Donald Trump Finally Admits His Campaign Is Racist

He’s no longer pretending.

Ever since he launched his campaign by calling Mexicans “rapists“ and drug dealers,Donald Trump has insisted that he loves minorities and they love him right back.

“I’m going to do great with the Hispanics,” Trump insisted after tweeting a photo of himself eating a taco bowl on Cinco de Mayo. The image was accompanied by his oft-repeated phrase, “I love Hispanics!”

And despite having strong support from white supremacists, Trump has also reassured everyone that black people like him just as much.

To prove his point, Trump singled out a single African-American supporter at his rally last week in California, telling the crowd to “look at my African-American.”

But the presumptive GOP nominee is now largely dropping this pretense and admitting that yes, his campaign is actually racist against certain groups of people.

Trump has been taking heat for going after the ethnic heritage of a federal judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is handling two lawsuits against Trump University. Former employees have called the for-profit school a “fraudulent scheme“ that “preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”

Last week, Curiel ordered the release of embarrassing internal documents, which set off Trump’s anger. Trump called him a “hater” and said he believed the judge was “Mexican.”

Curiel was born in Indiana to parents who emigrated from Mexico.

Trump has stood by his criticism of Curiel, saying that because of his ethnicity, Curiel cannot be impartial.

“He’s a Mexican,” Trump said in a Friday CNN interview. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”

In other words, Trump is admitting that he does indeed have a problem with “the Hispanics” — which goes against what he’s been saying in speeches for months.

More: Donald Trump Finally Admits His Campaign Is Racist

Trump is clearly a racist. His campaign rhetoric has been wreaking of racism since the beginning.

Here are some innocent little wetbacks attacking a female Trump supporter....defend this, asswipe.........
Actually mexico does send over their worst. Where do people fleeing justice go to? another country that won't turn them over like ours. American is the land of violent rapist not immigrants anymore

Mexico doesn't send people.

Do you mean like a bus trip to the border? I'm sure they don't but encouraging people to find work in the US or not caring about an escaped rapist in our country is almost the same thing. When is the last time Mexico demanded that we find criminal X in our country so they can prosecute them? They don't because they know it isn't their problem once they leave for the border.

Has nothing to do with your claim that Mexico sends their worst. Mexico doesn't send people. Quit lying.

Ummm, yeah, they do...they encourage it and instruct them on how to take advantage of entitlement programs and then send back their under the table cash.

Lots of people always send money home no matter what nationality they are. As far as encouraging and instructing, I'll need a reputable link for that. A link from Alex Jones or any of that crazy bunch just isn't reputable.
Mexico doesn't send people.

Do you mean like a bus trip to the border? I'm sure they don't but encouraging people to find work in the US or not caring about an escaped rapist in our country is almost the same thing. When is the last time Mexico demanded that we find criminal X in our country so they can prosecute them? They don't because they know it isn't their problem once they leave for the border.

Has nothing to do with your claim that Mexico sends their worst. Mexico doesn't send people. Quit lying.

Ummm, yeah, they do...they encourage it and instruct them on how to take advantage of entitlement programs and then send back their under the table cash.

Lots of people always send money home no matter what nationality they are. As far as encouraging and instructing, I'll need a reputable link for that. A link from Alex Jones or any of that crazy bunch just isn't reputable.

More than 3000 people died last year, and you call a pamphlet to help them live is a bad thing. You aren't just an idiot. You're a heartless idiot.
Do you mean like a bus trip to the border? I'm sure they don't but encouraging people to find work in the US or not caring about an escaped rapist in our country is almost the same thing. When is the last time Mexico demanded that we find criminal X in our country so they can prosecute them? They don't because they know it isn't their problem once they leave for the border.

Has nothing to do with your claim that Mexico sends their worst. Mexico doesn't send people. Quit lying.

Ummm, yeah, they do...they encourage it and instruct them on how to take advantage of entitlement programs and then send back their under the table cash.

Lots of people always send money home no matter what nationality they are. As far as encouraging and instructing, I'll need a reputable link for that. A link from Alex Jones or any of that crazy bunch just isn't reputable.

