Donald Trump IS a time bomb

Trump comes off like a tough talking moron who knows nothing about policy, and he only appeals to stupid people who are justifiably sick of politicians. Scott Walker is out of his depth. He is more wooden than Al Gore. Marco Rubio sounds like a used car salesman. Jeb Bush looks too tentative and he lacks his brother's charisma.

Kasich is the smartest, most likable candidate. He could beat Hillary with ease.
Trump comes off like a tough talking moron who knows nothing about policy, and he only appeals to stupid people who are justifiably sick of politicians. Scott Walker is out of his depth. He is more wooden than Al Gore. Marco Rubio sounds like a used car salesman. Jeb Bush looks too tentative and he lacks his brother's charisma.

Kasich is the smartest, most likable candidate. He could beat Hillary with ease.

I like Carson the most.
Trump comes off like a tough talking moron who knows nothing about policy, and he only appeals to stupid people who are justifiably sick of politicians. Scott Walker is out of his depth. He is more wooden than Al Gore. Marco Rubio sounds like a used car salesman. Jeb Bush looks too tentative and he lacks his brother's charisma.

Kasich is the smartest, most likable candidate. He could beat Hillary with ease.

How much do you know about Kasich's record as Ohio Governor?
Megan Kelly is an asshole.
She's always asking personal questions hoping to trip somebody up.
She is asking the questions that will be hounded on by the left. She is trying to wake the sleeping Republicans up to what is to come. Can't play hardball go back to the minor leagues
Donald Trump is the American Putin. Bombast, arrogance, never a thought developed in more than 10 seconds. He would be a disaster as President.

And those who genuflect at the altar of Trump are also those who believe his Russian counterpart is someone to admire. It's a dangerous combination of a cult of personality and a gaggle of the confused and ill informed.
Donald Trump is the American Putin. Bombast, arrogance, never a thought developed in more than 10 seconds. He would be a disaster as President.

And those who genuflect at the altar of Trump are also those who believe his Russian counterpart is someone to admire. It's a dangerous combination of a cult of personality and a gaggle of the confused and ill informed.
Well, we've had many here who declare their admiration for the way Putin does things.
Megan Kelly is an asshole.
She's always asking personal questions hoping to trip somebody up.
She is asking the questions that will be hounded on by the left. She is trying to wake the sleeping Republicans up to what is to come. Can't play hardball go back to the minor leagues
Sorry......but all she did was ask rude questions......the worst was that shit question about women directed at Trump. My answer would have been "Megan, you ignorant slut!!".
This is hilarious, trump has already said he will go independent if neccessary and virtually hand it to the democrats. GO TRUMP.
Donald Trump is the American Putin. Bombast, arrogance, never a thought developed in more than 10 seconds. He would be a disaster as President.

And those who genuflect at the altar of Trump are also those who believe his Russian counterpart is someone to admire. It's a dangerous combination of a cult of personality and a gaggle of the confused and ill informed.
Well, we've had many here who declare their admiration for the way Putin does things.
Hard to believe you were once a Naval Officer.
Donald Trump is the American Putin. Bombast, arrogance, never a thought developed in more than 10 seconds. He would be a disaster as President.

And those who genuflect at the altar of Trump are also those who believe his Russian counterpart is someone to admire. It's a dangerous combination of a cult of personality and a gaggle of the confused and ill informed.

You forgot to include the vast numbers of Americans who are damned sick-and-tired of us pussy-footing around with Illegal Aliens, who are hearing harsh words on the subject from Trump, and who have been so starved for somebody with the balls to say such things, that he's doing far better than he otherwise would in a field of others who say the same things.

Did you notice several of the others now beginning to hammer-away at Illegals? They see what's happening. They're not stupid, They're getting the message from the American People. For that reason alone, Trump does good service, and can stay in until the bitter end of the GOP Convention next year, for all I care, so long as he (1) keeps the flame turned-up on Illegals and (2) he doesn't actually get the nomination.
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You can see his face turn red when asked questions. His voice inflections are crazy when confronted.

He may have some points we agree with. BUT. He does not have the temperament to be president.

When he blows the damage will be widespread
Tonight he confirmed at least for me what I already believed his run is just about his ego and promoting himself.

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