donald trump caught in a lie

you're going to need something better then the right wing political insider all their accusation accept for one has been proven to be false try again loser

Try Google ya fucking asshole and get your head outa your ass
fact check .org

During one of their last years in the White House, the Clintons reportedly earned $416,039, the New York Daily News reports, citing the couple’s 1999 federal income tax return. But apparently that was not enough to cover their debts and their daughter’s education.

“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt,” Clinton told Sawyer. “We had no money when we got there and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy.”

According to Mother Jones, just before she left the White House as first lady, Hillary was given an $8 million advance for her memoir Living History. The couple had also purchased two homes, one in Washington, D.C., and another in Chappaqua, New York, Time reports.

Speaking engagements and books deals quickly began bringing in money. From from 2000 to 2007, the couple earned more than $109 million, according to an NPR report. A large portion of that income came from Bill’s speaking engagements. Since leaving the White House, the former president reportedly has earned $106 million from speaking fees, a 2013 CNN report notes.

like I said she didn't lie ... your source only tells part of the story... like all right wing nut jobs do to justify their lies ... just like trump does... he lies then says he didn't say that ... nut jobs like you buy it so if your going to maker a accusation make sure you have the whole story
How does that show she didn't lie?
go a read the political insider then come back and read this full story .... what she is stated were if you can comprehend she was say they were dead broke when they left the with it from the white house ...if it wasn't for some of the deals she was making to help her out of debt they would have been dead broke thats what she said and that wasn't a lie....

what political insider saids hillary said she was dead broke when the left the white house she never claimed that.. than they said from all the money they had she lied ... that's what they said they didn't bother to tell the whole story how they got their money when they left ...they told you hjillary haters what you need to feeds your hate, thats what the difference is ... the problem you have is none of you have ever researched any of these allege lies that you claim ... then when you read what she actually said you go silent of you try and prove me wrong ... and make a fool of yourself
You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.
you're going to need something better then the right wing political insider all their accusation accept for one has been proven to be false try again loser

Try Google ya fucking asshole and get your head outa your ass
fact check .org

During one of their last years in the White House, the Clintons reportedly earned $416,039, the New York Daily News reports, citing the couple’s 1999 federal income tax return. But apparently that was not enough to cover their debts and their daughter’s education.

“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt,” Clinton told Sawyer. “We had no money when we got there and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy.”

According to Mother Jones, just before she left the White House as first lady, Hillary was given an $8 million advance for her memoir Living History. The couple had also purchased two homes, one in Washington, D.C., and another in Chappaqua, New York, Time reports.

Speaking engagements and books deals quickly began bringing in money. From from 2000 to 2007, the couple earned more than $109 million, according to an NPR report. A large portion of that income came from Bill’s speaking engagements. Since leaving the White House, the former president reportedly has earned $106 million from speaking fees, a 2013 CNN report notes.

like I said she didn't lie ... your source only tells part of the story... like all right wing nut jobs do to justify their lies ... just like trump does... he lies then says he didn't say that ... nut jobs like you buy it so if your going to maker a accusation make sure you have the whole story
How does that show she didn't lie?
go a read the political insider then come back and read this full story .... what she is stated were if you can comprehend she was say they were dead broke when they left the with it from the white house ...if it wasn't for some of the deals she was making to help her out of debt they would have been dead broke thats what she said and that wasn't a lie....

what political insider saids hillary said she was dead broke when the left the white house she never claimed that.. than they said from all the money they had she lied ... that's what they said they didn't bother to tell the whole story how they got their money when they left ...they told you hjillary haters what you need to feeds your hate, thats what the difference is ... the problem you have is none of you have ever researched any of these allege lies that you claim ... then when you read what she actually said you go silent of you try and prove me wrong ... and make a fool of yourself
You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.

and Hillary "landed under sniper fire" "it was caused by a video"
You talk compassion? The why aren't you outraged that Obama is willing to cut education funding to public schools, if they don't allow boys in girls locker rooms? Your silence shows you hypocrisy. Liberal war on children.
You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.

So, here's a right winger's "rationale"......Because he "thinks" that Obama lied...this asshole is willing to bend over, grab his ankles, and.......well, you know the rest.
Try Google ya fucking asshole and get your head outa your ass
fact check .org

During one of their last years in the White House, the Clintons reportedly earned $416,039, the New York Daily News reports, citing the couple’s 1999 federal income tax return. But apparently that was not enough to cover their debts and their daughter’s education.

