Donald Trump, “Democrats Trying To 'Rig' Upcoming Debates"

The debates were set by the Commission on Presidential Debates in September 2015.

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton is using NFL games to 'rig' the debates

Just another example of how well-informed Birfer Trump is, and how the Trumptards will jump to the defense of their Orange Jesus no matter how wrong Trump may be.
Obviously the DNC didn't make the schedule but how do you know the Dems didn't influence it?
There it is......what a good Drumpf minion.
Then your OK moving it to a Wednesday......
Trump knows he is in big trouble with the upcoming political debates. His tactics of name-calling, shouting insults and complete nonsense left the other Republican hopefuls dumbfounded and thrilled the clueless right-wingers.

However, as the Republican nominee, Trump can no longer depend on decibel level alone, which was all that was needed to sway the intolerant white racists of the GOP voting base during the primaries. In the Presidential Debates he will be forced to detail his methods for reaching his policy objectives, and those policies must do more than feed conservative fear mongering.

Unlike his mindless supporters, the rational voters of this nation will demand workable specifics, specifics that Trump cannot deliver. He couldn’t do this at the Republican National Convention, all he had was bellowing his vitriol about Hillary Clinton. This won’t work at the national debates, in fact, such behavior will work against The Donald.

Of course, requiring Trump to finally put up or shut up is what he defines as “rigging” the debates, and we can expect his loyal followers to agree. Mrs. Clinton will be accused of cheating when she cites verifiable facts, figures, and statistics, and The Donald will then fall back on his old BS of “Crooked Hillary” and other incomprehensible blather that served him when all he needed to do was impress the right-wingers.

Trump’s sheep will be quick to deny these unpleasant facts about their hero, but what else can be expected of them other than bashing Hillary Clinton. They know deep down Trump is nothing but an empty shell with a big mouth, but are afraid to say it out loud, which is another of many aspects of their denial.

You won't believe what Donald Trump is trying to accuse the Democratic party of

Despite the firm belief of right-wingers to the contrary, denial of facts in no way refutes them, and changing the subject does not win the debate.


You're the douche bag who posed as a white supremacist in another thread, aren't you?

You've already lost your credibility.
or Hillary should be asking for even more to show how ready she is
True, the more Trump whines the better.
Indeed or Hillary can show how empty she really is any new ideas or change of course, too be fair when she does hold her first real press conference of 2016, we may find out more
Hillary isn't the one trying to weasel out of debates. They'll be more informative than the press throwing out gotcha questions, but Trump doesn't want anything he can't personally orchestrate by throwing out any reporters he doesn't like.

Considering how they did with Bernie
it would seem par for the course
You mean....the guy that Drumpf said he'd debate then ran away from?
or Hillary should be asking for even more to show how ready she is
True, the more Trump whines the better.
Indeed or Hillary can show how empty she really is any new ideas or change of course, too be fair when she does hold her first real press conference of 2016, we may find out more
Hillary isn't the one trying to weasel out of debates. They'll be more informative than the press throwing out gotcha questions, but Trump doesn't want anything he can't personally orchestrate by throwing out any reporters he doesn't like.

Considering how they did with Bernie
it would seem par for the course
You mean....the guy that Drumpf said he'd debate then ran away from?
Who was this person who was going to win the democrat nomination after the super-delegates were all purchased in advance by hitlery??
GOP is in full crisis management mode, and of course, blaming Hillary even though the debates are not agreed to by the candidates; but the parties. It is sat up by the commission on Presidential debates and has been for over a year.

The group dishonesty is amazing with Drumpf
When did he blame Hillary?
Full crisis mode? Go change your dirty stinking diaper, it won't fly here.

Of course. notice how they ignore the challenge of Trump

Come on, Queen Hillary should stand up and take the challenge
show everyone how ready and tough she is
she should say , I'll debate anytime, anywhere

it would score bigger political points for her

... but they don't
funny how that works

What is funny is that you think you’re “on to something”. There is no reason for her to change diddly. The parties agreed to them a year ago. Sorry. If Drumpf if uncomfortable…perhaps he should not debate Ms. Clinton.
Yes, she wants less viewers, we get it.
I'm sorry to hear that you cannot afford a DVR
GOP is in full crisis management mode, and of course, blaming Hillary even though the debates are not agreed to by the candidates; but the parties. It is sat up by the commission on Presidential debates and has been for over a year.

The group dishonesty is amazing with Drumpf
When did he blame Hillary?
Full crisis mode? Go change your dirty stinking diaper, it won't fly here.

