donald trump caught in a lie

So Obama spent more on wars than Bush?

What???? IDIOT, we;re talking about the wars under Bush that were NEVER paid for or accounted for in the budget.....Is there a grown up around your basement to explain this to you?
In 2013 both wars estimated to have costed 4 trillion. So Obama spend more on wars than Bush in you accusation. You said Obama spent 3.2 trillion, so in all the years Bush had us in wars, by your own calculations he only spent .8 trillion. Thanks for proving Obama doesn't have a clue.
sassy is finished here and can be ignored.

Concentrate on the other far righty wankers.
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and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,

The above, FOX talking points without the moronic commercials......

Mindless banter without any objectivity.....

(BTW, the rise in debt was MOSTLY due to coming to terms with the 3.2 TRILLION of Bush's wars)
So Obama spent more on wars than Bush? Interesting. You do realize more troops died in Afghanistan under Obama? Because of his ignorance?
So you post with a red herring fallacy – how unsurprising; the thread is about Trump, not Obama.

In this thread you need to attempt to defend your scumbag nominee: Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
No, you are attacking Trump for lying, but for the last seven years you have been supporting Obama's lies. That is a fallacy.
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

Again, stop with the failed attempts to deflect and defend your scumbag liar of a nominee: Trump.

Prove that Trump’s many, many lies are ‘true.’

Indeed, Trump was lying just yesterday, spouting the moronic lie that Clinton wants to ‘take away your guns’ and ‘abolish the Second Amendment,’ all Trump does is lie, all most conservatives and republicans do is lie, all you have are lies.
and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,

The above, FOX talking points without the moronic commercials......

Mindless banter without any objectivity.....

(BTW, the rise in debt was MOSTLY due to coming to terms with the 3.2 TRILLION of Bush's wars)
So Obama spent more on wars than Bush? Interesting. You do realize more troops died in Afghanistan under Obama? Because of his ignorance?
So you post with a red herring fallacy – how unsurprising; the thread is about Trump, not Obama.

In this thread you need to attempt to defend your scumbag nominee: Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
No, you are attacking Trump for lying, but for the last seven years you have been supporting Obama's lies. That is a fallacy.
So for the sake of conversation lets say obama did lie DOES that give your pos the right to lie too??
Obama got lie of the year, he also Grubered you and you approved of it. I'm saying why all of a sudden does truth matter to you now? When for over seven years you didn't care?
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The analogy is rather simple (even for morons, like you) Cheney, et al. LIED to all of us and, foolishly, went along for their own political hides.......So, who exactly BULLSHITTED us into a war based on lies?
Every member of Congress who voted for the war. Of the two Democrats running for President, which voted for the war and which did not?
HIllary voted to authorize and fund those wars. So did many other dems. We all agree that they were a waste of lives and money, but they all have blood on their hands.

The analogy is rather simple (even for morons, like you) Cheney, et al. LIED to all of us and, foolishly, went along for their own political hides.......So, who exactly BULLSHITTED us into a war based on lies?

everyone in every major government in the world believed the flawed intel about Saddam and WMDs. the UN, the EU, UK, France, Spain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Russia et. al.

Are you saying that Bush was such a great communicator that he fooled all of them?

Also, repeating something you believe to be true is not lying.

one question: Was the UN lying about Saddam? yes or no.
and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,

The above, FOX talking points without the moronic commercials......

Mindless banter without any objectivity.....

(BTW, the rise in debt was MOSTLY due to coming to terms with the 3.2 TRILLION of Bush's wars)
So Obama spent more on wars than Bush? Interesting. You do realize more troops died in Afghanistan under Obama? Because of his ignorance?
So you post with a red herring fallacy – how unsurprising; the thread is about Trump, not Obama.

In this thread you need to attempt to defend your scumbag nominee: Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
No, you are attacking Trump for lying, but for the last seven years you have been supporting Obama's lies. That is a fallacy.
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

Again, stop with the failed attempts to deflect and defend your scumbag liar of a nominee: Trump.

Prove that Trump’s many, many lies are ‘true.’

