You're really hypersensitive. I never made anything personal. You asked me to show you a law which stated that something was illegal, despite the fact that I never said that something was illegal. Obviously you're unable to see the stupidity of your request.

Imagine Clark Gable being that stupid...
Clark Gable dint have time to be stupid.He was too busy
maintaining his perch as King of Hollywood.All it takes is just one
or two his Movies to prove that out.He was unquestionably a
Man's Man.And converserly a Ladies Man.Because he had the gift.
He also had to earn it.Married his first wife who was much older
{ years older } who helped coach him on his career choice to
be an actor.Clark, like many of the Golden Age,did menial jobs.
His first wife also insisted he have his teeth fixed.Years later
he came down with gum disease and needed to get his teeth
extracted { most of them } were the Infection nearly killed him.Callo of the
PLus losing the Love of his life { fellow thespian } Carol Lombard
in a plane crash,while making the rounds to sell war bonds.
His movies are not around any more.One in particular I managed to
catch on TCM or was it AMC a couple weeks ago is just great.
His - Call of the Wild - { 1935 } which I will eventually et a copy of.
I had to leave the room after the scene where Buck runs off
from the Sled Team because he was too clumsy.Jack { Clark's character }
tries to fetch him,but a snow storm was mounting.Jack had to get the
dog team moving before nightfall and the storm.Sadfully barks out either Buck will
freeze to death or the Wolves will get him.
However minutes later the scene where Clark is bedded down besides a
large tree { to ward off the high winds and snow } and is under what
seems like a thick tarp.Covered in snow.Buck stumbles into the camp
where a rather large fire is burning and notices the tarp.
Sticks his nose under and awakens Jack.Who is drowsy but quickly
awakens with a that Huge Gable grin and some manly words.
He wastes no time in clutching Bucks head to his face and strokes
his St.Bernards { or is Buck a Newfoundland } big head.With very
loving affection and more sweet words.I mean,I couldn't help
but shed a few tears.The scene was as honest and beliveable as
ever, I done see'd.They don't make movie scenes like that very
often.Nor the kind of Man who can deliever them.
There are legal limits to such things. "Trump's accountants quit — in the midst of preparing his and Melania's taxes — after questioning 'discrepancies'."
Yes, write down the assets to offset tax. You inflate the values by sailing close to the wind. Obviously that accountant firm was uneasy with some of the answers and are welcome to step away. Stepping away doesn't make anyone guilty of anything, that's up to a court. But ultimately, an accountant firm from somewhere has filed the Trump's tax returns.
They won't need to do that because the new House management will have it well in control shortly.
I'll save you the trouble of posting your disgust with the new house management in 2 years (or less).

"I can't believe they gave in to the democrats"-- hadit
Clark Gable dint have time to be stupid.He was too busy
maintaining his perch as King of Hollywood.All it takes is just one
or two his Movies to prove that out.He was unquestionably a
Man's Man.And converserly a Ladies Man.Because he had the gift.
He also had to earn it.Married his first wife who was much older
{ years older } who helped coach him on his career choice to
be an actor.Clark, like many of the Golden Age,did menial jobs.
His first wife also insisted he have his teeth fixed.Years later
he came down with gum disease and needed to get his teeth
extracted { most of them } were the Infection nearly killed him.Callo of the
PLus losing the Love of his life { fellow thespian } Carol Lombard
in a plane crash,while making the rounds to sell war bonds.
His movies are not around any more.One in particular I managed to
catch on TCM or was it AMC a couple weeks ago is just great.
His - Call of the Wild - { 1935 } which I will eventually et a copy of.
I had to leave the room after the scene where Buck runs off
from the Sled Team because he was too clumsy.Jack { Clark's character }
tries to fetch him,but a snow storm was mounting.Jack had to get the
dog team moving before nightfall and the storm.Sadfully barks out either Buck will
freeze to death or the Wolves will get him.
However minutes later the scene where Clark is bedded down besides a
large tree { to ward off the high winds and snow } and is under what
seems like a thick tarp.Covered in snow.Buck stumbles into the camp
where a rather large fire is burning and notices the tarp.
Sticks his nose under and awakens Jack.Who is drowsy but quickly
awakens with a that Huge Gable grin and some manly words.
He wastes no time in clutching Bucks head to his face and strokes
his St.Bernards { or is Buck a Newfoundland } big head.With very
loving affection and more sweet words.I mean,I couldn't help
but shed a few tears.The scene was as honest and beliveable as
ever, I done see'd.They don't make movie scenes like that very
often.Nor the kind of Man who can deliever them.

Man, how early in the day do you start drinking??
i know one thing it revealed was trump made a personal loan to North Korea while he was president and didn't disclose it. Probably the least of his problems right now.

His taxes will also reveal how much debt he owes the Russian Oligarchs. He is up to Orange Faced Asshole in debt right now. We will find out that the Traitor lies about his wealth.
The House Ways & Means Committee is now in possession of six years of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns after a three-year battle to obtain them.

The committee received the documents from the Treasury Department on Wednesday after the Supreme Court rejected Trump’s final appeal on Nov. 22, according to the Treasury Department.

Treasury has complied with last week’s court decision,” a Treasury official said.
The receipt of Trump’s tax returns brings to a close a three-year legal fight that began when Ways & Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) asked the Treasury Department to hand over the then-president’s tax returns under a law that allows congressional tax-writing committees to obtain tax returns for its investigations.

Oh goodies. Will we get to see another Rachel Maddow bombshell dud?

