Donald John Trump: LOSER

And in Colorado, Nevada, New Hampshire, Virginia, New Mexico, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Illinois, Vermont, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maine and Connecticut, Clinton won the popular vote. And California too.

Your claim that Trump won the popular vote in 49 states is generic MAGA delusion. It just didn't happen.

Clinton won the national popular vote with votes from every county, district and state in the Union. Without exception.

And she won the popular vote easily. Just like Biden did. The people do not, nor have ever, wanted Trump.
There is no popular vote you stupid fucks. It wasn't a popular vote election. Nobody ran a popular vote campaign. Hence nobody knows who would have won the popular vote had such an election taken place. You dummies got it now? God you people are dumb.
And in Colorado, Nevada, New Hampshire, Virginia, New Mexico, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Illinois, Vermont, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maine and Connecticut, Clinton won the popular vote. And California too.

Your claim that Trump won the popular vote in 49 states is generic MAGA delusion. It just didn't happen.

Clinton won the national popular vote with votes from every county, district and state in the Union. Without exception.

And she won the popular vote easily. Just like Biden did. The people do not, nor have ever, wanted Trump.
Numbers always confuse single digit IQ Dimtards.
Numbers always confuse single digit IQ Dimtards.

Laughing.....says the poor souls who insist that Trump won the popular vote in 49 States.

Alas, the actual election results contradict this MAGA delusion.
There is no popular vote you stupid fucks.
Then what, pray tell, was Trump talking about when he insisted he won the popular vote.....that doesn't exist? should head over to Truth Social and tell him what a stupid fuck he is.

It wasn't a popular vote election. Nobody ran a popular vote campaign. Hence nobody knows who would have won the popular vote had such an election taken place. You dummies got it now? God you people are dumb.

We have the exact vote count counts from every county, state or district. And Hillary won the popular vote easily, with votes from every county, state, and district. Without exception. She won in Colorado, California, Nevada, New Hampshire, Virginia, New Mexico, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Illinois, Vermont, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maine and Connecticut,

So much for your MAGA delusion that Trump won the popular vote in 49 States! The people have never wanted Trump. Not in 2016. Not in 2020. Not ever.
There is no popular vote you stupid fucks. It wasn't a popular vote election. Nobody ran a popular vote campaign. Hence nobody knows who would have won the popular vote had such an election taken place. You dummies got it now? God you people are dumb.
Of course it is....All the electors are determined by popular vote. It’s the distribution of the precincts that can allow those electors being awarded differently that an popular vote total. But within each district, It is still popular vote.
So at the local level, you’d better run a popular vote strategy.

This is what Trump is being criminally tried for, he wanted the electors awarded within BG states that went agasint the popular vote. That’s massive voter fraud.
And only Republicans were engaged in it.
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Huh? Trump did not win the popular vote in 49 states. That's delusional nonsense.

Clinton won the popular vote Colorado, Nevada, New Hampshire, Virginia, New Mexico, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Illinois, Vermont, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maine and Connecticut.

And California.

There were both Clinton and Trump supporters in 50 of 50 States. And Clinton easily won more popular votes. Trump won the election because he won more electoral votes. He did not win by the will of the people. But by the will of the electoral college.
Humpers only count votes from Kentucky...
Laughing.....says the poor souls who insist that Trump won the popular vote in 49 States.

Alas, the actual election results contradict this MAGA delusion.


Noooo. Remember? In 2016 Trump said the only reason he didn't win the popular vote was because 3-5 million illegals voted.

The very definition of a loser is someone who keeps bitching and whining and crying year after year after he clearly lost an election. You can't get more pathetic than a loser who won't accept a loss. I mean you can lose with dignity. Trump has thrown his dignity out the door. Trump did not just throw his dignity out the door, he then stomped on it, put it through the ringer, and then flushed it down the toilet. Trump is a loser's loser.

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I disagree, I doubt he ever had any dignity!

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