Donald Trump is floating an insane idea that would tank the American economy

So all that debt is suddenly a problem now that O is leaving..........funny haven't libs been saying the opposite
So all that debt is suddenly a problem now that O is leaving..........funny haven't libs been saying the opposite
Apparently Obama printed money is okay but Trump printed money is not... This is no surprise to me.

I think you guys might want to re-read the article in the OP, because neither of these posts make any sense.
Yeah..............sure................same business plan that he used to screw over 4 different companies who went bankrupt, while he made money using legal loopholes as the bankruptcy went through.

Trump's plan for the debt...............tank the economy and bet against it, make a whole lot of money and then step down.
For 8 years we've heard that the government cannot ever go broke because the president can just print more money - at least that's my take on it.

On the plus side for the dooms day fear in the post above, then at least American can start over from scratch and maybe fix some of their shit right?
So all that debt is suddenly a problem now that O is leaving..........funny haven't libs been saying the opposite

...and yet I have never heard a liberal saying that the debt is not a problem. However, having Trump treat it like one of his speculative ventures by reneging on the debt IS a problem. Fortunately, he would not have that power even if elected, which won't happen anyway.
For 8 years we've heard that the government cannot ever go broke because the president can just print more money - at least that's my take on it.

On the plus side for the dooms day fear in the post above, then at least American can start over from scratch and maybe fix some of their shit right?

Who have you heard that from, exactly?

The government can go broke - it's possible - but we're nowhere near that point.
For 8 years we've heard that the government cannot ever go broke because the president can just print more money - at least that's my take on it.

On the plus side for the dooms day fear in the post above, then at least American can start over from scratch and maybe fix some of their shit right?

So, when congress spends money, Obama goes down in the basement and prints it? Sounds like you have been listening to too much AM radio.
Convenient, the first links are even from education sites trying to explain to [Ds] why it doesn't work that way - the government can just print more money - Bing

I know it's a stupid idea, but yea that's what we've been doing. A la $19 trillion in debt now? And all but the economically minded are told to ignore the debt. Trump is at least discussing trying to find a more viable solution to pay off those debts at a hopefully reduced cost, or an emergency plan if shit hits the fan economically (and I have a feeling the economy is actually gonna get worse soon.)
Democrats have been proposing that tax rates increase ever since Baby Bush was in office, and have been blocked at every attempt by republicans, so I guess the debt is 100% the democrats fault.
Convenient, the first links are even from education sites trying to explain to [Ds] why it doesn't work that way - the government can just print more money - Bing

I know it's a stupid idea, but yea that's what we've been doing. A la $19 trillion in debt now? And all but the economically minded are told to ignore the debt. Trump is at least discussing trying to find a more viable solution to pay off those debts at a hopefully reduced cost, or an emergency plan if shit hits the fan economically (and I have a feeling the economy is actually gonna get worse soon.)

First of all, that's not even close to "what we've been doing".

Secondly, how is destroying our country's credit (and our economy along with it) a "more viable solution" than just continuing to pay off our debt the way we're doing now?
obama hasn't had any trouble doing what he wants without the support of Congress, or are executive orders only for black Presidents? Another form of affirmative action, perhaps?
Convenient, the first links are even from education sites trying to explain to [Ds] why it doesn't work that way - the government can just print more money - Bing

I know it's a stupid idea, but yea that's what we've been doing. A la $19 trillion in debt now? And all but the economically minded are told to ignore the debt. Trump is at least discussing trying to find a more viable solution to pay off those debts at a hopefully reduced cost, or an emergency plan if shit hits the fan economically (and I have a feeling the economy is actually gonna get worse soon.)

First of all, that's not even close to "what we've been doing".

Secondly, how is destroying our country's credit (and our economy along with it) a "more viable solution" than just continuing to pay off our debt the way we're doing now?

PFFT what credit is left, we done used it all up and wasted it on QVC shit. This country is economically and socially self-destructing, you don't think other countries see that as well? How much faith do you think they put in the US being able to hold together? Think about it, this year we have a capitalist that half the people want to kill (and that appears to be a global sentiment,) a lying POS criminal, and a damn socialist running for president. NONE of these options will give us a non-divided country - Divided we fall. A statement so profound and historically accurate that /all/ countries know it.

