Donald Trump had THREE Chances to Nominate a Minority to the Supreme Court

Trump was looking to stack the court with Conservatives

Minorities would not go along with that
There are many conservative minorities that didn't mind going along with that. I realize in liberal land you only count certain minorities and not others. It seems the racists in the Democrat party are still getting their way.
I was doing a little thinking while listening to Dark Side of the Moon earlier - and it got me wondering. Donald Trump got THREE SCOTUS nominations - THREE chances to make history and put a minority on the SCOTUS. How come President Trump didn't take the opportunity to make history with a nomination?
He nominated the most qualified.
I was doing a little thinking while listening to Dark Side of the Moon earlier - and it got me wondering. Donald Trump got THREE SCOTUS nominations - THREE chances to make history and put a minority on the SCOTUS. How come President Trump didn't take the opportunity to make history with a nomination?
Most intelligent people would opt for the most qualified....
I was doing a little thinking while listening to Dark Side of the Moon earlier - and it got me wondering. Donald Trump got THREE SCOTUS nominations - THREE chances to make history and put a minority on the SCOTUS. How come President Trump didn't take the opportunity to make history with a nomination?
How come neither Trump nor Biden nominated someone with Downs syndrome? Why are they so discriminatory against folks with mental handicaps?


I was doing a little thinking while listening to Dark Side of the Moon earlier
If you really had a brain you'd realize there IS no dark side of the moon.

Donald Trump got THREE SCOTUS nominations - THREE chances to make history and put a minority on the SCOTUS. How come President Trump didn't take the opportunity to make history with a nomination?
Because nominating a Justice isn't about "making history," Simp, it is about choosing the best person out there available who will preserve the integrity and intentions of our Founders in preserving the meaning of the US Constitution.

Sorry for you that usually ends up being a white man. Most of the minorities on the bench are there only because of affirmative action despite their inferior qualifications.
There are many conservative minorities that didn't mind going along with that. I realize in liberal land you only count certain minorities and not others. It seems the racists in the Democrat party are still getting their way.
If there were

Republicans wouldn’t just nominate white guys
Ive been pondering on this.
It strikes me as dumb politics for the GOp to oppose this appointment when it was a fight that they couldnt win. why
How come neither Trump nor Biden nominated someone with Downs syndrome? Why are they so discriminatory against folks with mental handicaps?


So you equate being black with a mental illness. That explains a lot.
Ive been pondering on this.
It strikes me as dumb politics for the GOp to oppose this appointment when it was a fight that they couldnt win. why

So you equate being black with a mental illness. That explains a lot.
It is smart politics. Senators are subject to a vote. Republicans only want qualified justices and will hold senators accountable when they vote for the obviously unqualified.
So Biden picked to most qualified progressive liberal black women to sit on the highest court, really? Speaks volumes as to the talent pool of the Dim’s.
I was doing a little thinking while listening to Dark Side of the Moon earlier - and it got me wondering. Donald Trump got THREE SCOTUS nominations - THREE chances to make history and put a minority on the SCOTUS. How come President Trump didn't take the opportunity to make history with a nomination?
Thomas is a minority and so is Sotomayor. History has been made, you doofus.
I was doing a little thinking while listening to Dark Side of the Moon earlier - and it got me wondering. Donald Trump got THREE SCOTUS nominations - THREE chances to make history and put a minority on the SCOTUS. How come President Trump didn't take the opportunity to make history with a nomination?
He nominated a woman……

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