Dominion Must Be Hurting.

Hey Indeependent

in deep can't answer.
Wonder why?
Because morons remain morons.
If we met face to face for an hour and I totally destroyed and rebuilt you, you would wake up the next morning being a moron.
I have experienced this many times and have come to the conclusion that Liberals are mentally ill.
Because morons remain morons.
If we met face to face for an hour and I totally destroyed and rebuilt you, you would wake up the next morning being a moron.
I have experienced this many times and have come to the conclusion that Liberals are mentally ill.
But WHY do you post here for 12+ hours daily?
Are you that lonely? Yes, yes you are.
You have ZERO 'real' friends.

If you did, you wouldn't be posting here non-stop.
It is what you do. Sorry.
But WHY do you post here for 12+ hours daily?
Are you that lonely? Yes, yes you are.
You have ZERO 'real' friends.

If you did, you wouldn't be posting here non-stop.
It is what you do. Sorry.
I am buttressing the facts that my fellow knowledgeable TrumpBots post.
It's obvious you are no match for me.
Exactly what a LOSER would say.
Well done missy.

I accept your surrender.
Hey, stupid leftard asswipe, I told you already, the pros are in the game. You dumb fuckers need to improve your game or get the hell off the field. All this drivel about cult beliefs is completely asinine. It shows you're NOT a pro, you don't rise to that level. Neither does your soup Nazi buddy. You clowns keep bleating about beliefs, which means you have TOTALLY LOST TRACK OF what it means to be a scientist. You fucking amateurs wouldn't know impartial evidence if it bit you on the butt.
Hey, stupid leftard asswipe, I told you already, the pros are in the game. You dumb fuckers need to improve your game or get the hell off the field. All this drivel about cult beliefs is completely asinine. It shows you're NOT a pro, you don't rise to that level. Neither does your soup Nazi buddy. You clowns keep bleating about beliefs, which means you have TOTALLY LOST TRACK OF what it means to be a scientist. You fucking amateurs wouldn't know impartial evidence if it bit you on the butt.
It's 5:00 somewhere.
Apparently you follow the World Clock, and it's ALWAYS 5:00

Cheers Dude.
Congress also disenfranchised 75 million voters when they refused to investigate the fraud on J6.
They proved they just wanted to take their bribe money, throw us to the wolves, and then take their family on a vacation.

If you want to know, you'll do the research

Otherwise, your assertions mean NOTHING. Zip. Zero. Squat
Unlike you I have done research and you are full of shit.

You are not some guardian of rare knowledge that no one else has seen.

If you make an assertion it is on you to back it up otherwise your assertion is correctlty and accuerately judged as bullshit by all intelligent people
Hey, stupid leftard asswipe, I told you already, the pros are in the game. You dumb fuckers need to improve your game or get the hell off the field. All this drivel about cult beliefs is completely asinine. It shows you're NOT a pro, you don't rise to that level. Neither does your soup Nazi buddy. You clowns keep bleating about beliefs, which means you have TOTALLY LOST TRACK OF what it means to be a scientist. You fucking amateurs wouldn't know impartial evidence if it bit you on the butt.
For one who claims to know what impartial evidence is your posts are starving for it.
You know no such thing.

Statistical probbility proves no such thing

No they do not and the burden of proof is on you
"For Wisconsin overall, the turnout was above 90% of registered voters. Even in a state with same-day registration, such a number seems implausible. "

See those blue areas?


Those are places where Zuckerberg funded the polls, the workers, trained them and everything. They just so happen to coincide where the biggest anomalies of the election were.

Not sure where I found that pic, but it was interactive wherever I did.

Lost my last OS and all bookmarks a few days ago. Many things got lost. :dunno:

However, what didn't is things I have learned. :banana:
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"For Wisconsin overall, the turnout was above 90% of registered voters. Even in a state with same-day registration, such a number seems implausible. "

See those blue areas?


Those are places where Zuckerberg funded the polls, the workers, trained them and everything. They just so happen to coincide where the biggest anomalies of the election were.
Nope not the least bit implausible.

People are not as predictable as you seem to believe
Nope not the least bit implausible.

People are not as predictable as you seem to believe
200+ years and never before a 90% turnout anywhere ever. Absolutely implausible. STFU goober.
The only way it happened in 2020 is because of fraud.

That was then, it really was $400 million. Mark Zuckerberg should swing from a gallows for the millions of Americans he disenfranchised.
And that's BEFORE all the ballot harvesting the Democrats did.
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