Donald Trump Is Polling Better Than Ever. Here's Why.

Trump is polling better because of his appearance of strength, while the administration seems ineffective.

Weak Americans, such as the far right, have always been willing to trade freedom for security.
Yeah how horrible that young folks are seeing a criminal,communist and complete idiot for what they are. Lets not follow the example of a successful businessman that loves America,wants to kick the invaders out,bring jobs back,tackle the problems that need tackled and fix things. How dare those damn kids!
99% of colleges and universities are nothing more than libtard propaganda factories....Its why when time comes my kids and my and their mother will be very wary about WHERE they attend school at. I want them to get an education not taught propaganda from some old hippie anti white racist mental midget who hates America.
...because he amped up the racism?

...because doubling down on false information is a sign of strength?
I wonder what other candidates over the years have used the Trump method of running for office? By that I mean load up a bundle of the frustrations, gripes, problems America has as a democracy and then indicate you will remove those frustrations when elected with almost the same magical powers of a dictator. It usually seems as if other candidates recognize they don't have supreme powers and are somewhat subject to a Constitution but so far Trump does not seem to recognize any powers but his own. For example, the wall sounds great but how big, how long, how much? Does Congress have to approve?
Trump if elected will find out the Congress will not be slavish followers at all.

When he gets ready to morph ACA into single payer, the GOP will go bananas.

When he submits a tax proposal to raise on the rich, the GOP will go bananas.

If elected, Trump will be fun to watch.
but how does trump poll against the beast in swing states?
They don't call her the beast for nothing. I don't see there being enough "angry white men" in enough states to beat Hillary, even if she was a pussy cat.
Trump is polling better because of his appearance of strength, while the administration seems ineffective.

Weak Americans, such as the far right, have always been willing to trade freedom for security.

Did you say that about Bush and the Patriot Act?
but how does trump poll against the beast in swing states?
RCP Average 11/16 - 11/30 -- -- 44.3 43.7 Clinton +0.6

Quinnipiac 11/23 - 11/30 1473 RV 2.6 47 41 Clinton +6
FOX News 11/16 - 11/19 1016 RV 4.0 41 46 Trump +5
PPP (D) 11/16 - 11/17 1360 RV 2.7 45 44 Clinton +1
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

Latest 3 poll data AVERAGE has the corrupt, lying, murderous Hildebeast up 0.6 points...... THAT will change as THE PUBLIC sees how SHITTY SHE IS ON OUR SECURITY!

Trump is polling better because of his appearance of strength, while the administration seems ineffective.

Weak Americans, such as the far right, have always been willing to trade freedom for security.

I'll respond to that in a minute. Right now, I have to write a large check out to my healthcare insurance company because I'm mandated by the federal government to have it.

I don't know if I'd vote for him, but I can say I love what he's doing.

Trump talks about politics the way we do at our bars, at work, or even among friends and family. He has the ability to relate to people because he's so anti-PC.

I think even liberals can't be such liars to say they've never heard (or felt themselves) Americans wanting to kick out every Mexican and close the border; or to believe that the Mexican government is more than too happy to get rid of their problem makers. Or to come to the realization that foreigners are taking jobs away from Americans.

More recently, Trump said in order to threaten terrorists, we need to take out their families because the terrorists themselves don't care about living. Who else would say something like that besides Trump and those of us that have these political discussions with other people?

So go Donald Trump. Keep up the good work at educating the other politicians in our party. Let them know we are tired of PC, we are tired of them backtracking on things they might have said, we are tired of them having more concern about being reelected than the reason we sent them to Congress and Senate in the first place.
Trump is polling better because of his appearance of strength, while the administration seems ineffective.

Weak Americans, such as the far right, have always been willing to trade freedom for security.

Did you say that about Bush and the Patriot Act?
Did you? I opposed the Iraq invasion and thought the Patriot Act went too far, particularly the no-warrant wire tapping.

Did you know that Kasich is leading second place Trump in the NH primary race? Donald is doing well there though because he has Democrats supporting him. They think he would be the easiest of the GOP candidates to beat in a general election.
i just dont see Hillary taking at least Colorado and Iowa, dont those states hate hillary more than they hate Gefelte Fish sandwitches?

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