Donald Trump had more votes against him than he did for him.

Let's boil this down to the basics.

1. Did Trump receive more votes than that of the other candidates combined?

2. Does that mean more people were for him or against him?

3. Did you fail 4th grade?

And you counted only those who (actively) chose somebody else, not those who (passively) sat it out and didn't see any viable choice at all, including Rump. There's no number for that but they all didn't want Rump either.

Also this is an open primary state. Independents like me can vote in whichever party's election they want, but we have to pick one. I didn't vote against Rump because I figured my vote would be better served on the other side. But obviously I would have voted against him vehemently if that had not been the case. And there's a lot more of me where I come from.
Trump won with the most votes ever....
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
Both parties do it.
Let's boil this down to the basics.

1. Did Trump receive more votes than that of the other candidates combined?

2. Does that mean more people were for him or against him?

3. Did you fail 4th grade?

And you counted only those who (actively) chose somebody else, not those who (passively) sat it out and didn't see any viable choice at all, including Rump. There's no number for that but they all didn't want Rump either.

Also this is an open primary state. Independents like me can vote in whichever party's election they want, but we have to pick one. I didn't vote against Rump because I figured my vote would be better served on the other side. But obviously I would have voted against him vehemently if that had not been the case. And there's a lot more of me where I come from.
Trump won with the most votes ever....
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.
Let's boil this down to the basics.

1. Did Trump receive more votes than that of the other candidates combined?

2. Does that mean more people were for him or against him?

3. Did you fail 4th grade?

And you counted only those who (actively) chose somebody else, not those who (passively) sat it out and didn't see any viable choice at all, including Rump. There's no number for that but they all didn't want Rump either.

Also this is an open primary state. Independents like me can vote in whichever party's election they want, but we have to pick one. I didn't vote against Rump because I figured my vote would be better served on the other side. But obviously I would have voted against him vehemently if that had not been the case. And there's a lot more of me where I come from.
Trump won with the most votes ever....
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

Liberals wrote the Constitution, dear. You're welcome.

What do you mean by "open ballots"? I've already noted we have an open primary. I didn't use mine to vote against Rump.... that is, not in the Republican primary anyway. If that primary had run someone worthy I would have, like last time.
Let's boil this down to the basics.

1. Did Trump receive more votes than that of the other candidates combined?

2. Does that mean more people were for him or against him?

3. Did you fail 4th grade?

And you counted only those who (actively) chose somebody else, not those who (passively) sat it out and didn't see any viable choice at all, including Rump. There's no number for that but they all didn't want Rump either.

Also this is an open primary state. Independents like me can vote in whichever party's election they want, but we have to pick one. I didn't vote against Rump because I figured my vote would be better served on the other side. But obviously I would have voted against him vehemently if that had not been the case. And there's a lot more of me where I come from.
Trump won with the most votes ever....
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
Both parties do it.

"Both parties" do what?
And you counted only those who (actively) chose somebody else, not those who (passively) sat it out and didn't see any viable choice at all, including Rump. There's no number for that but they all didn't want Rump either.

Also this is an open primary state. Independents like me can vote in whichever party's election they want, but we have to pick one. I didn't vote against Rump because I figured my vote would be better served on the other side. But obviously I would have voted against him vehemently if that had not been the case. And there's a lot more of me where I come from.
Trump won with the most votes ever....
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

Liberals wrote the Constitution, dear. You're welcome.

What do you mean by "open ballots"? I've already noted we have an open primary. I didn't use mine to vote against Rump.... that is, not in the Republican primary anyway. If that primary had run someone worthy I would have, like last time.
It's neither a Liberal or Conservative document, you're delusional. Just these days, Liberals do everything to fight it.

In certain states, you can literally walk in on election day and vote for your candidate, then the other party's candidate. Democrats were voting for Hillary or Bernie, then voting for Trump so he can lose to Hillary.
Trump won with the most votes ever....
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

Liberals wrote the Constitution, dear. You're welcome.

