Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".

Donald Trump is done for and has been humiliated in front of America and in front of the whole world.

Now we will see Dirty Donald become even dirtier, plotting and scheming vengeance against Democrats and witnesses.

Trump Tells Rally He’s ‘Not Worried’ About Impeachment, Privately Plots Vengeance

... “In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his ‘rĂ©sumĂ©.’ And he craves vengeance.”
In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his “rĂ©sumĂ©.” And he craves vengeance.
This month, the president has been calling around regularly to old friends and informal advisers, some of whom tell The Daily Beast that they hadn’t heard from Trump for a long time, soliciting their views and advice on impeachment. In recent weeks, Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him, and he has revived his talk about wanting to sue liberal lawmakers such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, after the impeachment process in the House has concluded, according to two sources who’ve heard Trump discuss this over the past three weeks.
It’s unclear, as typically is the case with Trump, if he’ll end up following through on this legal threat. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani—a central figure in the president’s scandalous, impeachment-triggering crusade to recruit the Ukrainian government into investigating the Bidens—told The Daily Beast on Wednesday that there has, indeed, been recent “movement” on a Schiff-related lawsuit, though he wouldn’t elaborate when asked what he meant by that. For many years, Trump has been known for frivolous lawsuits and hurling wild legal threats, and said in October that he told his lawyers they should sue Schiff even if their legal defeat is certain or the case gets thrown out.

Trump is like Clinton and Obama in that respect... he will get revenge. Bush, not so much.
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".

Donald Trump is done for and has been humiliated in front of America and in front of the whole world.

Now we will see Dirty Donald become even dirtier, plotting and scheming vengeance against Democrats and witnesses.

Trump Tells Rally He’s ‘Not Worried’ About Impeachment, Privately Plots Vengeance

... “In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his ‘rĂ©sumĂ©.’ And he craves vengeance.”
In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his “rĂ©sumĂ©.” And he craves vengeance.
This month, the president has been calling around regularly to old friends and informal advisers, some of whom tell The Daily Beast that they hadn’t heard from Trump for a long time, soliciting their views and advice on impeachment. In recent weeks, Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him, and he has revived his talk about wanting to sue liberal lawmakers such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, after the impeachment process in the House has concluded, according to two sources who’ve heard Trump discuss this over the past three weeks.
It’s unclear, as typically is the case with Trump, if he’ll end up following through on this legal threat. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani—a central figure in the president’s scandalous, impeachment-triggering crusade to recruit the Ukrainian government into investigating the Bidens—told The Daily Beast on Wednesday that there has, indeed, been recent “movement” on a Schiff-related lawsuit, though he wouldn’t elaborate when asked what he meant by that. For many years, Trump has been known for frivolous lawsuits and hurling wild legal threats, and said in October that he told his lawyers they should sue Schiff even if their legal defeat is certain or the case gets thrown out.

LOLz another Whistleblower?
And you are handing him the tools he needs to get it.

You'll lose the house. You won't get the senate.

If Ginsburg dies, you'll see a John Bircher on the court.

He's going to fuck you coming and going.

He's going to push Roberts out too. Sick of having that blackmailed scumbag on SCOTUS
Yup. more thought crimes. Everyone who doesn't like Trump, knows what he is thinking and it becomes state evidence.
That's right only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to read minds, it's in the "original intent" of the Right-wing FAKE constitution.
Aug 26, 2008
RUSH: People have to understand the liberal mind. I, of course, do, ladies and gentlemen. I understand it as well as anybody who is not a liberal. The liberal mind does not work like the mind of a regular person.
Rush understands liberals better than they understand themselves
Liberals understand pathological liar Russia Limbaugh better than he understands himself.
Yup. more thought crimes. Everyone who doesn't like Trump, knows what he is thinking and it becomes state evidence.
That's right only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to read minds, it's in the "original intent" of the Right-wing FAKE constitution.
Aug 26, 2008
RUSH: People have to understand the liberal mind. I, of course, do, ladies and gentlemen. I understand it as well as anybody who is not a liberal. The liberal mind does not work like the mind of a regular person.
Rush understands liberals better than they understand themselves
Liberals understand pathological liar Russia Limbaugh better than he understands himself.
Pardon me for saying so, but thats not a very clever rejoinder

Just copying my words shows no imagination whatsoever
And you are handing him the tools he needs to get it.

You'll lose the house. You won't get the senate.

If Ginsburg dies, you'll see a John Bircher on the court.

He's going to fuck you coming and going.
If that were true and you believed it to be true, you'd be happy about the Impeachment.....but all these CRC trumpanzees are triggered.
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

Funny, you have any actual VIDEO of him saying that or just some article CLAIMING IT? I went looking for some video of Trump craving vengeance, and I couldn't find anything of him being apoplectic, not a word about vengeance, and not a hint of his being shamed either, but I DID FIND THIS.