The portrayal to the world for what 8 years now, has been that American's hate each other, despise each other. Shit we can't even fight a gd war against /terrorists/ without hating on each other anymore. The truth of how overblown this may or may not be is irrelevant to those in other countries. What faith should they have that we are a united nation that will not fracture? And what will we become when this election is over? If Hillary's criminal past finally catches up, we become a socialist or a capitalist nation. If it's Trump, the rabid socialists are going to lose their minds and riot in the streets like a [mini] civil war, not to mention we stop paying to have foreign friends (aka foreign aid countries,) Mexico is gonna flip the hell out, Canada is gonna be pissed, and most of the EU will want to disown us. If Sander's wins the wealthy will be fleeing the country in droves and the socialist welfare economy will self destruct - those who voted for him will again riot because they didn't get what they wanted. NONE of this is going to bode well for America's traditional appearance as a stable rock in the world, a symbol of freedom, of wealth...

Over a hundred years of "rep" is going to falter next year, and what's the forecast for another countries /faith/ in the American dollar then? When China takes over the global dollar? It's unraveling and the worst part is American's as a whole just don't care...
Convenient, the first links are even from education sites trying to explain to [Ds] why it doesn't work that way - the government can just print more money - Bing

I know it's a stupid idea, but yea that's what we've been doing. A la $19 trillion in debt now? And all but the economically minded are told to ignore the debt. Trump is at least discussing trying to find a more viable solution to pay off those debts at a hopefully reduced cost, or an emergency plan if shit hits the fan economically (and I have a feeling the economy is actually gonna get worse soon.)

First of all, that's not even close to "what we've been doing".

Secondly, how is destroying our country's credit (and our economy along with it) a "more viable solution" than just continuing to pay off our debt the way we're doing now?

PFFT what credit is left, we done used it all up and wasted it on QVC shit. This country is economically and socially self-destructing, you don't think other countries see that as well? How much faith do you think they put in the US being able to hold together? Think about it, this year we have a capitalist that half the people want to kill (and that appears to be a global sentiment,) a lying POS criminal, and a damn socialist running for president. NONE of these options will give us a non-divided country - Divided we fall. A statement so profound and historically accurate that /all/ countries know it.

The portrayal to the world for what 8 years now, has been that American's hate each other, despise each other. Shit we can't even fight a gd war against /terrorists/ without hating on each other anymore. The truth of how overblown this may or may not be is irrelevant to those in other countries. What faith should they have that we are a united nation that will not fracture? And what will we become when this election is over? If Hillary's criminal past finally catches up, we become a socialist or a capitalist nation. If it's Trump, the rabid socialists are going to lose their minds and riot in the streets like a [mini] civil war, not to mention we stop paying to have foreign friends (aka foreign aid countries,) Mexico is gonna flip the hell out, Canada is gonna be pissed, and most of the EU will want to disown us. If Sander's wins the wealthy will be fleeing the country in droves and the socialist welfare economy will self destruct - those who voted for him will again riot because they didn't get what they wanted. NONE of this is going to bode well for America's traditional appearance as a stable rock in the world, a symbol of freedom, of wealth...

Over a hundred years of "rep" is going to falter next year, and what's the forecast for another countries /faith/ in the American dollar then? When China takes over the global dollar? It's unraveling and the worst part is American's as a whole just don't care...

Oh dear, of dear! What will we do? The end is near!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Convenient, the first links are even from education sites trying to explain to [Ds] why it doesn't work that way - the government can just print more money - Bing

I know it's a stupid idea, but yea that's what we've been doing. A la $19 trillion in debt now? And all but the economically minded are told to ignore the debt. Trump is at least discussing trying to find a more viable solution to pay off those debts at a hopefully reduced cost, or an emergency plan if shit hits the fan economically (and I have a feeling the economy is actually gonna get worse soon.)

First of all, that's not even close to "what we've been doing".

Secondly, how is destroying our country's credit (and our economy along with it) a "more viable solution" than just continuing to pay off our debt the way we're doing now?

PFFT what credit is left, we done used it all up and wasted it on QVC shit. This country is economically and socially self-destructing, you don't think other countries see that as well? How much faith do you think they put in the US being able to hold together? Think about it, this year we have a capitalist that half the people want to kill (and that appears to be a global sentiment,) a lying POS criminal, and a damn socialist running for president. NONE of these options will give us a non-divided country - Divided we fall. A statement so profound and historically accurate that /all/ countries know it.

