Donald John Trump: LOSER

Geez, Harry. You been here since 2008. I doubt you are just noticing. This election year hardly your first rodeo. I've only been here since 2019 and this is my first time in a presidential election year in Mod chair. It is more venomous here than ever from my perspective. Am I wrong, or is it just perspective?
Definitely, especially with the latest new wave of mostly Trump haters that just joined. IMO there is far too much focus on minutia and not nearly enough on policy, actions and in-actions as demonstrated by both Presidents.
Definitely, especially with the latest new wave of mostly Trump haters that just joined. IMO there is far too much focus on minutia and not nearly enough on policy, actions and in-actions as demonstrated by both Presidents.
Here is an example of a left run democracy.
The ciuntry just added 356k new jobs, double expectation. Trump did his best to put out people out of work..
Definitely, especially with the latest new wave of mostly Trump haters that just joined. IMO there is far too much focus on minutia and not nearly enough on policy, actions and in-actions as demonstrated by both Presidents.
This wave of Trump haters comes from his own former cabinet appointees. Trump admits he has no policies, just like didn’t before…
Well he is on trial in New York right now for devaluing his properties to the gubnit to pay less in taxes. So yah that is just sorta, kinda illegal! Go get them tiger. I am all for it, nice whataboutism though!

I know right. He’s in trial for something thsg probably happens quite a bit in the real estate market, but nobody is looking at anyone but trump. Why don’t they do a deep dive into Paul pelosi, I have a hunch you’ll find similar behavior from him and his ventures.

In fact, they should seriously investigate some of the shady investments he made based on information from Nancy.
I know right. He’s in trial for something thsg probably happens quite a bit in the real estate market, but nobody is looking at anyone but trump. Why don’t they do a deep dive into Paul pelosi, I have a hunch you’ll find similar behavior from him and his ventures.

In fact, they should seriously investigate some of the shady investments he made based on information from Nancy.

As I said, I am all for it get it done!!!!!
The truth hurts. You’re in the wrong side. The entire right supports criminality and science illiteracy.

Trump has a 4th grade vocabulary and never had a basic course in 7th grade civics. He's dumb as a stump.

Ya gotta do a lot better than coming up with the shit in your asshole.

Has Trump returned the $750,000 in artwork he stole from the US embassy when he skipped out on the memorial service for our guys who died in France?

Do you support Trump because he's a thief who calls our veterans suckers and losers?
Trump has a 4th grade vocabulary and never had a basic course in 7th grade civics. He's dumb as a stump.

For sure..His own White House medical staff handed out illicit drugs like it was candy. So he could be just stupid, drug dependent or both. Wtf knows ? He was Mr sniffles.

Noooo. Remember? In 2016 Trump said the only reason he didn't win the popular vote was because 3-5 million illegals voted.

Yup, they bussed them in with 60,000 busses to polling booths as far north as NH.....and no one noticed this parade of busses on the interstate, while they stopped at polling booths.
Imagine, 5 million illegals in secrecy voting and none of them had to stop an take a piss. They all guessed the correct name of the pre registered person they fraudulently voted for to get a ballot for.....and all could speak fluent English....up to 5 million times. How incompetent were GOP poll watchers.
And how stupid does a MAGA have to be to keep repeating this trype ?
Definitely, especially with the latest new wave of mostly Trump haters that just joined. IMO there is far too much focus on minutia and not nearly enough on policy, actions and in-actions as demonstrated by both Presidents.
Your defense is breaking down. Now-it’s “ both sides” are at fault.
Your defense is breaking down. Now-it’s “ both sides” are at fault.
You misread what I wrote. I stated we must pay attention to what each President DID or DID NOT DO, not the 'he said she said' minutia of the day. Trumps' actions BENEFITED AMERICA and BIdens' actions have HARMED AMERICA.
You misread what I wrote. I stated we must pay attention to what each President DID or DID NOT DO, not the 'he said she said' minutia of the day. Trumps' actions BENEFITED AMERICA and BIdens' actions have HARMED AMERICA.
Surely you jest. Otherwise….That’s your fascist anti democracy POV.
He ( Trump) did a great job elevating Putin abroad and taking away woman’s rights here at home.
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