Why are you idiots so insistent on making yourselves look like idiots? The IRS has had his tax returns forever. So now Congress is going to "discover" something the IRS overlooked?


i know one thing it revealed was trump made a personal loan to North Korea while he was president and didn't disclose it. Probably the least of his problems right now.
No He didn't, He received a loan.

Yahoo News/Forbes :

The loan was paid off just over five months into his presidency. Forbes said the documents don’t specify who satisfied it.
Trump may have skirted disclosure laws and not committed an outright violation because the loan was on the books of his company, the Trump Organization, and not identified as a personal loan, Forbes noted.
“If someone does not disclose a loan, OGE has no way to know,” said Walter Shaub, who ran that agency when Trump took office.
His taxes will also reveal how much debt he owes the Russian Oligarchs. He is up to Orange Faced Asshole in debt right now. We will find out that the Traitor lies about his wealth.
Crystal ball there Banker?
the tax returns will show Trump gave all his money to veterans who in return will thank Trump by voting for him in 2024 and when he becomes POTUS they will kiss his feet!
i know one thing it revealed was trump made a personal loan to North Korea while he was president and didn't disclose it. Probably the least of his problems right now.
Are you certain, or are you speaking of something his helpers did that somehow were misconstrued? If it was at his behest, did it come from his attempts to keep peace and prevent an untimely atomic problem from occuring? I'm certain the Pussy Prejudiced Presslings will conceal it if it benefits America, of which I am quite certain it would if it had President Trump's fingerprints on it. The charge is considerably suspicious, since the Democrats have such a bad habit of creating chaos by claiming something is illegal that is neither illegal nor that it is supremely harmless.
No He didn't, He received a loan.

Yahoo News/Forbes :

The loan was paid off just over five months into his presidency. Forbes said the documents don’t specify who satisfied it.
Trump may have skirted disclosure laws and not committed an outright violation because the loan was on the books of his company, the Trump Organization, and not identified as a personal loan, Forbes noted.
“If someone does not disclose a loan, OGE has no way to know,” said Walter Shaub, who ran that agency when Trump took office.

Stann is an idiot who believes anything anyone tells him.

Trump did business with the South Korean company Daewoo, which was the only South Korean company allowed to operate a business in North Korea during the mid-1990s.

This is what's commonly referred to as a "nothing burger", but I like to call it a "big fucking deal."
Okay, then what were you referring to when you said "Some may have tossed out or tore-up their Passports"?

Why would you ask me to show you the law that says it's illegal when I never claimed it was illegal?
You're supposed to destroy your old passport when you get a new one. I shred mine to make sure no one gets the information.
Are you certain, or are you speaking of something his helpers did that somehow were misconstrued? If it was at his behest, did it come from his attempts to keep peace and prevent an untimely atomic problem from occuring? I'm certain the Pussy Prejudiced Presslings will conceal it if it benefits America, of which I am quite certain it would if it had President Trump's fingerprints on it. The charge is considerably suspicious, since the Democrats have such a bad habit of creating chaos by claiming something is illegal that is neither illegal nor that it is supremely harmless.
That doesn't change the facts. He never disclosed that information and he was supposed to. And I think we have some type of restrictions on what can and can be done with North Korea, since they are a threat to our national security. Why would a sitting president support, in any way, such a nation. It's it's ridiculous, if not criminal.
And that's what Lefties masturbate over. But they are wankers I suppose.
No one need "suppose" that rightwing wankers like you spend all of your time bitching about "govt" as though "govts" were optional. Then the moment a proper authority finally begins seriously holding one of your bigtime government liars to account, oh, how you snowflakes melt and start demanding government cease getting it done! :party:

Can't take the heat? Crawl back into your cave.
No one need "suppose" that rightwing wankers like you spend all of your time bitching about "govt" as though "govts" were optional. Then the moment a proper authority finally begins seriously holding one of your bigtime government liars to account, oh, how you snowflakes melt and start demanding government cease getting it done! :party:

Can't take the heat? Crawl back into your cave.

Lets see how you like it when the House investigating committees finally begin seriously holding the bigtime government liar Joseph R. Biden accountable.

Think you'll be able to handle it?
That doesn't change the facts. He never disclosed that information and he was supposed to. And I think we have some type of restrictions on what can and can be done with North Korea, since they are a threat to our national security. Why would a sitting president support, in any way, such a nation. It's it's ridiculous, if not criminal.

It seems that the the Traitor failed to disclose a loan totaling over $19.8Million from a South Korean Company with close ties to North Korea when he began his run for the White House.

The Traitor failed to disclose a $19.8m loan from a company with historical ties to North Korea while he was the US president, according to a report.

Documents obtained by the New York attorney general, and reported by Forbes, indicate a previously unreported loan owed by Trump to Daewoo, a South Korean conglomerate and the only South Korean company allowed to operate a business in North Korea during the mid-1990s.

Forbes revealed that Trump’s relationship with Daewoo was at least 25 years old. At one point, Daewoo partnered with the Traitor on a development project near the UN headquarters in New York City, Trump World Tower.

IF not for the Russian Oligarachs, the Traitor's business's would have failed.

The Traitor is up to his eyeballs in debt to Russia. His trip to the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) was a thank you to North Korea.

Cons can igore the facts (they love to ignore facts) but that does not change the facts. For all their bloviating, bitching, whinning and moaning about Mr. Biden and the DPRK, it is the Traitor that does business with Commie's.

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