More than 3000 people died last year, and you call a pamphlet to help them live is a bad thing. You aren't just an idiot. You're a heartless idiot.

Booo, fucking hooo........break out the violins. 45,000 plus illegals came over here to Texas alone and squirted out an anchor baby at a minimum of 5K a pop and that is with no complications that WE had to pay cry me a river, asswipe.
Is it true that Mexico prints pamplets instructing people how to enter this country illegally? Yes

Watch what I'm about to do. Watch it now.

-------- Link?


Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally

Are you his sock? What's the matter, afraid he couldn't answer?

Now that the peanut gallery gave it away, yes that's the "pamplet" in question (sounds like a diaper) and it does not "instruct people how to get in illegally" at all. In fact it points out right at the beginning that the way to cross is legally and properly documented, and ends with instructions on how to pay Mexican taxes if you make money here.

Once again demonstrating how the unwashed will just run with a myth because it sounds good without ever checking it out.
Has nothing to do with your claim that Mexico sends their worst. Mexico doesn't send people. Quit lying.

Ummm, yeah, they do...they encourage it and instruct them on how to take advantage of entitlement programs and then send back their under the table cash.

Lots of people always send money home no matter what nationality they are. As far as encouraging and instructing, I'll need a reputable link for that. A link from Alex Jones or any of that crazy bunch just isn't reputable.

More than 3000 people died last year, and you call a pamphlet to help them live is a bad thing. You aren't just an idiot. You're a heartless idiot.

Booo, fucking hooo........break out the violins. 45,000 plus illegals came over here to Texas alone and squirted out an anchor baby at a minimum of 5K a pop and that is with no complications that WE had to pay cry me a river, asswipe.

Still nuts, and still funny.
Is it true that Mexico prints pamplets instructing people how to enter this country illegally? Yes

Watch what I'm about to do. Watch it now.

-------- Link?


Leftard ass has been kicked yet again and it was sooo fucking easy..........

You're a pathetic moron. You don't even have any idea what you linked. I already knew about it, which is exactly why I baited the question. You lose.

Go wipe your scatological obsession.
Is it true that Mexico prints pamplets instructing people how to enter this country illegally? Yes

Watch what I'm about to do. Watch it now.

-------- Link?


Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally

Are you his sock? What's the matter, afraid he couldn't answer?

Now that the peanut gallery gave it away, yes that's the "pamplet" in question (sounds like a diaper) and it does not "instruct people how to get in illegally" at all. In fact it points out right at the beginning that the way to cross is legally and properly documented, and ends with instructions on how to pay Mexican taxes if you make money here.

Once again demonstrating how the unwashed will just run with a myth because it sounds good without ever checking it out.

You are such a fucking are fucking clueless.......
Actually mexico does send over their worst. Where do people fleeing justice go to? another country that won't turn them over like ours. American is the land of violent rapist not immigrants anymore

Then again this judge is an American and a fine upstanding member of the government (which is corrupt, but anyway), but Trump has a problem with him because he's hispanic.
Is it true that Mexico prints pamplets instructing people how to enter this country illegally? Yes

Watch what I'm about to do. Watch it now.

-------- Link?


Leftard ass has been kicked yet again and it was sooo fucking easy..........

You're a pathetic moron. You don't even have any idea what you linked. I already knew about it, which is exactly why I baited the question. You lose.

Go wipe your scatological obsession.

No, I kicked the ass of the leftard clown posse.... but I do it's easy as shit to do so.
Is it true that Mexico prints pamplets instructing people how to enter this country illegally? Yes

Watch what I'm about to do. Watch it now.

-------- Link?


Leftard ass has been kicked yet again and it was sooo fucking easy..........

You're a pathetic moron. You don't even have any idea what you linked. I already knew about it, which is exactly why I baited the question. You lose.

Go wipe your scatological obsession.

No, I kicked the ass of the leftard clown posse.... but I do it's easy as shit to do so.

