Donald Trump, “Democrats Trying To 'Rig' Upcoming Debates"

How would he orchestrate questions or her answers? Oh, you were just talking shit. Nevermind.
He orchestrates news conferences by throwing people out he doesn't like.
So you couldn't back up your shit. LOL
Check and mate! :biggrin:

Trump security removes POLITICO reporter from rally
Donald Trump throws tantrum after reporters do their job (Opinion) -

I know, it was great !

people loved it

thanks for sharing

Ahh, freedom of the press. Except when they question they question a candidate.

It's not free press when they seek approval/tweaking from the DNC before publication.
Trump knows he is in big trouble with the upcoming political debates. His tactics of name-calling, shouting insults and complete nonsense left the other Republican hopefuls dumbfounded and thrilled the clueless right-wingers.

However, as the Republican nominee, Trump can no longer depend on decibel level alone, which was all that was needed to sway the intolerant white racists of the GOP voting base during the primaries. In the Presidential Debates he will be forced to detail his methods for reaching his policy objectives, and those policies must do more than feed conservative fear mongering.

Unlike his mindless supporters, the rational voters of this nation will demand workable specifics, specifics that Trump cannot deliver. He couldn’t do this at the Republican National Convention, all he had was bellowing his vitriol about Hillary Clinton. This won’t work at the national debates, in fact, such behavior will work against The Donald.

Of course, requiring Trump to finally put up or shut up is what he defines as “rigging” the debates, and we can expect his loyal followers to agree. Mrs. Clinton will be accused of cheating when she cites verifiable facts, figures, and statistics, and The Donald will then fall back on his old BS of “Crooked Hillary” and other incomprehensible blather that served him when all he needed to do was impress the right-wingers.

Trump’s sheep will be quick to deny these unpleasant facts about their hero, but what else can be expected of them other than bashing Hillary Clinton. They know deep down Trump is nothing but an empty shell with a big mouth, but are afraid to say it out loud, which is another of many aspects of their denial.

You won't believe what Donald Trump is trying to accuse the Democratic party of


Despite the firm belief of right-wingers to the contrary, denial of facts in no way refutes them, and changing the subject does not win the debate.


So Trump doesn't want to let you progressives set up another farce like Candy Crowley and CNN's "fair" debate?

He wants a level playing field. As anyone that can read the DNC's leaked emails KNOWS...that's the LAST thing you assholes want!
Trump is co-opting Conservative Persecution Syndrome.
Read the DNC leaked emails. The media is colluding with the DNC. The cat is out of the bag and the left looks really stupid to claim it is all paranoia. People are pissed on both sides and want the political machines on both sides taken down. Which candidate is the political machine, and which candidate just took out the political machine on one side?
Emails filtered through Moscow! Should we trust someone who's so easily led by Putin?

The emails are from the DNC. The DNC does not deny them. Care to comment on the US press being the Pravda of the DNC?

Hillary is a puppet of Putin far far more than Trump, especially since he can blackmail her with her own emails that she was EXTREMELY CARELESS to leave open to him.
Democrat cheating and lying is finally becoming common knowledge. The Clintons are pond scum, that is also common knowledge.

The dems are scared shitless of debating Trump, they know that Hillary is a very flawed candidate, a habitual liar, and a corrupt bitch---------plus she has some major medical issues that should disqualify her from running.

Trump will destroy her in a fair debate, and he will destroy her and the moderator in an unfair one.
Trump knows he is in big trouble with the upcoming political debates. His tactics of name-calling, shouting insults and complete nonsense left the other Republican hopefuls dumbfounded and thrilled the clueless right-wingers.

However, as the Republican nominee, Trump can no longer depend on decibel level alone, which was all that was needed to sway the intolerant white racists of the GOP voting base during the primaries. In the Presidential Debates he will be forced to detail his methods for reaching his policy objectives, and those policies must do more than feed conservative fear mongering.

Unlike his mindless supporters, the rational voters of this nation will demand workable specifics, specifics that Trump cannot deliver. He couldn’t do this at the Republican National Convention, all he had was bellowing his vitriol about Hillary Clinton. This won’t work at the national debates, in fact, such behavior will work against The Donald.

Of course, requiring Trump to finally put up or shut up is what he defines as “rigging” the debates, and we can expect his loyal followers to agree. Mrs. Clinton will be accused of cheating when she cites verifiable facts, figures, and statistics, and The Donald will then fall back on his old BS of “Crooked Hillary” and other incomprehensible blather that served him when all he needed to do was impress the right-wingers.

