Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

And you are handing him the tools he needs to get it.

You'll lose the house. You won't get the senate.

If Ginsburg dies, you'll see a John Bircher on the court.

He's going to fuck you coming and going.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
President Trump who has been criticized for everything by Progs, thrives on adversity. You keep feeding him. I do not believe he wanted impeachment. But he should wear this like a badge of honor. This says more what our federal political level has become then what President Trump has done. They are so used to their tired rhetoric that they mailed it in. We have a chance to correct many wrongs or improve the efficiency of what we do. And this is what the Progs do. Lets talk democracy on our way to the surveillance laden totalitarian state.
It says Trump is a criminal.
If you believe the accusers. If you believe the accusers! Trump was elected by the lies of our politicians.
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

Funny, you have any actual VIDEO of him saying that or just some article CLAIMING IT? I went looking for some video of Trump craving vengeance, and I couldn't find anything of him being apoplectic, not a word about vengeance, and not a hint of his being shamed either, but I DID FIND THIS.

Proof once again that the Lib media know they can write any crap in the world at all and it will be swallowed and believed by the tinfoil hate wearing gutless idiots like you.

I'll vote for Trump again....but I have no doubt he'll go after the dems.

He gets the senate back and likely gets the house and he will fuck them up, down and sideways.

Of course you'd vote for fat donnie again.

why not, I like unemployment low, I like low illegal aliens entering, I love more money in my accounts. Why wouldn't I want that to continue? it's funny you don't like any one of those three things.

You like government debt growth at ~2.6 x GDP growth.

The Trump bogus economic bubble is fueled by debt which will eventually bankrupt the USA.

Every administration is. If you don’t know that, then your heads up yo arse didn’t see you bitching about obammy and , more revenue pouring in then evah
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

Funny, you have any actual VIDEO of him saying that or just some article CLAIMING IT? I went looking for some video of Trump craving vengeance, and I couldn't find anything of him being apoplectic, not a word about vengeance, and not a hint of his being shamed either, but I DID FIND THIS.

Proof once again that the Lib media know they can write any crap in the world at all and it will be swallowed and believed by the tinfoil hate wearing gutless idiots like you.

I'll vote for Trump again....but I have no doubt he'll go after the dems.

He gets the senate back and likely gets the house and he will fuck them up, down and sideways.

Of course you'd vote for fat donnie again.

why not, I like unemployment low, I like low illegal aliens entering, I love more money in my accounts. Why wouldn't I want that to continue? it's funny you don't like any one of those three things.

You like government debt growth at ~2.6 x GDP growth.

The Trump bogus economic bubble is fueled by debt which will eventually bankrupt the USA.

Where are the congressional spending cuts? Show me
Trump's friend, the CEO of Newsmax was on Amanapour show 2 nights ago and he stated that the Donald is not upset at all about the shampeachment!
He stated that a NYC billionaire developer who has swung thousands of deals in his lifetime is not really miffed.
It makes total sense to a critically thinking well-adjusted person!
That's right only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to read minds, it's in the "original intent" of the Right-wing FAKE constitution.
Aug 26, 2008
RUSH: People have to understand the liberal mind. I, of course, do, ladies and gentlemen. I understand it as well as anybody who is not a liberal. The liberal mind does not work like the mind of a regular person.
Rush understands liberals better than they understand themselves
Liberals understand pathological liar Russia Limbaugh better than he understands himself.
Pardon me for saying so, but thats not a very clever rejoinder

Just copying my words shows no imagination whatsoever
And YOUR mindlessly parroting your programmer's words shows great imagination. :cuckoo:
My words are my own

Your words were copied from me
your words were Russia Limbaugh's, he says it all the time.
Rush understands liberals better than they understand themselves
Liberals understand pathological liar Russia Limbaugh better than he understands himself.
Pardon me for saying so, but thats not a very clever rejoinder

Just copying my words shows no imagination whatsoever
And YOUR mindlessly parroting your programmer's words shows great imagination. :cuckoo:
My words are my own

Your words were copied from me
your words were Russia Limbaugh's, he says it all the time.
How would you know what Rush says?
Liberals understand pathological liar Russia Limbaugh better than he understands himself.
Pardon me for saying so, but thats not a very clever rejoinder

Just copying my words shows no imagination whatsoever
And YOUR mindlessly parroting your programmer's words shows great imagination. :cuckoo:
My words are my own

Your words were copied from me
your words were Russia Limbaugh's, he says it all the time.
How would you know what Rush says?
Gee I don't know, do you think he might talk his fat ass off on the radio????
Pardon me for saying so, but thats not a very clever rejoinder

Just copying my words shows no imagination whatsoever
And YOUR mindlessly parroting your programmer's words shows great imagination. :cuckoo:
My words are my own

Your words were copied from me
your words were Russia Limbaugh's, he says it all the time.
How would you know what Rush says?
Gee I don't know, do you think he might talk his fat ass off on the radio????
Its obvious you arent listening to limbaugh
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

President Trump was not shamed by your pathetic halfpeach libwit. He and countless others are mocking and laughing at your failure. :21:

The Trump howling mob of political zombies laughs on command. They would laugh at slaughter and mayhem if so commanded by the Fornicator in Chief.

Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

President Trump was not shamed by your pathetic halfpeach libwit. He and countless others are mocking and laughing at your failure. :21:

The Trump howling mob of political zombies laughs on command. They would laugh at slaughter and mayhem if so commanded by the Fornicator in Chief.

Very true. The other night he mocked a widow and many trumpeters could be heard cheering him on. He's a very sick individual.
And you are handing him the tools he needs to get it.

You'll lose the house. You won't get the senate.

If Ginsburg dies, you'll see a John Bircher on the court.

He's going to fuck you coming and going.

"If Ginsburg dies, you'll see a John Bircher on the court."

I have to say

The fact that you WANT a "john bircher" on the SC pretty much proves what libs and progs have been saying about you. YOU are a FASCIST NAZI PIECE OF SHIT.
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

President Trump was not shamed by your pathetic halfpeach libwit. He and countless others are mocking and laughing at your failure. :21:

The Trump howling mob of political zombies laughs on command. They would laugh at slaughter and mayhem if so commanded by the Fornicator in Chief.

Very true. The other night he mocked a widow and many trumpeters could be heard cheering him on. He's a very sick individual.
Dingle was loved in Mich Hopefully this will lose that state for the POS
Rush understands liberals better than they understand themselves
Liberals understand pathological liar Russia Limbaugh better than he understands himself.
Pardon me for saying so, but thats not a very clever rejoinder

Just copying my words shows no imagination whatsoever
And YOUR mindlessly parroting your programmer's words shows great imagination. :cuckoo:
My words are my own

Your words were copied from me
your words were Russia Limbaugh's, he says it all the time.
so you're saying Rush says....Just copying my words shows no imagination whatsoever odd, that must mean you listen. ohhhhhhhhhh, irony meet EDTHECYNIC
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

President Trump was not shamed by your pathetic halfpeach libwit. He and countless others are mocking and laughing at your failure. :21:

The Trump howling mob of political zombies laughs on command. They would laugh at slaughter and mayhem if so commanded by the Fornicator in Chief.

Very true. The other night he mocked a widow and many trumpeters could be heard cheering him on. He's a very sick individual.
Dingle was loved in Mich Hopefully this will lose that state for the POS
he was a demofk. why would independents and GOP take offense? please enlighten us on the 60 year Representative. fk, that. fking became part of the floor. term limits and get these fks out. 60 years.
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".

Donald Trump is done for and has been humiliated in front of America and in front of the whole world.

Now we will see Dirty Donald become even dirtier, plotting and scheming vengeance against Democrats and witnesses.

Trump Tells Rally He’s ‘Not Worried’ About Impeachment, Privately Plots Vengeance

... “In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his ‘résumé.’ And he craves vengeance.”
In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his “résumé.” And he craves vengeance.
This month, the president has been calling around regularly to old friends and informal advisers, some of whom tell The Daily Beast that they hadn’t heard from Trump for a long time, soliciting their views and advice on impeachment. In recent weeks, Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him, and he has revived his talk about wanting to sue liberal lawmakers such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, after the impeachment process in the House has concluded, according to two sources who’ve heard Trump discuss this over the past three weeks.
It’s unclear, as typically is the case with Trump, if he’ll end up following through on this legal threat. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani—a central figure in the president’s scandalous, impeachment-triggering crusade to recruit the Ukrainian government into investigating the Bidens—told The Daily Beast on Wednesday that there has, indeed, been recent “movement” on a Schiff-related lawsuit, though he wouldn’t elaborate when asked what he meant by that. For many years, Trump has been known for frivolous lawsuits and hurling wild legal threats, and said in October that he told his lawyers they should sue Schiff even if their legal defeat is certain or the case gets thrown out.

Um, so what's the deal then? The case was made and they impeached. Or did they?
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".

Donald Trump is done for and has been humiliated in front of America and in front of the whole world.