The portrayal to the world for what 8 years now, has been that American's hate each other, despise each other. Shit we can't even fight a gd war against /terrorists/ without hating on each other anymore. The truth of how overblown this may or may not be is irrelevant to those in other countries. What faith should they have that we are a united nation that will not fracture? And what will we become when this election is over? If Hillary's criminal past finally catches up, we become a socialist or a capitalist nation. If it's Trump, the rabid socialists are going to lose their minds and riot in the streets like a [mini] civil war, not to mention we stop paying to have foreign friends (aka foreign aid countries,) Mexico is gonna flip the hell out, Canada is gonna be pissed, and most of the EU will want to disown us. If Sander's wins the wealthy will be fleeing the country in droves and the socialist welfare economy will self destruct - those who voted for him will again riot because they didn't get what they wanted. NONE of this is going to bode well for America's traditional appearance as a stable rock in the world, a symbol of freedom, of wealth...

Over a hundred years of "rep" is going to falter next year, and what's the forecast for another countries /faith/ in the American dollar then? When China takes over the global dollar? It's unraveling and the worst part is American's as a whole just don't care...

The above pile of fear-mongering bullshit is entirely disconnected from reality.

US debt is the single safest investment in the world. The only thing that would change that would be defaulting on it in the way that Trump suggests.
Thankfully this guy will never be president

Donald Trump has said he will approach financing the US government as if it's one of his failing casinos.

He said on CNBC on Thursday that as president he would find ways to renegotiate the public debt and pay less than 100 cents on the dollar if the economy went bad.

"I've borrowed knowing that you can pay back with discounts," he said. "I would borrow knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal."

Some corporate finance deals really do work like this: You issue risky debt, and the lenders know you might not be able to pay them back in full if something really bad happens. But that kind of debt bears a high interest rate, because the lenders know you might not be able to pay them back in full if something really bad happens.

US Treasury bonds have very low interest rates because investors are extremely confident they will be paid in full, even in poor economic conditions. Trump — by openly saying that he would keep partial payment on the table as an option — could spark a crisis in the Treasury markets if he became president. Investors would cease to see Treasurys as a safe asset, and they would demand higher interest rates in exchange for risk.

Donald Trump is floating an insane idea that would tank the American economy

I don't know where people get off thinking people with money are somehow kings of knowledge and wisdom......its like saying dope dealers and lottery winners who come into a lot of money, are somehow elevated to knowing shit?
Convenient, the first links are even from education sites trying to explain to [Ds] why it doesn't work that way - the government can just print more money - Bing

I know it's a stupid idea, but yea that's what we've been doing. A la $19 trillion in debt now? And all but the economically minded are told to ignore the debt. Trump is at least discussing trying to find a more viable solution to pay off those debts at a hopefully reduced cost, or an emergency plan if shit hits the fan economically (and I have a feeling the economy is actually gonna get worse soon.)

First of all, that's not even close to "what we've been doing".

Secondly, how is destroying our country's credit (and our economy along with it) a "more viable solution" than just continuing to pay off our debt the way we're doing now?

PFFT what credit is left, we done used it all up and wasted it on QVC shit. This country is economically and socially self-destructing, you don't think other countries see that as well? How much faith do you think they put in the US being able to hold together? Think about it, this year we have a capitalist that half the people want to kill (and that appears to be a global sentiment,) a lying POS criminal, and a damn socialist running for president. NONE of these options will give us a non-divided country - Divided we fall. A statement so profound and historically accurate that /all/ countries know it.

The portrayal to the world for what 8 years now, has been that American's hate each other, despise each other. Shit we can't even fight a gd war against /terrorists/ without hating on each other anymore. The truth of how overblown this may or may not be is irrelevant to those in other countries. What faith should they have that we are a united nation that will not fracture? And what will we become when this election is over? If Hillary's criminal past finally catches up, we become a socialist or a capitalist nation. If it's Trump, the rabid socialists are going to lose their minds and riot in the streets like a [mini] civil war, not to mention we stop paying to have foreign friends (aka foreign aid countries,) Mexico is gonna flip the hell out, Canada is gonna be pissed, and most of the EU will want to disown us. If Sander's wins the wealthy will be fleeing the country in droves and the socialist welfare economy will self destruct - those who voted for him will again riot because they didn't get what they wanted. NONE of this is going to bode well for America's traditional appearance as a stable rock in the world, a symbol of freedom, of wealth...

Over a hundred years of "rep" is going to falter next year, and what's the forecast for another countries /faith/ in the American dollar then? When China takes over the global dollar? It's unraveling and the worst part is American's as a whole just don't care...

Oh dear, of dear! What will we do? The end is near!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen, the end was almost near when Obama took office, that's why you racist white fucks voted for the guy.

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