Donald Trump Hates America

trump black.png
Pssst, IM2! Brooks is a white guy.

And that's your problem punk. You try lying about me hating all whites when I only dislike mother fucking whites who are racists. Like you.
Say, are you ever going to get around to proving that? Because you haven't, so far.
dont hold your breath....he called me a racist for posting something maxine waters said about obama....she said it i get called racist...the guys a stroonge...
David Brooks is a conservative journalist. That's all that needs to be said in this introduction.

Donald Trump Hates America
The rest of us can love America well.

By David Brooks
July 18, 2019

So apparently Donald Trump wants to make this an election about what it means to be American. He’s got his vision of what it means to be American, and he’s challenging the rest of us to come up with a better one.

In Trump’s version, “American” is defined by three propositions. First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders. Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America’s values were better during some golden past. Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.

When you look at Trump’s American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump’s national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It’s an alien ideology he’s trying to plant on our soil.

Trump’s vision is radically anti-American.

The real American idea is not xenophobic, nostalgic or racist; it is pluralistic, future-oriented and universal. America is exceptional precisely because it is the only nation on earth that defines itself by its future, not its past. America is exceptional because from the first its citizens saw themselves in a project that would have implications for all humankind. America is exceptional because it was launched with a dream to take the diverse many and make them one — e pluribus unum.

Opinion | Donald Trump Hates America

Sounds like yet another globalist pig who favors shipping jobs overseas for corporate profit, importing third world trash for cheap labor for the few jobs we keep here, and believing the lie that “diversity” is what makes America great.

The reality is, if we had less “diversity”, we’d have lower crime and less money wasted on bottomless pit welfare programs that are bankrupting our nation.

More whites are on welfare bitch. And if Native Americans didn't mind diversity, your white asses would have been wiped out in 1620. This country was diverse from the start. And since whites commit the most crime, you might need to shut your fucked up white racist mouth about diversity.

Blacks and Latinos fill our prisons, Bubba.

Whites are on welfare thanks to globalist pigs shipping jobs overseas for the last three decades. The sooner we reverse that trend, we can get them off welfare and working. That’s exactly what President Trump is doing, unlike Dems who wish to keep everyone on welfare and dependent on the government.

You’re right, Native Americans are the only minorities that really belong here, but they don’t offer much to society as most are ignorant, dirt poor, and on welfare. Guess they should had enforced better immigration control, eh?

That's why the other day another black man was released from prison after doing time for a crime he did not commit. You have to be sentenced to go to prison. Since blacks and Hispanics get sentenced for some things whites don't, your first sentence does not accurately asses crime. Whites are arrested almost 3 times more than everyone else.

Whites are on welfare because they are poor. The "globalists" aren't the reason. Nobody in any party want to keep anybody poor. That's false conservative propaganda.

Whites robbed Native Americans of their homes and way of life by invading their lands. Today punk ass whites like you are now whiny and snot nosed, scared of an invasion of the same Indians you stole land from.
David Brooks is a conservative journalist. That's all that needs to be said in this introduction.

Donald Trump Hates America
The rest of us can love America well.

By David Brooks
July 18, 2019

So apparently Donald Trump wants to make this an election about what it means to be American. He’s got his vision of what it means to be American, and he’s challenging the rest of us to come up with a better one.

In Trump’s version, “American” is defined by three propositions. First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders. Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America’s values were better during some golden past. Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.

When you look at Trump’s American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump’s national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It’s an alien ideology he’s trying to plant on our soil.

Trump’s vision is radically anti-American.

The real American idea is not xenophobic, nostalgic or racist; it is pluralistic, future-oriented and universal. America is exceptional precisely because it is the only nation on earth that defines itself by its future, not its past. America is exceptional because from the first its citizens saw themselves in a project that would have implications for all humankind. America is exceptional because it was launched with a dream to take the diverse many and make them one — e pluribus unum.

Opinion | Donald Trump Hates America

Might want to check on your source. Guys been lying for decades but go ahead and quote him. He would fit right in at the DNC.

Brooks' writing on sociology has been criticized for being based on stereotypes and presenting false claims as factual. In 2004, Sasha Issenberg, writing for Philadelphia magazine, fact-checked Bobos in Paradise, concluding that many of its comments about middle America were misleading or the exact reverse of the truth.