What do you mean by "open ballots"? I've already noted we have an open primary. I didn't use mine to vote against Rump.... that is, not in the Republican primary anyway. If that primary had run someone worthy I would have, like last time.
It's neither a Liberal or Conservative document, you're delusional. Just these days, Liberals do everything to fight it.

In certain states, you can literally walk in on election day and vote for your candidate, then the other party's candidate. Democrats were voting for Hillary or Bernie, then voting for Trump so he can lose to Hillary.

Funny you seem to make a lot of claims of things happening ------- not so much on documenting them. Ever heard the expression "talk is cheap"?

Here lemme show you what that looks like:

>> Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the prevailing social and political norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] while adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.

Prominent revolutionaries in the Glorious Revolution, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of what they saw as tyrannical rule. << (Wiki)

Further reading --

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics.

Though various political spectrums have been developed in America, they all leave something to be desired and many actually reinforce political misperceptions.

One of the first things that has to be done in order to properly understand the full spectrum of political ideas is to correct the popular misconception of the term "liberal" in America.

Liberal, in the classical sense of the word, simply means a "hands off", or laissez-faire, policy. The United States is classically seen as an example of "liberal democracy," as George Washington stated in 1790:

The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. <<
You'll notice, I believe such terms are to be respected for their actual meanings, not abused as some sort of rhetorical cannon fodder.

Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

Liberals wrote the Constitution, dear. You're welcome.

What do you mean by "open ballots"? I've already noted we have an open primary. I didn't use mine to vote against Rump.... that is, not in the Republican primary anyway. If that primary had run someone worthy I would have, like last time.
It's neither a Liberal or Conservative document, you're delusional. Just these days, Liberals do everything to fight it.

In certain states, you can literally walk in on election day and vote for your candidate, then the other party's candidate. Democrats were voting for Hillary or Bernie, then voting for Trump so he can lose to Hillary.

Funny you seem to make a lot of claims of things happening ------- not so much on documenting them. Ever heard the expression "talk is cheap"?

Here lemme show you what that looks like:

>> Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the prevailing social and political norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] while adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.

Prominent revolutionaries in the Glorious Revolution, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of what they saw as tyrannical rule. << (Wiki)

Further reading --

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics.

Though various political spectrums have been developed in America, they all leave something to be desired and many actually reinforce political misperceptions.

One of the first things that has to be done in order to properly understand the full spectrum of political ideas is to correct the popular misconception of the term "liberal" in America.

Liberal, in the classical sense of the word, simply means a "hands off", or laissez-faire, policy. The United States is classically seen as an example of "liberal democracy," as George Washington stated in 1790:

The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. <<
You'll notice, I believe such terms are to be respected for their actual meanings, not abused as some sort of rhetorical cannon fodder.

You seem to be mixing up today's Liberal with the classical Liberal. You'd be wrong in that regard, since today's traditional values aren't even close to the same as what values were in those days. We are no longer fleeing from an oppressive government, in a time where most governments are different variations of monarchies. The Liberals we're dealing with today are the ones that were defined such during FDR's presidency. The ones that want to expand the government, advocate Socialism, and are against everything defined as a traditional value by the Conservatives. The Liberals we're dealing with today are far from "hands-off", as they try to control the economy every moment they gain any form of power. Just like Republicans and Democrats aren't what they used to be, Liberals aren't what they used to be either.

Of course, you can claim that they were all Liberals all you like, but really the only things they had in common was the founding of a new government, the protection of our rights, and looking for freedom from an oppressive government.
Trump won with the most votes ever....
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

Liberals wrote the Constitution, dear. You're welcome.

What do you mean by "open ballots"? I've already noted we have an open primary. I didn't use mine to vote against Rump.... that is, not in the Republican primary anyway. If that primary had run someone worthy I would have, like last time.
It's neither a Liberal or Conservative document, you're delusional. Just these days, Liberals do everything to fight it.

