Donald accuses Kelleyanne of fake news


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Well... This is awkward.

Dan Rather, on his FB, posted yesterday quoted DJT reports "that I will be working on the Apprentice during my Presidency, even part time, are ridiculous & untrue."

"Just yesterday Kelleyanne Conway told CNN that President-elect Donald Trump would work on The Apprentice in his "spare time." The words came right out of her own mouth, but today Trump is calling that news "fake." He tweeted he will be devoting zero time to The Apprentice. Note that he didn't mention whether he would still draw a paycheck from the show (and have an Executive Producer credit)."

So Donald is saying that Kelleyanne is putting out 'fake news.'
If course the hitlary team never put out statements that contradicted or flat out lied about anything.

Fakey is the reason I do not oppose abortion for liberals up until the 397th trimester.

What a bullshit thread to be on the first page of politics. Jake you really are losing it.

What a bullshit thread to be on the first page of politics. Jake you really are losing it.

Lost it a long time ago. You've basically got the same group of losers posting the same nonsense every hour. From the Russians are coming, to God knows what. I think some of them must have a media IV stuck in them.
Dan Rather makes Brian Williams look fair and balanced.
What a bullshit thread to be on the first page of politics. Jake you really are losing it.


I've been looking for the point at which fakey ever "had it".

There's been more evidence russia hacked the election, than fakey ever having a sentient thought.

Trump said he did not intend to work for the show. KelleyAnne said he did.

That's facts, Trumpkens and Trumpkins. And we see Petey wetting himself again. Poor tyke.

They can't even get their act together on a daily business.

Every day in every way with everything large and small, the many more who voted against Trump than voted for him are going over him with a laser-like scan.

You thought you were tough on Obama?

Heh heh.

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