“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt,” Clinton told Sawyer. “We had no money when we got there and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy.”

According to Mother Jones, just before she left the White House as first lady, Hillary was given an $8 million advance for her memoir Living History. The couple had also purchased two homes, one in Washington, D.C., and another in Chappaqua, New York, Time reports.

Speaking engagements and books deals quickly began bringing in money. From from 2000 to 2007, the couple earned more than $109 million, according to an NPR report. A large portion of that income came from Bill’s speaking engagements. Since leaving the White House, the former president reportedly has earned $106 million from speaking fees, a 2013 CNN report notes.

like I said she didn't lie ... your source only tells part of the story... like all right wing nut jobs do to justify their lies ... just like trump does... he lies then says he didn't say that ... nut jobs like you buy it so if your going to maker a accusation make sure you have the whole story
How does that show she didn't lie?
go a read the political insider then come back and read this full story .... what she is stated were if you can comprehend she was say they were dead broke when they left the with it from the white house ...if it wasn't for some of the deals she was making to help her out of debt they would have been dead broke thats what she said and that wasn't a lie....

what political insider saids hillary said she was dead broke when the left the white house she never claimed that.. than they said from all the money they had she lied ... that's what they said they didn't bother to tell the whole story how they got their money when they left ...they told you hjillary haters what you need to feeds your hate, thats what the difference is ... the problem you have is none of you have ever researched any of these allege lies that you claim ... then when you read what she actually said you go silent of you try and prove me wrong ... and make a fool of yourself
You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.

and Hillary "landed under sniper fire" "it was caused by a video"
How about her email scandal. She said a lot of those emails were between her and Bill about Chelsea's wedding. Then Bill said he only sent one email in his entire life.
Notice that the entire right wingers' "defense" of Trump, boils down to "Hillary is no better ...or worse".....Sort of a tacit admission that Trump is indeed a fucking liar.
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You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.

So, here's a right winger's "rationale"......Because he "thinks" that Obama lied...this asshole is willing to bend over, grab his ankles, and.......well, you know the rest.
No, I saying you are a bunch of hypocrites. You stuck up for all of Obama's lies. Didn't care what's so ever, but now truth is gold. You have no credibility on this subject, get it?
You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.

So, here's a right winger's "rationale"......Because he "thinks" that Obama lied...this asshole is willing to bend over, grab his ankles, and.......well, you know the rest.
No, I saying you are a bunch of hypocrites. You stuck up for all of Obama's lies. Didn't care what's so ever, but now truth is gold. You have no credibility on this subject, get it?
and you support a billionaire liar who pays no taxes??
Notice that the entire right wingers' "defense" of Trump, boils down to "Hillary is no better ...or worse",,<Sort of a tacit admission that Trump is indeed a fucking liar.
ANYONE but Hillary! I don't care, she is a failure as a wife, as first lady, as secretary of state, and had to move to a liberal state that she knew she would win to become senator. She is a FAILURE, and not to mention a lying bitch. ANYONE but Hillary!
Odd thing about Hillary.
According to her asslickers/sycophants/water carriers/excuse makers she's ALWAYS been simply 'misunderstood'. All the way back to when she was 'the First Bull Dycke' in AK.
A major portion of the electorate in the country say they don't trust her. Including many in her own party.
Why is this?
Where there's smoke there's fire.
You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.

So, here's a right winger's "rationale"......Because he "thinks" that Obama lied...this asshole is willing to bend over, grab his ankles, and.......well, you know the rest.
No, I saying you are a bunch of hypocrites. You stuck up for all of Obama's lies. Didn't care what's so ever, but now truth is gold. You have no credibility on this subject, get it?
and you support a billionaire liar who pays no taxes??