OK lady. That's your deer. You shot it. Just let me get my saddle off of it.
Is it true that Mexico prints pamplets instructing people how to enter this country illegally? Yes

Watch what I'm about to do. Watch it now.

-------- Link?


Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally

Are you his sock? What's the matter, afraid he couldn't answer?

Now that the peanut gallery gave it away, yes that's the "pamplet" in question (sounds like a diaper) and it does not "instruct people how to get in illegally" at all. In fact it points out right at the beginning that the way to cross is legally and properly documented, and ends with instructions on how to pay Mexican taxes if you make money here.

Once again demonstrating how the unwashed will just run with a myth because it sounds good without ever checking it out.

You are such a fucking are fucking clueless.......

Quote me the part where it "instructs people how to get in illegally", Gomer.


Didn't think so. You still lose. The asshat who actually made the claim at least knew enough to run away. Not you though. You stepped right into it. Touché.
Last edited:
Is it true that Mexico prints pamplets instructing people how to enter this country illegally? Yes

Watch what I'm about to do. Watch it now.

-------- Link?


Leftard ass has been kicked yet again and it was sooo fucking easy..........

You're a pathetic moron. You don't even have any idea what you linked. I already knew about it, which is exactly why I baited the question. You lose.

Go wipe your scatological obsession.

No, I kicked the ass of the leftard clown posse.... but I do it's easy as shit to do so.

OK lady. That's your deer. You shot it. Just let me get my saddle off of it.

You just don't "get it" lack the intellectual capacity to fathom it and by the time you do? It's gonna be too late....seriously.
Is it true that Mexico prints pamplets instructing people how to enter this country illegally? Yes

Watch what I'm about to do. Watch it now.

-------- Link?


Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally

Are you his sock? What's the matter, afraid he couldn't answer?

Now that the peanut gallery gave it away, yes that's the "pamplet" in question (sounds like a diaper) and it does not "instruct people how to get in illegally" at all. In fact it points out right at the beginning that the way to cross is legally and properly documented, and ends with instructions on how to pay Mexican taxes if you make money here.

Once again demonstrating how the unwashed will just run with a myth because it sounds good without ever checking it out.

You are such a fucking are fucking clueless.......

Quote me the part where it "instructs people how to get in illegally", Gomer.


Didn't think so. You still lose.

You are not honest in any sense of the word. You are the typical Fabian socialist that believes that once the system totally collapses under the weight of this debt slavery system that a NEW system will emerge. A system that will (snicker) "empower the peoples" steeped in socialism/communism and all the wrongs will be righted and (snicker) "social justice" will reign the day. Let me tell ya something, and your kind are nothing but useful idiots that Lenin spoke about and depended on in order to put his jack-booted thugs into place. I spit on your kind.....a big ol "from the lungs" loogie" on you.

Are you his sock? What's the matter, afraid he couldn't answer?

Now that the peanut gallery gave it away, yes that's the "pamplet" in question (sounds like a diaper) and it does not "instruct people how to get in illegally" at all. In fact it points out right at the beginning that the way to cross is legally and properly documented, and ends with instructions on how to pay Mexican taxes if you make money here.

Once again demonstrating how the unwashed will just run with a myth because it sounds good without ever checking it out.

You are such a fucking are fucking clueless.......

Quote me the part where it "instructs people how to get in illegally", Gomer.


Didn't think so. You still lose.

You are not honest in any sense of the word. You are the typical Fabian socialist that believes that once the system totally collapses under the weight of this debt slavery system that a NEW system will emerge. A system that will (snicker) "empower the peoples" steeped in socialism/communism and all the wrongs will be righted and (snicker) "social justice" will reign the day. Let me tell ya something, and your kind are nothing but useful idiots that Lenin spoke about and depended on in order to put his jack-booted thugs into place. I spit on your kind.....a big ol "from the lungs" loogie" on you.

Totlike tantrums of bodily fluids aside, I asked you for a quote. Nothing to do with "Fabian" or "socialism" or "Lenin" or "McCartney" or bodily fluids --- a quote demonstrating the assertion made.

You FAILED. Because there isn't any.

You lose.

Ain't rocket surgery.

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