Michael Kinsley argued that Brooks was guilty of "fearless generalizing ... Brooks does not let the sociology get in the way of the shtick, and he wields a mean shoehorn when he needs the theory to fit the joke".

David Brooks (commentator) - Wikipedia
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Pssst, IM2! Brooks is a white guy.

And that's your problem punk. You try lying about me hating all whites when I only dislike mother fucking whites who are racists. Like you.
Say, are you ever going to get around to proving that? Because you haven't, so far.
dont hold your breath....he called me a racist for posting something maxine waters said about obama....she said it i get called racist...the guys a stroonge...

You were called a racist for using a tactic racists use. As for daveman, LOL!

You both are racists and I am not spending time look for anything. I don't expect whites who are racists to admit to it. You for example, can't understand how you thinking that repeating something from a black person to use as validation for an incorrect assessment of Obama is racist. Because had Obama done like Trump and just catered to blacks like he does to whites, all you racists would have raised holy hell. But you ignore that and the fact that Obama saved us from a depression, cut unemployment in half, dropped black unemployment almost 10 percent and created more than 6.5 years of job growth. But you say he did nothing for blacks and lookee, lookee Maxine Watters said it to so it must be true. That's just like one of these losers telling me that Thomas Sowell agrees with their racist views so they are right about blacks. Or the there is no reason why blacks can't make it, look at Oprah so my racist opinion is right about blacks and racism doesn't exist. Do you understand yet Dresden? Do you need to see more examples of what you did before you understand why I say you're a racist?

Because I have used studies primarily by whites but nah, I can't be right on that basis because that one white person cannot represent all whites. But you losers, well you guys can quote one black person that says what you want to believe and that's a majority opinion.
David Brooks is a conservative journalist. That's all that needs to be said in this introduction.

Donald Trump Hates America
The rest of us can love America well.

By David Brooks
July 18, 2019

So apparently Donald Trump wants to make this an election about what it means to be American. He’s got his vision of what it means to be American, and he’s challenging the rest of us to come up with a better one.

In Trump’s version, “American” is defined by three propositions. First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders. Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America’s values were better during some golden past. Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.

When you look at Trump’s American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump’s national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It’s an alien ideology he’s trying to plant on our soil.

Trump’s vision is radically anti-American.

The real American idea is not xenophobic, nostalgic or racist; it is pluralistic, future-oriented and universal. America is exceptional precisely because it is the only nation on earth that defines itself by its future, not its past. America is exceptional because from the first its citizens saw themselves in a project that would have implications for all humankind. America is exceptional because it was launched with a dream to take the diverse many and make them one — e pluribus unum.

Opinion | Donald Trump Hates America

Might want to check on your source. Guys been lying for decades but go ahead and quote him. He would fit right in at the DNC.

Brooks' writing on sociology has been criticized for being based on stereotypes and presenting false claims as factual. In 2004, Sasha Issenberg, writing for Philadelphia magazine, fact-checked Bobos in Paradise, concluding that many of its comments about middle America were misleading or the exact reverse of the truth.

Michael Kinsley argued that Brooks was guilty of "fearless generalizing ... Brooks does not let the sociology get in the way of the shtick, and he wields a mean shoehorn when he needs the theory to fit the joke".

David Brooks (commentator) - Wikipedia

I won't be accepting suggestions from a person trying to defend a president who has told over 10,000 lies.
David Brooks is a conservative journalist. That's all that needs to be said in this introduction.

Donald Trump Hates America
The rest of us can love America well.

By David Brooks
July 18, 2019

So apparently Donald Trump wants to make this an election about what it means to be American. He’s got his vision of what it means to be American, and he’s challenging the rest of us to come up with a better one.

In Trump’s version, “American” is defined by three propositions. First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders. Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America’s values were better during some golden past. Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.

When you look at Trump’s American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump’s national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It’s an alien ideology he’s trying to plant on our soil.

Trump’s vision is radically anti-American.

The real American idea is not xenophobic, nostalgic or racist; it is pluralistic, future-oriented and universal. America is exceptional precisely because it is the only nation on earth that defines itself by its future, not its past. America is exceptional because from the first its citizens saw themselves in a project that would have implications for all humankind. America is exceptional because it was launched with a dream to take the diverse many and make them one — e pluribus unum.

