Donald Trump has collapsed in general election polls

Why are Trump supporters so eager to put Hillary Clinton in the White House?

Donald Trump has collapsed in general election polls

That's hardly surprising given the all out assault on him by the media, Soros funded groups, Cruz, Rubio, establishment Republicans, HIllary and the media. The fact that he's still in the race is a miracle. His poll numbers will recover one he's the nominee and everyone but the Democrats will have to shut the fuck up.
What assault? They report what he says, like 24/7. The media didnt make him say we should punish women who have abortions. He did that. They didnt make him say we should commit war crimes. He did that.
The media has given him a pass. They havent investigated very much his business dealings or personal dealings, in part because most of them were with Democrats.
Donald Trump has collapsed in general election polls!




I'd feel sorry for these liberals and their hopes and fantastical dreams but I'm enjoying their imbecilic ways..
His numbers in a general election matchup have been falling for some time, which has largely been issue in the gop establishment and ray of hope for the dems.

But why he chose to answer ... I don't know. He's consistently refused to answer questions that are not on the topic of his rant de jour. He was off his game.
Trump has the media bagged, tagged and embellishing like Hillary's cheating husband, this is the best primary ever...:popcorn:

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