donald trump caught in a lie

and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,

The above, FOX talking points without the moronic commercials......

Mindless banter without any objectivity.....

(BTW, the rise in debt was MOSTLY due to coming to terms with the 3.2 TRILLION of Bush's wars)
So Obama spent more on wars than Bush? Interesting. You do realize more troops died in Afghanistan under Obama? Because of his ignorance?
So you post with a red herring fallacy – how unsurprising; the thread is about Trump, not Obama.

In this thread you need to attempt to defend your scumbag nominee: Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
No, you are attacking Trump for lying, but for the last seven years you have been supporting Obama's lies. That is a fallacy.

He doesn't even know the definition of the word fallacy, he uses it nilly willy
People think pointing out that Hillary is a lying asshole will distract away from Trump being a lying asshole. This blind pom-pom waving bullshit is why we are in such deep trouble.
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and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,

The above, FOX talking points without the moronic commercials......

Mindless banter without any objectivity.....

(BTW, the rise in debt was MOSTLY due to coming to terms with the 3.2 TRILLION of Bush's wars)
So Obama spent more on wars than Bush? Interesting. You do realize more troops died in Afghanistan under Obama? Because of his ignorance?
So you post with a red herring fallacy – how unsurprising; the thread is about Trump, not Obama.

In this thread you need to attempt to defend your scumbag nominee: Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
No, you are attacking Trump for lying, but for the last seven years you have been supporting Obama's lies. That is a fallacy.
So for the sake of conversation lets say obama did lie DOES that give your pos the right to lie too??
and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,

The above, FOX talking points without the moronic commercials......

Mindless banter without any objectivity.....

(BTW, the rise in debt was MOSTLY due to coming to terms with the 3.2 TRILLION of Bush's wars)
So Obama spent more on wars than Bush? Interesting. You do realize more troops died in Afghanistan under Obama? Because of his ignorance?
So you post with a red herring fallacy – how unsurprising; the thread is about Trump, not Obama.

In this thread you need to attempt to defend your scumbag nominee: Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
No, you are attacking Trump for lying, but for the last seven years you have been supporting Obama's lies. That is a fallacy.

And you're claiming you never attack Obama for allegedly lying? Are you sure you want to take that position?
and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,

The above, FOX talking points without the moronic commercials......

Mindless banter without any objectivity.....

(BTW, the rise in debt was MOSTLY due to coming to terms with the 3.2 TRILLION of Bush's wars)
So Obama spent more on wars than Bush? Interesting. You do realize more troops died in Afghanistan under Obama? Because of his ignorance?
So you post with a red herring fallacy – how unsurprising; the thread is about Trump, not Obama.

In this thread you need to attempt to defend your scumbag nominee: Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
No, you are attacking Trump for lying, but for the last seven years you have been supporting Obama's lies. That is a fallacy.

He doesn't even know the definition of the word fallacy, he uses it nilly willy
It's a fallacy to think sassy has a brain
You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.

So, here's a right winger's "rationale"......Because he "thinks" that Obama lied...this asshole is willing to bend over, grab his ankles, and.......well, you know the rest.
No, I saying you are a bunch of hypocrites. You stuck up for all of Obama's lies. Didn't care what's so ever, but now truth is gold. You have no credibility on this subject, get it?
and you support a billionaire liar who pays no taxes??

How do you know what he pays in taxes?

second question: why are you entitled to know what any candidate pays in taxes?

third question: why aren't you interested in the legal bribery machine known as the Clinton foundation?

fourth: if Trump was cheating on his taxes don't you think the IRS would be all over it?

fifth: do you understand that our tax code with all its exemptions, decuctions, and dodges was written primarily by congressional democrats? remember the dems controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
#1 the last time his taxes were checked he paid ZERO Why not since then too??
#2 Because any candidate who might become leader of the free world should show his or hers hands are clean and every president since the 70's has shown their taxes Face it He's afraid to show them AND you repubs don;t give a shit
Okay, Trump said as soon as his audit is over he would release them. Maybe you should tell Obama to quit using the IRS as his bulling pulpit. Okay, then if hands need to be clean, then why don't you want to see the list of foreign donors and the amounts of the donations to the Clinton foundation?
Okay, Trump said as soon as his audit is over he would release them

MORON.....there is NO law to stop Trump from releasing his tax return during an audit......He signed and submitted his returns PERIOD.
Trump never gave a shit about vets

Let him release his taxes so we can see how little he gives to vets
Trump is one lying corrupt MFer!!!!!!

Cankles is a sweet loving lover of Americans and never tells a lie.

Leftnutters analysis of the two jackasses.
and yet you can't seem to come up with one ....just your moronic remarks thinking you just came up with something clever ... heres a clue stop making a fool of your self

You mean when Hillary claims she cares about coal workers jobs, has no government secrets and information worth worrying about among her personal emails, or her involvement with Benghazi? Hillary has an overall trust factor that's going to be tough to ignore among voters.
So, here's a right winger's "rationale"......Because he "thinks" that Obama lied...this asshole is willing to bend over, grab his ankles, and.......well, you know the rest.
No, I saying you are a bunch of hypocrites. You stuck up for all of Obama's lies. Didn't care what's so ever, but now truth is gold. You have no credibility on this subject, get it?
and you support a billionaire liar who pays no taxes??

How do you know what he pays in taxes?

second question: why are you entitled to know what any candidate pays in taxes?

third question: why aren't you interested in the legal bribery machine known as the Clinton foundation?

fourth: if Trump was cheating on his taxes don't you think the IRS would be all over it?

fifth: do you understand that our tax code with all its exemptions, decuctions, and dodges was written primarily by congressional democrats? remember the dems controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
#1 the last time his taxes were checked he paid ZERO Why not since then too??
#2 Because any candidate who might become leader of the free world should show his or hers hands are clean and every president since the 70's has shown their taxes Face it He's afraid to show them AND you repubs don;t give a shit
Okay, Trump said as soon as his audit is over he would release them. Maybe you should tell Obama to quit using the IRS as his bulling pulpit. Okay, then if hands need to be clean, then why don't you want to see the list of foreign donors and the amounts of the donations to the Clinton foundation?
He could show them now and why not last years or any of the past years? FACE IT the billionaire is ripping off America and you nitwits are kissing his ass
jknowgood is just a homer, nothing more, who cares nothing for America's welfare.

sassy speaks in farts and is a well known liar: ask her about RouteIrish or briefing the Joint Chiefs.

Yeah, she is a sock.
Guns Aren't Allowed on Many Trump Properties, Staff Says

Donald Trump
spoke in favor of gun rights at the National Rifle Association convention today, but security and staff at several of his prized hotels and golf courses told ABC News that guests are not allowed to carry guns there.

The Trump Organization, meanwhile, claims that’s not true.

“We strongly believe in the 2nd Amendment and are against gun free zones. While laws vary substantially from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, we allow security personnel and other licensed individuals the ability to carry a firearm in an effort to protect themselves, our guests, associates and the general public,” a spokesperson told ABC News by email.

There are “no restrictions on licensed individuals carrying in our hotels of golf clubs,” a Trump Organization official told ABC News.

Hotel staff and security personnel at several Trump properties told a different story, when reached by phone by ABC.

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