Donald Trump comes out in support of Planned Parenthood. Oops!

Where is the link? Anytime I post ANYTHING regarding a democrats stance I instantly get demands for a link along with accusations of being a liar and we all know rderp isn't a liar right?
The Strange New Love-Fest Between Donald Trump and Planned Parenthood - Bloomberg Politics
So as suspected Rderp lied and twisted the facts.

On a side note.......


Which has been my position all along so don't even try to twist it. This is just more proof of my concerns about him being a fraud that plays both sides of the fence
He didn't twist it.
Tuesday night, the Republican presidential front-runner defended the women's health services provider in an interview on Fox News' Hannity. Trump noted that abortion was a "fairly small part" of what Planned Parenthood does and that "we have to look at the positives also for Planned Parenthood."

"They do good things," he said, interrupting interviewer Sean Hannity's question.

annual report, 3 percent of the roughly 11 million services it provided in 2013 were abortions. The other 97 percent included STD testing and treatment, contraception, cancer screenings, pregnancy tests and other noncontroversial services.

Planned Parenthood said some of Trump's remarks in recent days have been "offensive," but it welcomed the statement of support the real estate mogul, the only Republican presidential candidate who has defended the organization.

"Donald Trump seems to have realized that banning all abortions, shutting down the government, and defunding Planned Parenthood are extreme positions that are way too far outside the mainstream for even him to take," Eric Ferrero, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said in a statement.

Course the resident troll left that bit out. He misled (aka lied) by intentional omission
Every Republican in the primary took that stance, or course that's what he said, he wants to win and most Republicans equate planned parenthood with a baby murder factory, despite the fact that a mere 3% of their funding deals with abortions, they help with cancer screenings and women's health concerns that help not flood already overtaxed local clinics with financially struggling young women. They do offer help with contraception, which I could never understand the problem Republicans generally have with contraception, you do understand the poor women who have more children tend to take more in those entitlements you hate? My wife went to planned parenthood years ago for early pregnancy testing and a few appointments, it really helped at a time when I didn't yet have insurance to cover her. We didn't abort our son, I feel I should reiterate that. Donald said he wanted to defund planned parenthood to take the primary vote. If you have paid attention in elections you should realize that all candidates play to their base in the primary, then redact or take a more moderate stance in the general election. You didn't notice how all of this candidates backpedaled from the rape exceptions they almost all supported with the exception of the most extreme candidates who really meant it?
Look Trump plays both sides of the fence. Really, I have never met someone who claims to be conservative that would have donated to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign fund, and then received a phone call from Bill Clinton just prior to announcing his run for the nomination. It's something that makes one suspicious.

I think supporters of Trump are being played. Trump really enjoys the lime-light, and the notoriety, & to do that he has to stir things up, but that's all he is. He may win a couple of caucus states where they're typically extremely low turn-out, but once they hit the primary states--he's done.

In here is Carly Fiorina calling Trump out on the donation and the phone call from Bill Clinton

Does this mean the resident trumpers will support PP?
If the last few weeks are any indication, within 24 hours they will justify his stance...while at the same time going on about how he was misquoted. This will be the fourth time.
Where is the link? Anytime I post ANYTHING regarding a democrats stance I instantly get demands for a link along with accusations of being a liar and we all know rderp isn't a liar right?
The Strange New Love-Fest Between Donald Trump and Planned Parenthood - Bloomberg Politics
So as suspected Rderp lied and twisted the facts.

On a side note.......


Which has been my position all along so don't even try to twist it. This is just more proof of my concerns about him being a fraud that plays both sides of the fence
He didn't twist it.
Tuesday night, the Republican presidential front-runner defended the women's health services provider in an interview on Fox News' Hannity. Trump noted that abortion was a "fairly small part" of what Planned Parenthood does and that "we have to look at the positives also for Planned Parenthood."

"They do good things," he said, interrupting interviewer Sean Hannity's question.

annual report, 3 percent of the roughly 11 million services it provided in 2013 were abortions. The other 97 percent included STD testing and treatment, contraception, cancer screenings, pregnancy tests and other noncontroversial services.

Planned Parenthood said some of Trump's remarks in recent days have been "offensive," but it welcomed the statement of support the real estate mogul, the only Republican presidential candidate who has defended the organization.

"Donald Trump seems to have realized that banning all abortions, shutting down the government, and defunding Planned Parenthood are extreme positions that are way too far outside the mainstream for even him to take," Eric Ferrero, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said in a statement.

Course the resident troll left that bit out. He misled (aka lied) by intentional omission
Every Republican in the primary took that stance, or course that's what he said, he wants to win and most Republicans equate planned parenthood with a baby murder factory, despite the fact that a mere 3% of their funding deals with abortions, they help with cancer screenings and women's health concerns that help not flood already overtaxed local clinics with financially struggling young women. They do offer help with contraception, which I could never understand the problem Republicans generally have with contraception, you do understand the poor women who have more children tend to take more in those entitlements you hate? My wife went to planned parenthood years ago for early pregnancy testing and a few appointments, it really helped at a time when I didn't yet have insurance to cover her. We didn't abort our son, I feel I should reiterate that. Donald said he wanted to defund planned parenthood to take the primary vote. If you have paid attention in elections you should realize that all candidates play to their base in the primary, then redact or take a more moderate stance in the general election. You didn't notice how all of this candidates backpedaled from the rape exceptions they almost all supported with the exception of the most extreme candidates who really meant it?
Your title is appropriate. I'm no Trump fan.
Where is the link? Anytime I post ANYTHING regarding a democrats stance I instantly get demands for a link along with accusations of being a liar and we all know rderp isn't a liar right?
You rarely ever provide any. But clearly, these other people saw it. Besides, what's your Social Security Number?
No really, what's your Social Security number? We want to know what state you were born in.
He looked at the polls. Trump is picking and choosing every issue that appears can get him the support of a certain interest group without damaging him elsewhere.

That's an interesting tightrope to try to walk.
Where is the link? Anytime I post ANYTHING regarding a democrats stance I instantly get demands for a link along with accusations of being a liar and we all know rderp isn't a liar right?
You rarely ever provide any. But clearly, these other people saw it. Besides, what's your Social Security Number?
No really, what's your Social Security number? We want to know what state you were born in.
Derp derp derp we go
Trolling down the stream
Where is the link? Anytime I post ANYTHING regarding a democrats stance I instantly get demands for a link along with accusations of being a liar and we all know rderp isn't a liar right?
yea he claims that until you ask him to prove things he says about people here....then he transforms into Arthur Murry .....
Where is the link? Anytime I post ANYTHING regarding a democrats stance I instantly get demands for a link along with accusations of being a liar and we all know rderp isn't a liar right?
You rarely ever provide any. But clearly, these other people saw it. Besides, what's your Social Security Number?
No really, what's your Social Security number? We want to know what state you were born in.
Derp derp derp we go
Trolling down the stream
i told you....the guy can dance....

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