Proof once again that the Lib media know they can write any crap in the world at all and it will be swallowed and believed by the tinfoil hate wearing gutless idiots like you.

I'll vote for Trump again....but I have no doubt he'll go after the dems.

He gets the senate back and likely gets the house and he will fuck them up, down and sideways.

Of course you'd vote for fat donnie again.
Yup. more thought crimes. Everyone who doesn't like Trump, knows what he is thinking and it becomes state evidence.
That's right only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to read minds, it's in the "original intent" of the Right-wing FAKE constitution.
Aug 26, 2008
RUSH: People have to understand the liberal mind. I, of course, do, ladies and gentlemen. I understand it as well as anybody who is not a liberal. The liberal mind does not work like the mind of a regular person.
Rush understands liberals better than they understand themselves
Liberals understand pathological liar Russia Limbaugh better than he understands himself.
Pardon me for saying so, but thats not a very clever rejoinder

Just copying my words shows no imagination whatsoever
And YOUR mindlessly parroting your programmer's words shows great imagination. :cuckoo:
Yup. more thought crimes. Everyone who doesn't like Trump, knows what he is thinking and it becomes state evidence.
That's right only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to read minds, it's in the "original intent" of the Right-wing FAKE constitution.
Aug 26, 2008
RUSH: People have to understand the liberal mind. I, of course, do, ladies and gentlemen. I understand it as well as anybody who is not a liberal. The liberal mind does not work like the mind of a regular person.
Rush understands liberals better than they understand themselves
Liberals understand pathological liar Russia Limbaugh better than he understands himself.
I love it when you have nothing but insults to base an argument.
Yup. more thought crimes. Everyone who doesn't like Trump, knows what he is thinking and it becomes state evidence.
That's right only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to read minds, it's in the "original intent" of the Right-wing FAKE constitution.
Aug 26, 2008
RUSH: People have to understand the liberal mind. I, of course, do, ladies and gentlemen. I understand it as well as anybody who is not a liberal. The liberal mind does not work like the mind of a regular person.
Rush understands liberals better than they understand themselves
Liberals understand pathological liar Russia Limbaugh better than he understands himself.
Pardon me for saying so, but thats not a very clever rejoinder

Just copying my words shows no imagination whatsoever
And YOUR mindlessly parroting your programmer's words shows great imagination. :cuckoo:
irony anyone?
Yup. more thought crimes. Everyone who doesn't like Trump, knows what he is thinking and it becomes state evidence.
That's right only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to read minds, it's in the "original intent" of the Right-wing FAKE constitution.
Aug 26, 2008
RUSH: People have to understand the liberal mind. I, of course, do, ladies and gentlemen. I understand it as well as anybody who is not a liberal. The liberal mind does not work like the mind of a regular person.
Rush understands liberals better than they understand themselves
Liberals understand pathological liar Russia Limbaugh better than he understands himself.
Pardon me for saying so, but thats not a very clever rejoinder

Just copying my words shows no imagination whatsoever
And YOUR mindlessly parroting your programmer's words shows great imagination. :cuckoo:
My words are my own

Your words were copied from me
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

Funny, you have any actual VIDEO of him saying that or just some article CLAIMING IT? I went looking for some video of Trump craving vengeance, and I couldn't find anything of him being apoplectic, not a word about vengeance, and not a hint of his being shamed either, but I DID FIND THIS.

Proof once again that the Lib media know they can write any crap in the world at all and it will be swallowed and believed by the tinfoil hate wearing gutless idiots like you.

I'll vote for Trump again....but I have no doubt he'll go after the dems.

He gets the senate back and likely gets the house and he will fuck them up, down and sideways.

Of course you'd vote for fat donnie again.

why not, I like unemployment low, I like low illegal aliens entering, I love more money in my accounts. Why wouldn't I want that to continue? it's funny you don't like any one of those three things.
Trump isn't particularly concerned with the democrat self abuse. The public is far more incensed than Trump. It is not lost on the voting public that the nay for impeachment was bipartisan. The yay votes were partisan. Will democommiecrats take this warning? No. They are too blind with hatred.
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

Funny, you have any actual VIDEO of him saying that or just some article CLAIMING IT? I went looking for some video of Trump craving vengeance, and I couldn't find anything of him being apoplectic, not a word about vengeance, and not a hint of his being shamed either, but I DID FIND THIS.

Proof once again that the Lib media know they can write any crap in the world at all and it will be swallowed and believed by the tinfoil hate wearing gutless idiots like you.

I'll vote for Trump again....but I have no doubt he'll go after the dems.

He gets the senate back and likely gets the house and he will fuck them up, down and sideways.

Of course you'd vote for fat donnie again.

