donald trump caught in a lie

once again donald trump caught in a lie ... he was caught lying about giving 6 million to the troops

Well, since Trump's followers are hate-filled idiots, the number of lies told and repeated by Trump will not make a difference.
You're right. It makes no difference what he says to his following. He could call every one of them a foollish bootlicker to their face --- which actually is what they are --- and these naive, gullible nitwits would still blindly follow him off a cliff.
Another zero substance post by VOR. Obviously it doesn't stand for voice of reason.
They both would win,
actually I've found only one lie hillary has told ... so far you on the right have never been able to prove a lie that she has told accept for one .. I find that pretty good ... so lets hear all these lies that you say she told.. if you can...


The 7 Wildest Lies From Hillary Clinton - The Political Insider
you're going to need something better then the right wing political insider all their accusation accept for one has been proven to be false try again loser

Try Google ya fucking asshole and get your head outa your ass
Now that isn't very christian like of you, is it? Oh that's right, you are one of those hypocrite christians. You talk it, but you don't walk it.
actually I've found only one lie hillary has told ... so far you on the right have never been able to prove a lie that she has told accept for one .. I find that pretty good ... so lets hear all these lies that you say she told.. if you can...


The 7 Wildest Lies From Hillary Clinton - The Political Insider
you're going to need something better then the right wing political insider all their accusation accept for one has been proven to be false try again loser

Try Google ya fucking asshole and get your head outa your ass
fact check .org

During one of their last years in the White House, the Clintons reportedly earned $416,039, the New York Daily News reports, citing the couple’s 1999 federal income tax return. But apparently that was not enough to cover their debts and their daughter’s education.

“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt,” Clinton told Sawyer. “We had no money when we got there and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy.”

According to Mother Jones, just before she left the White House as first lady, Hillary was given an $8 million advance for her memoir Living History. The couple had also purchased two homes, one in Washington, D.C., and another in Chappaqua, New York, Time reports.

Speaking engagements and books deals quickly began bringing in money. From from 2000 to 2007, the couple earned more than $109 million, according to an NPR report. A large portion of that income came from Bill’s speaking engagements. Since leaving the White House, the former president reportedly has earned $106 million from speaking fees, a 2013 CNN report notes.

like I said she didn't lie ... your source only tells part of the story... like all right wing nut jobs do to justify their lies ... just like trump does... he lies then says he didn't say that ... nut jobs like you buy it so if your going to maker a accusation make sure you have the whole story
How does that show she didn't lie?
go a read the political insider then come back and read this full story .... what she is stated were if you can comprehend she was say they were dead broke when they left the with it from the white house ...if it wasn't for some of the deals she was making to help her out of debt they would have been dead broke thats what she said and that wasn't a lie....

what political insider saids hillary said she was dead broke when the left the white house she never claimed that.. than they said from all the money they had she lied ... that's what they said they didn't bother to tell the whole story how they got their money when they left ...they told you hjillary haters what you need to feeds your hate, thats what the difference is ... the problem you have is none of you have ever researched any of these allege lies that you claim ... then when you read what she actually said you go silent of you try and prove me wrong ... and make a fool of yourself
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Trump lies when he opens his mouth but right wing hatred contains blinders.

Donald Trump Flip Flopper in Charge - Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact

Interesting piece below.

"You can be a total xenophobic racist male chauvinist bastard and still not be a fascist." Roger Griffin

I asked 5 fascism experts whether Donald Trump is a fascist. Here's what they said.

"That, incidentally, is a big reason why National Review writer Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism — which tries to tie American progressivism to historical fascism — is something of a running joke among people who actually know stuff about fascism. Paxton, Griffin, and Feldman have all published pieces attacking and/or mocking it. Griffin described it to me as "a really scurrilous work of revisionism, like David Irving, who uses revisionism to deny the Holocaust and rehabilitate Hitler. It's used to attack anyone attempting to introduce a welfare state as a fascist."
They both would win,
actually I've found only one lie hillary has told ... so far you on the right have never been able to prove a lie that she has told accept for one .. I find that pretty good ... so lets hear all these lies that you say she told.. if you can...
Lied about 4 dead Americans in Benghazi, just to name one.
how did she lie about 4 dead americans in benghazi love to hear that one
Trump’s New York Golf Course Seeks Foreign Workers
Trump National Golf Course told the Department of Labor there just weren’t enough American servers to hire

posted on May 20, 2016, at 6:47 p.m.

Could we add up the lies by Cankles and Trump? Who would win?
The last time Donald Trump's returns became public, he paid $0 in taxes. The Washington Post reports that was for two years in the 1970s.

According to a 1981 report from New Jersey regulators, Trump used a popular tax code provision to report a negative income.

SEE ALSO: NRA officially endorses 1 White House contender

Trump has boasted about taking advantage of the tax code to pay as little as possible, but he's also made targeting those loopholes and the people and companies who use them a big part of his presidential campaign.

He's been increasingly reluctant to reveal his current tax returns, first claiming an Internal Revenue Service audit prevented him from disclosing them. According to several outlets, an audit doesn't legally prevent him from disclosing his past returns.

GALLERY: Five fun financial facts about Donald Trump:
Trump never gave a shit about vets

Let him release his taxes so we can see how little he gives to vets

Nobody has to give veterinarians anything. There are enough pet lovers to provide them comfortable living.
Trump hates puppies and kittens
and mexicans and african americans not to mention his idea what women are good for ... he said women have to function cooking and well you can guess the other one
They both would win,
actually I've found only one lie hillary has told ... so far you on the right have never been able to prove a lie that she has told accept for one .. I find that pretty good ... so lets hear all these lies that you say she told.. if you can...
Lied about 4 dead Americans in Benghazi, just to name one.
how did she lie about 4 dead americans in benghazi love to hear that one
First she said it was a spontaneous attack because of a video. Ended up, the truth was it was a planned terrorist attack.

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