Donald Humiliates VP Pick Mike Pence

The law never mandated funerals it mandated proper disposal of remains. LOL You should know better than to use ultra left Vox. Keep trying

what is "proper disposal"------ I once had a very early term
miscarriage----very early

They can't throw them in a landfill

how many weeks? ------very early----abortions are like
D & C (google) one MIGHT find the "remains" by examining the stuff scrapped with a microscope. -----
The law never mandated funerals it mandated proper disposal of remains. LOL You should know better than to use ultra left Vox. Keep trying

what is "proper disposal"------ I once had a very early term
miscarriage----very early

They can't throw them in a landfill

how many weeks? ------very early----abortions are like
D & C (google) one MIGHT find the "remains" by examining the stuff scrapped with a microscope. -----

I don't know, I'm sure the bill is online somewhere, try Google
The law never mandated funerals it mandated proper disposal of remains. LOL You should know better than to use ultra left Vox. Keep trying

what is "proper disposal"------ I once had a very early term
miscarriage----very early

They can't throw them in a landfill

how many weeks? ------very early----abortions are like
D & C (google) one MIGHT find the "remains" by examining the stuff scrapped with a microscope. -----

I don't know, I'm sure the bill is online somewhere, try Google

too lazy
They can't throw them in a landfill

Actually, that's not what the law that was previously linked to says. IIRC the law said the remains but be interred in the ground OR incinerated. Medical byproducts are either treated chemically before going to a landfill or incinerated. Once incinerated the remains can still go to a landfill.

This is a perfect representation of democrat craziness.

They made up an incident. That Trump had changed his mind about Pence at the 11th hour. Then they moved into their fantasy and claim it's true.

This is just why Trump is so popular. He finds ways to drive liberals crazy. He leads them along until they are foaming at the mouth. Then at the last minute, turns and shafts them.
Trump left pence swinging in the breeze then announced him on twitter

Now sources in the campaign have told CNN that Donald was second-guessing his choice and tried to weasel out of choosing Pence around midnight:
Pence’s face is now being broadcast alongside the news that Donald didn’t want him. It’s an unfathomable humiliation.

OUCH: Donald Humiliates VP Pick Mike Pence | BNR

Obviously all bullshit. Gotta love these liberal lyin' idiots. But if anything it's good entertainment! Pence is a great pick and will help with the Conservative vote.

Trump/Pence 2016!!!
Pence must worry the left, they can't stop making threads about him :dunno:
There are more Hillary threads, so the right must be in fright....
Since she's actually in the lead, they have a legitimate reason to be concerned. Since Trump has been trailing in most every poll, it's mystifying why the LWers are shitting themselves every time he does or says something much less get a bump in the polls.
Pence must worry the left, they can't stop making threads about him :dunno:
There are more Hillary threads, so the right must be in fright....
Since she's actually in the lead, they have a legitimate reason to be concerned. Since Trump has been trailing in most every poll, it's mystifying why the LWers are shitting themselves every time he does or says something much less get a bump in the polls.
I only see it as politicking, I see no poo-poo...

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