Donald J. of God

Let me see... what was it Jesus said... "LET HIM AMONGST YOU WHO IS WITHOUT SIN THROW THE FIRST STONE."
Poor little leftards with your flaming case of TDS... here ya go...

If that grifter is an example of "raw" truth, I would sure like to hear your definition of falsehood, because he strikes me as a "raw" and true example of phony and falsehood.
It would appear that not a single damn one of you unhinged little ass clowns knows a damn thing about Christianity. Christ died for our sins, your's, mine, Trump's, everyone's. Evidently you have ZERO freakin' clue about that.
You think that's "funny," hjmick

Perhaps you'd care to explain why you think Jesus dying for our sins is "funny."

I think your twisting yourself into a pretzel to justify Trump's abhorrent behavior is funny. Doing whatever you have to just to justify your support for a man who, under normal circumstances, you would mock and laugh at. But hey, he's running against those with whom you hold opposing views, so whatever compromises you have to make to help you sleep at night works. I guess

As if Jesus dying for our sins lets one off the hook for his or her sins. That's what's funny.

There, does that help?
I don't know why the leftards are in here vomiting up their vile garbage about Trump and God, since democrats hate Christians anyway, why do they care?

Yes, President Trump is a man of God, as is ANY Christian. I think the demtrash are just worried he'll get the evangelical vote again and creepy uncle Joe the groper won't.

This "democrats hate Christians" thing is total garbage. There are as many Christians who support the Democratic Party as support the republicans. This is an ignorant idea being spread by far-right "Christian" cults. Incidentally, when Biden accepts the nomination, the election will be between two Christians, one of whom seems to be more devote than the other.
Yes, you do. Look at what all your governors and mayors have done to Christian churches during this covid scare. They've closed them all down, raided them and arrested preachers, yet it was fine to keep open abortion centers and liquor stores. Then we also see churches that have been burnt down, attacked by insane Christian hating democrats gunning people down, and we can always count on the yearly war on Christmas by democrats.
Dumb Don is not a man God, but he is a dumb ass.

I don't know why the leftards are in here vomiting up their vile garbage about Trump and God, since democrats hate Christians anyway, why do they care?

Yes, President Trump is a man of God, as is ANY Christian. I think the demtrash are just worried he'll get the evangelical vote again and creepy uncle Joe the groper won't.

This "democrats hate Christians" thing is total garbage. There are as many Christians who support the Democratic Party as support the republicans. This is an ignorant idea being spread by far-right "Christian" cults. Incidentally, when Biden accepts the nomination, the election will be between two Christians, one of whom seems to be more devote than the other.
Yes, you do. Look at what all your governors and mayors have done to Christian churches during this covid scare. They've closed them all down, raided them and arrested preachers, yet it was fine to keep open abortion centers and liquor stores. Then we also see churches that have been burnt down, attacked by insane Christian hating democrats gunning people down, and we can always count on the yearly war on Christmas by democrats.
Nonsense. Christian churches are not the only houses of worship that have been shut down during this pandemic. Other religious services have been shut down, too. It's a matter of crowd size and social distancing, intended to prevent the spread of this disease. Medical clinics and liquor stores don't involve crowded conditions, and medical clinics are required to observe certain sanitary rules.

I think the Israelis had the right idea when there was a city occupied mainly by an ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect that didn't follow the rules. Some of them did not even know that there is a pandemic because they don't own TVs, radios, or computers. The Israeli government just moved in troops and quarantined the entire city.

Houses of worship of just about all faiths have been vandalized and/or burnt. Christians who were "gunned down" in Texas were attacked by a guy with a domestic beef. Then there was Dylan Roof, who killed nine Christians at a bible study in Charleston. Then 11 Jews were gunned down during worship services in Pittsburgh. What do you know of the politics of these shooters? What do you know of the religion of these shooters?

Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and Buddhists have also been attacked.

There never has been any "war on Christmas." I know of no incident in which Christians have ever been prevented from going ahead with their celebrations in the U.S. Christians are just subject to the same limitations as every other group is.

This equation of the Christian faith with an American political party is not only absurd, it's highly destructive to our society. There are Christians in each political party.

All of this "persecution" business, grandstanding, and bellyaching have made Christians look like a bunch of assholes. It's ruining the reputation of the Christian faith.
Let me see... what was it Jesus said... "LET HIM AMONGST YOU WHO IS WITHOUT SIN THROW THE FIRST STONE."
Poor little leftards with your flaming case of TDS... here ya go...

If that grifter is an example of "raw" truth, I would sure like to hear your definition of falsehood, because he strikes me as a "raw" and true example of phony and falsehood.
It would appear that not a single damn one of you unhinged little ass clowns knows a damn thing about Christianity. Christ died for our sins, your's, mine, Trump's, everyone's. Evidently you have ZERO freakin' clue about that.
It seems to me that any asshole is a man of God according to you. Your grifter president is not a man of God
because men of God don't behave as he does, nor do true Christians.
This is a short, but Brilliant video from President Trump declaring that America, once more, is a Nation under God...a Nation that does NOT bow to any one Man, rather, only to God...these are beautiful, soulful words that were almost lost to Mankind forever.

