Donald Trump clarifies that McCain is a hero

A Perez

Gold Member
Jan 26, 2015


The damage is done.

Donald Trump wants soldiers who aren't captured!

He never said that McCain was not a hero. What do you mean Trump wants soldiers who aren't captured?
Trump said, and I'm quoting him, “He’s not a war hero,” Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post
Do you have a Youtube link? I don't trust the Washington Post. Besides what Trump was getting at - while defending himself against a career politician who's proud of not being conservative and who's undermined veterans' causes especially since Obama's been in office - was that attention is drawn to POWs when the soldier still fighting is forgotten. Don't get me (or Trump) wrong, MIAs and POWs are first on my list of causes I support and contribute money to. If I hadn't gotten a medical deferment I'd have been drafted. Guys I knew from high school went and a couple died. I'm very sensitive to the Vietnam vet, as well as all veterans.
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The damage is done.

Donald Trump wants soldiers who aren't captured!

He never said that McCain was not a hero. What do you mean Trump wants soldiers who aren't captured?
Trump said, and I'm quoting him, “He’s not a war hero,” Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post
Do you have a Youtube link? I don't trust the Washington Post.
Wait. First you said that Trump didn't say it, and now you say you don't know what he said?
Trump is a coward

Unwilling to apologize for his own offensive statements

The damage is done.

Donald Trump wants soldiers who aren't captured!

He never said that McCain was not a hero. What do you mean Trump wants soldiers who aren't captured?
Trump said, and I'm quoting him, “He’s not a war hero,” Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

At first Trump said JM wasn't a war hero, then Trump said maybe JM was in fact a hero.


The damage is done.

Donald Trump wants soldiers who aren't captured!

He never said that McCain was not a hero. What do you mean Trump wants soldiers who aren't captured?
At 1:17, Trump says what you deny he said : Trump Slams McCain He s Not A War Hero - NBC News
See why I don't trust NBC, CBS, The Washington Post, you, etc? You leave out everything Trump, or anyone you want to attack, says.
Trump ignoring what he said

The reporter refers to McCains heroic service
Trump says being captured is not heroic and he prefers those who weren't captured

Now Trump implies he was referring to Beau Berghdal not McCain
You do realize that everything Trump has said about illegal Mexican aliens is 100% true, don't you?
Do you realize you are wrong? Donald Trump s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime - The Washington Post

We're not talking Mexican immigrants. Illegal aliens is the proper term.

Which means whether or not they even commit any other crime, by virtue of being in America they are CRIMINALS.

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