Opinion | Donald Trump Hates America

Might want to check on your source. Guys been lying for decades but go ahead and quote him. He would fit right in at the DNC.

Brooks' writing on sociology has been criticized for being based on stereotypes and presenting false claims as factual. In 2004, Sasha Issenberg, writing for Philadelphia magazine, fact-checked Bobos in Paradise, concluding that many of its comments about middle America were misleading or the exact reverse of the truth.

Michael Kinsley argued that Brooks was guilty of "fearless generalizing ... Brooks does not let the sociology get in the way of the shtick, and he wields a mean shoehorn when he needs the theory to fit the joke".

David Brooks (commentator) - Wikipedia

I won't be accepting suggestions from a person trying to defend a president who has told over 10,000 lies.

I'm not defending Obama, wtf.

And I just discredited your source so your entire thread is dead.
David Brooks is a conservative journalist. That's all that needs to be said in this introduction.

Donald Trump Hates America
The rest of us can love America well.

By David Brooks
July 18, 2019

So apparently Donald Trump wants to make this an election about what it means to be American. He’s got his vision of what it means to be American, and he’s challenging the rest of us to come up with a better one.

In Trump’s version, “American” is defined by three propositions. First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders. Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America’s values were better during some golden past. Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.

When you look at Trump’s American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump’s national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It’s an alien ideology he’s trying to plant on our soil.

Trump’s vision is radically anti-American.

The real American idea is not xenophobic, nostalgic or racist; it is pluralistic, future-oriented and universal. America is exceptional precisely because it is the only nation on earth that defines itself by its future, not its past. America is exceptional because from the first its citizens saw themselves in a project that would have implications for all humankind. America is exceptional because it was launched with a dream to take the diverse many and make them one — e pluribus unum.

Opinion | Donald Trump Hates America

Sounds like yet another globalist pig who favors shipping jobs overseas for corporate profit, importing third world trash for cheap labor for the few jobs we keep here, and believing the lie that “diversity” is what makes America great.

The reality is, if we had less “diversity”, we’d have lower crime and less money wasted on bottomless pit welfare programs that are bankrupting our nation.

More whites are on welfare bitch. And if Native Americans didn't mind diversity, your white asses would have been wiped out in 1620. This country was diverse from the start. And since whites commit the most crime, you might need to shut your fucked up white racist mouth about diversity.

Blacks and Latinos fill our prisons, Bubba.

Whites are on welfare thanks to globalist pigs shipping jobs overseas for the last three decades. The sooner we reverse that trend, we can get them off welfare and working. That’s exactly what President Trump is doing, unlike Dems who wish to keep everyone on welfare and dependent on the government.

You’re right, Native Americans are the only minorities that really belong here, but they don’t offer much to society as most are ignorant, dirt poor, and on welfare. Guess they should had enforced better immigration control, eh?

That's why the other day another black man was released from prison after doing time for a crime he did not commit. You have to be sentenced to go to prison. Since blacks and Hispanics get sentenced for some things whites don't, your first sentence does not accurately asses crime. Whites are arrested almost 3 times more than everyone else.

Whites are on welfare because they are poor. The "globalists" aren't the reason. Nobody in any party want to keep anybody poor. That's false conservative propaganda.

Whites robbed Native Americans of their homes and way of life by invading their lands. Today punk ass whites like you are now whiny and snot nosed, scared of an invasion of the same Indians you stole land from.

LOL, of course, all those black inmates are innocent.

Scared of an Indian invasion?
Lands we stole? What about the land you occupy? Isn’t that “Indian land”? You’re a thief too.
David Brooks is a conservative journalist. That's all that needs to be said in this introduction.

Donald Trump Hates America
The rest of us can love America well.

By David Brooks
July 18, 2019

So apparently Donald Trump wants to make this an election about what it means to be American. He’s got his vision of what it means to be American, and he’s challenging the rest of us to come up with a better one.

In Trump’s version, “American” is defined by three propositions. First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders. Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America’s values were better during some golden past. Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.

When you look at Trump’s American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump’s national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It’s an alien ideology he’s trying to plant on our soil.

Trump’s vision is radically anti-American.

