Donald Trump gave the best UN speech in recent history.

Truth does indeed hurt. Therefore, there is a lot of butthurt going on when it comes to Trump. He can't be bought. This also pisses them off.
Was it melodic and soaring oratory? No. We've had plenty of that shit over the decades. Impressive words that float through the air and vanish into nothingness. No, the speech was vintage Trump, pulling no punches and stating clearly what needed to be said. He put the spotlight on rogue nations and the UN itself for not doing it's job. It was magnificent in it's directness. Were UN members offended? Gosh I sure hope so. Maybe something will get done or at least some much needed changes made.
Damn right he did! Iran and North Korea had better wake the fuck up!
Says the white guy, tucked away in his parents basement...carry on soldier of stupid!!
Says the USMC combat vet...carry on butch at your Antifa rally.
Trump speech is vast bullcrap! At first it sounds nice when he promotes national sovereignty but the hypocrisy becomes obvious when his first example was the Ukraine that has no sovereignty. I stopped reading this nonsense. He´s a globalist drone.
Trump is a idiot, a baffoon, who's sole purpose in anything he does is to get attention, he no more plans to start a effin war than give up Blonde hair color next week. The guys a joke and these tough guy bones he throws at his adoring white idiot savant fans is becoming boring!!
He is 5x the POTUS Obama the spineless turd was.
There can't be many countries left which President Thug hasn't insulted or threatened.

Reminds me of Hitler's tactics over Czechoslovakia and Poland.
So good no one applauded or even stood to thank him. Then most give him a failing mark on his ideology and speech.
Trump's speech was an embarrassment. World leaders are not impressed with hucksterism.

World leaders can fuck off

This is America baby

World leaders own your white stupid ass, shut the fuck up!!
^^^^^ Triggered ^^^^^^

Listen Luther, your obsession with color is noted.

What, you wish you were half white like Obama?

Why not.....its gotta be great balding before you come out of diapers and wrinkling after 9.....who wouldn't want to be white.....Obama spent 8 years in the white house...went in a brother and came out looking like a 90 year of Ghandi....but I still love my mixed veggie guy!!
I'm very, very relieved we FINALLY have an elected official who realizes the UN is a bureaucratic waste of money. Contaminated with the most human-rights-atrocity epidemic nations on Earth, the muslim world. I'll bet that UN, castrated money-vacuum could instantly disappear and it wouldn't have the SLIGHTEST effect on international conflicts, relationships and other matters in general.
I agree, they all could have met at Maro Lago, paid a membership fee and have at it there. Turn the UN building into a Kathy Griffen haunted house with Donalds head as the main attraction each year, oh, the possibiliites!!
No No! It was the best speech ever given by a human being in the history of the world! He made Lincoln's Gettyburg Address sound like a nursery rhyme! THE MAN IS A REDISH, ORANGE GENIUS!
Trump's speech was an embarrassment. World leaders are not impressed with hucksterism.

OK, show of hands; who ever expected a single Democratic Party hacktivist to say anything good about Trump or anything Trump has done like EVER?

<no hands come up for 3 gazzillion miles>

No surprises here
Ignorance and vanity on full display. What an embarrassment to the Western democracies that this mini-Mussolini gets to do his clown dance on a world stage. I imagine NK is right now preparing various new missiles to fire off as a big fuck your mother to Trump.

This is what it looks like when an Alex Jones gains power. A child pretending to be an adult that is given the most dangerous toys.
Ignorance and vanity on full display. What an embarrassment to the Western democracies that this mini-Mussolini gets to do his clown dance on a world stage. I imagine NK is right now preparing various new missiles to fire off as a big fuck your mother to Trump.

This is what it looks like when an Alex Jones gains power. A child pretending to be an adult that is given the most dangerous toys.
roflmao, are such a retard
You guys keep telling me that Trump is against the globalists, but a quick question for you...........................

Trump owns several businesses in over 16 different countries. What makes you think he's not a globalist?
He does not believe in global governance. That's what makes a globalist.
It was a brilliant speech from President Trump!, one of his best if not the best! Outstanding! :clap:
It was a brilliant speech from President Trump!, one of his best if not the best! Outstanding! :clap:

If he had only taken a shoe off and banged it on the table, he would have then made it the perfect wannabe Dictator speech.
The reaction from the Left to Trump calling out the failure of Socialism is on par with their reaction to Reagan calling their Ideological Motherland an "Evil Empire"

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