Don Jr.: Dem Platform 'Awfully Similar' To Nazis

Losers! Go back to school. You are almost illiterate!
There is a reason Nazi's and white supremists would never, ever support Democrats.

The Democrats are elitist Totalitarians using elements of both fascism, and communism. The bottom line is that they want to consolidate power to the elite, and limit, and then eliminate the Rights and Freedoms of the individual.

What he didn’t mention was the white supremacists and neo-Nazis who support his father.

Donald Trump Jr. said Thursday that the platform of the Democratic National Committee is “awfully similar” to the Nazi Party’s.

Trump, President Donald Trump’s eldest son and head of the Trump Organization, made the remark during an interview with One America News Network while attending a premiere for Dinesh D’Souza’s film “Death of a Nation,” which also attempts to frame similarities between Democrats and Germany’s Nazi Party.

“I’ve been hearing the left talking about these things ― fascism, Nazism on the right — and when you look at the actual history of how these things evolved, and you actually look at that platform versus the platform of the modern left, you say, ‘Wait a minute, those two are very heavily aligned and, frankly, contrary to the right,’” Trump told the conservative cable news channel.

While promoting D’Souza’s film, Trump also suggested that people shouldn’t trust what they learned in a history class because “academia has been so wrongly influenced by the left.”

“You see the Nazi platform in the early 1930s and what was actually put out there, and you look at it compared to, like, the DNC platform of today, and you’re saying, ‘Man, those things are awfully similar,’ to the point where it’s actually scary,” Trump added. “To me, that was one of the most striking things I took from the movie because it’s the exact opposite that you’ve been told.”

Trump’s comments mirrored D’Souza’s film and accompanying book, Death of a Nation: Plantation Politics and the Making of the Democratic Party. It compares Trump to President Abraham Lincoln and argues that Adolf Hitler was a progressive liberal, according to reviews.

D’Souza, a conservative commentator who leans to the far-right, is also a good friend of the Trump family. In May, President Trump pardoned D’Souza, who pleaded guilty in 2014 to violating campaign finance laws with an illegal donation to a GOP Senate candidate.

More: Donald Trump Jr. Says Democrats Are More Like Nazis Than Republicans Are

Wow, that really sounds unhinged. I call it "Trump Projection". What do you think?

Is Douche Jr. Getting his facts from Faux News?
Sean or Shep?

One hilarious video.
Wow, that really sounds unhinged. I call it "Trump Projection". What do you think?

Glad you asked.

First of all, when was it suddenly considered to be "ok" to attack the president's children? This is apparently something new, and Obama's children were considered"off limits".

But Donald Jr. is spot on with his analysis. Hitler's program was based upon Rabid Gun Control and Socialized Medicine. It is never mentioned by the media, but it is absolutely true that Dr. Josef Mengele's salary was paid for by the German Reich as his work was part of Mr. Hitler's risky medical scheme.

As far as the "white nationalists" in this country, they are under contract with the media. The phone number of David Duke's retirement home is in CNN's rolodex and they fly him around to protests and act like he's important with his estimated 2 dozen "followers".
Wow, that really sounds unhinged. I call it "Trump Projection". What do you think?

Glad you asked.

First of all, when was it suddenly considered to be "ok" to attack the president's children? This is apparently something new, and Obama's children were considered"off limits".

But Donald Jr. is spot on with his analysis. Hitler's program was based upon Rabid Gun Control and Socialized Medicine. It is never mentioned by the media, but it is absolutely true that Dr. Josef Mengele's salary was paid for by the German Reich as his work was part of Mr. Hitler's risky medical scheme.

As far as the "white nationalists" in this country, they are under contract with the media. The phone number of David Duke's retirement home is in CNN's rolodex and they fly him around to protests and act like he's important with his estimated 2 dozen "followers".
I see no one going after Baron Douche.

But All of the Great Douche others Spawns are over 30 years old.
So they are not kids, or children but full adults. Great targets as they
spew in public as over 21..

What he didn’t mention was the white supremacists and neo-Nazis who support his father.

Donald Trump Jr. said Thursday that the platform of the Democratic National Committee is “awfully similar” to the Nazi Party’s.

Trump, President Donald Trump’s eldest son and head of the Trump Organization, made the remark during an interview with One America News Network while attending a premiere for Dinesh D’Souza’s film “Death of a Nation,” which also attempts to frame similarities between Democrats and Germany’s Nazi Party.

“I’ve been hearing the left talking about these things ― fascism, Nazism on the right — and when you look at the actual history of how these things evolved, and you actually look at that platform versus the platform of the modern left, you say, ‘Wait a minute, those two are very heavily aligned and, frankly, contrary to the right,’” Trump told the conservative cable news channel.

While promoting D’Souza’s film, Trump also suggested that people shouldn’t trust what they learned in a history class because “academia has been so wrongly influenced by the left.”

“You see the Nazi platform in the early 1930s and what was actually put out there, and you look at it compared to, like, the DNC platform of today, and you’re saying, ‘Man, those things are awfully similar,’ to the point where it’s actually scary,” Trump added. “To me, that was one of the most striking things I took from the movie because it’s the exact opposite that you’ve been told.”