The real American idea is not xenophobic, nostalgic or racist; it is pluralistic, future-oriented and universal. America is exceptional precisely because it is the only nation on earth that defines itself by its future, not its past. America is exceptional because from the first its citizens saw themselves in a project that would have implications for all humankind. America is exceptional because it was launched with a dream to take the diverse many and make them one — e pluribus unum.

Opinion | Donald Trump Hates America

Sounds like yet another globalist pig who favors shipping jobs overseas for corporate profit, importing third world trash for cheap labor for the few jobs we keep here, and believing the lie that “diversity” is what makes America great.

The reality is, if we had less “diversity”, we’d have lower crime and less money wasted on bottomless pit welfare programs that are bankrupting our nation.

More whites are on welfare bitch. And if Native Americans didn't mind diversity, your white asses would have been wiped out in 1620. This country was diverse from the start. And since whites commit the most crime, you might need to shut your fucked up white racist mouth about diversity.

Ummm, that's because there are way more of them.
David Brooks is a conservative journalist. That's all that needs to be said in this introduction.

Donald Trump Hates America
The rest of us can love America well.

By David Brooks
July 18, 2019

So apparently Donald Trump wants to make this an election about what it means to be American. He’s got his vision of what it means to be American, and he’s challenging the rest of us to come up with a better one.

In Trump’s version, “American” is defined by three propositions. First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders. Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America’s values were better during some golden past. Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.

When you look at Trump’s American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump’s national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It’s an alien ideology he’s trying to plant on our soil.

Trump’s vision is radically anti-American.

The real American idea is not xenophobic, nostalgic or racist; it is pluralistic, future-oriented and universal. America is exceptional precisely because it is the only nation on earth that defines itself by its future, not its past. America is exceptional because from the first its citizens saw themselves in a project that would have implications for all humankind. America is exceptional because it was launched with a dream to take the diverse many and make them one — e pluribus unum.

Opinion | Donald Trump Hates America

Trump hates America...

You hate America...

So you have another thing in common with Donnie Boy...
David Brooks is a "conservative"? Really?

If Trump hates America, he has a strange way of showing it: improved economy, stronger military, less regulation, tax cuts for middle-class families, judges who believe in the following the Constitution, etc., etc. If this is "hate," I'd love to see "love."
'whites' sure did good for all of recorded history and they have been the smallest racial category for all of recorded history . ---------- now where is that --- We wuz 'kangz' and 'shiet' cartoon that tells the story IM2 .
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You were called a racist for using a tactic racists use. As for daveman, LOL!

You both are racists and I am not spending time look for anything. I don't expect whites who are racists to admit to it. You for example, can't understand how you thinking that repeating something from a black person to use as validation for an incorrect assessment of Obama is racist. Because had Obama done like Trump and just catered to blacks like he does to whites, all you racists would have raised holy hell. But you ignore that and the fact that Obama saved us from a depression, cut unemployment in half, dropped black unemployment almost 10 percent and created more than 6.5 years of job growth. But you say he did nothing for blacks and lookee, lookee Maxine Watters said it to so it must be true. That's just like one of these losers telling me that Thomas Sowell agrees with their racist views so they are right about blacks. Or the there is no reason why blacks can't make it, look at Oprah so my racist opinion is right about blacks and racism doesn't exist. Do you understand yet Dresden? Do you need to see more examples of what you did before you understand why I say you're a racist?

Because I have used studies primarily by whites but nah, I can't be right on that basis because that one white person cannot represent all whites. But you losers, well you guys can quote one black person that says what you want to believe and that's a majority opinion.

You both are racists and I am not spending time look for anything

of course you wont,you might not find what you are looking for...
I don't expect whites who are racists to admit to it.
same could said of black racist like you....
you can't understand how you thinking that repeating something from a black person to use as validation for an incorrect assessment of Obama is racist
the thread was about Obama not doing much for black people,maxine waters thought the man was pretty half-assed with black people,take it up with her she said it not me....but you wont say shit about that because she is black...heaven forbid you criticize another black person...
But you ignore that and the fact that Obama saved us from
no i did not ignore the fact....i have been in more than one thread giving Obama credit for trying to get people who dont have health insurance,some Ins and other things....but then you yourself said "I am not spending time to look for anything"
But you say he did nothing for blacks

no i did not say that....once more making up shit which is pretty typical of do you understand why in every thread you are in you get called a racist? get called racist more than shoot speeders was and he was pretty openly cant back up the shit you say about people and you say shit that they never are loser 1 am 2....a pathetic miserable loser who sees racism even when its not there...
David Brooks is a conservative journalist. That's all that needs to be said in this introduction.