A man of God? The same man who has 5 bankruptcies under his belt costing many people their jobs while he emerged unscathed? The same God-fearing man who defrauded students at "Trump University"? The same man who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy? The same man who has been accused by 22 women of sexual misconduct?
The same man who denigrates the truth every day? The same man who made promises about his post-election personal behavior and did the opposite? That man of God? Grifters are not men of God. Puleeze!

don't ferget the many MANY times he committed adultery... sometimes right out in the open, in front of his wife & children.

He can do that because he got "born again" by some pastor. God forgave him.
This is a short, but Brilliant video from President Trump declaring that America, once more, is a Nation under God...a Nation that does NOT bow to any one Man, rather, only to God...these are beautiful, soulful words that were almost lost to Mankind forever.

His thinking is very much like that of the founding-era Americans, Christian or not.
This is a short, but Brilliant video from President Trump declaring that America, once more, is a Nation under God...a Nation that does NOT bow to any one Man, rather, only to God...these are beautiful, soulful words that were almost lost to Mankind forever.

His thinking is very much like that of the founding-era Americans, Christian or not.

He is not thinking about anybody accept himself and he is only repeating what that little worm Stephen Miller wrote for him, Christian or not.
Troll thread featuring a troll video. The right doesn’t believe Trump has any spiritual value. The atrocities that have occurred in Gods name... continue.
I don't know why the leftards are in here vomiting up their vile garbage about Trump and God, since democrats hate Christians anyway, why do they care?

Yes, President Trump is a man of God, as is ANY Christian. I think the demtrash are just worried he'll get the evangelical vote again and creepy uncle Joe the groper won't.

This "democrats hate Christians" thing is total garbage. There are as many Christians who support the Democratic Party as support the republicans. This is an ignorant idea being spread by far-right "Christian" cults. Incidentally, when Biden accepts the nomination, the election will be between two Christians, one of whom seems to be more devote than the other.
Yes, you do. Look at what all your governors and mayors have done to Christian churches during this covid scare. They've closed them all down, raided them and arrested preachers, yet it was fine to keep open abortion centers and liquor stores. Then we also see churches that have been burnt down, attacked by insane Christian hating democrats gunning people down, and we can always count on the yearly war on Christmas by democrats.
Dumb Don is not a man God, but he is a dumb ass.


make that a sociopathic dumb ass with malignant narcissism & arrested development.
This is a short, but Brilliant video from President Trump declaring that America, once more, is a Nation under God...a Nation that does NOT bow to any one Man, rather, only to God...these are beautiful, soulful words that were almost lost to Mankind forever.

A man of God? The same man who has 5 bankruptcies under his belt costing many people their jobs while he emerged unscathed? The same God-fearing man who defrauded students at "Trump University"? The same man who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy? The same man who has been accused by 22 women of sexual misconduct?
The same man who denigrates the truth every day? The same man who made promises about his post-election personal behavior and did the opposite? That man of God? Grifters are not men of God. Puleeze!

don't ferget the many MANY times he committed adultery... sometimes right out in the open, in front of his wife & children.

He can do that because he got "born again" by some pastor. God forgave him.

jim bakker? jerry falwell? jimmy swaggart? :heehee:
Trump is firmly planted in the thoughts of more people than God.
trump has broken nearly every commandment AND has committed all 7 deadly sins.

pull that tribble off his head & there will be a 666 embedded in his scalp.
pull prune face pelosis wig off and it will say china--3 or 4 times
Trump is a MAN OF GOD, whether any of you little jackoff leftish trash want to admit it or not. You're gang bang in this thread is irrelevant.

I bet that you think that a graham or a falwell is a "man of God."
Trump is a MAN OF GOD, whether any of you little jackoff leftish trash want to admit it or not. You're gang bang in this thread is irrelevant.
Do you actually believe that
This is a short, but Brilliant video from President Trump declaring that America, once more, is a Nation under God...a Nation that does NOT bow to any one Man, rather, only to God...these are beautiful, soulful words that were almost lost to Mankind forever.

Anyone who thinks that they own the Supreme Being and Creator of the Universe or speaks for this Being is totally out of his/her mind.
Trump reading a bunch of lines that someone else wrote is the proof that he is a "Man of God".

His own words and actions, not so much.

Yet they believe this stuff. Incredible.
enlighten me with his actions and not what leftists controlled mainstream media lied to you about.
I don't know why the leftards are in here vomiting up their vile garbage about Trump and God, since democrats hate Christians anyway, why do they care?

Yes, President Trump is a man of God, as is ANY Christian. I think the demtrash are just worried he'll get the evangelical vote again and creepy uncle Joe the groper won't.

This "democrats hate Christians" thing is total garbage. There are as many Christians who support the Democratic Party as support the republicans. This is an ignorant idea being spread by far-right "Christian" cults. Incidentally, when Biden accepts the nomination, the election will be between two Christians, one of whom seems to be more devote than the other.
Yes, you do. Look at what all your governors and mayors have done to Christian churches during this covid scare. They've closed them all down, raided them and arrested preachers, yet it was fine to keep open abortion centers and liquor stores. Then we also see churches that have been burnt down, attacked by insane Christian hating democrats gunning people down, and we can always count on the yearly war on Christmas by democrats.
Dumb Don is not a man God, but he is a dumb ass.

You nailed it,lol

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