Donald J. Trump Faces Jacksonian Nullification Crisis

Hold the phone. Just a few months ago, wasn't nullification borderline treasonous?
Nullification is a theory and has never been upheld by any Federal courts. Those effing Communist liberal mayors are playing with fire. Last time I remember nullification being tried was when George Wallace refused to integrate schools. The National Guard was sent in and that was that for Ol' George.
Guess the just goes to show what I know. I thought the only penalty the cities would receive is a loss of federal funding, much like what was going to happen with North Carolina and their bathroom law.
Mayors of 'Sanctuary Cities' Say They'll Fight Trump's Plans
Again the parallels between DJT and Andrew Jackson show themselves. Subversive mayors are determined to nullify Trump moves to enforce immigration law.
Is Trump going to force march Native American Indians to death again?
Native American Indians were trespassers providing African Americans with eternal unemployment?
Jackson also invaded the Spanish colony of Florida, does Trump intend to illegally invade Canada?
No but I would re-enlist to go invade Californicate.
Nullification is a theory and has never been upheld by any Federal courts. Those effing Communist liberal mayors are playing with fire. Last time I remember nullification being tried was when George Wallace refused to integrate schools. The National Guard was sent in and that was that for Ol' George.
All well and good. I was just pointing out that when the talk of putting that theory into play was over immigration or the imposition of Obiecare, the moonbats howled that even talking about it bordered on treason.
Mayors of 'Sanctuary Cities' Say They'll Fight Trump's Plans
Again the parallels between DJT and Andrew Jackson show themselves. Subversive mayors are determined to nullify Trump moves to enforce immigration law.
Is Trump going to force march Native American Indians to death again?
Native American Indians were trespassers providing African Americans with eternal unemployment?
Jackson also invaded the Spanish colony of Florida, does Trump intend to illegally invade Canada?
No but I would re-enlist to go invade Californicate.

I wish they would make a voluntary mercenary force that could go over and fight ISIS. I'd do it. Those are some sick fucks.
Guess the just goes to show what I know. I thought the only penalty the cities would receive is a loss of federal funding, much like what was going to happen with North Carolina and their bathroom law.
I don't believe NC was denied Federal funding but some companies are threatening to move and the NBA and ACC have cancelled All Star games and tournaments.
Guess the just goes to show what I know. I thought the only penalty the cities would receive is a loss of federal funding, much like what was going to happen with North Carolina and their bathroom law.
I don't believe NC was denied Federal funding but some companies are threatening to move and the NBA and ACC have cancelled All Star games and tournaments.

They were threatened with it, but Obama changed his mind.

Obama won't cut off federal funding to N.C. because of bathroom bill
p.o.shit trump is not a president. He will be ignored at every turn.

Don't like it? Then in the words of Alex Jones "let 1860 commence again". You snowflakes are too cowardly to fight of course, but you'll do your best to whine about it.
No,as always they will hide behind the police, you'll notice with all the thousands of anti-trump protestors there isn't a single pro trump rally or celebration of any kind
p.o.shit trump is not a president. He will be ignored at every turn.

Don't like it? Then in the words of Alex Jones "let 1860 commence again". You snowflakes are too cowardly to fight of course, but you'll do your best to whine about it.
No,as always they will hide behind the police, you'll notice with all the thousands of anti-trump protestors there isn't a single pro trump rally or celebration of any kind
We won...that was our rally.
p.o.shit trump is not a president. He will be ignored at every turn.

Don't like it? Then in the words of Alex Jones "let 1860 commence again". You snowflakes are too cowardly to fight of course, but you'll do your best to whine about it.
No,as always they will hide behind the police, you'll notice with all the thousands of anti-trump protestors there isn't a single pro trump rally or celebration of any kind
We won...
on a technicality
p.o.shit trump is not a president. He will be ignored at every turn.

Don't like it? Then in the words of Alex Jones "let 1860 commence again". You snowflakes are too cowardly to fight of course, but you'll do your best to whine about it.

Hey Isaac, how'd that election go for you there buddy ? :beer:
p.o.shit trump is not a president. He will be ignored at every turn.

Don't like it? Then in the words of Alex Jones "let 1860 commence again". You snowflakes are too cowardly to fight of course, but you'll do your best to whine about it.
No,as always they will hide behind the police, you'll notice with all the thousands of anti-trump protestors there isn't a single pro trump rally or celebration of any kind
We won...
on a technicality
The Constitution of The United States of America is a "technicality"?
p.o.shit trump is not a president. He will be ignored at every turn.

Don't like it? Then in the words of Alex Jones "let 1860 commence again". You snowflakes are too cowardly to fight of course, but you'll do your best to whine about it.

Hey Isaac, how'd that election go for you there buddy ? :beer:

Fine for me, I'm a white male. For you though you seem to be angry that more people aren't butthurt like you. It's ok snowflake, find your safe space.
p.o.shit trump is not a president. He will be ignored at every turn.

Don't like it? Then in the words of Alex Jones "let 1860 commence again". You snowflakes are too cowardly to fight of course, but you'll do your best to whine about it.

Hey Isaac, how'd that election go for you there buddy ? :beer:

Fine for me, I'm a white male. For you though you seem to be angry that more people aren't butthurt like you. It's ok snowflake, find your safe space.
Are you kidding? The butt hurt has never been greater. It's a wonderful sound. All I hear outside my California home is "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
p.o.shit trump is not a president. He will be ignored at every turn.

Don't like it? Then in the words of Alex Jones "let 1860 commence again". You snowflakes are too cowardly to fight of course, but you'll do your best to whine about it.

You are not only stupid and delusional, you cant even set the framework of the situation correctly.

A nation of about 150 million gun owners, most of whom are center to conservative and many of whom are about 10 million war veterans are not going to lose a civil war to a bunch of whiny brats that need play-doh counseling in a safe zone, you fucking moron.
Not true. When asked to turn over a foreign Alain to federal authorities...the local authorities must yield. Especially when in violation of federal immigration law. Supremacy Clause.
Not to mention the "We will cut your funding" clause.
Guess the just goes to show what I know. I thought the only penalty the cities would receive is a loss of federal funding, much like what was going to happen with North Carolina and their bathroom law.
But North Carolina is not in violation of federal law. Just trying to protect people from sexual predators.

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