Donald Trump Hates America
The rest of us can love America well.

By David Brooks
July 18, 2019

So apparently Donald Trump wants to make this an election about what it means to be American. He’s got his vision of what it means to be American, and he’s challenging the rest of us to come up with a better one.

In Trump’s version, “American” is defined by three propositions. First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders. Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America’s values were better during some golden past. Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.

When you look at Trump’s American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump’s national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It’s an alien ideology he’s trying to plant on our soil.

Trump’s vision is radically anti-American.

The real American idea is not xenophobic, nostalgic or racist; it is pluralistic, future-oriented and universal. America is exceptional precisely because it is the only nation on earth that defines itself by its future, not its past. America is exceptional because from the first its citizens saw themselves in a project that would have implications for all humankind. America is exceptional because it was launched with a dream to take the diverse many and make them one — e pluribus unum.

Opinion | Donald Trump Hates America
race card.jpg
David Brooks is a conservative journalist. That's all that needs to be said in this introduction.

Donald Trump Hates America
The rest of us can love America well.

By David Brooks
July 18, 2019

So apparently Donald Trump wants to make this an election about what it means to be American. He’s got his vision of what it means to be American, and he’s challenging the rest of us to come up with a better one.

In Trump’s version, “American” is defined by three propositions. First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders. Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America’s values were better during some golden past. Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.

When you look at Trump’s American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump’s national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It’s an alien ideology he’s trying to plant on our soil.

Trump’s vision is radically anti-American.

The real American idea is not xenophobic, nostalgic or racist; it is pluralistic, future-oriented and universal. America is exceptional precisely because it is the only nation on earth that defines itself by its future, not its past. America is exceptional because from the first its citizens saw themselves in a project that would have implications for all humankind. America is exceptional because it was launched with a dream to take the diverse many and make them one — e pluribus unum.

Opinion | Donald Trump Hates America
Thanks, IM, for a column by David Brooks. Since he publishes in the NYT, I very rarely get to read him. Dang those paywalls.
Pssst, IM2! Brooks is a white guy.

And that's your problem punk. You try lying about me hating all whites when I only dislike mother fucking whites who are racists. Like you.
Say, are you ever going to get around to proving that? Because you haven't, so far.
dont hold your breath....he called me a racist for posting something maxine waters said about obama....she said it i get called racist...the guys a stroonge...
I've been called worse by better.
Trump loves America.

He is fighting to keep out the Muslims and Hispanics who hate America.
Pssst, IM2! Brooks is a white guy.

And that's your problem punk. You try lying about me hating all whites when I only dislike mother fucking whites who are racists. Like you.
Say, are you ever going to get around to proving that? Because you haven't, so far.
dont hold your breath....he called me a racist for posting something maxine waters said about obama....she said it i get called racist...the guys a stroonge...

You were called a racist for using a tactic racists use. As for daveman, LOL!

You both are racists and I am not spending time look for anything. I don't expect whites who are racists to admit to it. You for example, can't understand how you thinking that repeating something from a black person to use as validation for an incorrect assessment of Obama is racist. Because had Obama done like Trump and just catered to blacks like he does to whites, all you racists would have raised holy hell. But you ignore that and the fact that Obama saved us from a depression, cut unemployment in half, dropped black unemployment almost 10 percent and created more than 6.5 years of job growth. But you say he did nothing for blacks and lookee, lookee Maxine Watters said it to so it must be true. That's just like one of these losers telling me that Thomas Sowell agrees with their racist views so they are right about blacks. Or the there is no reason why blacks can't make it, look at Oprah so my racist opinion is right about blacks and racism doesn't exist. Do you understand yet Dresden? Do you need to see more examples of what you did before you understand why I say you're a racist?

Because I have used studies primarily by whites but nah, I can't be right on that basis because that one white person cannot represent all whites. But you losers, well you guys can quote one black person that says what you want to believe and that's a majority opinion.
You lick yogurt off of hobos' feet.

I don't have any proof, and I'm not going to go look for it, but it's true nonetheless.

Dood. That's nasty. You a nasty yogurt licker, licking yogurt off nasty hobo feet.

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