Of course. notice how they ignore the challenge of Trump

Come on, Queen Hillary should stand up and take the challenge
show everyone how ready and tough she is
she should say , I'll debate anytime, anywhere

it would score bigger political points for her

... but they don't
funny how that works

What is funny is that you think you’re “on to something”. There is no reason for her to change diddly. The parties agreed to them a year ago. Sorry. If Drumpf if uncomfortable…perhaps he should not debate Ms. Clinton.
Yes, she wants less viewers, we get it.
I'm sorry to hear that you cannot afford a DVR
But, you're OK with it moving to Wednesday....
Trump knows he is in big trouble with the upcoming political debates. His tactics of name-calling, shouting insults and complete nonsense left the other Republican hopefuls dumbfounded and thrilled the clueless right-wingers.

However, as the Republican nominee, Trump can no longer depend on decibel level alone, which was all that was needed to sway the intolerant white racists of the GOP voting base during the primaries. In the Presidential Debates he will be forced to detail his methods for reaching his policy objectives, and those policies must do more than feed conservative fear mongering.

Unlike his mindless supporters, the rational voters of this nation will demand workable specifics, specifics that Trump cannot deliver. He couldn’t do this at the Republican National Convention, all he had was bellowing his vitriol about Hillary Clinton. This won’t work at the national debates, in fact, such behavior will work against The Donald.

Of course, requiring Trump to finally put up or shut up is what he defines as “rigging” the debates, and we can expect his loyal followers to agree. Mrs. Clinton will be accused of cheating when she cites verifiable facts, figures, and statistics, and The Donald will then fall back on his old BS of “Crooked Hillary” and other incomprehensible blather that served him when all he needed to do was impress the right-wingers.

Trump’s sheep will be quick to deny these unpleasant facts about their hero, but what else can be expected of them other than bashing Hillary Clinton. They know deep down Trump is nothing but an empty shell with a big mouth, but are afraid to say it out loud, which is another of many aspects of their denial.

You won't believe what Donald Trump is trying to accuse the Democratic party of


Despite the firm belief of right-wingers to the contrary, denial of facts in no way refutes them, and changing the subject does not win the debate.

We had plenty of stupid hate filled assholes before you showed up. All that and you posted zero substance, just baby libtard dirty diaper slingings.

The objection is having debates during NFL games, now why would the Dims want that? The only reason would be the less people that see the debates the more favorable they can pass Hillary off. You have a better theory?
Same thing happened in 2008 and 2012....isn't it odd that McCain and Romney didn't cry about it....or lie about the NFL sending them a letter?
You do know this is 2016....right????
Yes...the year of the whiny GOP nominee wringing his tiny hands.
The Donald's "tactics" are being honest and expressing how he wants to keep Americans safe. He is facing the multilayered political and MSM establishment who has made Americans unsafe and citizens fearful to state obvious truths. Do the math.
"Being honest"? Was he being honest when he lied about the NFL sending him a letter?

And when he said he had a relationship with Pootin, then said he didn't, all in about 5 seconds.

That was awesome.
The beat down of hitlery will be epic and I cant blame democrats for being intimidated by Trump and try to rig the process in any way they can....
Like not letting Trump have a crotch fan..
Can you imagine the odor from hitlery....:lol:
I hear the 'odor' has gotten so bad Hillary and Huma are now sleeping in separate beds.
Considering your posting history....I'm sure you are tapped into places where you would "hear" that.
Trump knows he is in big trouble with the upcoming political debates. His tactics of name-calling, shouting insults and complete nonsense left the other Republican hopefuls dumbfounded and thrilled the clueless right-wingers.

However, as the Republican nominee, Trump can no longer depend on decibel level alone, which was all that was needed to sway the intolerant white racists of the GOP voting base during the primaries. In the Presidential Debates he will be forced to detail his methods for reaching his policy objectives, and those policies must do more than feed conservative fear mongering.

Unlike his mindless supporters, the rational voters of this nation will demand workable specifics, specifics that Trump cannot deliver. He couldn’t do this at the Republican National Convention, all he had was bellowing his vitriol about Hillary Clinton. This won’t work at the national debates, in fact, such behavior will work against The Donald.

Of course, requiring Trump to finally put up or shut up is what he defines as “rigging” the debates, and we can expect his loyal followers to agree. Mrs. Clinton will be accused of cheating when she cites verifiable facts, figures, and statistics, and The Donald will then fall back on his old BS of “Crooked Hillary” and other incomprehensible blather that served him when all he needed to do was impress the right-wingers.

Trump’s sheep will be quick to deny these unpleasant facts about their hero, but what else can be expected of them other than bashing Hillary Clinton. They know deep down Trump is nothing but an empty shell with a big mouth, but are afraid to say it out loud, which is another of many aspects of their denial.

You won't believe what Donald Trump is trying to accuse the Democratic party of


Despite the firm belief of right-wingers to the contrary, denial of facts in no way refutes them, and changing the subject does not win the debate.

