Donald Trump is a racist

By Trump's 'reasoning', only Mexican-American judges should be allowed to preside over court cases involving Mexican/Mexican-American defendants.
racists don't get the benefit of the doubt of having an internal logic.

i'm really curious, trump supporters, how do you feel about supporting a racist?

Well since he's not a racist I wouldn't have a problem supporting him.

You, on the other hand, see racists under every bush. Hell. You wouldn't know a real racist if one kicked you in the ass.

You are a fool.
without getting into any other issue Donald Trump's comments on Judge Gonzalo Curiel have been racist. He has judged the content of the judge's character and found him unable to be an impartial jurist based on nothing more than his ethnicity.

His statements about the judge have been racist. If you support Donald Trump you are supporting a racist.

Can you make peace with that?

the issue was that the judge is associated with an organization which supports --POV's that could EASILY be the basis of a bias against
TRUMP------it is a valid issue
By Trump's 'reasoning', only Mexican-American judges should be allowed to preside over court cases involving Mexican/Mexican-American defendants.
racists don't get the benefit of the doubt of having an internal logic.

i'm really curious, trump supporters, how do you feel about supporting a racist?
Let's look at this for what it is. The liberal media has been saying for months now that a majority of Mexicans aren't going to vote for him because of his stance on illegal immigration. Is that racist? Does that have racial undertones? I personally do not think so.

The Judge is a part of LaRaza and its safe to say that Trump just may have a point. He did base his statement on the Judge being biased because of "my stance on illegal immigration"
without getting into any other issue Donald Trump's comments on Judge Gonzalo Curiel have been racist. He has judged the content of the judge's character and found him unable to be an impartial jurist based on nothing more than his ethnicity.

His statements about the judge have been racist. If you support Donald Trump you are supporting a racist.

Can you make peace with that?

the issue was that the judge is associated with an organization which supports --POV's that could EASILY be the basis of a bias against
TRUMP------it is a valid issue
donald trump has said nothing about any organization, just his ethnicity
By Trump's 'reasoning', only Mexican-American judges should be allowed to preside over court cases involving Mexican/Mexican-American defendants.
racists don't get the benefit of the doubt of having an internal logic.

i'm really curious, trump supporters, how do you feel about supporting a racist?
Let's look at this for what it is. The liberal media has been saying for months now that a majority of Mexicans aren't going to vote for him because of his stance on illegal immigration. Is that racist? Does that have racial undertones? I personally do not think so.

The Judge is a part of LaRaza and its safe to say that Trump just may have a point. He did base his statement on the Judge being biased because of "my stance on illegal immigration"
so you admit that Trump judged the content of the judge's character based on nothing other than ethnicity?
By Trump's 'reasoning', only Mexican-American judges should be allowed to preside over court cases involving Mexican/Mexican-American defendants.
racists don't get the benefit of the doubt of having an internal logic.

i'm really curious, trump supporters, how do you feel about supporting a racist?
Let's look at this for what it is. The liberal media has been saying for months now that a majority of Mexicans aren't going to vote for him because of his stance on illegal immigration. Is that racist? Does that have racial undertones? I personally do not think so.

The Judge is a part of LaRaza and its safe to say that Trump just may have a point. He did base his statement on the Judge being biased because of "my stance on illegal immigration"
Trump will strike back on anyone, Republican senators, Republican candidates for president ,radio commentators, tv people, news people Judges, etc etc The garbage is an accident waiting to happen 3500 lawsuits in 3 decades speak for themselves
Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, incompetent, dishonest lying bitch.
and this is how you can tell that there is no defense for trump's statements.

It is absolutely ridiculous to suggest that New Yorker Trump is a racist. That is dog shit out of the mouths of Libtards that has no foundation. Is not racist to suggest that his country protect its citizens from illegals and potential Muslim terrorists. .That is only considered racism in Moon Bat Land.

However, Crooked Hillary has been caught lying more times than Carter has Liver Pills and her incompetence is well documented and she is under investigation by the FBI for corruption and security violation so if anybody has to defend a candidate then it is you Moon Bats. She is absolutely a piece of shit just like her husband Slick Willy.
Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, incompetent, dishonest lying bitch.
only in rightwingnuthackworld.

but thanks for trolling by

Only in Libtard Moon Bat World would a lying dishonest corrupt incompetent bitch like Crooked Hillary be considered as the President of the US.

Of course those same Left Wing idiots voted for Hussein Obama so you know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
The "racist" charge is the only thing the left ever has. This is no exception. It doesn't matter what any Republican says or does, if they run for office they will immediately be branded a racist by the left. It's lost it's effectiveness and that vehicle has run out of gas.
By Trump's 'reasoning', only Mexican-American judges should be allowed to preside over court cases involving Mexican/Mexican-American defendants.
racists don't get the benefit of the doubt of having an internal logic.