In certain states, you can literally walk in on election day and vote for your candidate, then the other party's candidate. Democrats were voting for Hillary or Bernie, then voting for Trump so he can lose to Hillary.
Something funny, Carla_Danger ? You can come debate me, too. I'd be happy to take you apart again.
In Raleigh, Trump claims he received most-ever GOP votes

To be specific he received around 14 million votes but 16 million Republicans voted for SOMEONE ELSE. This is not to suggest he didn't win because he did, fair & square. This is just to educate dumbfucks who don't understand basic math.
Trump set a record for most votes received but he also set another record.....the most votes against him.

The MAJORITY of gop voters voted AGAINST DONALD TRUMP. Those FACTS are undisputed.

4th grade math should not be hard but apparently for some it is.

If the Republican party had the standard 3 to 6 candidates, versus 17 there is no way Donald Trump would have been the nominee today.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
Let's boil this down to the basics.

1. Did Trump receive more votes than that of the other candidates combined?

2. Does that mean more people were for him or against him?

3. Did you fail 4th grade?

And you counted only those who (actively) chose somebody else, not those who (passively) sat it out and didn't see any viable choice at all, including Rump. There's no number for that but they all didn't want Rump either.

Also this is an open primary state. Independents like me can vote in whichever party's election they want, but we have to pick one. I didn't vote against Rump because I figured my vote would be better served on the other side. But obviously I would have voted against him vehemently if that had not been the case. And there's a lot more of me where I come from.
Trump won with the most votes ever....
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

That's an odd response. What would make you say such a thing?
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

Liberals wrote the Constitution, dear. You're welcome.

What do you mean by "open ballots"? I've already noted we have an open primary. I didn't use mine to vote against Rump.... that is, not in the Republican primary anyway. If that primary had run someone worthy I would have, like last time.
It's neither a Liberal or Conservative document, you're delusional. Just these days, Liberals do everything to fight it.

In certain states, you can literally walk in on election day and vote for your candidate, then the other party's candidate. Democrats were voting for Hillary or Bernie, then voting for Trump so he can lose to Hillary.
Something funny, Carla_Danger ? You can come debate me, too. I'd be happy to take you apart again.

Again? Do I know you?

Btw, don't ever page me again.
And you counted only those who (actively) chose somebody else, not those who (passively) sat it out and didn't see any viable choice at all, including Rump. There's no number for that but they all didn't want Rump either.

Also this is an open primary state. Independents like me can vote in whichever party's election they want, but we have to pick one. I didn't vote against Rump because I figured my vote would be better served on the other side. But obviously I would have voted against him vehemently if that had not been the case. And there's a lot more of me where I come from.
Trump won with the most votes ever....
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

That's an odd response. What would make you say such a thing?
The fact that they're actively working against it with gun control policies, the current president that violated the Constitution 64 times, and this guy that just denied that Trump was elected by Democrats, despite the "Record numbers of Republican voter turnout" and Trump consistently doing better in open primary ballots.
Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

Liberals wrote the Constitution, dear. You're welcome.

What do you mean by "open ballots"? I've already noted we have an open primary. I didn't use mine to vote against Rump.... that is, not in the Republican primary anyway. If that primary had run someone worthy I would have, like last time.
It's neither a Liberal or Conservative document, you're delusional. Just these days, Liberals do everything to fight it.

In certain states, you can literally walk in on election day and vote for your candidate, then the other party's candidate. Democrats were voting for Hillary or Bernie, then voting for Trump so he can lose to Hillary.
Something funny, Carla_Danger ? You can come debate me, too. I'd be happy to take you apart again.

Again? Do I know you?

Btw, don't ever page me again.
I think I'll page you as often as I please, Carla_Danger .
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

Liberals wrote the Constitution, dear. You're welcome.

What do you mean by "open ballots"? I've already noted we have an open primary. I didn't use mine to vote against Rump.... that is, not in the Republican primary anyway. If that primary had run someone worthy I would have, like last time.
It's neither a Liberal or Conservative document, you're delusional. Just these days, Liberals do everything to fight it.

In certain states, you can literally walk in on election day and vote for your candidate, then the other party's candidate. Democrats were voting for Hillary or Bernie, then voting for Trump so he can lose to Hillary.
Something funny, Carla_Danger ? You can come debate me, too. I'd be happy to take you apart again.