Indeed, Trump was lying just yesterday, spouting the moronic lie that Clinton wants to ‘take away your guns’ and ‘abolish the Second Amendment,’ all Trump does is lie, all most conservatives and republicans do is lie, all you have are lies.
Clinton has admitted she would have strict gun control. So tell me, why hasn't the truth mattered for the last seven years? Why all of a sudden does it matter to you now?
Every member of Congress who voted for the war. Of the two Democrats running for President, which voted for the war and which did not?

Don't be [intentionally] dense......Members of congress (and I'm NOT defending them) were briefed by the administration who OPENLY lied about the dangers of Saddam.
Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -
Deplorable. We shouldn't vote for Bush in 2016. Now, how many false statements did Hillary make in the lead up to the war? How come she supported the Iraq war and Bernie did not?

How the presidential hopefuls voted on Iraq — and why it matters

and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,

The above, FOX talking points without the moronic commercials......

Mindless banter without any objectivity.....

(BTW, the rise in debt was MOSTLY due to coming to terms with the 3.2 TRILLION of Bush's wars)
So Obama spent more on wars than Bush? Interesting. You do realize more troops died in Afghanistan under Obama? Because of his ignorance?
So you post with a red herring fallacy – how unsurprising; the thread is about Trump, not Obama.

In this thread you need to attempt to defend your scumbag nominee: Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
No, you are attacking Trump for lying, but for the last seven years you have been supporting Obama's lies. That is a fallacy.
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

Again, stop with the failed attempts to deflect and defend your scumbag liar of a nominee: Trump.

Prove that Trump’s many, many lies are ‘true.’

Indeed, Trump was lying just yesterday, spouting the moronic lie that Clinton wants to ‘take away your guns’ and ‘abolish the Second Amendment,’ all Trump does is lie, all most conservatives and republicans do is lie, all you have are lies.
Clinton has admitted she would have strict gun control. So tell me, why hasn't the truth mattered for the last seven years? Why all of a sudden does it matter to you now?
and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,

The above, FOX talking points without the moronic commercials......

Mindless banter without any objectivity.....

(BTW, the rise in debt was MOSTLY due to coming to terms with the 3.2 TRILLION of Bush's wars)
So Obama spent more on wars than Bush? Interesting. You do realize more troops died in Afghanistan under Obama? Because of his ignorance?
So you post with a red herring fallacy – how unsurprising; the thread is about Trump, not Obama.

In this thread you need to attempt to defend your scumbag nominee: Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
No, you are attacking Trump for lying, but for the last seven years you have been supporting Obama's lies. That is a fallacy.

And you're claiming you never attack Obama for allegedly lying? Are you sure you want to take that position?
Yes, I did and your ilk stuck up for every lie. You make Gruber proud.
What lie?

Conveniently forget about those mushroom clouds?

Be specific, what lie? Use the wmd and I'm going to blow you out of the water

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -
And nitwit republicans either didn't care OR believed them all,, Patriots?? BAH HUMBUG
everyone in every major government in the world believed the flawed intel about Saddam and WMDs. the UN, the EU, UK, France, Spain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Russia et. al.

Are you saying that Bush was such a great communicator that he fooled all of them?

Also, repeating something you believe to be true is not lying.

one question: Was the UN lying about Saddam? yes or no.

Even a common moron would agree that the UN and most of Europe just agrees with the US since we are the big guy on the world stage......The rest of the world, simply LOVED to get the US in a quagmire such as Iraq.
Don't be [intentionally] dense......Members of congress (and I'm NOT defending them) were briefed by the administration who OPENLY lied about the dangers of Saddam.
Take your own advice. If you are ignorant of how Congress works or the various congressional committees that are briefed on the same intel as the White House receives, I can forgive you, but if you are intentionally lying and derailing for purely partisan reasons, then I cannot forgive such actions.
Okay, Trump said as soon as his audit is over he would release them

MORON.....there is NO law to stop Trump from releasing his tax return during an audit......He signed and submitted his returns PERIOD.
Your right there isn't but his lawyers said not till after the audit. If there is really something in his taxes that would end his Carter. Why doesn't Obama tell the IRS to stop the audit?
Anyway why aren't you concerned about the foreign donors and amounts given to the Clinton foundation? You know the millions Hillary tried to hide from the IRS.

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