Yep, just to irritate you fricken loons.
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

Funny, you have any actual VIDEO of him saying that or just some article CLAIMING IT? I went looking for some video of Trump craving vengeance, and I couldn't find anything of him being apoplectic, not a word about vengeance, and not a hint of his being shamed either, but I DID FIND THIS.

Proof once again that the Lib media know they can write any crap in the world at all and it will be swallowed and believed by the tinfoil hat wearing gutless idiots like you.

what a bunch of a puppets these leftist fks are. dude, I can't believe they all trashed their own integrity like this. wow

What integrity? You cannot trash what you never had in the first place.
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

Funny, you have any actual VIDEO of him saying that or just some article CLAIMING IT? I went looking for some video of Trump craving vengeance, and I couldn't find anything of him being apoplectic, not a word about vengeance, and not a hint of his being shamed either, but I DID FIND THIS.

Proof once again that the Lib media know they can write any crap in the world at all and it will be swallowed and believed by the tinfoil hate wearing gutless idiots like you.

I'll vote for Trump again....but I have no doubt he'll go after the dems.

He gets the senate back and likely gets the house and he will fuck them up, down and sideways.

Of course you'd vote for fat donnie again.

You keep saying that as if it were a factor in running the country. I have never heard you refer to Hillary as Lard Ass Clinton and she's far more overweight than Trump will ever be!


Good God, she looks like a pig!
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".

Donald Trump is done for and has been humiliated in front of America and in front of the whole world.

Now we will see Dirty Donald become even dirtier, plotting and scheming vengeance against Democrats and witnesses.

Trump Tells Rally He’s ‘Not Worried’ About Impeachment, Privately Plots Vengeance

... “In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his ‘rĂ©sumĂ©.’ And he craves vengeance.”
In private, Trump has bitterly fixated on the effect of impeachment on his legacy and his “rĂ©sumĂ©.” And he craves vengeance.
This month, the president has been calling around regularly to old friends and informal advisers, some of whom tell The Daily Beast that they hadn’t heard from Trump for a long time, soliciting their views and advice on impeachment. In recent weeks, Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him, and he has revived his talk about wanting to sue liberal lawmakers such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, after the impeachment process in the House has concluded, according to two sources who’ve heard Trump discuss this over the past three weeks.
It’s unclear, as typically is the case with Trump, if he’ll end up following through on this legal threat. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani—a central figure in the president’s scandalous, impeachment-triggering crusade to recruit the Ukrainian government into investigating the Bidens—told The Daily Beast on Wednesday that there has, indeed, been recent “movement” on a Schiff-related lawsuit, though he wouldn’t elaborate when asked what he meant by that. For many years, Trump has been known for frivolous lawsuits and hurling wild legal threats, and said in October that he told his lawyers they should sue Schiff even if their legal defeat is certain or the case gets thrown out.

After what the Left, Hilly, and Obama pulled on him with the collusion/delusion, I don't blame him. Remember, you aren't dealing with GW, you are dealing with a hard nosed builder from New York.

As long as he does it legally, the heartland is in support of this 100%
"Trump has told confidants and administration officials that he wants Democratic leaders to somehow pay for what they’ve done to him".
Donald Trump is apoplectic and is craving vengeance for being shamed by his impeachment

Funny, you have any actual VIDEO of him saying that or just some article CLAIMING IT? I went looking for some video of Trump craving vengeance, and I couldn't find anything of him being apoplectic, not a word about vengeance, and not a hint of his being shamed either, but I DID FIND THIS.

Proof once again that the Lib media know they can write any crap in the world at all and it will be swallowed and believed by the tinfoil hate wearing gutless idiots like you.

I'll vote for Trump again....but I have no doubt he'll go after the dems.

He gets the senate back and likely gets the house and he will fuck them up, down and sideways.

Of course you'd vote for fat donnie again.

why not, I like unemployment low, I like low illegal aliens entering, I love more money in my accounts. Why wouldn't I want that to continue? it's funny you don't like any one of those three things.

It's amazing how they knock Trump despite all the good he has done for the country that they deny or stand against. It's as if they weren't even Americans or were living in some other country?

By every measure, Trump is the best president we have had in a long time, he just has no truck with or patience for government bureaucracy and waste. Yet they would impeach him over some nit where he supposedly asked Ukraine to say they were investigating Biden that they never actually said nor investigated, supposedly because of the negative impact it might have had on his running though the House's hearings have brought Joe 100,000X more negative attention. And all because delaying aid to Ukraine until Trump had his chance to get to know the new people there and be assured they weren't corrupt as the last administration was somehow a threat to OUR national security? Yet Joe Biden's confessed threat to stop aid to Ukraine unless they fired the person investigating his son WASN'T a threat to our national security, no abuse of power and not even worth taking a look into?

One almost needs to put one's head into a vise while looking through a pentaprism in order to manage to see straight through all of the twisted pretzel logic of the Left!

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