Again? Do I know you?

Btw, don't ever page me again.
I think I'll page you as often as I please, Carla_Danger .

Oh, I think you won't.
Trump won with the most votes ever....
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

That's an odd response. What would make you say such a thing?
The fact that they're actively working against it with gun control policies, the current president that violated the Constitution 64 times, and this guy that just denied that Trump was elected by Democrats, despite the "Record numbers of Republican voter turnout" and Trump consistently doing better in open primary ballots.

I didn't realize Trump was elected. What was he elected for?
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

That's an odd response. What would make you say such a thing?
The fact that they're actively working against it with gun control policies, the current president that violated the Constitution 64 times, and this guy that just denied that Trump was elected by Democrats, despite the "Record numbers of Republican voter turnout" and Trump consistently doing better in open primary ballots.

I didn't realize Trump was elected. What was he elected for?
Elected for Republican nominee.

Elected as he was chosen to hold the position of Republican nominee for president. Here I didn't think I'd have to explain what the word "Elect" meant.
Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

That's an odd response. What would make you say such a thing?
The fact that they're actively working against it with gun control policies, the current president that violated the Constitution 64 times, and this guy that just denied that Trump was elected by Democrats, despite the "Record numbers of Republican voter turnout" and Trump consistently doing better in open primary ballots.

I didn't realize Trump was elected. What was he elected for?
Elected for Republican nominee.

Elected as he was chosen to hold the position of Republican nominee for president. Here I didn't think I'd have to explain what the word "Elect" meant.

Donald is the presumptive nominee.

Washington (CNN)Republican Party leaders, donors and important delegates will flock to Cleveland this week for a series of meetings and negotiations that will determine whether or not Donald Trump can be stopped.

The anti-Trump forces will make their last stand -- fighting to alter party rules that would free up delegates bound to Trump and potentially block the presumptive presidential nominee from actually winning the nomination.

The long-shot challenge will also be the first major test for the somewhat tenuous alliance for Trump and Republican Party loyalists led by chairman Reince Priebus.

This will likely be the final chance for Trump opponents to stop the New York billionaire. They will try to convince a majority of the Rules Committee to adopt a proposal to allow delegates to vote their "conscience" and break from primary results supporting Trump.

RNC preparation: What to watch for this week in Cleveland -
Where do you suppose those 'Republicans' randomly spawned from? No, Republicans did not vote for the first time ever just to vote for Trump. To elaborate on the original post, the reason more Republicans voted for the other candidates was because the majority of "record votes" Trump was getting was from Democrats. It's why he consistently did better in open ballots, despite his lack of specifics on his policies. the Democrats were 'helping' us vote for the candidate they figured had the best chance of losing to Hillary. Yes, some Republicans did vote for Trump, but no, Republicans as a party did not nominate Trump.

Haha, that's a great myth. Pretty transparent though.
So, among the things Liberals don't believe in, are the Constitution AND Open Ballots.

That's an odd response. What would make you say such a thing?
The fact that they're actively working against it with gun control policies, the current president that violated the Constitution 64 times, and this guy that just denied that Trump was elected by Democrats, despite the "Record numbers of Republican voter turnout" and Trump consistently doing better in open primary ballots.

I didn't realize Trump was elected. What was he elected for?

Because we were very very naughty. :crybaby:
In Raleigh, Trump claims he received most-ever GOP votes

To be specific he received around 14 million votes but 16 million Republicans voted for SOMEONE ELSE. This is not to suggest he didn't win because he did, fair & square. This is just to educate dumbfucks who don't understand basic math.
Trump set a record for most votes received but he also set another record.....the most votes against him.

The MAJORITY of gop voters voted AGAINST DONALD TRUMP. Those FACTS are undisputed.

4th grade math should not be hard but apparently for some it is.
And if he doesn't win, his supporters will blame the Republicans who refused to vote for him.

You know, those people who Trump and his supporters have been insulting for a couple of years.

They say that's why Romney lost; too many Republicans staying home. If the party wants to keep shooting its own foot.....

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