How do you know what he pays in taxes?

second question: why are you entitled to know what any candidate pays in taxes?

third question: why aren't you interested in the legal bribery machine known as the Clinton foundation?

fourth: if Trump was cheating on his taxes don't you think the IRS would be all over it?

fifth: do you understand that our tax code with all its exemptions, decuctions, and dodges was written primarily by congressional democrats? remember the dems controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
Odd thing about Hillary.
According to her asslickers/sycophants/water carriers/excuse makers she's ALWAYS been simply 'misunderstood'. All the way back to when she was 'the First Bull Dycke' in AK.
A major portion of the electorate in the country say they don't trust her. Including many in her own party.
Why is this?
Where there's smoke there's fire.

I'm far, far from a Hillary fan and I wish she had not run......HOWEVER, in comparison to the egotistic, hate-filled, misogynist, xenophobic clown that you right wing morons are STUCK with, I'll pinch my nose and vote for Hillary.
You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.

So, here's a right winger's "rationale"......Because he "thinks" that Obama lied...this asshole is willing to bend over, grab his ankles, and.......well, you know the rest.
No, I saying you are a bunch of hypocrites. You stuck up for all of Obama's lies. Didn't care what's so ever, but now truth is gold. You have no credibility on this subject, get it?
and you support a billionaire liar who pays no taxes??
He isn't in jail for not paying taxes, is he? Quit spewing liberal talking points. Why aren't you worried about the millions of foreign dollars Hillary didn't report to the IRS to the Clinton foundation? We need to see the list of donors that owns that bitch. Anyone but Hillary.
Odd thing about Hillary.
According to her asslickers/sycophants/water carriers/excuse makers she's ALWAYS been simply 'misunderstood'. All the way back to when she was 'the First Bull Dycke' in AK.
A major portion of the electorate in the country say they don't trust her. Including many in her own party.
Why is this?
Where there's smoke there's fire.

I'm far, far from a Hillary fan and I wish she had not run......HOWEVER, in comparison to the egotistic, hate-filled, misogynist, xenophobic clown that you right wing morons are STUCK with, I'll pinch my nose and vote for Hillary.

and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,
How do you know what he pays in taxes?

second question: why are you entitled to know what any candidate pays in taxes?

Well, fishbreath..........Who is running on a platform of "I'm the greatest businessman EVER".....but refuses to show what he earned in 2015, how much he gave to all those charities he told us he supports, AND who had promised to share his tax returns just a few months ago?
You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.

So, here's a right winger's "rationale"......Because he "thinks" that Obama lied...this asshole is willing to bend over, grab his ankles, and.......well, you know the rest.
No, I saying you are a bunch of hypocrites. You stuck up for all of Obama's lies. Didn't care what's so ever, but now truth is gold. You have no credibility on this subject, get it?
and you support a billionaire liar who pays no taxes??
He isn't in jail for not paying taxes, is he? Quit spewing liberal talking points. Why aren't you worried about the millions of foreign dollars Hillary didn't report to the IRS to the Clinton foundation? We need to see the list of donors that owns that bitch. Anyone but Hillary.

Notice that the libs never mention Sharpton and the 4.5 million he owes in back taxes?

the hypocrisy of the left is amazing.
You do realize after Obama, you have no credibility to care if someone else lies? Obama did get awarded lie of the year.

So, here's a right winger's "rationale"......Because he "thinks" that Obama lied...this asshole is willing to bend over, grab his ankles, and.......well, you know the rest.
No, I saying you are a bunch of hypocrites. You stuck up for all of Obama's lies. Didn't care what's so ever, but now truth is gold. You have no credibility on this subject, get it?
and you support a billionaire liar who pays no taxes??
He isn't in jail for not paying taxes, is he? Quit spewing liberal talking points. Why aren't you worried about the millions of foreign dollars Hillary didn't report to the IRS to the Clinton foundation? We need to see the list of donors that owns that bitch. Anyone but Hillary.

Notice that the libs never mention Sharpton and the 4.5 million he owes in back taxes?

the hypocrisy of the left is amazing.
Yes, and he is Obama's right hand man.
and you will deserve what you vote for. You fools elected obozo twice and look what it got you-----------------zip, zero, nada, nothing.

but I'm wrong, it got you more debt, more racial division, more poverty, more welfare, more dead minority babies, more illegals taking American jobs, more jobs moved to china and mexico,

The above, FOX talking points without the moronic commercials......

Mindless banter without any objectivity.....

(BTW, the rise in debt was MOSTLY due to coming to terms with the 3.2 TRILLION of Bush's wars)

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