I'm really curious, trump supporters, how do you feel about supporting a racist?

Hypocrite much? I am pretty confident you are an Obama supporter but have no problem with supporting such a blatant racist. Obama, after all, has been one of the most divisive racists in our nation's history. So, to answer your question, justify supporting Obama...and try to do more than just respond by saying, "Obama is NOT a racist."
give an example where the president has judged someone based solely on their ethnicity. you can't, it hasn't happened.

but you can do a very good job of trying to deflect from trump's blatant racism. how do you feel about supporting an obvious and documented racist?

He called his own grandmother a typical white person. He said not to rush to judgement whis a muslim American soldier killed a bunch of unarmed soldiers but yet he said a white cop acted stupidly when he accosted a black man breaking into his own home without knowing the full story......many more out there. La Raza, the Nazi wing for Hispanics is being sponsored by a Soros NGO, you know, the leftard that donates billions for leftard causes.

awww.... it's so cute watching the white trash defend their bigoted candidate and his bigoted little adherants.
Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, incompetent, dishonest lying bitch.
only in rightwingnuthackworld.

but thanks for trolling by

Only in Libtard Moon Bat World would a lying dishonest corrupt incompetent bitch like Crooked Hillary be considered as the President of the US.

Of course those same Left Wing idiots voted for Hussein Obama so you know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.

awwwww.... a typical wounded wingnut. :cuckoo:
he has openly and publicly judged a man's character based only on his ethnicity
And people like you make a habit of judging the character of someone based on their support of Donald Trump.

In fact everyone here makes character assessments of someone else based on who they support for president.
And by non whites, i include, "people who survived childhood as a girl", like emily and Gracie and Tilly. Unique snowflakes.

awwwww.... a typical wounded wingnut. :cuckoo:

The Libtards were the ones that were out yesterday with violent attacks on peaceful Trump supporters.

You know, reminiscent of the Nazi Brownshirts that attacked anybody that didn't support National Socialism.

You can add that to the dog shit comments about Trump being an racist as another example of the filth and scum of the Moon Bats that support Crooked Hillary.
The Judge has worked with La Raza! give me a break he needs to recuse himself but he won't and that's fine because if Trump fails to win the case the blame can be easily be directed to a racist La Raza supporting judge. PERFECT!
give an example where the president has judged someone based solely on their ethnicity. you can't, it hasn't happened.

Barry stepped out of a meeting and was told that is black professor friend had been arrested by a white cop. Barry stepped up to the microphone on his way to the next meeting and declared:

"I am not aware of the details of the case, but IT IS CLEAR THE POLICE ACTED STUPIDLY."

As it turns out, his friend had acted like an ass and the white officer he 'slandered' without knowing anything about the case turned out to be a highly decorated policeman who was in charge of training ALL of the policeman on inter-racial behavior / about stepping in deep shite without looking!

Barry never did really apologize to the policeman or the police department. Instead he offered the policeman and his professor buddy a visit to the WH to have a beer.

F* the beer!
Obama should have pointed out that his buddy was in the wrong and suggested his friend apologize.

Obama should have publicly stated HE was wrong in jumping to a conclusion without knowing what the hell he was talking about.

Obama should have encouraged others not to jump to such conclusions based on a policeman being involved, especially when a black person and a white officer is involved.
-- Instead he invited Black Lives Matter members to the WH after they have called for the murder of all whites and police
so you have nothing.
You clearly have nothing...upstairs.
Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, incompetent, dishonest lying bitch.
and this is how you can tell that there is no defense for trump's statements.

It is absolutely ridiculous to suggest that New Yorker Trump is a racist.
except that he openly judged a man based on his ethnicity

That is not near as bad as Obama and Holder saying that all cops are racist and then inciting massive riots and cop murders across the country, is it?

I am not going to vote for Trump because he is a big government Liberal. I can argue that he would not be a good President because he is Liberal. However, to suggest that he is a racist is absolutely ridiculous. That is the partisan pig dog shit that is coming out of the mouths of the filthy Crooked Hillary supporting crowd nowadays and it is despicable.

Crooked Hillary is probably the worst candidate ever running for President and for the Libtards to justify her candidacy by making up dog shit lies about Trump is absolutely ridiculous.

Of course the Libtards can't defend Crooked Hillary's record of dishonesty, lying, incompetency and corruption so that have to make up shit about Trump. That is just the kind of assholes they are.

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