We had plenty of stupid hate filled assholes before you showed up. All that and you posted zero substance, just baby libtard dirty diaper slingings.

The objection is having debates during NFL games, now why would the Dims want that? The only reason would be the less people that see the debates the more favorable they can pass Hillary off. You have a better theory?
Same thing happened in 2008 and 2012....isn't it odd that McCain and Romney didn't cry about it....or lie about the NFL sending them a letter?
You do know this is 2016....right????
Yes...the year of the whiny GOP nominee wringing his tiny hands.
I am sure all of the GOP'ers were.
Trump is co-opting Conservative Persecution Syndrome.

Read the DNC leaked emails. The media is colluding with the DNC. The cat is out of the bag and the left looks really stupid to claim it is all paranoia. People are pissed on both sides and want the political machines on both sides taken down. Which candidate is the political machine, and which candidate just took out the political machine on one side?
When did he blame Hillary?
Full crisis mode? Go change your dirty stinking diaper, it won't fly here.

Of course. notice how they ignore the challenge of Trump

Come on, Queen Hillary should stand up and take the challenge
show everyone how ready and tough she is
she should say , I'll debate anytime, anywhere

it would score bigger political points for her

... but they don't
funny how that works

What is funny is that you think you’re “on to something”. There is no reason for her to change diddly. The parties agreed to them a year ago. Sorry. If Drumpf if uncomfortable…perhaps he should not debate Ms. Clinton.
Yes, she wants less viewers, we get it.
I'm sorry to hear that you cannot afford a DVR
But, you're OK with it moving to Wednesday....

Good point

The Democrats have reminded me with
all their pics....

Like they did to George Bush in 1992
with Chicken George for the debate thing

It should be done for her
Chicken Hillary for not wanting to move the times or date
what is she so afraid of..?

or Hillary should be asking for even more to show how ready she is
True, the more Trump whines the better.
Indeed or Hillary can show how empty she really is any new ideas or change of course, too be fair when she does hold her first real press conference of 2016, we may find out more
Hillary isn't the one trying to weasel out of debates. They'll be more informative than the press throwing out gotcha questions, but Trump doesn't want anything he can't personally orchestrate.

Trump is the one fielding questions from hostile press at conferences. This is the kind of BS that will be the death of Hillary. When was her last press conference? EVERYTHING she does is controlled and orchestrated. It takes balls to claim the blowhard spewing his every thought to the world without a filter is the one who won't speak unless it's orchestrated.

One good thing about this election cycle is that the number of interns and paid shills on this site becomes more and more clear.
or Hillary should be asking for even more to show how ready she is
True, the more Trump whines the better.
Indeed or Hillary can show how empty she really is any new ideas or change of course, too be fair when she does hold her first real press conference of 2016, we may find out more
Hillary isn't the one trying to weasel out of debates. They'll be more informative than the press throwing out gotcha questions, but Trump doesn't want anything he can't personally orchestrate.

Trump is the one fielding questions from hostile press at conferences. This is the kind of BS that will be the death of Hillary. When was her last press conference? EVERYTHING she does is controlled and orchestrated. It takes balls to claim the blowhard spewing his every thought to the world without a filter is the one who won't speak unless it's orchestrated.

One good thing about this election cycle is that the number of interns and paid shills on this site becomes more and more clear.
Hilterys last press conference was over 280 days ago......
She is not good on her feet
and it does appear she has some odd medical issues

Really, what new thing does she represent

A large majority feels the country is going in the wrong direction
they want change
not more of the same failed policies

Indeed or Hillary can show how empty she really is any new ideas or change of course, too be fair when she does hold her first real press conference of 2016, we may find out more
Hillary isn't the one trying to weasel out of debates. They'll be more informative than the press throwing out gotcha questions, but Trump doesn't want anything he can't personally orchestrate.
How would he orchestrate questions or her answers? Oh, you were just talking shit. Nevermind.
He orchestrates news conferences by throwing people out he doesn't like.
So you couldn't back up your shit. LOL
Check and mate! :biggrin:

Trump security removes POLITICO reporter from rally
Donald Trump throws tantrum after reporters do their job (Opinion) -

HAHAHA! Politico was one of the several media outlets PROVEN to collude with the DNC in the leaked emails.

Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Democrats Rigged Primary, Reveal Extensive Media Collusion | Zero Hedge
Trump is co-opting Conservative Persecution Syndrome.
Read the DNC leaked emails. The media is colluding with the DNC. The cat is out of the bag and the left looks really stupid to claim it is all paranoia. People are pissed on both sides and want the political machines on both sides taken down. Which candidate is the political machine, and which candidate just took out the political machine on one side?
Emails filtered through Moscow! Should we trust someone who's so easily led by Putin?

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