Donald Trump: "Democrats attempted an illegal takeover of the US government...treason..."

When will indictments for espionage, treason, sedition and insurrection begin?

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I can't say I am surprised they drummed up a fake conspiracy to take down the Trump admin. He threatened to create a new paradigm in foreign and domestic policy. They just can't let anyone disrupt their plans. If Sanders had been elected we probably would have seen something similar.
At time = 20:30

When will the arrests, arraignments and indictments begin?

Trump transcript highlights:
"You know, let's get back on, let's not think about the past, let's think about the future." But now I think thinking about the past is just OK because we can never let this happen again in our country or to another President. I'm not talking about me. I'm talking into the future, we can never allow this treasonous - these treasonous acts to happen to another President. This was an attempted takeover of our government, of our country, an illegal takeover. And if it were the other way around, where I was doing it to President Obama or a Democrat, it would be virtually the maximum sentence that you can find no matter where you look in whatever legal book."

"The insurance policy -- just in case Hillary Clinton lost, they wanted an insurance policy against me. And what we were playing out until just recently was the insurance policy. They wanted to do a subversion. It was treason. It was really treason.

If the Republican Party had done this to the Democrats, if we had done this to President Obama, you'd have 100 people in jail right now and it would be treason. It would be considered treason and they'd be in jail for the rest of their lives.

But it worked out the other way, and, you know, it just is really a horrible situation. And an incredible outcome, or certainly very close to an outcome, and we'll have to see how it all started. But I'm going to leave that to other people, including the attorney general, and others, to make a determination.

But it's very, very important for our country to know, because in 50 years from now, and 100 years from now, if someone tries the same thing, they have to know that the penalty will be very, very great, if and when they get caught.."
Maybe CRCs should use 2nd Amendment solutions instead of waiting for the deep state.
I think what you'll see in the future (8-10 years or so) one of the principals give the wink and nod interview that the OJ Jurors are now giving and freely admitting that they had an agenda all along.

You'll see Barr or Rosenstein or some others stating something like "The decision was made to not interview the President. I didn't agree with it at the time and don't agree now...."
And what would they have learned? That everyone else said their was no collusion, but Trump would just break out and say yeah I worked with Russia? you guys really need to think a little.
I think what you'll see in the future (8-10 years or so) one of the principals give the wink and nod interview that the OJ Jurors are now giving and freely admitting that they had an agenda all along.

You'll see Barr or Rosenstein or some others stating something like "The decision was made to not interview the President. I didn't agree with it at the time and don't agree now...."
And what would they have learned? That everyone else said their was no collusion, but Trump would just break out and say yeah I worked with Russia? you guys really need to think a little.

OJ hasn’t said he was guilty yet. Key people around him have subsequently reported the guile of the man and his attorneys. And some jurors have pretty much said they would rule differently today.

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