Donald Trump IS a time bomb

You can see his face turn red when asked questions. His voice inflections are crazy when confronted.

He may have some points we agree with. BUT. He does not have the temperament to be president.

When he blows the damage will be widespread
Tonight he confirmed at least for me what I already believed his run is just about his ego and promoting himself.
I've said that all along. After suffering through my last marriage and years of The Apprentice his motives are crystal clear
Fox is treating Trump like an enemy to the Republican Party.....which he is

When did he become a Republican? Trump answered that he has evolved ...

However, given his talk of "leverage", i.e., his threat to run as an independent if the Republicans don't treat him fairly, I wonder about his agenda ...

One could imagine that he has partnered with the Clintons to destroy the Republican Party's chance of winning the White House ...

You can see his face turn red when asked questions. His voice inflections are crazy when confronted.

He may have some points we agree with. BUT. He does not have the temperament to be president.

When he blows the damage will be widespread

I concur with you.

I by blowing, you mean that he implodes and another gets the nomination, possible.

But I will make the bet right now that within a week, Trump gains another 5-8 points in margin over the pack and will shoot from 25 to about 35 to 40%.

He's a buffon and he said stuff that would kill any GOPer in any GE, but for a GOP-Trump-loving, reality-TV loving, "bread and circuses" hungry audience, he was perfect. And you can't troll the Trump, he trolls right back.

Based on what little I've seen to-date but the massive amount of commentary already scanned, the only person in the world who is happier than Donald Trump today is Hillary Clinton.
You can see his face turn red when asked questions. His voice inflections are crazy when confronted.

He may have some points we agree with. BUT. He does not have the temperament to be president.

When he blows the damage will be widespread

I concur with you.

I by blowing, you mean that he implodes and another gets the nomination, possible.

But I will make the bet right now that within a week, Trump gains another 5-8 points in margin over the pack and will shoot from 25 to about 35 to 40%.

He's a buffon and he said stuff that would kill any GOPer in any GE, but for a GOP-Trump-loving, reality-TV loving, "bread and circuses" hungry audience, he was perfect. And you can't troll the Trump, he trolls right back.

Based on what little I've seen to-date but the massive amount of commentary already scanned, the only person in the world who is happier than Donald Trump today is Hillary Clinton.
Hillary looks like a plastic, fake, empty pant-suit in comparison.

She was kicking it with the Kardashians last night.......even published a selfie with them.

How unoriginal and phony can a person get.

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You can see his face turn red when asked questions. His voice inflections are crazy when confronted.

He may have some points we agree with. BUT. He does not have the temperament to be president.

When he blows the damage will be widespread

Ya think?
You can see his face turn red when asked questions. His voice inflections are crazy when confronted.

He may have some points we agree with. BUT. He does not have the temperament to be president.

When he blows the damage will be widespread
If you say so.

I'd take him over the sameold sameold bs we've been dealing with for the last 20 years any day.
You'd be the fool then.

Rand Paul nailed him right off the top. Trump is a self absorbed fool.
Rand Paul has as much chance as Trump. None.
You can see his face turn red when asked questions. His voice inflections are crazy when confronted.

He may have some points we agree with. BUT. He does not have the temperament to be president.

When he blows the damage will be widespread
If you say so.

I'd take him over the sameold sameold bs we've been dealing with for the last 20 years any day.
You'd be the fool then.

Rand Paul nailed him right off the top. Trump is a self absorbed fool.
Rand Paul has as much chance as Trump. None.
Rand Paul is only there to make everyone else look bad......and he totally sucked at doing that. Instead, the prick only made himself look like an angry, petulant child.
Rubio, Bush, Kasich, Christie, Cruz

Walker, Paul, Huckabee, Carson

Third Party
It was clear that Fox was trying to weed out the field with the questions they picked
You can see his face turn red when asked questions. His voice inflections are crazy when confronted.

He may have some points we agree with. BUT. He does not have the temperament to be president.

When he blows the damage will be widespread

I concur with you.

I by blowing, you mean that he implodes and another gets the nomination, possible.

But I will make the bet right now that within a week, Trump gains another 5-8 points in margin over the pack and will shoot from 25 to about 35 to 40%.

He's a buffon and he said stuff that would kill any GOPer in any GE, but for a GOP-Trump-loving, reality-TV loving, "bread and circuses" hungry audience, he was perfect. And you can't troll the Trump, he trolls right back.

Based on what little I've seen to-date but the massive amount of commentary already scanned, the only person in the world who is happier than Donald Trump today is Hillary Clinton.
In the Drudge Debate poll "the Donald" got 49 percent of the votes...almost as many as The rest of the candidates combined...
Obama had a quick fix, easy to remember solution: hope and change. How'd that work out as a guiding star?
Trump is used to getting his way dealing with some of the toughest most ruthless people in America. It's a welcome and needed change after Obama and his reflexive grab his ankle and bow diplomacy
Trump continues to act his usual part of the spoiled little rich kid who if he doesn't get his way he'll take his football and go home.
Donald Trump is the American Putin. Bombast, arrogance, never a thought developed in more than 10 seconds. He would be a disaster as President.

And those who genuflect at the altar of Trump are also those who believe his Russian counterpart is someone to admire. It's a dangerous combination of a cult of personality and a gaggle of the confused and ill informed.
Well, we've had many here who declare their admiration for the way Putin does things.
But Putin's style, his "guts" his "leadership" is broadly admired by the Rabid Right. This is what they see in Trump. A façade of boorishness in the guise of effective leadership.
You can see his face turn red when asked questions. His voice inflections are crazy when confronted.

He may have some points we agree with. BUT. He does not have the temperament to be president.

When he blows the damage will be widespread

I concur with you.

I by blowing, you mean that he implodes and another gets the nomination, possible.

But I will make the bet right now that within a week, Trump gains another 5-8 points in margin over the pack and will shoot from 25 to about 35 to 40%.

He's a buffon and he said stuff that would kill any GOPer in any GE, but for a GOP-Trump-loving, reality-TV loving, "bread and circuses" hungry audience, he was perfect. And you can't troll the Trump, he trolls right back.

Based on what little I've seen to-date but the massive amount of commentary already scanned, the only person in the world who is happier than Donald Trump today is Hillary Clinton.
In the Drudge Debate poll "the Donald" got 49 percent of the votes...almost as many as The rest of the candidates combined...

Conservatives have realized that they can sit down and vote repeatedly for hours. They think that by swamping an online poll that it somehow helps their cause
You can see his face turn red when asked questions. His voice inflections are crazy when confronted.

He may have some points we agree with. BUT. He does not have the temperament to be president.

When he blows the damage will be widespread

The time bomb already blew in 2008 followed by an even larger bomb in 2012 the second time millions of clueless "whatevers" voted Barack into office. The damage is all around us. It is nearly impossible to repair the harm done. The nation is in free fall. If you think Donald Trump cannot reason out issues and listen to advisors and be more up front and brave and take action than this LOSER now in the oval office --- then you missed the mark. Just like this nation missed the mark and this media covers for these losers named Obama, Hillary and their minions..

And now FOX is trying to take Trump out. Megyn Kelly makes me sick.

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