Trump’s sheep will be quick to deny these unpleasant facts about their hero, but what else can be expected of them other than bashing Hillary Clinton. They know deep down Trump is nothing but an empty shell with a big mouth, but are afraid to say it out loud, which is another of many aspects of their denial.

You won't believe what Donald Trump is trying to accuse the Democratic party of


Despite the firm belief of right-wingers to the contrary, denial of facts in no way refutes them, and changing the subject does not win the debate.


It's typical right wing behavior to blame other people for everything, especially if you know you might not look amazing at it.

I've seen it happen all over.
Hillary is a puppet of Putin far far more than Trump,...
Is she? You know that how? Trump? Putin? The voices in your head? :laugh2:

She made the uranium deal with him, he has her e-mails. He has the means to blackmail her if she were to win. He owns her----------he and the wall street banking cartel.

you libs claim to hate everything that she stands for and yet--------------you stupidly continue to support her.
Why even show up to the debate considering that most people have already made up their mind by the time the debate has occurred.
Hillary is a puppet of Putin far far more than Trump,...
Is she? You know that how? Trump? Putin? The voices in your head? :laugh2:

I go by actions, not words. Her actions have been favorable to Russia with the reset button, uranium deal, etc. This administration threw Ukraine under the bus rather than actually stand against Russia.

I am not buying the Hillary/DNC propaganda. I am not buying that Trump is the threat to national security when Hillary has been PROVEN to be EXTREMELY CARELESS enough to leave our secrets open to the hack.

Frankly, I do not believe you are concerned with national security or Russian relations, or you would be outraged at Hillary as well as Donald. You are fine with Hillary's actions; therefore, not genuinely concerned.
She made the uranium deal with him(Putin), he has her e-mails. He has the means to blackmail her if she were to win. He owns her----------he and the wall street banking cartel. you libs claim to hate everything that she stands for and yet--------------you stupidly continue to support her.
If the info is out there, where does the blackmail come in? I think you need to stop being so gullible and consider where the info is coming from. If it's being filtered through Moscow, how do you know those DNC emails are authentic?
She made the uranium deal with him(Putin), he has her e-mails. He has the means to blackmail her if she were to win. He owns her----------he and the wall street banking cartel. you libs claim to hate everything that she stands for and yet--------------you stupidly continue to support her.
If the info is out there, where does the blackmail come in? I think you need to stop being so gullible and consider where the info is coming from. If it's being filtered through Moscow, how do you know those DNC emails are authentic?

The FBI verified that her server was hacked----------so someone has the so-called missing e-mails, might be Russia, might be China, might be Iran, might be ISIS, or maybe all of the above.

It is almost a certainty that there is something incriminating against her in those messages. If she were to become president whoever has them could merely say "either do what I want, or I will release them and you will be impeached". What do you think she would do if confronted like that? I think we all know.
She made the uranium deal with him(Putin), he has her e-mails. He has the means to blackmail her if she were to win. He owns her----------he and the wall street banking cartel. you libs claim to hate everything that she stands for and yet--------------you stupidly continue to support her.
If the info is out there, where does the blackmail come in? I think you need to stop being so gullible and consider where the info is coming from. If it's being filtered through Moscow, how do you know those DNC emails are authentic?

The FBI verified that her server was hacked----------so someone has the so-called missing e-mails, might be Russia, might be China, might be Iran, might be ISIS, or maybe all of the above.

It is almost a certainty that there is something incriminating against her in those messages. If she were to become president whoever has them could merely say "either do what I want, or I will release them and you will be impeached". What do you think she would do if confronted like that? I think we all know.

So could whomever she sent these e-mails to. OF course they would have to have impeachable items in them which they do not outside of your boyish fantasies about Ms. Clinton. Do strong women intimidate you there skippy?
Impeachment is a political operation not a judicial one. One of the problems with that political act is that it can backfire. As soon as the House gets enough members of the other party bingo it can impeach, then the other party gets the House numbers and bingo they impeach. Then a new debate: who started this impeachment business?
I hope Trump decides not to show up at all. Why even do debates when the public has already made up its mind by the time they do them.
Liberals are nasty people...they always cheat by bringing out their "facts" and so-called "science"!!!

Facts and science? Like how a male can magically become a female just by identifying as one?

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