Trump’s comments mirrored D’Souza’s film and accompanying book, Death of a Nation: Plantation Politics and the Making of the Democratic Party. It compares Trump to President Abraham Lincoln and argues that Adolf Hitler was a progressive liberal, according to reviews.

D’Souza, a conservative commentator who leans to the far-right, is also a good friend of the Trump family. In May, President Trump pardoned D’Souza, who pleaded guilty in 2014 to violating campaign finance laws with an illegal donation to a GOP Senate candidate.

More: Donald Trump Jr. Says Democrats Are More Like Nazis Than Republicans Are

Wow, that really sounds unhinged. I call it "Trump Projection". What do you think?

Snowflakes don't like to be called out....

What he didn’t mention was the white supremacists and neo-Nazis who support his father.

Donald Trump Jr. said Thursday that the platform of the Democratic National Committee is “awfully similar” to the Nazi Party’s.

Trump, President Donald Trump’s eldest son and head of the Trump Organization, made the remark during an interview with One America News Network while attending a premiere for Dinesh D’Souza’s film “Death of a Nation,” which also attempts to frame similarities between Democrats and Germany’s Nazi Party.

“I’ve been hearing the left talking about these things ― fascism, Nazism on the right — and when you look at the actual history of how these things evolved, and you actually look at that platform versus the platform of the modern left, you say, ‘Wait a minute, those two are very heavily aligned and, frankly, contrary to the right,’” Trump told the conservative cable news channel.

While promoting D’Souza’s film, Trump also suggested that people shouldn’t trust what they learned in a history class because “academia has been so wrongly influenced by the left.”

“You see the Nazi platform in the early 1930s and what was actually put out there, and you look at it compared to, like, the DNC platform of today, and you’re saying, ‘Man, those things are awfully similar,’ to the point where it’s actually scary,” Trump added. “To me, that was one of the most striking things I took from the movie because it’s the exact opposite that you’ve been told.”

Trump’s comments mirrored D’Souza’s film and accompanying book, Death of a Nation: Plantation Politics and the Making of the Democratic Party. It compares Trump to President Abraham Lincoln and argues that Adolf Hitler was a progressive liberal, according to reviews.

D’Souza, a conservative commentator who leans to the far-right, is also a good friend of the Trump family. In May, President Trump pardoned D’Souza, who pleaded guilty in 2014 to violating campaign finance laws with an illegal donation to a GOP Senate candidate.

More: Donald Trump Jr. Says Democrats Are More Like Nazis Than Republicans Are

Wow, that really sounds unhinged. I call it "Trump Projection". What do you think?

i think its call people nazis just for disagreeing with how does it feel to be called one?...
When the media supports or ignores or endorses every violent act by a particular party it tends to be similar to the Nazis. You can find a ton of justification for the depraved disrespect for the Press Secretary and even support for a has-been actor's recommendation to kidnap the Press Secretary's kids. How many people remember the name Hodgkinson? The media buried the story of the depraved democrat activist's attempt to murder every republican on a freaking baseball team just last year faster than they buried the body.
You've got to hand it to the right...they're absolutely brilliant at turning the messaging around and blind-siding the left.
A lot of men in the United States sacrificed a major part of their lives to go over to Europe in 1942-45 to save this country from the national Socialist ideas of Mr. Hitler. Hitler's Nazi platform, Gun Control and socialized medicine, was something he wanted to impose on the whole world. But Americans went to Europe to save us from that fate, at great personal sacrifice.

When Obama came in and implemented his risky O'care scheme, they were heart broken. All of the effort they made to defeat world socialism, and we ended up with in anyhow.

You can check the records, but the death rate soared among WWII veterans during the Obama years, and the men were just disgusted that Mr. Hitler got the last laugh.
You've got to hand it to the right...they're absolutely brilliant at turning the messaging around and blind-siding the left.

I don't know of anyone being "blind-sided" by NaziCons blaming others for what they are guilty of. It's called projection.
A lot of men in the United States sacrificed a major part of their lives to go over to Europe in 1942-45 to save this country from the national Socialist ideas of Mr. Hitler. Hitler's Nazi platform, Gun Control and socialized medicine, was something he wanted to impose on the whole world. But Americans went to Europe to save us from that fate, at great personal sacrifice.

When Obama came in and implemented his risky O'care scheme, they were heart broken. All of the effort they made to defeat world socialism, and we ended up with in anyhow.

You can check the records, but the death rate soared among WWII veterans during the Obama years, and the men were just disgusted that Mr. Hitler got the last laugh.
WW2 finished 70 years ago.
Since most of those veterans would have been in their 90s when Obama was president...well...I take your makes you wonder what would make so many men in the prime of their lives just mysteriously die...something sinister is afoot...
...I take your makes you wonder what would make so many men in the prime of their lives just mysteriously die...something sinister is afoot...

I don't think its a mystery at all, the guys were heartbroken that America rejected their sacrifice to save this nation from Socialized Medicine- and a lot of their hearts just gave out.

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