Now we will see Dirty Donald become even dirtier, plotting and scheming vengeance against Democrats and witnesses.

Trump Tells Rally He’s ‘Not Worried’ About Impeachment, Privately Plots Vengeance

... “In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his ‘résumé.’ And he craves vengeance.”
In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his “résumé.” And he craves vengeance.
This month, the president has been calling around regularly to old friends and informal advisers, some of whom tell The Daily Beast that they hadn’t heard from Trump for a long time, soliciting their views and advice on impeachment. In recent weeks, Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him, and he has revived his talk about wanting to sue liberal lawmakers such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, after the impeachment process in the House has concluded, according to two sources who’ve heard Trump discuss this over the past three weeks.
It’s unclear, as typically is the case with Trump, if he’ll end up following through on this legal threat. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani—a central figure in the president’s scandalous, impeachment-triggering crusade to recruit the Ukrainian government into investigating the Bidens—told The Daily Beast on Wednesday that there has, indeed, been recent “movement” on a Schiff-related lawsuit, though he wouldn’t elaborate when asked what he meant by that. For many years, Trump has been known for frivolous lawsuits and hurling wild legal threats, and said in October that he told his lawyers they should sue Schiff even if their legal defeat is certain or the case gets thrown out.

Um, so what's the deal then? The case was made and they impeached. Or did they?
not until the articles are handed to the Senate. nope.
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".

Donald Trump is done for and has been humiliated in front of America and in front of the whole world.

Now we will see Dirty Donald become even dirtier, plotting and scheming vengeance against Democrats and witnesses.

Trump Tells Rally He’s ‘Not Worried’ About Impeachment, Privately Plots Vengeance

... “In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his ‘résumé.’ And he craves vengeance.”
In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his “résumé.” And he craves vengeance.
This month, the president has been calling around regularly to old friends and informal advisers, some of whom tell The Daily Beast that they hadn’t heard from Trump for a long time, soliciting their views and advice on impeachment. In recent weeks, Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him, and he has revived his talk about wanting to sue liberal lawmakers such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, after the impeachment process in the House has concluded, according to two sources who’ve heard Trump discuss this over the past three weeks.
It’s unclear, as typically is the case with Trump, if he’ll end up following through on this legal threat. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani—a central figure in the president’s scandalous, impeachment-triggering crusade to recruit the Ukrainian government into investigating the Bidens—told The Daily Beast on Wednesday that there has, indeed, been recent “movement” on a Schiff-related lawsuit, though he wouldn’t elaborate when asked what he meant by that. For many years, Trump has been known for frivolous lawsuits and hurling wild legal threats, and said in October that he told his lawyers they should sue Schiff even if their legal defeat is certain or the case gets thrown out.

Um, so what's the deal then? The case was made and they impeached. Or did they?
not until the articles are handed to the Senate. nope.

What feckless and cowardly leadership. On both sides really. Pelosi deserves to be usurped by AOC. Pelosi ain't got the stones for this anymore.
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".

Donald Trump is done for and has been humiliated in front of America and in front of the whole world.

Now we will see Dirty Donald become even dirtier, plotting and scheming vengeance against Democrats and witnesses.

Trump Tells Rally He’s ‘Not Worried’ About Impeachment, Privately Plots Vengeance

... “In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his ‘résumé.’ And he craves vengeance.”
In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his “résumé.” And he craves vengeance.
This month, the president has been calling around regularly to old friends and informal advisers, some of whom tell The Daily Beast that they hadn’t heard from Trump for a long time, soliciting their views and advice on impeachment. In recent weeks, Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him, and he has revived his talk about wanting to sue liberal lawmakers such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, after the impeachment process in the House has concluded, according to two sources who’ve heard Trump discuss this over the past three weeks.
It’s unclear, as typically is the case with Trump, if he’ll end up following through on this legal threat. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani—a central figure in the president’s scandalous, impeachment-triggering crusade to recruit the Ukrainian government into investigating the Bidens—told The Daily Beast on Wednesday that there has, indeed, been recent “movement” on a Schiff-related lawsuit, though he wouldn’t elaborate when asked what he meant by that. For many years, Trump has been known for frivolous lawsuits and hurling wild legal threats, and said in October that he told his lawyers they should sue Schiff even if their legal defeat is certain or the case gets thrown out.

Um, so what's the deal then? The case was made and they impeached. Or did they?
not until the articles are handed to the Senate. nope.

What feckless and cowardly leadership. On both sides really. Pelosi deserves to be usurped by AOC. Pelosi ain't got the stones for this anymore.
naw, any leftisttwat in a leadership role is bad for america.

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